◯ ""The Funeral of Parliament""「違憲国会の葬式」

2014-02-28 11:56:42 | ♪PFK ASAP NEWS

02/28/2014. Yahoo! news individual .blogos. a-eiken.com. Kyodo News digital
President Ichiro Ozawa starts joint struggle and national deployment for "change-of-power => Ichiro Ozawa Administration establishment" with former Prime Minister Junichiro Koizumi in the mark with kindly tolerance.
06:58 39-second | [ on February 25, 2014 ]
Politics Although it was, it comes. It does not obtain and arrange.
<> President Ichiro Ozawa has started "move" completely at last.
"Change-of-power => Ichiro Ozawa Administration establishment" in an election was carried out to the mark with kindly tolerance on the both-Houses same day in July, 2016 (double), and it has taken action on national deployment of movement which overthrows the political situation of "strong1 party &many party weak" by Prime Minister Shinzo Abe.
I will arrange the latest concrete motion.
President Ichiro Ozawa is beginning to extend a hand to the opposition parties of "many weakness" towards "political realignment."
When you also attend the party-forming convention of "the party to tie" on January 18, it is said that President Kenji Eda was sounded softly, saying "The party of a life may be dissolved and you may join."
Of course, "the party to tie" is highly motivated in "cooperation with plural parties" as the party name.
But, since it has just formed a party, in order to start "cooperation with plural parties" formally, the attitude is not ready yet.
It is "a future talk."
President Ichiro Ozawa is fully aware in that -- President Kenji Eda -- spittle is attached early and it "is buying forward."
An intention "bearing small and raising greatly" in short, is shown.
<> President Ichiro Ozawa is the press conference on February 3, and Prime Minister Shinzo Abe receives the thing in an administrative policy speech for which it said, "Negotiations on policy adjustments are performed with responsible opposition parties", It criticized severely "the way of thinking that the Liberal Democratic Party gets a large number and moreover the opposition party does (negotiation) together with the governing party is as strange a talk as it has a doubt as the Imperial Rule Assistance Association image is held."
Based on such a question, President Ichiro Ozawa held the meeting entitled "the funeral of unconstitutional Parliament" in the free people's-rights memorial hall in Kochi as "it being the suicidal act of Parliament which enacted the specific protection of national secrecy law" on February 22, and about 150 former Diet members from Kochi participated.
Kyodo News digital -- 7:38 p.m. on February 22 -- "-- Mr. Ozawa et al. -- the funeral " of "Parliament -- a title called the protest " was attached to protection-of-national-secrecy-law enactment which a collection meeting opens, and it distributed to it as follows.
"The former Diet members of the party representation of the Ichiro Ozawa life or the Kochi native held the meeting entitled "the funeral of unconstitutional Parliament" in the free people's-rights memorial hall in Kochi on the 22nd noting that it was the suicidal act of Parliament which enacted the specific protection of national secrecy law.
The trial which imitated that Kochi Shimbun and the newspaper of the same name received prohibition-from-publication disposal by the pressure on public opinion by the Meiji government in 1882, and "the newspaper funeral" was opened as a resistance movement.
In "protection-of-national-secrecy-law enactment, a Sadao Hirano former Councilor is suicide of parliamentarism.
administrative power power can give a broad interpretation and apply, and interferes in" man's right to life -- the "funeral address" was read out and about 150 persons who ran from the outside of within the prefecture presented flowers to the altar with which the photograph of the Diet Building was decorated -- "
<> After former Prime Minister Morihiro Hosokawa who hung up "nuclear power plant zero" is defeated as a result of the Tokyo gubernatorial election (February 9 casting and counting the ballots), former Prime Minister Junichiro Koizumi and President Ichiro Ozawa, there are not former Prime Minister Junichiro Koizumi and President Ichiro Ozawa's "few passionate backers" the national elector who consider and come out and is what to do centering on a these "nuclear power plant zero" problem, and in it.
The information "President Ichiro Ozawa is telling close attendants that he met former Prime Minister Junichiro Koizumi" is circulated at such a chip box.
President Ichiro Ozawa did a clandestine meeting with former Prime Minister Junichiro Koizumi,,concerning about Shinjiro Koizumi youth bureau chief (now) of the Liberal Democratic Party the summer of 2012, and those days. The future of the minister on revival of the Shinzo Abe Administration is discussed, and it is said to former Prime Minister Junichiro Koizumi's having asked "While I live, I want the Prime Minister to carry out very much" that President Ichiro Ozawa consented readily, saying "I understand."
President Ichiro Ozawa is going to struggle under the flag of former Prime Minister Junichiro Koizumi, former Prime Minister Morihiro Hosokawa, and "nuclear power plant zero" even against after the Tokyo gubernatorial election jointly.
The opinion "it is candidacy to the Fukushima governor of November 11, 2014 execution" is going up to Koizumi Minister revival Sinjiro.
However, if the Prime Minister is aimed at and it will become, there will be no spare time which has spent time in "election of the head of a local government."
Furthermore, in the Liberal Democratic Party where "seniority-based system" consciousness is strong, "he is the Prime Minister at his 40's" is difficult.
If it is right, the direction which belongs to the governing party who undergoes change of power to the Liberal Democratic Party under 2 major-party politics, and aims at the Prime Minister is a best policy.
It is clearer than anything that President Ichiro Ozawa and former Prime Minister Junichiro Koizumi plot a large-scale mechanism soon towards the political world organization led by the Democratic Party or new political party formation for "the future production of the near Prime Minister."
* Yahoo! news individual
* blogos

02/28/2014. Yahoo!ニュース個人. blogos. a-eiken.com. 共同通信デジタル

2014年02月25日 06時58分39秒 | 政治 いたがき えいけん。
 共同通信デジタルが2月22日午後7時38分、「小沢氏ら『国会の葬式』集会開く 秘密保護法成立に抗議」という見出しをつけて、以下のように配信した。



◯ Dangerous Mr. Abe "War, Peace and the Law" NYT.社説。危険な安倍さん。

2014-02-28 10:52:07 | ♪PFK ASAP NEWS

02/28/2014. EDITORIAL NYT. FEB. 19, 2014

The Opinion Pages|EDITORIAL NYT

"War, Peace and the Law"

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Prime Minister Shinzo Abe of Japan is getting dangerously close to altering a cornerstone of the national Constitution through his own reinterpretation rather than by formal amendment.

Mr. Abe wants to pass a law allowing the Japanese military to act offensively and in coordination with allies outside Japanese territory, even though it is accepted that the Constitution allows only a defensive role on Japanese territory. He has moved aggressively to bolster the military after years of cuts. And, like other nationalists, he rejects the pacifism exemplified by an article in the Constitution.

