◯No Apple Presenter Speaks for Longer Than .. 聴衆を退屈させない、アップルのプレゼンに学ぶ「10分ルール」

2018-09-26 21:29:17 | ♪ One Short Talk
2018-09-26 21:29:17 Inc.

No Apple Presenter Speaks for Longer Than 10 Minutes, and the Reason Is Backed by Neuroscience
Change voices frequently to keep your audience from getting bored.

By Carmine GalloKeynote speaker and author, Five Stars: The Communication Secrets to Get from Good to Great@carminegallo

Phil Schiller, senior vice president of worldwide marketing at Apple Inc., speaks at an Apple event at the Steve Jobs Theater at Apple Park on September 12, 2018
CREDIT: Getty Images
The brain is easily bored. This one fact explains why Apple does what it does in its product launches. A presentation based on the fundamentals of neuroscience includes frequent changes to keep people interested. But how frequent is "frequent" change?

The answer: 10 minutes.

Neuroscientists say our brains have a built-in stopwatch that ends around 10 minutes. In my conversations with University of Washington Medical School molecular biologist John Medina, he cites peer-reviewed studies that show people tune out of a presentation in the first 10 minutes. "The brain seems to be making choices according to some stubborn timing pattern, undoubtedly influenced by both culture and gene," he says. "This fact suggests a teaching and business imperative: Find a way to arouse and then hold somebody's attention for a specific period of time."

Medina and other neuroscientists say speakers can re-engage an audience every 10 minutes if they introduce a change. A change can include a video, a story, a demonstration, etc.

In the Apple Event on September 12, the company introduced its newest Apple Watch (version four) and next generation iPhones. As they do in every major product presentation, Apple executives re-engaged the audience every 10 minutes. They do it by introducing change in the form of new voices.

Apple shares the stage every 10 minutes or less.
In the first 60 minutes of Apple's September 12 event, the audience heard from 10 speakers (including chief designer Jony Ive, whose voice could be heard on a video describing the new Apple Watch). And no one spoke for more than 10 minutes. Here's an example of how it works.

Apple CEO Tim Cook takes the stage and spends five minutes bringing the audience up to date on sales and products and introduces the two themes of the day: the Apple Watch and new iPhones.
After five minutes, Cook introduces Apple COO Jeff Williams to talk about the new Apple Watch.
Two minutes later, Williams plays a video that shows off the design of the new watch. The video resets the audience's internal stopwatch.
Williams takes to the stage again and speaks for the longest uninterrupted time of any speaker (12 minutes). Williams, though, paused frequently as he was interrupted by applause 12 times. His segment was probably scripted for 10 minutes or less.
Williams introduces another speaker, Ivor Benjamin, president of the American Heart Association. Benjamin speaks for two minutes about the new health feature on the Apple Watch--an EEG to measure heart rate.
Williams presents for four minutes and plays another video. This time we hear the voice of chief designer, Jony Ive.
The video ends two minutes later. Williams concludes his portion of the presentation and hands it back to Tim Cook.
In the first 30 minutes, the audience watched three videos and heard four distinct voices.

The remaining 90 minutes followed a similar template, with no speaker taking more than 10 minutes on stage.

Marketing chief Phil Schiller took over the iPhone portion of the presentation. He spoke for exactly 10 minutes before introducing an iPhone product marketing director, Kaianne Drance, to demonstrate how enhanced graphics will improve gaming and app development. She, in turn, shared the stage with three app developers who also brought along gamers and guests. In a 15-minute segment, the audience saw nine people share the stage.

Remember, the brain gets bored easily. Keep your listeners engaged by introducing a cast of characters. If you're pitching investors, bring along members of your team or a customer. If you're delivering a solo presentation, insert videos to reset your audience's internal stopwatch.

Above all, stick to the 10-minute rule to keep your audience's attention. Don't give your listeners a chance to get bored.



9月12日に行われたアップルのイベントでは、新しいApple Watch(Series 4)と新世代のiPhoneが発表された。重要な製品発表会ではいつもそうしているように、アップルの幹部たちは10分ごとに聴衆の注意を引いていた。具体的には、別の人間による新しい声という形で変化をもたらしていた。
12日のイベントでは、最初の60分間に10人が話をした(最高デザイン責任者のジョニー・アイブはビデオで登場し、新しいApple Watchについて説明した)。しかも、10分以上話した人は1人もいなかった。当日の流れを紹介しよう。
・ティム・クックCEOが登壇。売り上げや製品に関する最新情報を報告し、イベントのテーマがApple WatchとiPhoneであることを示した。所要時間は5分。

・5分後、クックCEOがジェフ・ウィリアムズCOO(最高執行責任者)を紹介。同氏が新しいApple Watchについて説明する。

・2分後、Apple Watchのデザインを発表するため、ウィリアムズCOOがビデオを再生。これによって、聴衆の体内にあるストップウォッチがリセットされた。


・ウィリアムズCOOが、次の話者として米心臓協会のアイバー・ベンジャミン会長を紹介。同氏は2分間にわたって、Apple Watchの新しい健康機能について語った。心臓の機能全体を把握できる心電図作成機能だ。


(執筆:Carmine Gallo/Keynote speaker and author, Five Stars: The Communication Secrets to Get from Good to Great、翻訳:米井香織/ガリレオ、写真:slobo/iStock)
©2018 Mansueto Ventures LLC; Distributed by Tribune Content Agency, LLC
This article was translated and edited by NewsPicks in conjunction with IBM.
