文明のターンテーブルThe Turntable of Civilization

The time of Japan, the time of the world

Is it such a circumstance that the two of them shared the times when they were still young

2017年12月05日 22時01分46秒 | 日記

The following is the continuation of the previous chapter.

At the funeral of Nikkei Newspaper reporter

Even if there was a time when I did not meet with Prime Minister for a while, I do not think anything.

Because 'a prime minister is always the same', there is a sense of security that we can think so.

I guess surely all friends of Abe Prime Minister for many years think so.

In addition, he has a warm heart not to forget his old duty.

It was when Mr. Ina Hisayoshi, special editor of the Nihon Keizai Shimbun, died in 2016.

In memory of a nostalgic reporter from seniors’ class, I also went to the church where I became a funeral hall, but the name tag I got was the name of Prime Minister.

The telegram that the moderator began to read ‘well then, recite the condolence,’ was talking about Mr. Ina’s last appearance.

With content like 'He was still writing the manuscript on the bed, I think that it was the last writing', it will catch the hearts of those who hear.

Whose telegram is it on earth?

Then the moderator will introduce the sender as 'Prime Minister Shinzo Abe'.

‘What, did the prime minister went to a hospital of Mr. Ina? I did not go eventually.’

When I was upset by such inner conflict, a policeman came in as briskly.

The Prime Minister appeared and sat on the front row, first and foremost offer flowers.

The reporter Mr. Ina was not the type who wants to advertise closeness with the Prime Minister.

In fact, I do not think that he was talking so often.

Imagine from here, Prime Minister Shinzo Abe got acquainted with Ina reporter, who was in charge of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, when he was forced to enter the world of politics as a secretary of his father, Shintaro Abe Foreign Minister (then).

Is it such a circumstance that the two of them shared the times when they were still young and not 'anyone' and made a memorable memory?

Anyway, as far as there is not a heart to feel important deeply about the already distant remembrance really, I think that it will not do so far.

When I talked to Mrs. Akie such a thing, ‘That's right, It does not understand all such kind places of the husband easily. Taniguchi-san please also say’, I was asked.

It is a good couple.

This draft continues.

Amazing emotional stability supports the leadership of Prime Minister Abe.

2017年12月05日 21時04分50秒 | 日記

The following is the continuation of the previous chapter.

The amount of practice to spend in English Speech

For Prime Minister Abe’s diplomacy, his own speech is indispensable.

Its characteristics are the personality of the Prime Minister itself, to sum it up in one word; straightforward approach.

There is nothing to look oblique, to say irony, to show incomplete knowledge.

Manuscripts will be elaborated to elaborate until the manuscript is satisfied.

Thoroughly, he tries to speak in his own words.

So it sounds to the audience.

What is noteworthy is the amount of practice when speaking in English.

It was intensive training that it is must be like this, which is a top athlete who will enter the world championships, such as when speech mentioned above in the Upper and Lower House in the United States.

It seems that at his private residence, he took a bath and practiced in his bedroom.

Mrs. Akie says, ‘I'm about to remember until myself.’

Low voice, small voice depending on the situation depending on the scene, it is the idea of ‘As long as I desperately read it, it will surely be transmitted’.

'I wonder if it does not hurt your throat,' I was worried, 'Because I'm training in the election,' this was 'self-satisfied look.'

From the US Congress, it was asked to print the speech draft beforehand and distribute it to the upper and lower House of Representatives.

I was anxious for ‘spoiler’ but this causes an unexpected effect later.

In performance, the Prime Minister sprung with a much wonderful condition than any time of practice.

Attracted parliamentarians want signature as soon as the speech is over.

There is a speech manuscript on the desk.

They grabbed that this manuscript is good,

To the speech manuscript by the lawmakers who came to the prime minister, the Prime Minister signed quite well.

There seems to have quite been number of people which it isn't possible to sign completely in the relation of the restriction of the time.

Prime Minister Abe will not complain.

He will not say sarcasm around his aides.

‘To this I; myself, why are you going to have to have this a busy time’, however the face of a politician who seems to strike the anger of barking up the wrong tree around the secretary will come to mind, too, only in Abe Prime Minister, it is not there at all.

Amazing emotional stability supports the leadership of Prime Minister Abe.

The more time goes by, the more warmth and trust grow up in human relations. 

On the birthday of Prime Minister, the secretaries and current secretary officials at the time of the first administration are still somewhat to make money, they are giving presents.

What kind of present they are busy seems to be annoying year after year, but did the new and old secretaries have other prime ministers doing this?

This draft continues.

