文明のターンテーブルThe Turntable of Civilization

The time of Japan, the time of the world

Promise to protect always properly, it's just fine payment of the price,

2015年07月23日 19時53分49秒 | 日記

Keeping promise is always properly, it's just fine payment of the price, it isn't exaggerated even if it says most in the world the state that the commanding of an army is properly, to the killing such a Japanese army to opponent, the hoon in Korean Peninsula and China ran a bawdy house, rather than the Japanese military official, under the guard of the Japanese military, it engaged in it.

Why as for the world, don't you understand such a simple thing, too?

Why don't you understand a woman scholar like Alexis Dudden and Carol Gluck and German woman vice-chairmen in the world's cultural and natural heritage subscription board of review?

Not being in the country as Japan picks up fortune of 1 individual, the land and so on,

2015年07月23日 18時36分55秒 | 日記

Not being in the country as Japan picks up fortune of 1 individual, the land and so on, there being no use in arguing about it at all, it is the fact where it is very natural to do which the person all over the world knows which excluded the person concerned of news 23.

The other day, as the introduction, Alexis Dudden contributed an opinion really in the one of the burst into laughter to the New York Times paper first this year.

This is China that ... now that is intended, it also in the South China Sea, even in the Senkaku Islands off the coast, to the world, a fact completely has become clear to ..., of all things, she can fit in to Prime Minister Abe entirety, and to have blackened him in the slandering.

US even as it's anything there of the country because the wide, this woman scholar is too cruel.

They were not satisfied even if they proved to be a perfect spokesman of China and Korea, for example China, which is a one-party dictatorship of the Communist Party, and Korea in Nazism that anti-Japanese propaganda, came to continue in '70 after the war, the national education, it means the reality of South Korea is a totalitarian nation.

Came continue to perform the same doings, together with Carol Gluck, just before Prime Minister Abe will visit the United States, in turn, by collecting 187 person, it has issued an opinion ad in the New York Times.

With the action of above-mentioned women, as for the press conference of so-called men of culture who made their action other day, Chizuko Ueno and the grandpa of Masukawa the first on the list, seeming who exists in the back completely together human will be natural.

Way, which the presider of news 23 graduates from the University of Tokyo is the woman of the sale.

It says in the story to bite such a thing and Japan it isn't possible bite.

Not satisfied even if she proved to be a perfect spokesman,

2015年07月23日 17時44分48秒 | 日記

Not being in the country as Japan picks up fortune on the land of 1 individual and so on, there being no use in arguing about it at all, it is the fact where it is very natural to do which the person all over the world knows which excluded the person concerned of news 23.

The other day, as the introduction, Alexis Dudden contributed an opinion really in the one of the burst into laughter to the New York Times paper first this year.

This is China that ... now that is intended, it also in the South China Sea, even in the Senkaku Islands off the coast, to the world, a fact completely has become clear to ..., of all things, she can fit in to Prime Minister Abe entirety, and to have blackened him in the slandering.

US even as it's anything there of the country because the wide, this woman scholar is too cruel.

Not satisfied even if she proved to be a perfect spokesman, it also China, which is a one-party dictatorship of the Communist Party, in Nazism that anti-Japanese propaganda, came to continue in '70 after the war, the national education, reality South Korea is a totalitarian nation.

Came continue to perform the same doings, together with Carol Gluck, just before Prime Minister Abe will visit the United States, in turn, by collecting 187 person, it has issued an opinion ad in the New York Times.

With the action of above-mentioned women, as for the press conference of so-called men of culture who made their action other day, Chizuko Ueno and the grandpa of Masukawa the first on the list, seeming who exists in the back completely together human will be natural.

Way, which the presider of news 23 graduates from the University of Tokyo is the woman of the sale.

It says in the story to bite such a thing and Japan it isn't possible bite.

In the world, especially in developed countries, on earth, where they would be.

2015年07月23日 16時51分39秒 | 日記

Way, it knew that there were equal to or more than 3,000,000 Mainichi Newspapers numbers of the subscription when examining the subscription number of copies table of the Sankei Shimbun and Asahi Shimbun and I was surprised.

