文明のターンテーブルThe Turntable of Civilization

The time of Japan, the time of the world

The non-reality of the story and the cruel description are expressing the mentality not if anything

2016年05月02日 22時42分32秒 | 日記

The following is the paper of Yoshiko Sakurai who is carried on the left in the Sankei Shimbun front page today. In the way of her work, all of the Japanese people must hang our head. She is the real thing in being genuine. It sheds light on the truth which the Asahi and Nikkei concealed, the concealed truth. Her work is work as the artist in the artist.

The text emphasis and *-* are me.

Wang Yi Foreign Minister said to unsmilingly on April 30th in Beijing to Fumio Kishida Foreign Minister. "The relation between China and Japan often fell into a valley". "The cause is understanding the Japanese side best".

Mr. Kishida returned to the Mr. Wang Yi of the insolent claim which is equal to the one-sided criticism toward Japan quietly, saying "It isn't desirable for the traffic of both country Minister for Foreign Affairs to be stopped.".

There is not need which becomes domineering. However, is the Japanese diplomacy good at this?

China started Korea, North Korea, Taiwan, the Philippines, Holland and a join committee last year in May to subscribe a comfort woman to United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization’s (UNESCO) memory inheritance.

They are glaring at the application deadline in the end of this month.

As Foreign Minister in Japan to Mr. Wang, to handle the history problem of the comfort woman and so on fairly, coolly, let's should do a thing as much as gives Mr. Wang a warning.

The Mr. Shirou Takahashi of Meisei University professor warned from the early days, The Chinese comfort woman The testimony from the sexual slave of the Japanese empire (The UBC press),  the one dreadful contents, did the foreign affair bureaucrat tell to Mr. Kishida?

With the book which is regarded as becoming the nucleus of the application material which China submits to the UNESCO, it is already introduced by the CNN, the Wall Street Journal and so on.

A book by three joint works of Mr. 蘇智良 of the Shanghai Normal University professor. It is page about 250 in English. It was published by the cooperation of University of British Columbia in Canada, Hong Kong University, and University of Oxford.

*It will be the fact which shows whether it is in all parts of the world, the existence how much which is halfway and is inaccurate that it says to be a university vividly. However, these universities must have a sense of shame.*

Content's absurd, but easy to win the trust of the international community since the prestigious Oxford University are involved in the publication.

If reading, it becomes a gloomy thought like reading Coomaraswamy report.

The non-reality of the story and the cruel description are expressing the mentality not if anything of the Japanese but the Chinese who wrote it well.

This article continues.


2016年05月02日 15時48分35秒 | 日記


















2016年05月02日 15時41分41秒 | 日記












日本の外相として、王氏に慰安婦などの歴史問題を公正に扱うよう、冷静にクギを刺すくらいのことはすべきであろう。 明星大学教授の高橋史朗氏が早くから警告してきた『中国人慰安婦 日本帝国の性奴隷からの証言』(UBCプレス)の凄まじい内容を外務官僚は岸田氏に伝えたのか。










2016年05月02日 15時21分06秒 | 日記




北制裁 対象に京大准教授  原子炉実験所 総連系から奨励金





















When searching something at night the other day, the following article appeared.

2016年05月02日 14時56分08秒 | 日記

When searching something at night the other day, the following article appeared.

From http://rekisi.amjt.net/?p=7821.

Was TBS taken over in this way!??

From the 90s, it is possible to learn Korean if wanting to be promoted, let's peep the history of TBS which was made being advised from the senior.

Soliloquy of the former TBS employees

Let's talk about our bureau, the process which had been made such a condition.

From the clever pressure of Chongryon, TBS which provided a Korean resident in Japan frame free of examination, the manner to be gradually taken over by the Korean resident in Japan is written down in detail.


The 1960s - the television starts and at soon the time, the protest movement which is near the menace is repeated from Chongryon the company and to home of the executive to the problem (For example, it made the Korean democratic People's Republic call North Korea and so on) of some diction of the air.

