○ The Fukushima Crisis 363 ;Super-High price Oil & Mitsubishi corp.バカ高い油と三菱商事.

2012-08-31 14:49:07 | ♪PFK ASAP NEWS

08/27/2012 Lower House Committee on Economy and Industry . Senator Hidekatsu Yoshii . Mitsubishi corp.
'It is indication about a Senator purchase Yoshii LNG price at 9 times of Toden and the U.S.'
Quotation: Japan Communist Party Senator Hidekatsu Yoshii in Lower House Committee on Economy and Industry on the 27th, The Tokyo Electric Power showed the actual condition which has purchased the liquefied natural gas (LNG) for thermal power generation for the 8 to 9 times as super-high price as the selling price for the U.S. from the trading company which the subsidiary of the company established, and merely did the stripes of the posture of the government which approved increase in power rates to the yes-man of Toden.
Quotation: The company in question is Sert (it is in Mitsubishi Shoji Building as the Marunouchi Nakadori) which the subsidiary "TEPCO trading" of Toden and Mitsubishi invest jointly and has purchase and dealership of LNG from Oman.
While the company sells for the U.S. in the 1 millionBTU (English type thermal unit) hit of 2 dollars, it sells to Toden for high 18 dollars also 9 times.
(Track record in 2012)
Quotation: Mr. Yoshii shows that Toden President Naoki Hirose answered "There is confidentiality of information and it does not know" (08/26/2012, the Lower House consumer's issue Special Committees) on this problem, and he criticizes the concealment nature of the company.
Economy, Trade and Industry Minister Edano promised "it investigates [ make / it / have you ] severely" and "I would like to teach so that it may lower."
quotation: the purchase prices of the LNG from Siberia in which Mr. Yoshii is still the more nearly same are different on the Sodegaura base (Chiba pref.), and differ from 74,975 yen also 2 twice 31,719 yen per ton on the Futtsu base (said) -- indication.
"Mitsubishi will make a profit, if it sells to Toden highly.
The price is all consumers. It says that it turns" and asserts reexamination of a full cost system and a fuel cost adjustment system.
Quotation: Economy, Trade and Industry Minister Edano answered "I would like to change this (system) immediately."
If it is called Senator Yoshii, it will be the Kyoto University nucleonics graduate, and they are the start and す about the Fukushima first from before. He is a lawmaker who has pointed out the brittleness over the earthquake and tsunami of Nuc.power plant.
Then, although seemingly 1 ton is about 50 million BTU(s), when it does so, for the United States, the price is 900 dollars 100 dollars and for Japan per ton.
800,000 tons is written to be 27 billion in case of the Press Releases in 2006 -- things -- the purchase price of Mitsubishi -- that time -- 1 ton 300 dollars or less.
If it changes to 900 dollars when it reaches pro forma Toden.
Since most purchase expenses of natural gas did not go to overseas and it has said the national corporation indeed, natural gas is semi- domestic resources.
(It is not made earnest like) Very sick, when a "medal count" seems "to be meltdown."
Memo: If the bonding means from an in-company network to the Internet is substantially set only to HTTP (HTTPS is included), what do you do?
Although it is fundamental solution that such a company will resign,
... Mitsubishi IR
2012Q1IR data
The amounts of handling of Mitsubishi are 41% of the total volume of import of Japan, and 34 million tons.
Although seemingly energy business annual sales are 4 - 5 trillion yen generally by another data, natural gas, oil, and the other ratio are unknown.

08/27/2012 衆院経済産業委員会. 吉井英勝議員. 三菱商事.

'東電、米国の9倍で購入 吉井議員 LNG価格を指摘'
引用:  日本共産党の吉井英勝議員は27日の衆院経済産業委員会で、東京電力が、同社の子会社が設立した貿易会社から、火力発電用の液化天然ガス(LNG)を対米販売価格の8~9倍の超高値で購入している実態を示し、東電の言いなりに電気料金値上げを認可した政府の姿勢をただしました。
引用:  問題の会社は、東電の子会社「TEPCOトレーディング」と三菱商事が共同出資し、オマーン産LNGの購入・販売権を有するセルト社(丸の内仲通りの三菱商事ビルの中にあります)。同社は米国向けに百万BTU(英式熱量単位)あたり2ドルで販売する一方、東電には9倍も高い18ドルで販売しています。(2012年の実績)
引用:  吉井氏は、この問題で東電の広瀬直己社長が「守秘義務があり、存じ上げていない」(08/26/2012、衆院消費者問題特別委員会)と答えたことを示し、同社の隠ぺい体質を批判。枝野経産相は「厳しく調べさせていただく」「下げるように指導したい」と約束しました。
引用:  さらに吉井氏は、同じシベリア産LNGの買い取り価格が、袖ヶ浦基地(千 葉県)で1トンあたり3万1719円、富津基地(同)で7万4975円と2 倍も違うと指摘。「三菱商事は東電に高く売ればもうかる。そのツケは全部消費者 に回ってくる」と述べ、総括原価方式と燃料費調整制度の見直しを主張。
引用: 枝野経産相は「一刻も早くこれ(制度)を変えたい」と答えました。
吉井議員といえば京大原子核工学出身で、以前から福島第一を始めとす る原発の地震・津波に対する脆弱性を指摘してきた議員です。
三菱商事の取り扱い量は日本の全輸入量の41%、3400万トン。別資料ではエネルギー事業年間売り上げは大体 4-5兆円っぽいが、天然ガスと石油とそれ以外の比率は不明。