Because I thought that that it called the Mainichi Newspapers was an ending newspaper substantially in much earlier.

In other words, it isn't possible to despise influence to the public opinion of the Mainichi Newspapers, too, and Tokyo Broadcasting System has big power more distantly than Mainichi for Japan to form public opinion.

Actually, is it not a fearful story?

Even though, where on earth will the mass media as such a TV station and the mass media report only...,in other words, such as disparaging their own country with gusto, in the world, especially in developed countries, on earth, where they would be.

The news 23 of Tokyo Broadcasting System last night, too, was really terrible one.

2015年07月23日 16時43分42秒 | 日記

The news 23 of Tokyo Broadcasting System last night, too, was really terrible one.
I wrote that Japan continued to do much financial support in the form of ODA to China until recently.
China continues to do financial support to the largest Africa in the world to secure resources in recent years.
I wrote the concerns whether or not a fund from Japan wasn't as it is used for this.
That Japan which is the country which must head the world as well as the U.S. which is as it knows does financial support to Africa about the reader is a matter of course about being the country which "the turntable of civilization" traveled around, and that... this isn't arbitrary at all and being the providence of the god.

In the prime minister in recent years, as for the Prime Minister Abe who is a most genuine statesman, that the financial support to Africa, too, began to resume in earnest is as it knows.

In this thing, China and Korea which is doing anti-Japanese propaganda persistently should not feel balmy.

Anti-Japanese propaganda is done as the exercise which reduces the value in Japan internationally, too.

It fixed ODA for Japanese Government to do large-scale agricultural development in Mozambique.

Everyone involved about in all of the development would impossible to say that such as 100 percent convinced.

News 23 last night was telling that 1 farmer of the concerned area was opposing ODA from Japan from the anxiety whether or not the land of itself isn't robbed.

It pays all of the visiting Japan fees of this farmer and it says that it makes describe crosscurrents to Japanese Government and that making broadcast extensively by news 23 is a NGO.

Actually, it was the one which has the NGO which is rich in the fund but that the NGO was what organization wasn't absolutely described.

In other words, it is so-called citizen group.

Actually, is it not the story to shudder at?

It is the magnitude which is the same as that 120 yen per dollar became 900 yen.

2015年07月23日 16時30分32秒 | 日記

Here, I read in the waiting room at the dentist, it is from the series column of Takeshi Fujimaki on weekly Asahi.

The preamble abbreviation
Five years ago it was overtaken in nominal GDP. Today, nominal GDP of China is 2.2 times.
This is also while applying capital controls, because had been kept at extremely cheap levels the yuan.
In 1980, what was 150 yen, 1 RMB is 20 yen in now.
It is the magnitude which is the same as that 120 yen per dollar became 900 yen.

China learned Japan from leaving strong yen and making economy do long-range stagnation, China wasn't upset by the strong pressure from the U.S., too, and did not come rounded up the Chinese yuan only to the extent that reply evasively.

Don't forget that this was the 1st cause of the big economic growth in China so far.

In particular, when compared with the United States, by far the oligopolistic state,

2015年07月23日 16時11分28秒 | 日記

It is Asahi Shimbun and the economists who sided with this that, for a long time, left Japan mainly in the strong yen.

Even now, the Asahi to have been proud of the number of copies which isn't believed in the country like the U.S., such about 7,000,000 circulation number of copies, kept enormous influence in the political world in Japan, and the presses and the learning.

For example, however, as for the following article, the viewpoint about the economic growth of the state by the Asahi and the persons concerned, clearly shows the fact that was inferior to Chinese policymakers who are a one-party dictatorship of the Communist Party.

Another, now, in the thinking to shudder at for me, but there are things that are thought to confident.

In particular, when compared with the United States, by far the oligopolistic state, Japanese newspapers situation,

The policymakers and intelligence agencies of China and Korea, and such as scholars that has been manipulated in these countries,

In order to orchestrate Japan, it tries to induction in the direction desired by them, this is very much easy thing.