“The Japanese people forever renounce war as a sovereign right of the nation and the threat or use of force as means of settling international disputes,” it states. Successive governments have agreed that a constitutional amendment would be required before the Japanese could take a broader role. The civil servants of the Cabinet Legislation Bureau in the Office of the Prime Minister, which checks the constitutionality of new laws to prevent the abuse of power, have agreed with this interpretation.

To help push the bureau to reverse that position, Mr. Abe broke normal procedure in August and appointed as the agency’s chief an outsider, Ichiro Komatsu, a Foreign Ministry official sympathetic to the idea of collective defense. A group of experts picked by Mr. Abe is expected to back him up when an opinion on the matter is released in April. In Parliament recently, Mr. Abe implied that the people could pass judgment on him in the next election, but that is an erroneous view of constitutionalism. He could, of course, move to amend the Constitution. That he finds the process too cumbersome or unpopular is no reason for him to defy the rule of law.

If Mr. Abe were to persist in forcing his view on the nation, the Supreme Court, which has long abstained from taking a position on the Constitution’s pacifist clause, should reject his interpretation and make clear that no leader can rewrite the Constitution by personal will.

02/28/2014。NYT. EDITORIAL FEB. 19, 2014


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FEB. 19, 2014、このarticleを主なstoryContinueを読み続けてください。









Separation of the three powers! It is not related at all! P.M.Sinzo Abe


三権分立 少しも関係ないわ! 安倍晋三首相



◯ Frozen. "アナと雪の女王"少しも寒くはないわ。ディズニーNew

2014-02-27 08:10:27 | ♪ One Short Talk

02/27/2014 Disney animation.
Overseas "Japanese is special!" The title tune of the Disney latest work connected by 25 languages is uncanny.
No, talk that the part of what and Japanese is the most popular all over the world if the thing of 25 nations sharing the title tune , the outside of mind and unexpectedness, and the Disney anime, and singing it is performed.
It is as a large number about [ Japanese and whom ] that are numbed have sung, such as ?.
In fact, it is it.
Ms. Takako Matsu

They are as follows.
Overseas "Japanese is special!" The title tune of the Disney latest work connected by 25 languages is uncanny.
The Disney work exhibited from March 14, 2014 in Japan, "Frozen."
A total whole-world box office revenue breaks through 955 million dollars, and exceeds record of "nimo", and it has become the 2nd which ranks second to "Toy Story 3" with the animation work.
"Let It Go" which an animation is what the Disney animation of the manufacturing agency contributed, and is a title tune of "Frozena" is sung by 25 languages.
Those who Japanese has and mention a Japanese version as the first favorite especially are a large number. [ extremely popular ]
Many those who rise is also mostly contained in the comment "Japanese is the best", and choose it as my best with a native language were also seen.
1:12? becomes a Japanese version about which Ms. Takako Matsu who acts as a voice actor sings.
■ The thing of a Japanese version can be heard really prettily. : D+7 United States
■ It can think that another person has all sung each language, and is ?! which is not.
+3 United States
■ What I am pleased with is Hungarian, Bulgarian, and Japanese.
+2 Burundi
■ Even so, a voice actor's election is brilliant.
It seems that the same person has sung.
United States
■ sound of Japanese is messy -- it is pretty.
+3 Canada
■ Does Malay have sound to very peaceful touch?
+3 United States
■ I think that which cannot say No. 1 unless it listens to the music of each language fully.
In a certain part, since there are probably also things getting hooked the specific language, it becomes judgment in the state where bias surely started.
Therefore, I would like to hear the version of various languages fully.
+7 Australia
■ Individually, a Japanese part is special!
:) -- +3 Of unidentified nationality
■ Are things made to notice that there are such various languages like this in the world?
It is that 6000 or more languages occur on this earth.
It is uncanny.
+The 16 United States
■ But only the language of 803 is accepted in case of the newest public statistics. : 3+4 Denmark
■ me -- Swedish fits her most-like.
+10 Of unidentified nationality
■ My bests are the Spanish of Latin America, English, and Japanese.
+13 Poland
■ Spanish which Latin Americans speak,
There is only an accent and, in short, it is Spanish.
+3 Spain
■ The scene sung with "let it go" in Japanese thought that it was good.
Therefore, he also saw the movie by the Japanese version.
+4 Britain
■ rather than it is sung only in English and shining -- a practical question -- this one is better.
+4 United States
■ What especially I am pleased with is Japanese.
But sadness is felt for the rash act of not putting in Arabian just for a moment.
+3 United States
■ Although it is a oneself Hong Konger and a Cantonese version cannot be caught at all.
Hong Kong
■ I am a human being from German.
But did you think that a Japanese part was the best? : Germany
■ People can hear here that he would like to hear a Japanese version ^_^ +14 U.S. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QZ1poicuB2s
■ Portuguese's Portuguese differs from it of Brazilians!
+4 Brazil
■ Serbian is also contained and I am proud. : Japanese is wonderful similarly!
■ a Japanese version is the best literally -
from which goose bumps.
+6 Sweden
■ There is no Finnish.
It is good for and according to ....
+4 Finland
■ I also considered.
Although there are Norwegian, Swedish, and Russian, there is not why or a Finnish version :P +2 Finland
■ Japanese becomes cool!
-- although it is lovely!
+5 Denmark
■ It still turns out that there is Spanish of each area.
However, it is what that the French of Canada is contained how ....
+5 Finland
■ He lives in the French-speaking world in Canada.
The French person almost completely cannot understand our words.
+1 Canada
■ The part of a Japanese version is loved really!
+4 United States
■ However, there is a singer with beautiful voice impersonation all over the world!
: D United States
■ If somehow sung in Japanese, it will be audible like J-pop ....
■ The merit of French, Japanese, and Spanish is touch which has escaped even from the head.
+5 France
■ There is no Greek why!!!
It is one of the oldest languages in the world!!!
■ The Japanese version was the best although this was a personal opinion.
+27 United States
■ a Swedes and Japanese singer -- me -- it was [-like ] the best.
■ Bullshit--- what -- it is what -- beauty in which that Japanese is palsied.
I cannot speak Japanese.
It is only English and the Spanish which can be understood in this.
However, they are merely as beautiful and a Japanese version wonder.
Of course, it is although all the languages were wonderful.
United States
■ Does Elsa become the touch rejuvenated about 10 years old in case of a Japanese version? : United States
■ Although the reason was not found by itself, the period of treatment heard the Japanese version most.
it is what -- .
The part who writes free was really able to enjoy himself.
+The 3 United States
■ It is surprised that the motion of a mouth has shifted to there in no language ....
It is united actually quite well. : The D+2 United States
■ carry out an idea for changing with people -- do all the languages have each beauty?