○ The Fukushima Crisis 363 ; sea bathers.福島危機363. 海水浴.

2012-08-30 07:54:58 | ♪PFK ASAP NEWS

Stuttgart newspaper "it is water play in the sea in Fukushima"

While the German friend said to me, "I feel disgusting to read it", the clipping of the Stuttgart newspaper was brought.
"in Chernobyl, although the Soviet Union government took the measures referred to as "making it stop damage at worst since the disaster happened", the Japanese government has taken the measures" referred to as "show it as if possible there having been no damage although the disaster happened in fact" ...

* ***** which is a below ***** report
It is water play in the sea in Fukushima.
When saying whether one year and a half will pass at last since the nuclear power plant disaster, first beach opening was performed in Fukushima.
Is it what may bathe in the sea by not finding any worries truly?
The children who enjoy water play on waves with a colorful rubber ring
Adults lie down and sunbathe on a beach.
It is a spectacle on typical the first of summer apparently.
However, this poetic state of mind sees and is a thing of a cheat.
This is not the ordinary seashore as it understands, if saying also looks at a blue big signboard.
The character of Welcome to Fukushima.
Three nuclear reactors start meltdown from here at the place which went to only 65-km north for the earthquake accompanied by 16 months before tsunami, and there is a nuclear power plant which shook the inside of the world.
The Nakoso seashore in Iwaki is the beginning and the only seashore where administration allowed resumption in Fukushima in spite of the radioactive contamination about which it worries after a nuclear power plant disaster.
And the seashore of the lever was asked for the rich green of white sand and the circumference in midsummer, and many weekenders flocked.
However, a little more than only 200 sea bathers are only seen today.
But there are many a child's figures in it.
the woman to whom saying "nothing will become impossible if it worries about the thing of radioactivity all day long" holds a 2-year-old daughter in its arms.
It stops having borne and gone out to have stayed at home, and came to the Nakoso seashore with family .
It is said that it is because it was vicinity most.
"We are also eating the vegetables which can be taken in the yard and children are in the pool of a school."
A sea bather is surprised at few things, and the young woman who had lain down on the beach with the boyfriend says, "She did not consider the thing of radioactivity at all."
Moreover, the visitor that he is a pensioner says, "The dose here is much lower than the place in which we live."
He was accompanied by the graduate of off-limits area Naraha-cho of the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant suburbs, and two granddaughters, and visited the seashore.
According to formal observation, the air dose of this day is actually farther [ than the numerical value supposed that a human body has damage and the amount of natural radiation of many countries ] low.
Even if the local public office bathed in the sea, it announced that it is reliable at all.
However, the dose of radiation in the sea was not revealed.
Moreover, the city government official also admits that local environmental groups is measuring the high dose in the thicket which separated a few from sands.
However, there is likely to be no plan to close the place.
But it says [ not planning to deny residents' uneasiness frankly and ].
"Although the city performed beach opening again, it would like you surely to judge by itself to every person.
First of all, those who are worried about radioactivity do not come here. There are really many " and people that say so.
The manager of a certain hotel is reservation having become small since a nuclear power plant disaster regretful.
"Once, the parking lot was full in summer and the hotel was also overflowing with prearranged accommodation". However, for fear of the influence of radioactivity, it is separated from Fukushima Prefecture of tens of thousands of people since an accident.
Researcher Mikiko Watanabe of the anti-nuclear power plant civic movement group" atomic power data room "criticizes the attitude of administration as "It is a problem to carry out beach opening or to have permitted children use of the pool of a school in spite of the radioactive contamination of the area."
Immediately after meltdown, Toden which is an owner of the Fukushima nuclear power plant discarded about 11,500 tons of radioactive contamination water to the Pacific Ocean, and was exposed to the voice of blame from all over the world those days.
Local fishermen also joined the protest.
Most of them are without the ability to resume a fishing until they continue up to now.
However, the report of the television about this affair or a newspaper is [ that there is nothing ] equal today.
A civic organization impeaches an uncritical attitude only out of the mass media which repeats what a government official says.
Nakade Seiichi of "the network which protects children from radioactivity" says that it is an end of campaign for this beach opening to tell the image of healthy Fukushima by the Japanese government and mass media.
It was ineffective although it has continued complaining of the Nakade's group to the government to emigrate all children of Fukushima to a safe area.
Then, it is [ not only merely saying that it is severe but ] dangerous to have happened here to appeal to international society, and it is shortly impersonal!"
(dpa communications)