What is more, because the Asahi and the scholar and so on who sided with this, there is great amount of those who have the idea of Pro-Chinese and Pro-Korean.

Completely, and at the same time appalling, indeed it deplorable rather, ridiculous, it is what is infuriating fact.

Introduction of the article in the next chapter.

la honte que tous les Japonais ont souffert est l'un par l'article bidon de mon journal

2015年07月23日 16時04分54秒 | 日記

Ce qui suit est une continuation du chapitre précédent.

Il devient une histoire avec l'ancienne d'un, mais il est le sens que les diplomates de la destination étaient paresseux lors de la remise en Amérique du document qui est équivalent à la déclaration de guerre et d'avoir été en retard dans la traduction et que la bombe ont baissé à Hawaï avant la déclaration de la guerre à cause du retard.

Maintenant, Roosevelt est le sens pour avoir dit "que le Japon était difficile" à fond de.

Il réparties sur tout le monde à la fois.

Comment cela at-il accomplir nuire à l'image des Japonais?

Cependant, quant à elle, il n'y a pas "délicate" va-out et les diplomates sont «paresseux».

Parce qu'il est, si la personne en charge dans le cas commet hara-kiri, la communication de masse dans le monde, aussi, peut-être devenu "allez-vous le long oh qu'ils étaient paresseux seulement et le Japon était pas difficile" et la puissance qui change un peu de l'opinion publique dans le monde.

Si disant, il devrait devenir assez la puissance qui change l'écoulement du problème lors de ne pas être la signification d'avoir exécuter même si elle dit cela, aussi, ne sont pas si exigeant disant dans l'histoire, aussi, mais le président dans l'Asahi fait l'Organisation des Nations Unies et ainsi de suite comme prévu, il commet hara-kiri et [la honte que tous les Japonais ont souffert est l'un par l'article bidon de mon journal].

Je ne veux vraiment dire que la demande en ce sens, mais le Asahi doivent sentir que beaucoup de honte.

Alors, y at-il pas beaucoup de personnes qui remarquent la honte dans le Asahi maintenant?

Si supposant que cela a été causé autour de Meiji, il sera devenu peu importe comment.

Eh bien, je pensais que je pense que ce ne se produit pas problème lui-même.

Ceci est l'histoire que je m'y suis dérouté.

la vergogna che tutti i giapponesi hanno sofferto

2015年07月23日 16時04分11秒 | 日記

Quanto segue è una continuazione del capitolo precedente.

Diventa una storia con il vecchio di uno, ma è il significato che i diplomatici della destinazione erano pigri al momento della consegna l'America del documento, che è equivalente alla dichiarazione di guerra e di essere stato dietro nella traduzione e per la bomba di essere caduto alle Hawaii prima dichiarazione di guerra a causa del ritardo.

Ora, Roosevelt è il significato di aver detto "che il Giappone era difficile" fondo di.

Si sviluppa su tutto il mondo in una volta.

Quanto è realizzare un danno all'immagine dei giapponesi?

Tuttavia, da parte sua, non è "difficile" andare-out e diplomatici sono "pigri".

Perché è, se la persona responsabile nel caso impegna harakiri, la comunicazione di massa in tutto il mondo, troppo, potrebbe essere diventato "non si va avanti oh che venivano solo pigro e il Giappone non era difficile" e il potere che cambia un po 'l'opinione pubblica nel mondo.

Se dicendo, piuttosto dovrebbe diventare la forza che cambia il flusso del problema quando non essendo il significato di avere esecuzione, anche se si dice anche questo, non richiedendo per dire nella storia, anche, ma il presidente nella Asahi fa le Nazioni Unite e così via, come previsto, si impegna harakiri e [la vergogna che tutti i giapponesi hanno sofferto è uno dall'articolo falso del mio giornale].

Non sto veramente dire che la richiesta in tal senso, ma la Asahi devono sentirsi molto vergogna.

Poi, non ci sono molte persone che notano la vergogna nella Asahi in questo momento?

Se supponendo che questo è stato causato intorno Meiji, esso sarà diventato non importa come.

