

冒頭表示 現況 コンソール

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キーボード配列QWERTYの謎 その仮説は本当に正しいか 猫式トロンキーボード TRON風キーボード はじめてみようμTRONキーボード


いまどこ ―冒頭表示2

キーボードの2段めと3段目はなぜ互い違いになっていないの - 教えて!goo: に答えてってな形で部分統合しようかナとも思う。 ​http://blog.goo.ne.jp/raycy/e/c11db5b33d4a1d67900e568ab0dc6273ではちょっとスレ違うと思う。
http://www6.atpages.jp/~raycy/Q/ を  http://www6.atpages.jp/raycy/blog2btron/door やらの作業経過を取り入れつつ、ふくらませるようなかんじで、、

quite a mythology about what exactly went on.

2007-08-08 23:05:31 | LinkRecords
There is quite a mythology about what exactly went on. For example, Beeching wrote:
After many calculations and experiments, Sholes established the existing keyboard on which the first six letters are Q W E R T Y, and departed from all previous alphabetical arrangements. He then proceeded to sell this “QWERTY” arrangement of the keyboard. It was probably one of the biggest confidence tricks of all time―namely that idea that this arrangement was scientific and added speed and efficiency. This, of course, was true of his particular machine, but the idea that the so-called “scientific arrangement” of the keys was designed to give the minimum movement of the hands was, in fact, completely false! To write almost any word in the English language, a maximum distance has to be covered by the fingers.31

31 Wilfred A. Beeching, A Century of the Typewriter (London: Heinemann, 1974), p. 40.

In fact the QWERTY keyboard was faster in operation than an alphabetical keyboard (see later) so it is possible that there was an attempt to streamline operation, making some letters combinations slower, others faster.

this arrangement was scientific and added speed and efficiency.
This, of course, was true of his particular machine, but the idea that the so-called “scientific arrangement” of the keys was designed to give the minimum movement of the hands was, in fact, completely false!
To write almost any word in the English language, a maximum distance has to be covered by the fingers.

completely false!
a maximum distance

there was an attempt to streamline operation
some letters combinations slower, others faster.
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The User-friendly Typewriter fast slow quick

2007-08-08 22:31:22 | LinkRecords
→ Martin Campbell-Kelly The User-friendly Typewriter fast slow quick
Copyists worked quickly, but however neatly they wrote, reading Victorian copperplate was time consuming and required concentration.

While some early writing machines produced acceptable copy, they were much slower than the 25 words per minute of an experienced copyist.6

# User training―how people learned to type, and type faster;

So far as can be understood from the written accounts, in the prototype machine commonly occurring letter pairs in close proximity (such as D-E or S-T) would cause the type bars to clash and stick when the letters were typed in quick succession. The keys were accordingly rearranged to minimise the possibility of clashing. Because the typewriter was used in a two-finger, hunt-and-peck style at this time, ensuring that commonly occurring letter pairs used the same finger would slow the operator down, and separating them widely would also improve matters. There is quite a mythology about what exactly went on. For example, Beeching wrote:
After many calculations and experiments, Sholes established the existing keyboard on which the first six letters are Q W E R T Y, and departed from all previous alphabetical arrangements. He then proceeded to sell this “QWERTY” arrangement of the keyboard. It was probably one of the biggest confidence tricks of all time―namely that idea that this arrangement was scientific and added speed and efficiency. This, of course, was true of his particular machine, but the idea that the so-called “scientific arrangement” of the keys was designed to give the minimum movement of the hands was, in fact, completely false! To write almost any word in the English language, a maximum distance has to be covered by the fingers.31
In fact the QWERTY keyboard was faster in operation than an alphabetical keyboard (see later) so it is possible that there was an attempt to streamline operation, making some letters combinations slower, others faster.

typed in quick succession
commonly occurring letter pairs used the same finger would slow the operator down, and separating them widely would also improve matters.

It took weeks of practice for this to become fast and unconscious.

It was clear that a speed typist had to memorise the keyboard or else keep very quiet about saying that he could copy faster than McGurrin.56

The research for the Simplified keyboard was funded by the Carnegie Foundation and it was a highly systematic design, explicitly intended to fix the defects of the Universal―such as the need to type common digraphs with the same finger, the dominant use of the (usually slower) left hand, the presence of less common letters on the “home” row, and so on. He had little initial success in promoting the scheme, but on the outbreak of war he became a Lieutenant in the U.S. Navy and got the opportunity to undertake a modest trial.45
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2007-08-08 22:17:59 | LinkRecords
ハードSFと戦争と物理学と化学と医学 : QWERTYトンデモ説の発信源 in Japan 2007-08-08 12:57
「QWERTYはわざと速く打てないように」伝説の日本上陸 - yasuoka の日記


命題Pについては、my解釈(2007-07-28 23:15:18時点)


クイックはダメよ的な解釈は、Martin Campbell-Kellyにもみられる。
だが、Martin Campbell-Kellyは、他方、Beechingの言説の一部をmythologyとしている。だが、どの部分をさして、mythologyなのか、言説の切り分けが明確でないところがある。「completely false!」「a maximum distance」あたりが、mythologyなのかな、とも思われる。
there was an attempt to streamline operation
some letters combinations slower, others faster.
初期のタイプライタは機構が稚拙で,印字速度が速くなると印字棒がすぐ絡むという問題があった.これを解決するように試行錯誤で決められた――つまり速く打てないように決められたのが現在の配列である.この配列は,下から三段目の左から“Q” “W” “E” “R” “T” “Y”とキーが並んでいることからQWERTYキーボードと呼ばれている.


 安岡孝一氏は、坂村健87年説か、Alan Burkitt84年説かを議論しているのだが、坂村の名前が出てきたのには、少なからず驚いた。コンピュータの専門家じゃないか。

誰を信じるか。つまり 由(よ)るしかない、知るのはむずかしい。推論の道筋を論理的に納得するのは難しい。だから、誰を信じるか、か。


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聖徳 太子 憲法 三波春夫

2007-08-08 19:46:33 | LinkRecords
聖徳 太子 憲法 三波春夫
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『葉隠』 鍋島藩士。『ユビキタスとは何か』 ・・・。比喩。

2007-08-08 19:29:50 | ウェブ棒
 『葉隠』 鍋島藩士。『ユビキタスとは何か』 ・・・。比喩。

山本常朝 田代陣基 「葉隠」(はがくれ)
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