カラフルな浮き輪を持って波間で水遊びを楽しむ子供達。大人達は浜辺に寝転がって日光浴。一見典型的な夏の一日の光景である。しかしこの詩情は見かけ騙しのものなのだ。と言うのも大きなブルーの看板を見ればわかるとおり、ここは普通の海岸ではない。Welcome to Fukushima の文字。ここからわずか65キロ北に行ったところに16ヶ月前津波を伴った地震のために三基の原子炉がメルトダウンを起こし、世界中を震撼させた原発があるのだ。


「放射能のことを四六時中心配したら何も出来なくなってしまう」と言うのは2歳の娘を腕に抱く女性。家にこもっていることに耐え切れなくなり、家族連れ立って勿来海岸に来た。一番近場だったからだそうだ。 「私達は庭で採れる野菜も食べていますし、子供達は学校のプールにも入っています。」



また地元の環境保護団体が、砂浜から少し離れた茂みで高い線量を計測していることを市の役人も認めている。ただしその場所を閉鎖する計画はないそうだ。と言っても住民の不安をあっさり否定するつもりもないと言う。「確かに市は再び海開きを行いましたが、一人一人に自分で判断を行っていただきたいです。そもそも放射能の心配をしている人はここには来ませんし。」そしてそう言う人は本当に多い。ある旅館の経営者は、原発事故以来予約はわずかになったと悔やむ。「かつて夏は駐車場はいっぱいでしたし、ホテルも宿泊予約で溢れていました。」 しかし事故以来放射能の影響を恐れて数万人が福島県を離れた。



○ The Fukushima Crisis 362; Fast Fish:Vicious Plot Jpn's Govt.福島危機362.魚惣菜.日本政府の悪意.

2012-08-29 12:34:16 | ♪PFK ASAP NEWS

08/25/2012 Fukushima Diary. Japanese fisheries agency; jfa.

Radioactive Japan: Miyagi, Tochigi, Ibaraki, Chiba To Have Final Disposal Sites For Highly Radioactive Ashes Sinkhole Radiation 15 Times Over Limit

New Japanese Propaganda: ‘Eat Fish’

Environment, Global News, Health, Politics, SocietyAdd comments
' Japanese new propaganda “Eat fish” '(Fukushima Diary, Aug 24, 2012):

38,000 Bq/Kg of cesium was detected from Fukushima fish. (cf. 38,000 Bq/kg from Fukushima fish)

Radiation is still leaking from Fukushima plant, fishery food is obviously contaminated.

People avoid marine products, but Japanese government is trying to spread the radioactive fish.

On 08/23/2012, Japanese fisheries agency started the brand called “fast fish” to sell with supermarket chain and food makers. It’s pre-cooked fish like fast food.

The purpose is to make people consume more sea food. It’s on the assumption that people are buying less fishery products because it takes time to cook supposedly. However, because pre-cooked fish is defined as “daily dish”, sellers are not obliged to label the origin of the products.

Japanese fisheries agency has already admitted 64 kinds of products as “fast fish”. One of the major supermarket chain, Itoyokado has already started selling 6 kinds of the fast fish products at 160 branches.

The agency is going to add more products to the fast fish list every 1~2 months.


Tags: Environment, Fish, Food, Fukushima, Global News, Government, Health, Japan, Nuclear, Nuclear reactors, Politics, Radiation, Society

The 38,000Bq/kg above-mentioned fish is also the fast fish . Daily dish. 
It carries out and is appearing by no producing district displaying in large quantities [ it is grand and ] in the face of you. 
It is very dangerous and he is the Japanese government.   Please take in malice vicious-natured or satanic deeds. 

Fast fish...  Let's avoid  The Fast Fish : a daily dish! 