On May 27, 2017, Prime Minister wrote this in his own Facebook when he visited Malta

2017年12月05日 17時35分50秒 | 日記

Prime Minister Abe does not have the masochistic view of history which dominates the media such as the Asahi Shimbun and NHK, their truly stupid distorted idea such as anti-Japanese thought.

This chapter proves the correctness of what I have expressed many times that it is a rare politician looking straight at the truth and reality of history.

About modern and current history, Asahi Shimbun and other childish employees such as NHK do not hold a candle to him,

Prime Minister Abe is about a modern and current history, a politician who recognizes the truth.

That's why, he should well be ranked among the leaders in the world.

It goes without saying that childish spirit employees such as the Asahi and the NHK etc. should not well be ranked among the leaders in the world.

The following is the continuation of the previous chapter.

Surprise of Malta

On May 27, 2017, Prime Minister wrote this in his own Facebook when he visited Malta.

"We took a visit to ‘Tomb of a war dead in Imperial Japanese Navy 2nd Special Squadron' During World War I, 2nd Special Squadron worked here for Fleet escorts with Malta as the base. It is just a hundred years ago. Destroyer 'Sakaki 'suffered a torpedo and wrecked, many crew members lost their lives. The charge of the thousand emotions and I wished for the peace of the spirit of the dead person. Japan will continue to pursue aggressive pacifism based on international cooperation. I swore in front of the grave”

During the First World War, Japan sent the Navy to the Mediterranean under the Anglo-Japanese Alliance.

So there was a sacrifice like the one written by Prime Minister. Activities of our fleet were remarkable, and in the one and half year strategy the actual work counted 70%, 348 times.

Even the world - renowned British Navy was 60% active, only over 40% of the French Navy.

The Japanese fleet escorted allied vessels of the Allied Powers with 788 vessels, guarded people to 700,000, it seems that they were honored as ‘the guardian deity of the Mediterranean’ from each country.

However, in the Taisho 10 (1921) year, as the last time Majesty the Emperor who was a prince at the time visited, since many months and years there has never been a visit to a grave visit as a single Japanese Prime Minister.

Prime Minister Abe was executed.

When we arrived there was an unexpected surprise.

A British naval officer who was gallantly wrapped in the first official military dress was waiting for saying that he was representative of Royal Navy.

When Prime Minister lowered his head towards the grave, he gave Prime Minister a salute with a formal greeting (right corner of the photo).

By a curious coincidence, that day was the former ‘Navy anniversary’.

Again, I thought that the officers and men at the hereafter have been rewarded at the same time as 'be it come a long way to go' and I was overcome by deep emotion.

This draft continues.

The prime minister praise them, ‘It was well insisted on. Without forgetting pride as the Japanese.’

2017年12月05日 15時52分07秒 | 日記

The following is the continuation of the previous chapter.

Every time it visits South America such as Peru or Argentina, Prime Minister has the opportunity to meet Japanese people.

Amidst discrimination and poverty, Japanese descent people were accepted locally with firm intent.

Far away, they have won credit as 'Japonés garantía'.

The prime minister praise them, ‘It was well insisted on. You did your best. Without forgetting pride as the Japanese.’,

When the Prime Minister says, sobbing leaks from the venue.

I saw the scene that Mrs. Akie watching, eventually the Prime Minister himself tears down, with this eye.

By the way, because South America is far away, we cannot go unless we are a long-term administration.

This kind of communication that tears and tears connect is also unique to Prime Minister Abe.

As I witnessed, I waited for Prime Minister Abe who finished the speech of the General Assembly of the United Nations to come out of the venue, and saw a queue of ‘waiting to be out’.

Many were people from African countries.

In Yokohama, in Nairobi, Kenya, Africa Development Council, as a leader who met African national leaders across the board, Prime Minister Abe is a remarkable being in the world.

This draft continues.


2017年12月05日 14時12分37秒 | 日記







































2017年12月05日 14時09分10秒 | 日記





2017年12月05日 14時05分47秒 | 日記






















Dès que j'ai ouvert la page, j'ai ressenti un sentiment de tremblement de terre.

2017年12月05日 10時16分42秒 | 日記

Un de mes amis qui ne fait pas exagérer pour dire qu'il est l'un des meilleurs lecteurs au Japon, il semble qu'il lit plusieurs bons livres qui sont extrêmement lisibles récemment.

Un livre semble être un livre épais sur deux copies sur Mao Zedong. Les amis sont des personnes qui vivent une vie très régulière, par exemple l'exactitude de l'heure de travail est similaire à celle de Kant. Mon ami a dit que le contenu du livre était si merveilleux qu'il devait rester éveillé tard.
Depuis que je sais qu'il vit une vie régulière, je suis convaincu que le contenu du livre est ce qu'il dit.

Aujourd'hui, il a remis l'un des livres en main, disant qu'il vaut mieux lire.