It was rid of storming up to the home in the appearance of imitation yakuza.

As being reconciled to the protest movement, the frame which is living in Japan is secretly provided for the number to be accepted.

The adoption continues every year without the company entrance examination (the interviewing merely for form's sake) mainly in the child of Chongryon executive.

It becomes swamped with the loose support like an amateur to have weakness more taken advantage of, doing the request from the side of the bureau to Chongryon to have inner the making a secret agreement by the frame which is living in Japan is made to the jurisdiction government office, and so on.

This article continues

as continuing to criticize the state which it isn't possible to permit is previously mentioned

2016年05月02日 14時22分49秒 | 日記

I lived the life to sleep after presuming that the news is NHK's news at 9 o'clock, the news station of TV Asahi at 10 o'clock, and the news 23 of TBS for long time.

Last year, I was stunned by the severity of the report of TBS and TV-Asahi.

Including the diplomacy that Prime Minister Abe overlooked a globe, as well as the U.S., it began to execute a policy as the country which should head the world.

China, for only blatant own interests, the aid to Africa to have begun to sweep over.

Huge ODA of 30 trillion yen to China (As that it is Asahi Shimbun that made Japan execute this referred many times), as it knows a reader about referring, saying the part should have been flowing as the pork in China to Africa, too.

As soon as Prime Minister Abe began to resume the help of Japan to Africa, TBS is about one farmer of Mozambique, being supported by the help from Japan, his land is taken up, therefore, not being needed says that the pork from Japan is opposite, (It is actual state itself of the help from China), to say black water to have appeared about and so on, it televised the video to only say that several local people are saying, it is clear that no verification.

In addition to be stunned that TBS's going mad, as continuing to criticize the state which it isn't possible to permit is previously mentioned.

Moreover, become with the news station of TV Asahi, 99.9 % of human beings of all over the world don't know, making a grandad in Norway visit Japan, doing the enough to have made Onaga governor at Okinawa support which in the state to have made it be possible to do a campaign against a nuclear power station, be really disgusted, as continuing to criticize this is previously mentioned.


2016年05月02日 13時06分25秒 | 日記








However, the NHK news on the day and the morning edition of the Sankei Shimbun were reporting

2016年05月02日 11時40分06秒 | 日記

The other day, will the reporter who wrote Nikkei Shimbun’s article be really pure Japanese?

It wrote the article as if Ministry of Finance in the U.S. specifies that Japan is just the state which is doing exchange induction on the front page of the evening paper.

However, the NHK news on the day and the morning edition of the Sankei Shimbun were reporting that the fact was not so neatly.

Because the export value with the US in Japan becomes the big black, by being only described simultaneously with the other true exchange poor induction state, neatly, as for Japan, in 4 years of the pasts, the exchange poor induction policy is to be written clearly when not going at all.

Nikkei isn't writing this at all.

I am convinced that it is intentional.

The purpose to conceal that the economic feeling like their own kindergartner was a mistake is one.

Another will be because the reporter who wrote this article is not pure Japanese and is the Korean resident in Japan or the Chinese who is living in Japan who entered into the media in Japan, taking advantage of the occupation policy of GHQ.

There is a reason in my writing so.

This article continues

It doesn't hear voice in the market which is formed with every economic conditions in the world

2016年05月02日 11時25分59秒 | 日記

For example, Asahi Shimbun which continued to advocate strong yen theory for a long time continued to leave even strong yen very much.
All subscribers in the Asahi should know that being saying frequently then was an article, to entrust to the market and that it is possible to hear voice in the market about the market.
However, how was their article this time?
For their own distorted thought (it makes this that the theory of Japan's being dwarfed, too, incorporates), at the time with good convenience, it tells to ask to the market.
When Japan tries to take the right economic policy which will build strong economy as the leader equals the U.S. in the world as the country where the turntable of civilization is turning around, it raises the opposite voice always.