Beh, ho pensato io penso che non si è verificato un problema in sé.

Questa è la storia che ho ottenuto sviato.

la vergüenza que todos los japoneses sufrieron

2015年07月23日 16時03分39秒 | 日記

La siguiente es una continuación del capítulo anterior.

Se convierte en una historia con la edad de uno, sino que es el significado de que los diplomáticos del destino eran perezosos al entregar el documento Latina que es equivalente a la declaración de guerra y de haber estado detrás de la traducción para que la bomba ha caído a Hawai antes de la declaración de guerra a causa de la demora.

Ahora, Roosevelt es el significado que dijo "que Japón era complicado" fondo de.

Se extendió por todo el mundo a la vez.

¿Cuánto es lograr un daño a la imagen de los japoneses?

Sin embargo, en cuanto a él, no es "difícil" salir afuera y los diplomáticos son "perezosos".

Debido a que es, si la persona a cargo en el caso comete hara-kiri, la comunicación de masas en el mundo, también, puede haberse convertido en "Qué vas a lo largo oh estaban siendo perezoso única y Japón no fue complicado" y el poder que cambia un poco la opinión pública en el mundo.

Si diciendo, bastante debe convertirse en el poder que cambia el flujo del problema cuando no es el significado de tener ejecutar incluso si dice esto, también, no se exige si dicho en la historia, también, pero el presidente en el Asahi hace las Naciones Unidas y así sucesivamente como se esperaba, se compromete hara-kiri y [la vergüenza que todos los japoneses sufrieron es uno por el artículo falsa de mi periódico].

No estoy realmente quiero decir que la solicitud en ese sentido, pero el Asahi deben sentir que mucha vergüenza.

Entonces, ¿no hay muchas personas que notan la vergüenza en el Asahi ahora?

Si el supuesto de que esto fue causado alrededor de Meiji, se han convertido en no importa cómo.

Bueno, pensé que yo creo que no se produzca un problema en sí.

Esta es la historia que me he metido desvié.

die Scham, die alle japanischen gelitten ist eines

2015年07月23日 16時03分05秒 | 日記

Das Folgende ist eine Fortsetzung des vorhergehenden Kapitels.

Es wird eine Geschichte mit dem alten von einer, sondern es bedeutet, dass die Diplomaten des Ziel waren faul bei der Abgabe America das Dokument, die äquivalent zu der Kriegserklärung ist und in der Übersetzung und für die Bombe hinter gewesen, gefallen ist auf Hawaii vor Kriegserklärung wegen der Verzögerung.

Nun, das ist der Sinn Roosevelt gesagt haben ", dass Japan tricky" gründlich von.

Es erstreckt sich auf der ganzen Welt auf einmal.

Wie viel haben sie Schaden zu erreichen, um das Bild der Japaner?

Da für sie, gibt es nicht "tricky" going-out und die Diplomaten sind "faul".

Denn es ist, wenn die Person, die für den Fall begeht Harakiri, die Massenkommunikation in der Welt, auch, kann geworden "Sie gehen zusammen oh sie ist nur faul waren und Japan nicht tricky" und die Kraft was ändert sich ein wenig die öffentliche Meinung in der Welt.

Wenn sprachen es ganz sollte die Kraft, die den Fluss des Problems ändert sich, wenn nicht in der Bedeutung zu haben, auch ausführen, wenn er sagt, auch dies ist nicht erforderlich, wenn sagen, in der Geschichte zu werden, aber der Präsident in der Asahi tut die Vereinten Nationen und so weiter, wie erwartet, begeht er Harakiri und [die Scham, die alle japanischen gelitten ist eines der gefälschten Artikel meines Zeitung].

Ich bin nicht wirklich bedeuten, dass der Antrag in diesem Ausmaß, aber die Asahi muss so viel Scham empfinden.

Dann gibt es nicht viele Personen, die die Scham in der Asahi in jetzt bemerkt?

Wenn der Annahme, dass dies wurde um Meiji verursacht, wird es noch so geworden zu sein.