Je voulais informer les gens du monde entier de la magnifique collection de dialogues de M. Kent Gilbert et de Mme O Sonfa le plus tôt possible.

J'étais fatigué après un long moment de concentration sur la traduction, alors je lui ai dit que je devais refuser aujourd'hui.

Il a encore un peu à lire, donc je dis, si pressé, non, j'ai décidé de l'emprunter.

Dès que j'ai ouvert la page, j'ai ressenti un sentiment de tremblement de terre.

Au début, c'est le suivant.

Les écailles sont tombées de mes yeux.

C'est un livre de tremblement du monde qui démontre de façon spectaculaire la justesse de ma thèse.

Cet auteur est aussi comme un représentant du fait qu'un vrai homme sage existe chez les citoyens ordinaires.

L'accent dans les phrases autres que les titres * et * est moi.

L'empereur Showa n'a-t-il pas aimé Asahi Shimbun? (KK meilleurs livres)

Huge Media - Histoire de sa fabrication

Yasuda Trust Bank · ancien dirigeant

Ikehara Tokio


Le 9 septembre 2014, la compilation de "Empereur Showa Emperor" (Mots remplis de "Ref") a été complétée et publiée par les médias du Reporters Club de l'Agence Ménagère Impériale.

En 2015, les éditeurs à vendre au grand public ont été décidés, et il a été décidé de les publier séquentiellement sur environ cinq ans.

61 volumes et 12 000 pages principales.

"Emperor Meiji Revival" et "Emperor Taisho Revival" suivi de "Emperor Showa" est le premier style familier

Jusqu'à l'achèvement du volume complet de publication, il n'y a pas d'autre choix que de saisir le contenu centré sur le rapport du Reporters Club de l'Agence Ménage Impérial qui a été publié à l'avance, mais le "règne" sur le long terme de 64 ans est assez vaste dans le monde Rare, historique "Chemin de la lecture" basé sur l'histoire des Annales (une méthode d'écriture des faits dans l'ordre des années) serait tant d'hommes, tant de façons.

Cela prend du temps, mais c'est aussi amusant.

En 2015, il devrait approfondir les différentes opportunités «en profondeur» de l'histoire de Showa, en reconnaissance du 70e anniversaire de la fin de la guerre.

 Bungeishunju publié en juillet 1995 (Heisei 7) il y a 20 ans, "monologue de l'Empereur Showa" (écrit et édité Terasaki Hidenari / Mariko Terasaki Miller.

Le journal de Chamberlain tel que "journal d'Irie Sukemasa" sont également cités dans le dossier actuel. Au cas où

Les réalités n'essaient pas d'entrer le plus possible dans l'esprit de l'Empereur et décrivent les faits sans discernement.

Basé sur ce point, le dossier de monologue semble être des remarques franches et la respiration de l'empereur Showa.

Déchiffrer l'empereur de votre suicide en lisant ensemble un document écrit · Monologue · Journal intime de chambellan · journal intime, etc., j'espère que l'élucidation «turbulente Showa histoire» procède.

Ce projet continue.

Tan pronto como abrí la página, sentí una sensación de estremecimiento mundial.

2017年12月05日 10時16分09秒 | 日記

Un amigo mío que no es demasiado exagerado para decir que es uno de los mejores lectores de Japón, parece que lee varios buenos libros que son extremadamente legibles recientemente.

Un libro parece ser un libro grueso sobre dos copias en Mao Zedong. Los amigos son personas que viven una vida muy regular, por ejemplo, la precisión de la hora de la oficina es similar a la de Kant. Mi amigo dijo que el contenido del libro era tan maravilloso que tuvo que quedarse hasta tarde.
Como sé que está viviendo una vida normal, estoy convencido de que el contenido del libro es lo que dice.

Hoy, entregó uno de los libros, diciendo que es mejor leer.

Quería informar a la gente de todo el mundo sobre la deslumbrante colección de diálogo del Sr. Kent Gilbert y la Sra. O Sonfa lo antes posible.

Estaba cansado después de mucho tiempo de concentrarme en la traducción, así que le dije que debería rechazarlo hoy.

Todavía tiene un poco que leer, así que digo, así que de prisa, no, decidí tomarlo prestado.

Tan pronto como abrí la página, sentí una sensación de estremecimiento mundial.

Al principio, es lo siguiente.

Escamas cayeron de mis ojos.

Es un libro de sacudidas mundiales que demuestra espectacularmente la exactitud de mi tesis.

Este autor también es como un representante del hecho de que existe un verdadero sabio en los ciudadanos comunes.

El énfasis en oraciones que no sean el encabezado * y * soy yo.