Then, only the Japanese version is taken up.
"Queen of announcer and snow" music clip: Let It Go
Ms. Takako Matsu, good job!
Ms. Takako Matsu's voice is appropriate for the voice which makes it the person in the world numbed most somehow.
Now, sleep. in which the inside of the world may sleep if you can sleep and it does as .
English version
"Queen of announcer and snow" special image: The title tune "Let It Go" / Idena Mennzel

02/27/2014 ディズニーアニメーション。

海外「日本語は別格!」 25ヶ国語で繋ぐディズニー最新作の主題歌が凄い



海外「日本語は別格!」 25ヶ国語で繋ぐディズニー最新作の主題歌が凄い

「アナと雪の女王」の主題歌である「Let It Go」が、25ヶ国語で歌われています。



■ 日本語バージョンのものは、本当に可愛らしく聞こえるなぁ :D +7 アメリカ
■ それぞれの言語を全部別人が歌ってるなんて思えなくない?! +3 アメリカ
■ 私が気に入ったのは、ハンガリー語、ブルガリア語、そして日本語。 +2 ブルンジ
■ それにしても声優の選出が見事だね。同じ人が歌ってるみたいだ! アメリカ
■ 日本語の響きがメチャクチャ可愛らしい。 +3 カナダ
■ マレーシア語は、とても平和な感じの響きがあるね。 +3 アメリカ
■ それぞれの言語の曲をフルで聴かないと、どれが一番とかは言えないと思う。
  だからいろんな言語のバージョンをフルで聴いてみたい。 +7 オーストラリア
■ 個人的には、日本語のパートが別格だ! :) +3 国籍不明
■ 世界にはこれだけ多様な言語があるんだってことに気づかせてくれるね。
  この地球上には、6000以上の言語があるんだって。凄いよね。 +16 アメリカ
   ■ でも最新の公的な統計だと803の言語しか認められてない :3 +4 デンマーク
■ 俺的には、スウェーデン語が一番彼女にフィットしてる。 +10 国籍不明
■ マイベストは、ラテンアメリカのスペイン語、英語、日本語だな。 +13 ポーランド  
   ■ ラテンアメリカ人が話すスペイン語って、
     アクセントがあるだけで要はスペイン語じゃん。 +3 スペイン
■ 日本語で"let it go"って歌ってるシーンが良いと思ったんだよね。
  だから映画も日本語バージョンで観たし。 +4 イギリス
■ 英語だけで歌われてるより、実際問題こっちのほうが良いよな。 +4 アメリカ
■ 俺が特に気に入ったのは日本語。
  でもアラビア語を入れてないっていう暴挙にちょっと悲しみを感じてる。 +3 アメリカ 
■ 自分香港人だけど、広東語バージョンがまったく聞き取れないんだけど。 香港
■ 俺はドイツ出身の人間。でも日本語のパートがベストだと思ったね :) ドイツ
■ 日本語バージョンを聴いてみたいって人は、ここで聴けるよ ^_^ +14 アメリカhttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QZ1poicuB2s
■ ポルトガル人のポルトガル語って、ブラジル人のそれとは違うじゃん! +4 ブラジル
■ セルビア語も入ってて誇らしい :) 日本語も同じように素晴らしいね! セルビア  
■ 日本語バージョンが文字通りベストだろこれ……。
  鳥肌がブワーってなったもん。 +6 スウェーデン
■ フィンランド語がないんだ。アハ、別にいいのよ……。 +4 フィンランド
   ■ 俺も思った。ノルウェー語、スウェーデン語、ロシア語があるのに、 
     なぜかフィンランド語バージョンはないんだよね :P +2 フィンランド 
■ 日本語はキャーーーってなる! メッッチャ可愛いんですけど! +5 デンマーク
■ 各地域のスペイン語があるのはまだ分かる。
  だけどカナダのフランス語が入ってるのはどうなんだ……。 +5 フィンランド 
   ■ 自分はカナダのフランス語圏に住んでる。
     フランスの人は、俺たちの言葉をほぼまったく理解出来ないよ。 +1 カナダ
■ 日本語バージョンのパートが本当に大好き! +4 アメリカ
■ しかし、美しい声色を持つ歌い手が世界中にいるんだねぇ! :D アメリカ 
■ なんだか日本語で歌われるとJ-popみたいに聞こえる……。 オーストラリア
■ フランス語、日本語、スペイン語の良さは頭一つ抜けてる感じ。 +5 フランス
■ どうしてギリシャ語がないんだ!!!
  世界で一番古い言語の1つだぞ!!! ギリシャ    
■ これは個人的な意見だけど、日本語版が一番良かった。 +27 アメリカ
■ スウェーデン人と日本人の歌手が俺的にベストだったよ。 スウェーデン
■ ちきしょーーー、何なんだあの日本語の痺れるような美しさは。
  もちろん、すべての言語が素晴らしいものだったけど。 アメリカ
■ 日本語版だと、エルサは10歳くらい若返った感じになるね :) アメリカ
■ 理由は自分でも分からないけど、日本語バージョンが一番クールに聞こえた。
  なんだろ。ただとにかく、そのパートは本当に楽しめたんだよね。 +3 アメリカ
■ どの言語でも口の動きがそこまでずれてない事にビックリ……。
  実際、かなり上手く合わせられてるよね :D +2 アメリカ
■ 趣向は人によって違うにせよ、全ての言語にそれぞれの美しさがあるね。 パナ

『アナと雪の女王』ミュージック・クリップ:Let It Go



『アナと雪の女王』特別映像:主題歌「Let It Go」/イディナ・メンゼル

◯The Fukushima Crisis759-2;Giant Nuke Weapons Aimed at the US! 巨大な核兵器が米国を狙う。

2014-02-25 12:14:35 | ♪PFK ASAP NEWS

Overbuilt, armored and brutally strong "tent leg poles" are shown in this close up of an unfinished Fukushima radiation gas pump chimney (FRGPC) to poison millions of Americans.
What is new is that the Japanese government, the Japanese self defense forces and their corporate favorite TEPCO, the Tokyo Electric Power Company, are encasing the semi-permanent radiation spewing Stationary Nuclear Weapons (SNW) in giant building sized tents or weapons condoms.

Powerful fans collect and pump the highly radioactive uranium gas and aerosols through armored chimneys directly into the air far above Fukushima Daichi’s wrecked nukes. From there the Radioactive Gas (RadGas) heads East to the United States. Since poison gas is imprecise, Mexico and Canada are also at risk. Japan’s weapons’ breakthrough was thinking of them as big nuclear weapons in the first place.

