文明のターンテーブルThe Turntable of Civilization

The time of Japan, the time of the world

I'm sure that there is no beauty over the beauties of nature. It is convinced that there

2016年05月14日 13時08分19秒 | 日記

I'm sure that there is no beauty over the beauties of nature. It is convinced that there is beauty in the moment, too, at the same time. 

The meaning in the moment is blink-of-an-eye when photographing, when in full bloom if it does a cherry tree, it is golden age if turning red, all of these are the moment.

At one time, if I am very enthusiastic Papilio protenor, a little several months. Even if the birds is a moment of life compared to human beings. Therefore, I may be attracted by the birds.

It recorded beforehand because NHK was doing Jakucyu Ito's special story the other day. It isn't necessary to say a wonderful thing though, seeing, I thought. Jakuchu and I are seeing beauties of nature by the same look. At the same time, I remembered being surprised to know the other day.

Saying misfortune is various as many as the human beings, Tolstoi, he wrote at the beginning of Anna Karenina that is the best novel in the world, as it referred several times.

I was in only my hard misfortune from the time of the child. As that I did to the 5th grade of the elementary school and receiving the brain of the 2nd grade of, 3 high school are previously mentioned. In the promised life as the elitist who should manage a country, I am the human being who abandoned to escape from its misfortune though. I think that abandoning, too, was the flow of the nature. As I who arrived at Kyoto am previously mentioned about thinking that it didn't need about the university, too, with me.

Then, about 20 year-old I who earned the foods which live about the various occupations, on what, was a corner of the east in the area which has Jakucyu Ito's birthplace in the Nishiki Market in Kyoto, the diner which put in several houses and had worked in the sleeping-in. It was just short time though.

Being entitled commemoration of 300 years of Jakuchu's birth from the ceiling if coming really after a long time to the Nishiki Market the other day, the flag which printed his picture stepped back and continued. I was really surprised that his birthplace was at the end in the west of the Nishiki Market. Because, I am because it was working as a part-timer as the sleep-in sales person at the shop of the row of the number eaves.

I am happy if it is possible to use present-day Katsushika Hokusai's photograph all over the world

2016年05月14日 12時29分41秒 | 日記

About my photograph.

It said that it didn't put on the Net because it said that the friend made my photo studio as already mentioned and it was but in some case, it read an article at the photograph sale site, PIXTA. Saying using this for the various companies and the individuals to use for a brochure and so on greatly. Specifically the travel agent and so on.

To the people around meeting, I sometimes say that I am the cameraman which is the best in the world if making it take Kyoto's picture. Saying, with I having a look like genius painters in the all ages, it is a living human being in the beauties of nature, the thing, too, is nevertheless, because there is not a human being who is taking four season Kyoto's picture above all above me, it makes it sneer.

Anyhow, the call of the garden at Tenryu temple the day before yesterday will become 50 more times only this year. Recently, to accept women, it says to issue an annual pass to the chief priest, from entering by cracking a joke has become like a practice (laughs).

For example, in this whole wide world, making this first ten days in May, and the photographer of the number of times only of it who is taking a picture of the garden at Tenryu temple because there are not a necessary meaning. Saying, at the same time, it is I that made Kyoto the best in the world, I make it sneer, too.

Because it is such me, the variety of the excellent photograph exceeds tens of thousands of points. I continued to think that it was a loss in the world by only preserving this beforehand at the PC.

It is satisfaction as the photograph about having a person all over the world use freely.

Today, my three photographs became a launch from PIXTA.

Please, use for the various uses.

I wondered if the day of clear didn't fall on the full-blown time at all the time at the cherry tree in Kyoto this year and if it was cloudy weather in the cherry-blossom season surely in the spring but the full-blown coming of the day of clear was done to the day, the end when it is possible to head in Ninnaji's Omuro cherry tree which has the end of the cherry tree in Kyoto.

It isn't necessary to say that I headed for Ninnaji as fast as possible by JR Shin'oosaka station - JR Kyoto station - the JR yen city station - JR bus.

It is three sheets of that day.


In all in Yuriage, I am happy if it is possible to know my life in my daily life.

When buying, it says that it should use the following privilege.


I am happy if it is possible to use present-day Katsushika Hokusai's photograph all over the world.