¿Acaso el emperador Showa no le gustaba Asahi Shimbun? (KK Best Books)

Huge Media - Historia de su fabricación

Yasuda Trust Bank · ex ejecutivo

Ikehara Tokio


El 9 de septiembre de 2014, la recopilación del "Emperor Showa Emperor" (Palabras completadas como "Ref.") Fue completada y publicada por los medios del Imperial Household Agency Reporters Club.

En 2015, se decidieron las editoriales para ser vendidas al público en general, y se decidió publicarlas secuencialmente durante unos cinco años.

61 volúmenes y 12,000 páginas principales.

"Emperor Meiji Revival" y "Emperor Taisho Revival" seguido de "Emperor Showa" es el primer estilo coloquial

Hasta la finalización del volumen completo de la publicación, no hay más remedio que captar el contenido centrado en el informe de los medios de comunicación del Imperial Household Agency Reporters Club, que se publicó con antelación, pero el "reinado" en el largo plazo de 64 años es bastante extenso en el mundo La "forma de leer" rara e histórica basada en la historia de Annals (un método para escribir los hechos en orden de años) sería tantos hombres, tantas maneras.

Lleva tiempo, pero también es divertido.

En 2015 se espera que se profundice en varias oportunidades "en profundidad" de la historia de Showa, en reconocimiento al 70 aniversario del final de la guerra.

 Bungeishunju publicó en julio de 1995 (Heisei 7) hace 20 años, "Emperor Showa monólogo record" (escrita y editada una Terasaki Hidenari / Mariko Terasaki Miller. Abajo, monólogo) y,

El diario de Chamberlain como el "diario de Irie Sukemasa" también se cita en el registro real. En caso

Los datos reales no intentan entrar en la mente del Emperador tanto como sea posible, y describen los hechos indiscriminadamente.

Basado en ese punto, el registro de monólogo parece ser comentarios francos y aliento del Emperador Showa.

Descifrando al emperador de su suicidio mientras leía un documento escrito · registro de monólogo · diario de chambelán · diario de asistente, etc., espero que continúe la elucidación "turbulenta historia de Showa".

Este borrador continúa.

Sobald ich die Seite öffnete, fühlte ich ein Gefühl von Weltschütteln.

2017年12月05日 10時15分37秒 | 日記

Ein Freund von mir, der nicht leise übertreibt, um zu sagen, dass er einer der führenden Leser in Japan ist, scheint, dass er einige gute Bücher liest, die in letzter Zeit sehr gut lesbar sind.

Ein Buch scheint ein dickes Buch über zwei Exemplare auf Mao Zedong zu sein. Freunde sind Menschen, die ein sehr regelmäßiges Leben führen, zum Beispiel ist die Genauigkeit der Amtszeit ähnlich wie bei Kant. Mein Freund sagte, dass der Inhalt des Buches so wunderbar war, dass er lange aufbleiben musste.
Da ich weiß, dass er ein normales Leben führt, bin ich überzeugt, dass der Inhalt des Buches das ist, was er sagt.

Heute reichte er eines der Bücher in die Hand und sagte, es sei besser zu lesen.

Ich wollte so früh wie möglich Leute aus der ganzen Welt über die beeindruckende Dialog-Sammlung von Mr. Kent Gilbert und Frau O Sonfa informieren.

Ich war müde, nachdem ich mich lange auf die Übersetzung konzentriert hatte, also sagte ich ihm, dass ich heute ablehnen sollte.

Er hat noch ein wenig zu lesen, also sage ich, also beeil dich, nein, ich habe mich entschieden, es mir zu leihen.

Sobald ich die Seite geöffnet habe, habe ich ein Gefühl von Weltstimmung gespürt.

Am Anfang ist es das Folgende.

Skalen fielen von meinen Augen.

Es ist ein Buch von Welterschüttern, das auf spektakuläre Weise die Richtigkeit meiner These demonstriert.

Dieser Autor ist auch wie ein Vertreter der Tatsache, dass ein wahrer weiser Mann in gewöhnlichen Bürgern existiert.

Hervorhebung in anderen Sätzen als Überschrift * und * bin ich.

Hatte Emperor Showa Asahi Shimbun nicht gemocht? (KK beste Bücher)

Riesige Medien - Geschichte seiner Herstellung

Yasuda Trust Bank · früher eine Führungskraft

Ikehara Tokio


Am 9. September 2014 wurde die Zusammenstellung von "Emperor Showa Emperor" (Worte, die als "Ref." Vervollständigt wurden) vervollständigt und von den Reportern des Medienberichts der Kaiserlichen Haushaltsagentur veröffentlicht.

Im Jahr 2015 wurde entschieden, die Verlage an die breite Öffentlichkeit zu verkaufen, und es wurde beschlossen, sie in etwa fünf Jahren nacheinander zu veröffentlichen.