All in all, Fukushima Daiichi is a rather natural and organic weapons system with six known core devices manufactured by weapons maker GE (General Electric.) The nuke reactors’ design was first used in US fast attack nuclear submarines. The trashed nukes are now enormous nuclear weapons designed from the ground up to kill and maim American residents in large numbers.

The faithful, and dying, Japanese Kamikaze workers at Fukushima Daiichi could even hook up solar panels and tide based electrical generators for an almost limitless supply of free electricity to run the huge air pumps to push the hot radioactive gas and aerosols high into the air for decades; or, until they are destroyed, whichever comes first.

Destroy the RadGas Generators, Mr President

The building sized tents, concealed and armored chimneys and high velocity air pumps constitute armed and firing nuclear weapons aimed at the United States.

The intensely radioactive poison gas is blanketing the US with no foreseeable end in sight. The President is left with no choice but to use any means necessary to protect the United States. As a result, nothing is “off the table.”

It is your move, Mr. President.



Destroy the RadGas Generators, Mr President


It is your move, Mr. President.
the RadGas Generatorを破壊してください。Mr President。
その結果、何も「テーブルを離れて」は ありません。

◯The Fukushima Crisis759-1;Giant Nuke Weapons Aimed at the US! 巨大な核兵器が米国を狙う

2014-02-25 07:43:58 | ♪PFK ASAP NEWS

02/23/2014. veteranstoday.com.


Giant Nuke Weapons Aimed at the US, , Switched ON ON

Brutally strong external "tent" skeleton for Rad spewing reactors at Fukushima. Built to withstand what? An attack?
by Bob Nichols

(San Francisco) – Japan is readying six huge, long acting nuclear weapons for immediate use against the country’s economic and military foes. Chief among those is the United States. The weapon is radioactive poison gas from the six destroyed American reactors and old reactor cores at Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant.

Fukushima Daiichi is now fully weaponized in concept and, in just days, in real life.

Long denied their own nuclear weapons by the US, their WW II wartime conqueror, re-builder, Master and Patron, the Japanese are commonly thought by insiders to be capable of building nuclear weapons easily over a weekend. This aggressive approach is even more ingenious and imaginative.

In an instant on March 11, 2011 at Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station three, possibly six, large atomic reactors were turned into armed and functioning stationary nuclear weapons, ostensibly by a very large, curious earthquake and devastating tsunami.

Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant’s six reactors transformed to possibly six huge radioactive isotope spewing nuclear weapons; potentially as much as the equivalent of about 2,000 Hiroshima Atomic Bombs over a period of months and even years. Japanese Prime Minister Kan and the Cabinet were notified immediately.

Unlike the Chernobyl nuclear disaster involving only one reactor six months out, the Fukushima smash up is no closer to being “contained,” as the government cheerfully puts it than it was on Day One – March 11, 2011

Atomic bombs, like the one that incinerated Hiroshima, create more than 1,400 radioactive and highly lethal “isotopes;” or, radioactive variations of the metal uranium. Atomic reactors do the same thing, since they are merely vastly slowed down, very large atomic bombs.

War Flag of the Imperial Japanese Army Wikipedia
Now as a result of stunning Japanese ingenuity, the unparalleled nuclear fury, disease and concentrated death of the out-of-control reactors will be aimed directly at the United States. Nothing short of a full scale US invasion and bombing can turn the situation around. For more than six months Fukushima Nuclear Power Reactors have irradiated Japan and nearby countries such as Russia, China, South Korea, and North Korea, for the most part. The “tents” turn that all around. The die is cast, the Japanese leadership has made their decision; so be it.

To date, American President Obama has done nothing that VeteransToday knows of to stem this dire, immediate and active nuclear threat to all residents of the United States.

The six Fukushima Daiichi nuclear weapons are in Northern Japan on the Pacific Coast facing the West Coast of the United States. Travel time from Fukushima to San Francisco, Seattle or Los Angeles is a few minutes by US space based weapons systems and others that are up there.

Japan’s Fukushima Daiichi poison gas nuclear fallout is deployed by steady easterly winds and is much more dependable than space based weapons. The one way trip from Fukushima’s crippled reactors to San Francisco, LA and Seattle takes 4 days by the ever present Jet Stream winds and as much as 9 days by lower level winds. This is nothing new; it has been the case since the Fukushima disaster March 11, 2011.

02/23/2014. veteranstoday.com.

米国を狙う巨大な核兵器、スウィッチをON ONに切り替えます。
福島でリアクターで噴出する強い外部への放射能と 原子炉建屋の骨格。
長い、米国による自分の核兵器、それらのWW II戦時征服者、再建築者、マスターおよびパトロンを否定した、週末の間核兵器を容易に製造することができるように、日本人は、インサイダーによって一般に考えられます。






⚪️ サラセン abstract

2014-02-24 21:13:50 | ♪PFK ASAP NEWS


💥印 pathfinderk 選者。
1 💥へそくりを 内部告発 する息子 バレたママ
4 💥温暖化 おなかの肉は 段々化 京都まいごはん

6 💥了解と 右から左へ 受け流す 七色とうがらし

10 💥💥「好きです」と アドレス間違え 母さんに 蒼空

14 💥夫婦仲 鈍感力が ものをいう 偽装妻
38 💥父の日に 香水ではなく ファブリーズ ひらめ

44 💥俺社食 息子給食 妻美食 定食パパ

54 💥いつのまに! 娘と嫁が 大連立 第二野党

68 💥風通し 言ってる上司が 防風林 忠犬管理職

◯ "Another Terrorism" 新たなテロリズム !

2014-02-24 06:04:12 | ♪PFK ASAP NEWS

02/24/2014. J cast news. Jew human rights organization "Simon Wiesenthal Center"US. Chief Cabinet Secretary Yoshihide SUGA.

February 23, 2014
"Another terrorism"
Now, ¨ case by which ¨ destruction of [Anne's diary] is done systematically has happened in the library in Japan, and the strongest Jew organization in the United States is issuing [ hurrying criminal specification and ] a statement.
If this situation is neglected, Japan will lead to planting in the Jew in the world recognition that it is a country which makes light of and considers Holocaust, and will be exposed to blame from all over the world.
It can also be said to be terrorism, not a mere damage-to-property case but a domestic or grass-roots foreigner's crime should be considered, and this destruction should mobilize the public peace police, and should determine and arrest a criminal.
A "diary of Anne" breakage problem and Chief Cabinet Secretary Yoshihide SUGA "very regrettable" Jew organization "it is criminal specification promptly"
2014/2/21 18:16 J cast news.
A "diary of Anne" breakage problem and Chief Cabinet Secretary Yoshihide SUGA
"very regrettable" Jew organization "it is criminal specification promptly"
2014/2/21 18:16
J cast news
Chief Cabinet Secretary Yoshihide Suga who faces a press conference
On the problem on which a lot of damage in which "Anne's diary" and the page of related books are broken in a library in the city of Tokyo has been, the American Jew human rights organization "Simon Wiesenthal Center" issued a statement which expresses "a shock and deep anxiety" on February 20 (U.S. time), 2014.
A series of damage in a declaration,
"The organized activity which slanders memory of the child of 1,500,000 Jews who fell victim to the Nazis by Holocaust is suggested strongly."
The Japanese authorities were asked to determine a criminal promptly.
At the interview of the evening of February 21, Chief Cabinet Secretary Yoshihide Suga is not accepted as our country, either, if "this case is a fact, and it is very regrettable, and is a shameful thing.
The crime was blamed as I think that police authority also investigates firmly."