It doesn't concern even the market to have continued to demand clear, further financial relaxation measure is necessary to be the Bank of Japan and to cope with the economic conditions in the world in now, of all things, the Bank of Japan had heard the voice of the persons who are any more the innocent who is not.

It doesn't hear voice in the market which is formed with every economic conditions in the world with huge quantity flowing every day.
In addition to saying below the kindergarten, as it is clear with the following, too, the one of the reporters where it is unclear whether or not it is Japanese, such as receiving an article truly, it had done any more the foolishness which is not.

Il est soi-disant civil soldats. Il est plus complet que le soldat d'évasion.

2016年05月02日 11時19分23秒 | 日記

Ce qui suit est la suite du chapitre précédent.

Un peu, à Singapour, l'armée japonaise a tué des Chinois de souche.

Il a déclaré ainsi, mais à Lee Kuan Yew Chinois ethniques, lorsque l'armée japonaise a atterri à Murray pour lui-même d'admettre, d'origine chinoise a combattu sur le mari de la blanche Royaume-Uni.

Il est le même que le soldat indien et ainsi de suite.

Cependant, quand une armée britannique a été vaincu, la part de Chinois de souche se sont enfuis vers le Thaï et le reste fait semblant de faire un citoyen innocent, enlever l'équipement du soldat.

Il est soi-disant civil soldats.

Il est plus complet que le soldat d'évasion.

Il est naturel d'être exécuté, étant fureté dans les lois en temps de guerre.

L'armée japonaise n'a cependant pas tuer dans l'ensemble.

Il a fait la miss de beaucoup, y compris Lee Kuan Yew.

Il était contre-productive en conséquence.

Ils cachent la composition de Shina personne, en restant sur l'île de Singapour qui se produit à la mer de malaise avec la victime face après la guerre et offrant des demi-vérités, chanter l'hymne national du malais et appeler soi-même Singapouriens comme la fête dans le chrétien et islamique Festival.

Il y a trop de mensonges dans le mot d'entre eux qui déclarent un massacre.

Si tratta di cosiddetti soldati in borghese. E 'più esagerato

2016年05月02日 11時18分43秒 | 日記

Quanto segue è il sequel del capitolo precedente.

Un po ', in Singapore, i militari giapponesi uccisi etnia cinese.

Si afferma così, ma a Lee Kuan Yew di etnia cinese, quando l'esercito giapponese atterrato a Murray per se stesso ad ammettere, etnia cinese ha combattuto per il marito della bianca Regno Unito.

È lo stesso come il soldato indiano e così via.

Tuttavia, quando un esercito britannico è stato sconfitto, da parte di cinesi etnici scappato a Thai e il resto finta di fare un cittadino innocente, la rimozione di apparecchiature del soldato.

Si tratta di cosiddetti soldati in borghese.

E 'più esagerato che il soldato fuga.

E 'naturale che deve essere eseguito, essendo ferreted dalle leggi di guerra.

L'esercito giapponese non ha però ucciso in tutto.

Lo ha fatto la mancanza di molte tra cui Lee Kuan Yew.

Era controproducente conseguenza.

Essi nascondono la composizione di Shina persona, rimanendo sull'isola di Singapore, che si verifica verso il mare del malese con la vittima di fronte dopo la guerra e che vanta mezze verità, cantare l'inno nazionale di malese e dirsi Singapore come la vacanza nel cristiano e islamico Festival.

Ci sono troppe bugie nella parola di loro che dichiarano un massacro.

Es llamados soldados de paisano. Es más

2016年05月02日 11時17分58秒 | 日記

La siguiente es la secuela del capítulo anterior.

Un poco, en Singapur, los militares japoneses muertos de origen chino.

Se declaró así, pero en Lee de la etnia china Kuan Yew, cuando el ejército japonés aterrizó en Murray por sí mismo que admitir, de origen chino luchó por el marido de la blanca Reino Unido.

Es el mismo que el soldado indio y así sucesivamente.