61 Bände und 12.000 Hauptseiten.

"Kaiser Meiji Revival" und "Kaiser Taisho Revival" gefolgt von "Emperor Showa" ist der erste umgangssprachliche Stil

Bis zum Abschluss des gesamten Publikationsvolumens bleibt nichts anderes übrig, als den Inhalt zu erfassen, der sich auf den im Voraus veröffentlichten Bericht der Medien der Imperial Household Agency Reporter Club konzentriert, aber die "Herrschaft" über die lange Frist von 64 Jahren ist ziemlich umfangreich in der Welt Seltene, historische "Art des Lesens" basierend auf Annalen Geschichte (eine Methode des Schreibens von Fakten in der Reihenfolge der Jahre) wäre so viele Männer, so viele Möglichkeiten.

Es braucht Zeit, aber es macht auch Spaß.

Im Jahr 2015 wird erwartet, dass es sich in Bezug auf den 70. Jahrestag des Kriegsendes an verschiedenen Gelegenheiten vertieft.

 Bungeishunju veröffentlicht im Juli 1995 (Heisei 7) vor 20 Jahren, "Emperor Showa Monolog Record" (geschrieben und editiert eine Terasaki Hidenari / Mariko Terasaki Miller. Unten, Monolog Aufzeichnung) und,

Chamberlain Tagebuch wie "Irie Sukemasa Tagebuch" werden auch in der aktuellen Aufzeichnung zitiert. Im Fall

Tatsachen versuchen nicht, so weit wie möglich in den Geist des Kaisers einzudringen und die Fakten wahllos zu beschreiben.

Ausgehend von diesem Punkt scheint der Monologreport freizügige Bemerkungen und das Atmen von Emperor Showa zu sein.

Entschlüsselung des Kaisers von Ihrem Selbstmord beim Lesen eines schriftlichen Dokumentes · Monolog-Aufzeichnung · Kammertagebuch · Begleittagebuch usw., ich hoffe, dass die Aufklärung "turbulente Showa-Geschichte" weitergeht.

Dieser Entwurf wird fortgesetzt.

Assim que eu abri a página, senti uma sensação de tremor mundial.

2017年12月05日 10時15分05秒 | 日記

Um amigo meu que não é exagerado para dizer que ele é um dos principais leitores do Japão, parece que ele lê vários bons livros que são extremamente legíveis recentemente.

Um livro parece ser um livro grosso sobre duas cópias em Mao Zedong. Os amigos são pessoas que vivem uma vida muito regular, por exemplo, a precisão da hora do escritório é semelhante a Kant. Meu amigo disse que o conteúdo do livro era tão maravilhoso que ele tinha que ficar acordado até tarde.
Como eu sei que ele está vivendo uma vida regular, estou convencido de que o conteúdo do livro é o que ele diz.

Hoje, ele entregou na mão um dos livros, dizendo que é melhor ler.

Eu queria informar as pessoas ao redor do mundo da coleção de diálogo deslumbrante do Sr. Kent Gilbert e Sra. O Sonfa o mais cedo possível.

Eu estava cansado depois de muito tempo concentrado na tradução, então eu disse a ele que eu deveria recusar hoje.

Ele ainda tem um pouco para ler, então eu digo, então com pressa, não, eu decidi emprestá-lo.

Assim que eu abri a página, senti uma sensação de tremor mundial.

No início, é o seguinte.

Escamas caíram dos meus olhos.

É um livro de tremor mundial que demonstra espectacularmente a correção da minha tese.

Este autor também é ele como um representante do fato de que um verdadeiro homem sábio existe em cidadãos comuns.

A ênfase em outras orações além do título * e * são eu.

O Imperador Showa não gosta de Asahi Shimbun? (KK Melhores Livros)

Grandes mídias - História da sua fabricação

Yasuda Trust Bank · antigo executivo

Ikehara Tokio


Em 9 de setembro de 2014, a compilação do "Emperor Showa Emperor" (Palavras preenchidas como "Ref.") Foi completada e publicada pela mídia Imperial Household Agency Reporters Club.

Em 2015, as editoras a serem vendidas ao público em geral foram decididas, e foi decidido publicá-las sequencialmente em cerca de cinco anos.

61 volumes e 12 mil páginas principais.

"Imperador Meiji Revival" e "Imperador Taisho Revival" seguido do "Imperador Showa" é o primeiro estilo coloquial

. Até a conclusão do volume total de publicação, não há escolha senão compreender o conteúdo centrado no relatório da mídia do Imperial Household Agency Reporters Club que foi divulgada antecipadamente, mas o "reinado" no longo prazo de 64 anos é bastante extensa no mundo. Raramente, o "Caminho da leitura" histórico baseado na história dos Anais (um método de escrever fatos em ordem de anos) seria tantos homens, de várias maneiras.