When put simply the Koran is damaged intentionally or it compares by Shintoism, it is torii cutting with a chain saw.
If it compares by Buddhism, a Buddha statue will be broken and it will put into a bonfire.
Then, dat's the same.

02/24/2014. J cast news. ユダヤ人人権団体「サイモン・ウィーゼンタール・センター」US. 菅官房長官.





「アンネの日記」破損問題、菅官房長官「きわめて遺憾」 ユダヤ人団体「速やかに犯人特定を」
2014/2/21 18:16 J cast news.

「アンネの日記」破損問題、菅官房長官「きわめて遺憾」 ユダヤ人団体「速やかに犯人特定を」
2014/2/21 18:16

J cast news



◯ The Collision in Succession ! 立て続けの列車衝突事故!

2014-02-24 04:18:30 | ♪PFK ASAP NEWS

02/23/2014 Tokyu Corp., Motosumiyoshi Station.
Keihin Tohoku Line, JR Kawasaki Station.
It is ? (successive train collisions) about what on earth has happened.
Although [ for this reason ] it is the most excellent [ railroad technology of Japan ] in the world, exact, and safe and export is also possible for the world,
It came here, and the collision and the derailment rollover accident have happened in succession in Keihin Tohoku Line, and abnormal circumstances have occurred Tokyu Corp. and today.

- Tokyu Corp., Motosumiyoshi Station.
02/15 / 2014 (Saturday) or 16-person injury.
- Keihin Tohoku Line, JR Kawasaki Station.
02/23 / 2014 (Sunday) or 2-person injury.
Tokyo marathon that day.

Although there is automatic-train-control ATC in railroad technology of Japan and it has been a major premise of the safety technology which this is proud of in the world, in two above-mentioned accidents, this control device ATC does not work and will have collided.
Besides this automatic train control, two or more equipment for the prevention from a collision is equipped, and the collision must completely be in the impossible safe state except for emergency.
In this Keihin Tohoku Line accident, it has collided with the uninhabited construction vehicles which must not "there" Stop, and means why uninhabited construction vehicles were neglected there.
If a series of accidents can call it the same "terrorism" as release of the valve which happened in the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant and become so, it will be safety of Japan.
It will collapse from the origin.
It is because same "accident" may happen at the Shinkansen or other special expresses someday.
it is an unjust invasion of as opposed to or system for whether this is a mere mistake -- or the person with the dissatisfaction to society started -- or although it does not understand whether it is the terrorism by foreign player power, the situation will become serious if such an "accident" next happens.

02/23/2014 東急電鉄,元住吉駅。京浜東北線,JR川崎駅。







◯ J-Gov Should Obey The Supreme Court.安倍首相の憲法解釈変更に懸念

2014-02-23 07:20:49 | ♪PFK ASAP NEWS

02/23/2014. Nyt.
The Supreme Court should intervene to Prime Minister Abe's constitutional interpretation change on U.S. paper NYT editorial February 22, 2014.
News flash
* The Supreme Court in concern = Japan distributes intervention to constitutional
interpretation change at U.S. paper editorial Jiji Press 23:37 on Thurs., February 20.
The U.S. paper New York Times is an editorial of 19 days and an electronic edition, and Prime Minister Shinzo Abe indicated concern over constitutional interpretation change which enables use of the right of collective self-defense "was approaching, so that it is dangerous."
an editorial -- Prime Minister Abe -- "-- others -- the pacifism described in the provision of the constitution is refused like a nationalist -- " -- indication.
Even if the prime minister was able to move to revision of the constitution, an interpretative change showed the idea that it is what disobeys rule of law.
On it, the editorial claimed "The Supreme Court which has refrained from view manifestation long about the peace clause of the constitution should refuse his interpretation, and should make it clear with the ability of any leaders not to rewrite the constitution with an individual intention", if Mr. Abe persisted in "forcing of the view of oneself to people."

02/23/2014. Nyt.社説. 時事通信社

★憲法解釈変更に懸念=日本の最高裁は介入を―米紙社説時事通信社 2月20日(木)23時37分配信

◯Since that human beings came to kiss spreads a virus and it attaches immunity キスの目的。

2014-02-22 22:50:14 | fuckin Health & Med. 最先端. 健康と医学

02/22/2014. Telegraph. University of Leeds. Dr.Colin Hendrie,Medical Hypotheses mag.
09:00 28 seconds on November 03, 2009
Since that human beings came to kiss spreads a virus and it attaches immunity
Although it may be known comparatively that the Mu wardrobe bacillus leading to a cavity wins popularity to a baby, and he is passed from a mother etc. by kissing, it is not bad that a bacillus and a virus are transmitted through saliva.
If it is infected during pregnancy although no problem is usually started in the substance received and passed through saliva, the very dangerous virus is also contained, and by contacting through kiss with a male, a woman can gain the immunity to this virus, before becoming pregnant.
It is from the following for details.
Kissing was developed 'to spread germs' - Telegraph
this virus called a cytomegalovirus (scientific name human herpesvirus 5) -- a kind of a herpesvirus -- saliva -- medical treatment in particular being unnecessary, even if it exists widely in inside and a healthy person is infected with it, but If a woman does primary infection to beginning pregnancy, shift infection will be carried out and it will become an embryo with the cause of a miscarriage or the abnormalities in birth.
In order for Dr. Colin Hendrie of the Leeds university to receive the "vaccination" of the cytomegalovirus of a man with specific "woman in the paper announced by Medical Hypotheses, Exchange of the saliva by contact of a mouthed mouse, especially the flow of saliva are saying that it is the most effective in the case of the direction of [ from a male (generally, it is short) ] a woman."
It is said that especially becoming the first prevention is continuing kissing over six months with the same person.
Female immunity increases and the danger of causing a critical condition by infection becomes low as a relation becomes more intimate and kiss becomes passionate gradually.
And when a woman becomes pregnant, the danger of being infected to an embryo is still lower.
Scientists have so far thought that kiss has played the role of evolutionistic quality control.
It is the theory of having judged elements, such as propagative power of the partner of the kiss by saliva at a key, health and a gene.
However, these elements are presupposing that Leeds universities and the psychologists of University of Central Lancashire (Central Lancashire university) can be judged even if it does not become so intimate that it kisses.
Dr. Hendrie is telling [ "the information about a bodily shape, a smell, a reproductive condition, sick existence, health of the body and the mouth (like this), etc. is acquired only by approaching point-blank range (even if it does not exchange saliva)", and ].
"Probably, the slight added information acquired by kiss (in order to assess the partner of breeding) is not an element like る which pushes development of the act of kiss in the back."
It may be that the direction which makes a child from a thing that becoming gradually on intimate terms with the same partner, and forming immunity in a virus leads to a safe delivery through a love period slowly rather than making a child upon meeting suddenly is recommended biologically.