Nun, dachte ich, ich denke, das Problem nicht selbst auftreten.

Dies ist die Geschichte, die ich bekommen habe ablenken.

a vergonha que todos os japoneses sofreram é um com

2015年07月23日 16時02分26秒 | 日記

O seguinte é uma continuação do capítulo anterior.

Torna-se uma história com o velho de um, mas é o significado que os diplomatas do destino eram preguiçosos quando entregando América do documento que é equivalente à declaração de guerra e ter sido por trás da tradução e de a bomba ter caído para o Havaí antes de declaração de guerra por causa do atraso.

Agora, Roosevelt é o significado de ter dito "que o Japão era complicado" completamente de.

É espalhada por todo o mundo ao mesmo tempo.

Quanto é que ela cumpre com danos à imagem dos japoneses?

No entanto, quanto a ela, não é "complicado" indo-out e os diplomatas são "preguiçosos".

Porque é, se a pessoa encarregada no caso compromete hara-kiri, da comunicação de massa no mundo, também, pode ter se tornado "você ir junto oh eles estavam sendo preguiçoso e só o Japão não foi complicado" eo poder que muda um pouco a opinião pública no mundo.

Se dizendo, é muito deve tornar-se o poder que muda o fluxo do problema quando não sendo o significado de ter executar mesmo se ele diz isso, também, não está exigindo que se diz na história, também, mas o presidente da Asahi faz as Nações Unidas e assim por diante como esperado, ele comete hara-kiri e [a vergonha que todos os japoneses sofreram é um com o artigo falso do meu jornal].

Eu não estou realmente significa que o pedido para essa medida, mas a Asahi deve sentir que muita vergonha.

Então, não existem muitas pessoas que percebem a vergonha na Asahi agora?

Se supor que isso foi causado em torno de Meiji, vai tornar-se não importa como.

Bem, eu pensei que eu acho que não ocorreu problema em si.

Esta é a história que eu comecei desviado.


2015年07月23日 16時01分55秒 | 日記















2015年07月23日 16時01分24秒 | 日記














모든 일본인이 겪은

2015年07月23日 16時00分48秒 | 日記

다음은 이전 장의 연속이다.

그것은 하나의 옛날 이야기되고 있지만, 전쟁의 선언에 해당하고, 폭탄 번역 및 위해 뒤에 있었던 것으로 문서가 떨어진 것으로 미국 나눠 경우 대상의 외교관 게으른라고 의미입니다 하와이 때문에 지연의 전쟁 선언 전에.

이제, 루즈 벨트는 완전히의 "일본이 교묘했다"고 말했다 것으로 의미입니다.

그것은 한 번에 모든 세계에 걸쳐.

얼마나 일본의 이미지에 해를 달성 했는가?

그러나, 그것을 위해 같이가 "까다로운"가는 아웃하지 않고 외교관은 "게으른"입니다.

이 때문에 경우에 담당자가 할복, 세계에서 대용량 통신을 범하는 경우, 역시되었을 수 있습니다 "당신은 오 그들이 게으른 만 존재하고 따라 가야합니까과 일본은 까다로운하지 않았다"전원 이는 세계에서 약간의 여론을 변경합니다.

말을하면, 그것은 아주 의미도 이야기를 말하는 경우이 역시 필요로하지 않는 말합니다 경우에도 실행해야 할 것을하지 않을 때 문제의 흐름을 변화시키는 힘이되어야하지만, 아사히의 대통령을 수행 유엔과는 등 예상대로 할복을 범하고 [모든 일본 고통 수치 내 신문의 가짜 기사 하나입니다].

난 정말 그 정도에 요청하지만, 아사히 그 정도 수치를 느껴야한다는 것을 의미하고 있지 않다.

그리고, 지금의 아사히의 수치를 알 수 많은 사람들이하지?

이 메이지 주위에 발생하는 것을 상정하면, 아무리가되지 것입니다.

글쎄, 내가 문제 자체를 발생하지 않았다고 생각 생각했다.

이것은 내가 드릴 말씀이라도 한 이야기입니다.