Leva tempo, mas também é divertido.

Em 2015, espera-se aprofundar em várias oportunidades "em profundidade" da história de Showa, em reconhecimento ao 70º aniversário do fim da guerra.

 Bungeishunju, publicado em julho de 1995 (Heisei 7), há 20 anos, "Emperor Showa monologue record" (escrito e editado, Terasaki Hidenari / Mariko Terasaki Miller. Abaixo, registro de monólogo) e,

O diário de Chamberlain, como o "diário Irie Sukemasa", também é citado no registro atual. Em caso

Os reais não tentam entrar na mente do Imperador o máximo possível e descrevem os fatos indiscriminadamente.

Com base nesse ponto, o registro do monólogo parece ser franco observação e respiração do imperador Showa.

Descifrando o imperador de seu suicídio enquanto lê um documento escrito · registro de monólogos · diário de camareleiro · diário de atendente, etc., espero que a elucidação "história turbulenta de Showa" prosseguir.

Este rascunho continua.


2017年12月05日 10時14分32秒 | 日記













昭和天皇不喜欢朝日新闻吗? (KK Best Books)

巨大的媒体 - 制造的历史











 Bungeishunju发表于1995年7月(平成7年)20年前的“昭和天皇独白唱片”(写下和编辑的一个寺崎秀子/ Mariko Terasaki米勒下面,独白唱片)

张伯伦日记如“Irie Sukemasa日记”也在实际记录中被引用。以防万一





페이지를 열면

2017年12月05日 10時13分58秒 | 日記

그가 일본에서 가장 유능한 독자 중 한 명이라고 말하는 것을 과장하지 않는 내 친구는 최근에 매우 읽을 수있는 여러 권의 훌륭한 책을 읽은 것으로 보인다.

한 권의 책은 마오 쩌둥에서 두 권이 넘는 두꺼운 책으로 보인다. 친구는 매우 규칙적인 삶을 살아가는 사람들입니다. 예를 들어 사무실 근무 시간의 정확성은 칸트와 비슷합니다. 내 친구는 그 책의 내용이 너무 멋져서 늦게까지 있어야한다고 말했다.
나는 그가 평범한 삶을 살아가고 있다는 것을 알고 있기 때문에, 나는이 책의 내용이 그가 말한 것이라고 확신한다.

오늘, 그는 읽는 것이 더 낫다고 말하면서 책 한 권을 나누어 주었다.

나는 켄트 길버트 (Kent Gilbert)와 오 손파 (O Sonfa)의 훌륭한 대화 콜렉션을 가능한 한 빨리 전 세계 사람들에게 알리고 싶었다.

나는 번역에 집중하는 데 오랜 시간을 지낸 후에 지쳤으므로 나는 오늘 거절해야한다고 그에게 말했다.

그는 여전히 조금씩 읽으므로 서둘러서는 안된다. 나는 빌려 가기로 마음 먹었다.

페이지를 열면 나는 세상의 동요를 느꼈다.

처음에는 다음과 같습니다.

비늘이 내 눈에서 떨어졌습니다.

그것은 내 논문의 정확성을 웅장하게 보여주는 세계 흔들림의 책입니다.

이 저자는 또한 평범한 시민에게 참 현명한 사람이 있다는 사실을 나타내는 대표자와 같다.

* 및 * 표제 이외의 문장의 강조는 저입니다.

쇼와 천황이 아사히 신문을 싫어 했습니까? (KK 베스트 북)

거대한 미디어 - 제작의 역사

야스다 신탁 은행 · 전 임원

이케하라 토쿄


2014 년 9 월 9 일, "황제 황제 (Emperor Showa Emperor)"( "Ref."로 완성 된 단어) 편집은 Imperial Household Agency Reporters Club 미디어에 의해 완성되고 출판되었습니다.

2015 년에 일반 대중에게 팔리는 출판사가 결정되어 약 5 년 동안 순차적으로 출판하기로 결정되었습니다.

61 권과 12,000 장의 주요 페이지.

"황제 메이지 리바이벌"과 "황제 다이쇼 리바이벌", "쇼와 천황"이 첫 번째 구어체 스타일

출판 총액이 완성 될 때까지는 사전에 발표 된 제국주의 기관 기자 클럽의 보도 내용을 중심으로 내용을 파악할 수밖에 없지만 64 년의 장기간에 걸친 "통치" 세계에서 꽤 광범위하다. 연대기의 역사 (몇 년의 순서로 사실을 쓰는 방법)에 근거한 희귀하고 역사적인 "독서의 길"은 많은 사람들, 많은 방법이 될 것이다.