02/22/2014. Telegraph. University of Leeds. Dr.Colin Hendrie,Medical Hypotheses mag.

2009年11月03日 09時00分28秒





Kissing was developed 'to spread germs' - Telegraph

サイトメガロウイルス(学名human herpesvirus 5)というこのウィルスはヘルペスウイルスの一種でだ液中に広く存在し、健常者が感染しても特に治療は必要ないのですが、女性が妊娠初期に初感染すると、胎児に移行感染し流産や出生異常の原因となります。

Medical Hypotheses誌に発表された論文でリーズ大学のColin Hendrie博士は「女性が特定の男性のサイトメガロウイルスの『予防接種』を受けるには、マウス・トゥ・マウスの接触によるだ液の交換、特に、だ液の流れが男性から(一般的に身長の低い)女性への方向の場合に最も効果的です」と語っています。



しかしリーズ大学とUniversity of Central Lancashire(セントラル・ランカシャー大学)の心理学者たちはこれらの要素はキスをするほど親密にならなくても判断できるとしています。「体形、におい、生殖状態、病気の有無や身体と口腔(こうくう)の衛生などに関する情報は、(だ液を交換しなくても)至近距離に近寄るだけで得られるものです」とHendrie博士は語っています。「キスによって得られる(繁殖の相手を査定するための)わずかな付加情報は、キスという行為の発達を後押するほどの要素ではないでしょう」


◯ INFLU 世界初、ウィルスを集めてインフルエンザにかかるためのマスク「INFLU」

2014-02-22 07:48:48 | fuckin Health & Med. 最先端. 健康と医学

02/22/2014 Mr. Erik Sjödin Mr. &Michel Bussien
17:00 10 seconds on December 01, 2009
Mask [ for collecting the first in the world and viruses, and contracting influenza ] "INFLU"
Speaking of a mask, usually wear in order to prevent preventing cold or the person concerning infection scattering a virus over the circumference by preventing invasion of a virus or maintaining the humidity of the circumference of a mouth or a nose, but The world's first mask aiming at inhaling intensively the pathogenic organ containing a new-strain-of-influenza (H1N1) virus, and being positively infected with influenza or cold has appeared.
It is from the following for details.
The name has also applied "INFLU", "In", "Flu (abbreviation of influenza and influenza)", and "flu."
The inhalation volume of the virus from surrounding air can be increased by the micro fan of the battery type included in the inhalation valve, and an infection risk can be raised to hundreds of usual%.
Air is taken in from a front valve and it exhausts from the bottom.
if a mask is removed, measure heat, and catch cold successfully -- or a check.
If it wears at the time of the rush hours under commuting and attending school, etc., he can contract influenza effectively.
The this "INFLU" mask With Swedish Mr. designer engineer Erik Sj?din, The pattern of the concept in the project by the graduate student Michel Bussien of the Swiss who majors in indoor construction and a furniture design by Konstfack of Sweden "he will catch cold intentionally, the antibody of influenza will be made by a natural method, and immune strength will be heightened."
In addition, wear of people with a person aged 65 and over, a less than 5-year-old child, and under pregnancy and a chronic disease is if it is not recommended.
- related article
The purpose of kiss:
Since a virus is spread and immunity is attached to people, it is - GIGAZINE that human beings came to kiss.

02/22/2014 Erik Sjödin氏&Michel Bussien氏

2009年12月01日 17時00分10秒







この「INFLU」マスクはスウェーデン人のデザイナー・エンジニアErik Sjödin氏と、スウェーデンのKonstfackで室内建築と家具デザインを専攻するスイス人の大学院生Michel Bussien氏によるプロジェクトで、「計画的に風邪をひき、自然な方法でインフルエンザの抗体を作り、免疫力を高めよう」という極めて合理的なコンセプトの模様。


・related article
人類がキスをするようになったのは、ウィルスを広め人に免疫をつけるため - GIGAZINE

◯The Fukushima Crisis758; "blue rat"is "Little Boy" "青いねずみ" は "リトル・ボーイ"

2014-02-21 07:09:30 | ♪PFK ASAP NEWS

02/21/2014. Le Monde. 02/14/2014

The atomic bomb which polluted from Italy to the African continent "blue rat" : By the confidential-documents public presentation claim to the France army, to the light for the first time in 50 years /French daily Le Monde (02/14/2014) February 13, 1960, From Isola di Sicilia in Italy, south understood ? to the whole region of West Africa, and vast local ? north where the radioactive material emitted from the first atomic bomb "blue rat" that the France army dropped in Algeria in northern Africa far exceeds an old assumption had caused serious contamination.
It became clear by having exhibited the map of the France army possession which the government made nondisclosure as military secrets on April 4, 2013 in the framework of the criminal investigation for which "a nuclear test damage soldier's meeting" asks.
The scale of "a blue rat" is equivalent to "Little Boy" dropped in Hiroshima.
According to the exhibited map, a radioactive material is the 13th day after dropping. Even if it became, it becomes a radioactive cloud and continued spreading.
Dr. specialist Bruno Balyryo of a nuclear test points out generating of the cancer in the contaminated zone which spread the radioactive material, or heart disease.
However, since information was hidden till today, the scale of damage is not grasped, and also no relief is made.
(partly edited)
- It is a large area in Algeria by the nuclear test of originated article:"France, and they are radioactive contamination" / French daily Le Monde (February 14).
(En Alg?rie, de vastes zones contamin?es par les essais nucl?aires fran?ais)
http://lemonde.fr/international/article/2014/02/14/de-vastes-zones-contaminees-par-les-essais-nucleaires-francais-en- algerie_4366318_3210.html

02/21/2014. Le Monde.(02/14/2014)



公開された地図によれば、放射性物質は投下後13日目 になっても放射性雲となって広がり続けた。核実験の専門家ブルーノ・バリリョ医師は放射性物質が広がった汚染地域における癌や心臓疾患の発生を指摘する。しかし情報が今日まで隠されていたため、被害の規模が把握されていない他、救済は一切なされていない。

(partly edited)

●originated article:「フランスの核実験によりアルジェリアの広い地域で放射能汚染」/ルモンド紙(2月14日)
(En Algérie, de vastes zones contaminées par les essais nucléaires français)

◯ サラリーマン川柳優秀100句発表 -

2014-02-20 22:36:14 | ♪ One Short Talk

02/20/2014 第一生命保険.

