うまものがたり(Horse Stories et al)



2017-10-04 13:01:36 | 
行くといつも準備がなされていていますが、今日のお花はこの日にふさわしく、ススキ 鶏頭 りんどう 雪柳の青い枝がそろえてありました。10名ほどの入居者の方が参加されました。

My flower arrangement teacher and I went to a nursing home for our usual volunteer work this morning.
When we arrived, everything was ready for our class.
The elderlies and three care givers were waiting for us.
The others came late because they still took a bath with assistance prior to the floral arranging class.
Today is a day for Tsukimi (moon viewing night) and according to the lunar calendar and today is the day we display pampas grass and dumpling on the table. This is the time we admire the beautiful full moon and have a little snack and alcoholic drinks.
For this reason, we used pampas grass, cockscomb gentian and some green twigs.
These autumnal flowers are bought from a flower shop.
One third of the elderlies do not arrange flowers but instead enjoy watching us make the beautiful flower arrangements.
This volunteer work is something my teacher and I enjoy. We feel that bringing the flowers to these elderlies is like giving them a slice of heaven on earth. What a rewarding day it really is!

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