Sin embargo, cuando fue derrotado un ejército Reino Unido, parte étnica de China se escapó a Tailandia y el resto pretendió hacer un ciudadano inocente, la eliminación de equipos de soldado.

Es llamados soldados de paisano.

Es más efusivo que el soldado de escape.

Es natural para ser ejecutado, siendo husmeado en las Leyes del tiempo de guerra.

El ejército japonés no obstante matar en absoluto.

Se hizo la señorita de incluir tanto Lee Kuan Yew.

Fue contraproducente en consecuencia.

Que ocultan la composición de Shina persona, permaneciendo en la isla de Singapur, que se produce al mar de Malaya con la víctima frente después de la guerra y que cuenta con medias verdades, cantar el himno nacional de Malaya y llamarse de Singapur como el día de fiesta en el cristiano e islámico festival.

Hay demasiadas mentiras en la palabra de ellos que declaran una masacre.

Es ist das so genannte Zivil Soldaten. Es ist mehr

2016年05月02日 11時17分20秒 | 日記

Im Folgenden ist die Fortsetzung des vorhergehenden Kapitels.

Ein kleines, auf Singapur, das japanische Militär getötet ethnische Chinesen.

Sie erklärte, so aber in ethnischen Chinesen Lee Kuan Yew, wenn das japanische Militär an Murray landete für sich selbst, ethnische Chinesen kämpften um den Mann des weißen Großbritannien zuzulassen.

Es ist der gleiche wie der indischen Soldat und so weiter.

Wenn jedoch eine Armee in Großbritannien besiegt wurde, Teil ethnischen Chinesen der lief zu Thai entfernt und der Rest gab vor, einen unschuldigen Bürger zu tun, Soldaten Ausrüstung zu entfernen.

Es ist das so genannte Zivil Soldaten.

Es ist mehr fulsome als die Flucht Soldat.

Es ist natürlich, ausgeführt zu werden, in Wartime Gesetze aufgespürt werden.

Das japanische Militär hat jedoch nicht in alle töten.

Es hat die Fehl von viel Lee Kuan Yew einschließlich.

Es war daher kontraproduktiv.

Sie verbergen die Zusammensetzung von Shina Person, bleiben auf der Insel Singapur, die mit dem Opfer gegenüber nach dem Krieg zum Meer von malaiischen auftritt und Prahlerei Halbwahrheiten, singen die Nationalhymne der malaiischen und nennen sich Singapurer wie der Urlaub in der christlichen und islamischen Festival.

Es gibt zu viele Lügen in dem Wort von ihnen, die Schlachtung angeben.

É assim chamados soldados à paisana. É mais

2016年05月02日 11時16分41秒 | 日記

O que se segue é a sequela do capítulo anterior.

Um pouco, em Singapura, os militares japoneses mortos de etnia chinesa.

Ele afirmou que sim, mas na Lee Kuan Yew de etnia chinesa, quando os militares japoneses desembarcaram em Murray para si mesmo que admitir, de etnia chinesa lutou sobre o marido da branca Reino Unido.

É o mesmo que o soldado indiana e assim por diante.

No entanto, quando um exército do Reino Unido foi derrotado, parte étnica chinesa fugiu para Thai eo restante fingiu fazer um cidadão inocente, remoção do equipamento do soldado.

É assim chamados soldados à paisana.

É mais enjoativo do que o soldado fuga.

É natural a ser executado, sendo ferreted nas Leis de guerra.

Os militares japoneses, contudo, não matar em todos.

Ele fez a falta de muita incluindo Lee Kuan Yew.

Foi contraproducente consequentemente.

Eles escondem a composição da Shina pessoa, ficar na ilha de Singapura, que ocorre até o mar de Malayan com a vítima enfrentando depois da guerra e ostentando meias-verdades, cantar o hino nacional do Malay e chamar-se cingapurianos como o feriado no cristão e islâmico festival.

Há muitas mentiras na palavra deles que o estado de um abate.


2016年05月02日 11時16分04秒 | 日記