サラリーマン川柳優秀100句発表 -


今回選ばれた100句は「温暖化 おなかの肉は 段々化」や「マイ箸で 護る未来の 青い地球(ほし)」など環境問題を取り上げた作品のほか、「花粉症 ボクはハナカミ 王子です」「ビリーより 怖いぞ我が家の 鬼軍曹」など昨年一世を風靡した"あの人"が登場。もちろん「ボーナス日 はにかむつもりが 苦笑い」や「部下思い 思うだけでも けむたがれ」といった、サラリーマン特有の悩みを取り上げた秀逸な句を読む。

作品NO. 作品 雅号
1 💥へそくりを 内部告発 する息子 バレたママ
2 部下思い 思うだけでも けむたがれ オホホ
3 脳鍛え 次は体と 踊らされ まんまとはまる
4 💥温暖化 おなかの肉は 段々化 京都まいごはん
5 嫁さんよ 地球への優しさ 俺にくれ 三十C
6 💥了解と 右から左へ 受け流す 七色とうがらし
7 鈍感力 持ってることさえ 気が付かず にぶい会社員
8 マイ箸で 護る未来の 青い地球(ほし) あれこれどれどれ
9 原油高 この日のために 脂肪ため 心配性
10 💥💥「好きです」と アドレス間違え 母さんに 蒼空
11 赤字だぞ あんたが辞めれば すぐ黒字 はぐれ鳥
12 社長より 現場を良く知る アルバイト ゴットマウンテン
13 安い値の ガソリン探し 遠出する 元ぐうたらママ
14 💥夫婦仲 鈍感力が ものをいう 偽装妻
15 部長にも 「別に」と返事を してみたい シュウメイ様
16 吉本で 研修させたい 次長課長 人事担当
17 キャンプする 息子「海」「山」 親「ビリー」 無視キング
18 衣食住 すべてそろった 偽装品 オールマイティー
19 貼り替えは 昔障子で 今、日付け 大掃除ママさん
20 シニア割 顔で通され 泣き笑い 若作りオバア
21 エコバック 集まりすぎて ムダバック 宝のもちぐされ
22 新鮮と 買って十日も 冷蔵庫 読み人知らず
23 定年の 延長決まり 妻元気 うつ蝉
24 「空気読め!!」 それより部下の 気持ち読め!! のりちゃん
25 花粉症 ボクはハナカミ 王子です ハンケツ王女
26 エコと言い 課長のお茶だけ やや薄め 小さな戦士
27 ご自由に お取り下さい 皮下脂肪 未知の駅
28 エコな人 昔でいえば セコい人 セコビッチ
29 レントゲン 今年の思い出 これ一枚 おかかえカメラマン
30 「今帰る」 妻から返信 「まだいいよ」 えむ
31 クビになり 「独立した!」と 言いふらす 職安通い
32 ちょいワルかあ オレはせいぜい 腸胃悪 二郎羅門HG
33 第一志望 落ちた会社に 派遣され 派遣社員
34 お給料 毎年あがるは 控除額 平社員
35 歳の瀬に 値上げ値上げで 音をあげる 宮澤 渋茶
36 なぜ怒る 早く帰って 来ただけで 有迷人
37 「まかせたよ」 言われた割には 指示多い 雑用係
38 💥父の日に 香水ではなく ファブリーズ ひらめ
39 「まだ平気」 表示頼らぬ 母の鼻 戌年生まれ
40 母の味 三つ星よりも 口に合い 三つ子の魂
41 灯油高 家族団欒 ひと部屋で 脂肪無
42 千の風 聞いてる妻は ハリケーン 風力計
43 ゴミだし日( び) すてにいかねば すてられる 読み人知らず
44 💥俺社食 息子給食 妻美食 定食パパ
45 開花順 ももからさくら 女子ゴルフ 世相仮面
46 ミシュランよ 手が届くのは ガイドだけ たこやき
47 喫煙所 皆が何故か 情報通 紫煙ファシリテーター
48 休む理由( わ け) 偽装と知りつつ お大事に やさしい上司
49 カツに牛 お昼は今日も 丼だけぇ~ 未酒乱の流れ星
50 会議中 時の流れに 身をまかせ テレスケテン
51 "オグシオ"は よく飛ぶのかと 聞く上司 節耐ゴルファー
52 守り抜く 言った夫を 守ってる 養子
53 これがエコ 孫とそいねで ポッカポカ 人生これから
54 💥いつのまに! 娘と嫁が 大連立 第二野党
55 筋肉痛 3日もたずに 除隊する 二等兵
56 官僚が 言えなくなった 趣味ゴルフ 猿者
57 空気より 漢字を読んで 頼むから 国語教師 KY
58 ボーナス日 はにかむつもりが 苦笑い 減給おやじ
59 夢に見た 年金生活 今悪夢 老後生活
60 ビリーより 怖いぞ我が家の 鬼軍曹 RR
61 レストラン 星の数より 客の数 ゆりしお じい
62 「鬼は外」 鬼が豆まき オレは外 鬼嫁の夫
63 やってみろ 結果良ければ 俺の指示 サラリ・マン
64 忘れても 忘れた事に 気付かない もの忘れパパ
65 環境に やさしくなれる 原油高 クロパトキン
66 子育ては ハンカチ持たせ はにかませ 団塊世代
67 減っていく… ボーナス・年金 髪・愛情 ピュアレディ
68 💥風通し 言ってる上司が 防風林 忠犬管理職
69 オレ流を 貫き通し ヒラ定年 -ふくさん-
70 ニヤケるな! ハニカんだのが 怒鳴られた 不器用王子
71 チャンネル権 取られてケイタイ ワンセグに ママショック
72 「要するに」 言葉を聞いて はや10分 ながっ!
73 年金は 賭けるつもりで 掛けている 次世代層
74 妻の後 三歩下がって カート押す 好好爺
75 我が息子 おしりかじらず すねかじり 太郎くん
76 国民の 年金、損なの 関係ねえ 官僚
77 賽銭の 少ない人ほど 願い事 頻望人
78 一番湯 パパの後には 入浴剤 マムシ
79 デパ地下へ 家族みんなで つまみ食い スーさん
80 株下落 資産無いのに 大騒ぎ 日宗
81 買物で 右へ左へ カカーナビ ポンタ
82 チルドレン 選挙のたびに 親かわる シナモン
83 「神様は 見ているからね」 「見てるだけ?」 深海魚
84 「記憶にない」 妻に通じる わけがない 中海
85 箸つけた オレを見てから 食べる妻 武士の何分?
86 「忙しい」 言いつつ向かうは 喫煙所 足短おじさん
87 買っただけ いつも忘れる エコバッグ 泡展望
88 円満は 見ざる言わざる 逆らわず ソクラテス
89 社長業 今や問われる 謝罪力 パン屋の梅ちゃん
90 無料でも 家族間での 通話なし 栗ポン
91 お出掛けで いつもパパだけ 同じ服 ミッキーママ
92 宝くじ はずれて辞表 また破り 毎日が酔曜日
93 無関心 装う姑の 地獄耳 読み人知らず
94 日替の 謝罪会見 今日はどこ? プルルン裕美
95 一回で 満タンためらう 給油かな 読み人知らず
96 メタボまで 2センチあるわと 食べる妻 幸山
97 忘年会 おっぱっぴーで 風邪をひき ろく様
98 新企画 「マジでヤバイ」と 褒められる ユメ
99 「いつ買った?」 返事はいつも 「安かった」 騙されない夫
100 暗算の 力が落ちて 概算で 福間ちゃんぽん