시간이 걸리지 만 재미 있습니다.

2015 년에는 전쟁 종식 70 주년을 맞아 쇼와 역사의 "깊이있는"다양한 기회를 심화시킬 것으로 예상됩니다.

 1995 년 7 월에 발간 된 분재 춘주 (Heisei 7) 20 년 전, "쇼와 독백 기록"(서사 편집 한 테라 사키 히데나리 / 테라 사키 마리코. 이하, 독백 기록)

실제 기록에는 "Irie Sukemasa diary"와 같은 체임벌린 일기도 인용되어 있습니다. 경우에

실제는 천황의 마음에 가능한 한 많이 들어가려고하지 않으며 사실을 무차별 적으로 묘사합니다.

그 점을 근거로 독백 기록은 쇼와 천황의 솔직한 발언과 호흡 인 것 같습니다.

쓰여진 문서 · 모놀로그 기록 · 방학 일지 · 수첩 일기 등을 함께 읽으면서 자살 한 황제를 해독하면서, "난기류 쇼와의 역사"가 진행되기를 바랍니다.

이 초안은 계속됩니다.

Как только я открыл

2017年12月05日 10時13分23秒 | 日記

Мой друг, который не слишком преувеличивает, чтобы сказать, что он один из ведущих читателей в Японии, кажется, что он читает несколько хороших книг, которые очень читаемы в последнее время.

Одна книга кажется толстой книгой над двумя экземплярами на Мао Цзэдуне. Друзья - это люди, которые живут очень обычной жизнью, например, точность рабочего дня похожа на Канта. Мой друг сказал, что содержание книги было настолько замечательным, что ему пришлось поздно ложиться.
Поскольку я знаю, что он живет обычной жизнью, я убежден, что содержание книги - это то, что он говорит.

Сегодня он вручил одну из книг, говоря, что лучше читать.

Я хотел как можно раньше проинформировать людей во всем мире о потрясающей коллекции диалога г-на Кента Гилберта и г-жи О Сонфо.

Я устал после долгого времени концентрироваться на переводе, поэтому я сказал ему, что я должен отказаться сегодня.

Он все еще немного читает, поэтому я говорю, поэтому спешил, нет, я решил заимствовать его.

Как только я открыл страницу, я почувствовал чувство потрясения в мире.

В начале это следующее.

Чешуя упала с моих глаз.

Это книга потрясающего мира, которая эффектно демонстрирует правильность моего тезиса.

Этот автор также является его представителем того факта, что истинный мудрец существует у обычных граждан.

Акцент в предложениях, кроме заголовка * и *, - это я.

Император Сева не понравился Асахи Симбун? (Лучшие книги KK)

Огромные СМИ - История его изготовления

Yasuda Trust Bank · бывший исполнительный директор

Икехара Токио


9 сентября 2014 года компиляция «Императора императора императора» (Слова, завершенные как «Реф.») Была заполнена и опубликована в прессе Императорского агентства «Репортеры».

В 2015 году были изданы издатели, которые будут проданы широкой общественности, и было решено опубликовать их последовательно примерно на пять лет.

61 том и 12 000 основных страниц.

«Возрождение Императора Мэйдзи» и «Вознесение Императора Тайшо», за которым следует «Император Сьюа» - первый разговорный стиль

. До завершения полного объема публикации нет выбора, кроме как понять содержание, основанное на отчете о средствах массовой информации Репортерских клубов Императорского агентства, который был выпущен заранее, но «царствование» в течение 64 лет довольно обширна в мире Редкий, исторический «образ чтения», основанный на истории Анналов (метод написания фактов в порядке лет), будет так много людей, так много способов.

Это требует времени, но это тоже весело.

Ожидается, что в 2015 году он будет углубляться при различных возможностях «в глубину» истории Сева в знак признания 70-летия окончания войны.

 Bungeishunju, опубликованный в июле 1995 года (Heisei 7) 20 лет назад, «Запись монолога Императора Сева» (написанный и отредактированный один Терасаки Хиденари / Марико Терасаки Миллер. Ниже, запись монолога) и,

Дневник Чемберлена, такой как «дневник Ири Сукемаса», также упоминается в фактической записи. В случае

Актуалы не пытаются как можно больше войти в ум Императора и описывают факты без разбора.

Основываясь на этом, запись монолога, по-видимому, является откровенным замечанием и дыханием императора Севы.

Расшифровка императора вашего самоубийства при чтении вместе письменного документа · запись монолога · дневник камергера · дневник сопровождающего и т. Д., Я надеюсь, что выяснение «бурной истории Сева» продолжается.