Quand il peut être grondé par le Premier ministre Abe

2016年05月14日 11時39分57秒 | 日記

Ce qui suit est la suite du chapitre précédent.

Cependant, cet éditorial a la faute dont il est impossible de couvrir complètement même si elle le mensonge qui a été fait sur un tel courant.
L'Asahi a écrit "l'armée japonaise a fait une femme esclave sexuelle, son enlèvement de la Corée du« premier.
Quand il peut être grondé par le Premier ministre Abe qu'il est faux, le Asahi vient, en disant "il est tergiverse que le fournisseur a fait."
Il est le remplacement, Asahi est de présenter des excuses d'abord que vous avez insulté les Japonais en écrivant un mensonge serait logique.

Il faut argumenter sur "la femme de confort dans le champ" sur elle.

Cet article continue.

Quando può essere rimproverato dal Primo Ministro

2016年05月14日 11時39分20秒 | 日記

Quanto segue è il sequel del capitolo precedente.

Tuttavia, questo editoriale ha il difetto che non è possibile coprire completamente anche se lo fa la menzogna che è stato fatto su tale corrente.
L'Asahi ha scritto "l'esercito giapponese ha fatto una donna schiava sessuale, rapimento lei dal Korea" prima.
Quando può essere rimproverato dal Primo Ministro Abe che è falso, l'Asahi arriva, dicendo "si prevaricatrice che il fornitore ha fatto".
E 'la sostituzione, Asahi è quello di chiedere scusa prima di avere insultato i giapponesi scrivendo una bugia sarebbe logica.

Si dovrebbe discutere "la donna comfort in campo" su di esso.

Questo articolo continua.

Cuando puede ser regañado por el primer ministro Abe

2016年05月14日 11時38分38秒 | 日記

La siguiente es la secuela del capítulo anterior.

Sin embargo, esta editorial tiene el defecto que no es posible cubrir completamente incluso si lo hace la mentira que fue hecho en tal corriente.
El Asahi escribió "el ejército japonés hizo una mujer esclava sexual, su secuestro de la Corea" en primer lugar.
Cuando puede ser regañado por el primer ministro Abe que es falso, el Asahi viene, diciendo que "es prevaricador que el proveedor lo hizo".
Es el reemplazo, Asahi es que disculparse primero que ha insultado a los japoneses escribiendo una mentira sería lógica.

Se debe discutir sobre "la mujer comodidad en el campo" en él.

Este artículo continúa.

Wann kann es von Premierminister Abe

2016年05月14日 11時38分02秒 | 日記

Im Folgenden ist die Fortsetzung des vorhergehenden Kapitels.

Allerdings hat diese redaktionelle den Fehler, die es nicht möglich ist, vollständig selbst zu decken, wenn sie die Lüge tut, die auf einem solchen Strom durchgeführt wurde.
Die Asahi schrieb "das japanische Militär eine Frau eine Sexsklavin gemacht, sie aus dem Korea Entführung" zuerst.
Wann kann es von Premierminister Abe gescholten werden, dass es falsch ist, kommt die Asahi, sagen "es ist Ausflüchte, dass der Lieferant hat".
Es ist Ersatz, ist Asahi zunächst entschuldigen, dass Sie die japanischen beleidigt durch eine Lüge zu schreiben Logik wäre.

Es sollte darauf über "im Bereich der Komfort Frau" streiten.

Dieser Artikel setzt.

Quando ele pode ser repreendido pelo primeiro

2016年05月14日 11時37分04秒 | 日記

O que se segue é a sequela do capítulo anterior.

No entanto, este editorial tem o defeito que não é possível cobrir completamente, mesmo se isso acontecer a mentira que foi feito em uma tal corrente.
O Asahi escreveu "os militares japoneses fizeram uma mulher escrava sexual, seqüestro-la da Coreia" em primeiro lugar.
Quando ele pode ser repreendido pelo primeiro-ministro Abe que ela é falsa, o Asahi vem, dizendo que "é prevaricating que o fornecedor fez".
É a substituição, Asahi é pedir desculpas pela primeira vez que você tenha insultado os japoneses escrevendo uma mentira seria lógica.

Deve discutir sobre "a mulher conforto no campo" nele.

Este artigo continua.