💥 pfk

◯The Fukushima Crisis757;Sr 230 million-Bq Out.Sr.2億3000万ベクレル100トン漏えい

2014-02-20 13:39:58 | ♪PFK ASAP NEWS

02/20/2014 Jiji Press . NHKnews12:00 on February 20, 2014
February 20, 2014
(230 million-Bq disclosure)
The Jiji Press news flash has reported having detected 230 million Bq of strontium 90s etc. per liter in Fukushima first.
It is surprising high-concentration contamination and possibly collapse started still more.
Moreover, NHK passed 220 v for the place where a worker passes 100 v at the 2nd nuclear reactor of Fukushima, damaged the thermometer which measures temperature and has reported having become the situation of measuring temperature by one set.
What is happening by a Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant?
It is good one if it does not become the situation of all worker evacuation.
Jiji Press:
Tank contaminated water and a cough outside flows out, and they are = radioactivity concentration [ of more than 200 million Bq ] situation bulb opened, and Fukushima 1st.
Disclosure was found by the Tokyo Electric Power on the 20th in the upper part of the tank which is keeping the contaminated water which contains a radioactive material in the 1st nuclear power plant of Fukushima, and it announced that the outflow cough outside of contaminated water was checked.
When the surface dose of escaped water is measured, it is said that it was 50 millisieverts/h in the beta ray.
According to Toden, it discovered that water was dripping from a top plate part by one set of the tank group in which the worker of the cooperation company which was under round keeps the contaminated water in the No. 4 reactor building west side around 11:25 p.m. on the 19th.
About 100 tons flowed out also out of the cough with which escaped water surrounds a tank group through a drainspout.
230 million Bq per liter of radioactive materials which take out beta rays, such as a strontium 90, were detected from the water of the drainspout.
It was in the state which opened two places although the valve for receiving contaminated water in a tank should be closed those with three place, and originally [ all ].
When a valve is shut, the amount of disclosure says that it decreased, and Toden regards it as the cause of this trouble, and is investigating it.
The said 13,100 Bq of radioactive cesium besides the radioactive material which takes out a beta ray was contained in the contaminated water of a drainspout.
Toden is saying, "It thinks that there is no drainage canal close and there is no outflow to the sea."
The Nuclear Regulatory Commission pointed to the immediate prevention from disclosure, specification of the pollution range, etc. to Toden in response to the situation on the 20th.

02/20/2014 時事通信社. NHKnews2014年02月20日12:00








◯ Japan-U.S. Dog fight.異常事態に陥っている日米関係.危険な安倍政権。

2014-02-20 07:58:29 | ♪PFK ASAP NEWS

02/20/2014 nevadablog
The Japan-U.S. relationship which has fallen into abnormal circumstances
Although it is the Japan-U.S. relationship explained in the [world report] of the front number, now, it has fallen into abnormal circumstances, the "air battle" is held, it is in the state where it cannot have an honest argument, and Ambassador to Japan Kennedy has developed into the situation of refusing the coverage from NHK.
The American Embassy press secretary is partly told to have carried out the following answers to the coverage request from NHK.
100 "the interview became difficult by Ambassador Kennedy who fears image aggravation in the remark of a rice field NHK management committee and the Momii president of NHK, and the intention of Washington (White House). "
And the utterance which stimulates the United States side quit Assistant to the Prime Minister Eto, and the person himself/herself has contributed this utterance to "You Tube."
The contents are as follows.
"Our direction is disappointment rather.
Why doesn't the U.S. cherish Japan of alliance? "
"The United States can tell China a thing no longer perfectly.
(U.S.) It is only understood that disappointment was clearly said as an excuse to China."
Although this utterance is regarded as questionable even in the United States and it is the Department of State and the White House at the stage where that correspondence is considered,
Although the motion by a relation with Japan being improved fundamentally has taken place in the U.S., it should be made to withdraw as an utterance fire lights the motion if it is original, and it should be made to reshuffle, Prime Minister Abe has tolerated substantially.
An ambassador to Japan cannot refuse the NHK program for fear of image aggravation, and, in a true place, an ambassador is Washington.
Opinion reporting of the state of Japan should be carried out, and the "stop" must have started "Refrain from exposure in Japan from the White House" to it.
If the ambassador to Japan who is a role of the front line of diplomacy is in this state, an "air battle" will not be those[ with a method ]-ま(ed), but do you think that the United States and an "air battle" are held, and it can win?
Other countries should be beginning to keep distance from Japan, seeing this state probably.
"This will be serious."
Although the diplomat with Asia said, "Japan which quarrels with a huge trading partner called China is doing in how", "my being unable to think the notice of the U.S. with the world's largest country and economic bloc and quarrel ? senses" and an emergency conference are called now,
It is just going to verify the Japan-U.S. relationship.
Although the present Japan-U.S. relationship which is in the state where he cannot have even conversation directly can be said to be having greeted the greatest crisis after the war, if the Japan side does not recognize it at all, it is hopeless.
Although Japan which criticized the United States cannot be unhurt and it is the United States which has become silent now, the surprising situation may arise from now on.
nevada_report at 13:45

02/20/2014 nevadablog















nevada_report at 13:45