08/25/2012 Fukushima Diary。 jfa. 水産庁。





上記の38,000Bq/kgの魚も、ファースト・フィッシュ. 惣菜。として堂々と生産地無表示でみなさんの目の前に大量に現れてきています。
非常に危険で、また日本の政府の 悪意vicious-natured or satanic deedsを感じとってください。.

ファースト・フィッシュ 魚惣菜をまず避けましょう!


vicious:: Merriam-Webster
1 : having the nature or quality of vice or immorality : depraved ― (see 1vice)
2 : defective, faulty; also : invalid
3 : impure, noxious
4 : dangerously aggressive : savage
b : marked by violence or ferocity : fierce
5 : malicious, spiteful <vicious gossip>
6 : worsened by internal causes that reciprocally augment each other
vi·cious·ly adverb
vi·cious·ness noun
a vicious tone of voice
I know you're upset with her, but there's no need to be vicious.
Origin: Middle English, from Anglo-French vicios, from Latin vitiosus full of faults, corrupt, from vitium vice.
First use: 14th century
Synonyms: acute, almighty, blistering, deep, dreadful, excruciating, explosive, exquisite, fearful, fearsome, ferocious, fierce, frightful, furious, ghastly, hard, heavy, heavy-duty, hellacious, intensive, keen, profound, terrible, vehement, intense, violent
Antonyms: light, moderate, soft
Synonyms: bitchily, cattily, despitefully, hatefully, malevolently, maliciously, malignantly, meanly, spitefully, nastily, villainously, virulently, wickedly
Antonyms: benevolently, benignantly, good-heartedly, kindheartedly, kindly
Synonyms: cattiness, despite, hatefulness, malevolence, maliciousness, malignance, malignancy, malignity, meanness, nastiness, spite, spitefulness, spleen, venom, malice
Antonyms: benignity, compassion, good-heartedness, humaneness, humanity, kindheartedness, kindness, sympathy, tenderheartedness
Synonym discussion: vicious villainous iniquitous nefarious corrupt degenerate mean highly reprehensible or offensive in character, nature, or conduct. vicious may directly oppose virtuous in implying moral depravity, or may connote malignancy, cruelty, or destructive violence . villainous applies to any evil, depraved, or vile conduct or characteristic . iniquitous implies absence of all signs of justice or fairness <an iniquitous system of taxation>. nefarious suggests flagrant breaching of time-honored laws and traditions of conduct <the nefarious rackets of organized crime>. corrupt stresses a loss of moral integrity or probity causing betrayal of principle or sworn obligations <city hall was rife with corrupt politicians>. degenerate suggests having sunk to an especially vicious or enervated condition

○ Shinji KAGAWA vs Fulham 香川真司 マンU3-2フルハム プレミア初ゴール!

2012-08-27 07:56:31 | ♪ utu. Sports&Funny. 動画.

08/25/2012. 香川真司 マンU3-2フルハム プレミア初ゴール! ハイライト. ' 00:53'sec.

8/25 Shinji Kagawa Man. Utd3-2 Fulham Premier first goal!

[Manchester (Britain) Takayasu Ogura] The public type game first goal after a transfer was mentioned by the Fulham game to which MF Shinji Kagawa of Manchester United was performed in 25 days and here by England Premier League of soccer.
Manchester United won a come-from-behind victory by 3-2, and the game mentioned the first white star this season.
The ally shot from CK fell and Kagawa which played from the first following the opening game with Everton pushed in the ball the first half in which it greeted by 1-1 past 30 minutes.
Kagawa contributed to 2 successive victories of Dortmund of German League, and joined Manchester United at off season.




Shinji KAGAWA vs Fulham (All touches). '09:20'sec.

○ The Fukuahima Crisis 361; The 81% chooses Nuc. Power Plant Zero Immediately.福島危機361パブコメ