2016年05月14日 11時32分08秒 | 日記

















2016年05月14日 11時27分41秒 | 日記






2016年05月14日 11時27分03秒 | 日記





그것이 거짓임을 아베

2016年05月14日 11時26分26秒 | 日記

다음은 앞 장에서의 속편이다.

그러나,이 사설 완전히 심지어 이러한 전류에서 수행 하였다 거짓 않는 경우 커버 할 수없는 결함을 갖는다.
아사히는 먼저 "일본군이 한국에서 그녀를 유괴, 여자에게 성적 노예를했다"썼다.
이 아베 총리에 의해 책망 할 수 있습니다 때 "은 공급자가했던 것을 prevaricating된다"며 아사히 온다, 거짓입니다.
그것은 대체, 아사히는 논리 것 거짓말을 작성하여 일본을 모욕했는지 먼저 사과하는 것입니다.

그것은의 "필드에 위안부"에 대한 주장한다.

이 문서는 계속됩니다.

Когда это может

2016年05月14日 11時25分23秒 | 日記

Ниже является продолжением предыдущей главе.

Тем не менее, эта редакционная имеет недостаток, который не представляется возможным, чтобы полностью покрывать даже если это ложь, которая была сделана на такой ток.
Асахи написал "японские военные сделали женщине сексуального раба, ее похищение из Кореи" в первую очередь.
Когда это может быть ругали премьер-министр Абэ, что оно ложно, Асахи приходит, говоря: "это что уклонения поставщик сделал".
Это замена, Asahi должен сначала извиниться, что вы оскорбили японцев, написав ложь была бы логика.

Он должен спорить о "женщине комфорт в поле" на нем.

Эта статья продолжается.

Atunci când se poate certa de Primul Ministru Abe

2016年05月14日 11時24分35秒 | 日記

Următoarele este continuarea capitolului precedent.

Cu toate acestea, acest editorial are vina care nu este posibil să acopere complet, chiar dacă o face minciuna care a fost realizat pe un astfel de curent.
Asahi a scris "armata japoneza a făcut o femeie sclav sexual, kidnaping ei din Coreea", în primul rând.
Atunci când se poate certa de Primul Ministru Abe că este falsă, Asahi vine, spunând că "este prevaricating că furnizorul a făcut".
Este de înlocuire, Asahi este să își ceară scuze în primul rând pe care le-ați insultat pe japonezi scriind o minciuna ar fi logica.

Ar trebui să discutăm despre "femeia confort în câmpul" pe ea.

Acest articol continuă.

Kai jis gali būti barami premjeras Abe, kad

2016年05月14日 11時23分51秒 | 日記

Toliau yra ankstesniame skyriuje tęsinys.

Tačiau tai redakcinė turi gedimą kurį ji neįmanoma padengti visiškai, net jei ji melą, kuri buvo padaryta dėl tokio srovės.
Asahi rašė: "Japonijos karinio padarė moteris seksualinį vergas, kidnaping ją nuo Korėjos" pirmojo.
Kai jis gali būti barami premjeras Abe, kad ji yra klaidinga, Asahi ateina, sako "tai prevaricating kad tiekėjas padarė".
Tai pakeitimas, "Asahi" yra pirmasis atsiprašyti, kad jūs įžeidė japonus rašyti melas būtų logika.

Reikėtų ginčytis "komforto moteriai srityje" ant jo.

Šis straipsnis tęsiasi.

Apabila ia boleh dimarahi oleh Perdana Menteri

2016年05月14日 11時23分01秒 | 日記

Berikut adalah kesudahan bab sebelumnya.

Walau bagaimanapun, editorial ini mempunyai kesalahan yang ia tidak mungkin untuk menampung sepenuhnya walaupun tidak mendustakan yang telah dilakukan atas apa-apa semasa a.
The Asahi menulis "tentera Jepun membuat seorang wanita hamba seks, kidnaping beliau dari Korea" pertama.
Apabila ia boleh dimarahi oleh Perdana Menteri Abe bahawa ia adalah palsu, Asahi datang, dengan berkata "ia prevaricating bahawa pembekal yang sebenar".
Ia adalah penggantian, Asahi adalah untuk memohon maaf pertama yang anda telah menghina Jepun dengan menulis satu pembohongan akan menjadi logik.

Ia perlu berdebat mengenai "wanita keselesaan di padang" di atasnya.

Artikel ini berterusan.