Этот проект продолжается.

Sebaik sahaja saya membuka halaman itu, saya merasakan perasaan gemetar di dunia.

2017年12月05日 10時12分48秒 | 日記

Seorang kawan saya yang tidak terlalu membesar-besarkan untuk mengatakan bahawa dia adalah seorang pembaca terkenal di Jepun, nampaknya dia membaca beberapa buku yang bagus yang sangat mudah dibaca baru-baru ini.

Satu buku seolah-olah menjadi buku tebal lebih daripada dua salinan pada Mao Zedong. Kawan adalah orang yang menjalani kehidupan yang sangat kerap, contohnya ketepatan jam pejabat adalah serupa dengan Kant. Kawan saya mengatakan bahawa kandungan buku itu begitu indah sehingga dia terpaksa tinggal lewat.
Oleh kerana saya tahu bahawa dia menjalani kehidupan yang kerap, saya yakin bahawa kandungan buku itu adalah apa yang dia katakan.

Hari ini, dia menyerahkan salah satu buku, dengan mengatakan ia adalah lebih baik untuk dibaca.

Saya ingin memaklumkan kepada orang ramai di seluruh dunia koleksi dialog yang menakjubkan dari Encik Kent Gilbert dan Cik O Sonfa seawal mungkin.

Saya letih setelah lama menumpukan perhatian kepada terjemahan, jadi saya memberitahunya bahawa saya harus menolak hari ini.

Dia masih mempunyai sedikit bacaan, jadi saya katakan, jadi tergesa-gesa, tidak, saya memutuskan untuk meminjamnya.

Sebaik sahaja saya membuka halaman itu, saya merasakan perasaan gemetar di dunia.

Pada mulanya, ini adalah yang berikut.

Timbangan jatuh dari mataku.

Ia adalah buku berjabat dunia yang menakjubkan membuktikan ketepatan tesis saya.

Penulis ini juga adalah seperti seorang wakil hakikat bahawa seorang lelaki bijak yang benar wujud dalam warga biasa.

Penekanan dalam ayat selain daripada tajuk * dan * adalah saya.

Adakah Maharaja Showa tidak suka Asahi Shimbun? (Buku Terbaik KK)

Media Besar - Sejarah fabrikasinya

Yasuda Trust Bank · bekas eksekutif

Ikehara Tokio

Kata pengantar

Pada 9 September 2014, kompilasi "Maharaja Showa Kaisar" (Perkataan diselesaikan sebagai "Ref.") Telah diselesaikan dan diterbitkan oleh media Kelab Pertubuhan Agensi Pencerobohan Awam.

Pada tahun 2015, penerbit yang akan dijual kepada orang awam telah diputuskan, dan diputuskan untuk menerbitkannya secara berturutan selama lebih kurang lima tahun.

61 jilid dan 12,000 halaman utama.

"Maharaja Meiji Revival" dan "Maharaja Taisho Revival" diikuti oleh "Kaisar Showa" adalah gaya bahasa pertama

.Until penyelesaian penuh jumlah penerbitan, tidak ada pilihan tetapi untuk memahami kandungan yang berpusat pada laporan media Kelab Media Wartawan Agensi Imperial yang dikeluarkan terlebih dahulu, tetapi "memerintah" selama jangka waktu 64 tahun agak luas di dunia Rare, sejarah "Cara membaca" berdasarkan Sejarah Annals (kaedah menulis fakta demi tahun) akan menjadi begitu banyak lelaki, begitu banyak cara.

Ia memerlukan masa, tetapi ia juga menyeronokkan.

Pada tahun 2015 ia dijangka akan mendalami pelbagai peluang "secara mendalam" sejarah Showa, sebagai pengiktirafan ulang tahun ke-70 akhir perang.

 Bungeishunju diterbitkan pada bulan Julai 1995 (Heisei 7) 20 tahun yang lalu, "Rekod monolog" Emperor Showa (yang ditulis dan diedit oleh Terasaki Hidenari / Mariko Terasaki Miller)

Diary Chamberlain seperti "buku harian Irie Sukemasa" juga disebut dalam rekod sebenar. Sekiranya berlaku

Sebenarnya jangan cuba masuk ke dalam minda Maharaja sebanyak mungkin, dan terangkan fakta-fakta secara tidak sengaja.

Berdasarkan pada itu, rekod monolog itu nampaknya menjadi kenyataan yang terang dan pernafasan Kaisar Showa.

Memutuskan maharaja bunuh diri anda semasa membaca bersama dokumen bertulis · rekod monologue · buku harian chamberlain · buku harian atendan, dan sebagainya, saya berharap penjelasan "sejarah Showa yang bergolak" berlaku.

Draf ini berterusan.