2012-08-26 07:57:10 | ♪PFK ASAP NEWS

08/22/2012 20:28 81% chooses "it is nuclear power plant zero immediately" among 7000 Mainichi Newspapers public comments!
* The situation of the hearing-of-opinions meeting about the choice (atomic energy ratio by 2030) of the energy and environment where this report was performed in * August1[Fukushima, * It is your opinion at the public comment of the end of a hearing-of-opinions meeting in August 4 [which carries out how [ nuclear power plant ]] every place, and the deadline of August [ situation ] 12 of a debated type opinion poll! ], * Relate to the public comment about the nuclear power plant ratio in August 12. 2030 at the opinion of 89,124 affairs, and its handling and future.
Public comment: 90 percent of nuclear power plant zero support 7000-affair analysis
Mainichi Newspapers 20:28 on August 22, 2012 (renewal of last 20:46 on August 22)
The government clarified the analysis result that about 90 percent of the opinions of the public comment (public comment) carried out towards decision of a new energy policy are supporting nuclear power plant zero on the 22nd.
The panel meeting of experts (the chairman: State Minister for National Policy Motohisa Furukawa) of the government which verifies the opinion of the people to an energy policy on the same day reported.
When about 7000 of 89,124 brought-near affairs were analyzed, "it is nuclear power plant zero immediately" was 81.0%, and "it is zero gradually" was 8.6%.
Nuclear power plant admission and support were only about 4% in all.
As soon as a total finishes about 80,000 remaining affairs, it announces officially.
The opinion "whether greater importance should be attached than to a numerical interpretation to the reason of qualitative analysis and a view", "It's not being carried out in the national argument for two (7 or August) months (it being too short)", etc. came out from the committee.
A panel meeting of experts discusses how the opinion sent to a public comment, a debated type opinion poll, etc. is utilized after next time.
A verification result is reported to energy and an environmental meeting of the government.
It aims at that you make it reflected in making "the energy and the environmental strategy" which shows a prospective nuclear power plant dependence.
[Hiroshi Hisada]

08/22/2012 20:28 毎日新聞 

★8月4日 【原発どうする?】各地での意見聴取会終了と討論型世論調査の様子【8月12日締切のパブリックコメントであなたのご意見を!】、

パブリックコメント:原発ゼロ支持9割 7000件分析
毎日新聞 2012年08月22日 20時28分(最終更新 08月22日 20時46分)

○ The Fukushima Crisis 360; What's the worst situation? 福島危機360.最悪の状況への危惧.

2012-08-25 22:47:44 | ♪PFK ASAP NEWS

08/23/2012 L'Expansion.com avec AFP
The Fukushima nuclear power plant worker, the scientist / L'Expansion that fears death "worst situation" (August 23)
The worker of the Fukushima nuclear power plant newly passed away in the cardiac standstill.
The scientists in the world strengthen [ uneasiness / to the new "worst situation" where it may occur from now on ].
The 5th dead person has been reported since the Fukushima nuclear power plant disaster which occurred in March, 2011.
The worker of the Fukushima nuclear power plant who died according to the announcement by the Tokyo Electric Power on August 22 is a male in his 50's, and a cause of death is a cardiac standstill.
It is being surmised that there is no relation with the high dose of radiation in the Fukushima nuclear power plant located in 220-km distance from Tokyo about death of this time [ Tokyo Electric Power ].
"It does not seem that considering that the worker passed away in a heart attack contamination by this death and radiation (worker) has causal relationship."
The press officer of the Tokyo Electric Power emphasized in this way.
The nuclear power plant worker who passed away had received 25.24-millisievert contamination.
The persons concerned who work by Japan's nuclear power industry are set that a maximum of 50 millisieverts may be contaminated in 1yr, and contamination up to a total of 100 millisieverts is permitted in five years.
According to the Tokyo Electric Power, in the Fukushima nuclear power plant which caused the accident, a little more than about 3000 workers are working now, and it is said that it is in charge of the accident processing towards maintenance and decommissioning of the cold shutdown.
However, the science persons concerned will expect the worst situation from now on.
The "L'nouvelle Observateur" magazine published again the report which suggests a possibility that the worst ever nuclear power plant disaster that greatly exceeds Chernobyl will occur in the Fukushima nuclear power plant on August 21.
The cause is a fuel storage pool of the Fukushima nuclear power plant of No. 4.
The square pool with a depth [ made from concrete ] of 11 meters filled with a 264-ton nuclear fuel and water is only covered with the cover made from a plastic of one sheet.
And this pool is exposed to a serious risk of being unprecedented until now.
(by factor of some kind) If a pool collapses or the water in a pool dries up, it is expected that a 264-ton nuclear fuel emits the dose of radiation which hits by 10 times the dose of radiation which occurred in the Chernobyl nuclear power plant disaster.
If it becomes so, the scientist who expects that the disaster covering "modern Japan get ruin to an end" and the Northern Hemisphere whole region is brought about also requires more than one.
The Tokyo Electric Power announced that it detected the dose of radiation which exceeds a governmental standard value 258 times on August 20 about the fish extracted from the Fukushima nuclear power plant at a 20-km point at the August 1 time.
- Original report "Fukushima :" /L’Expansion, the scientists who fear nuclear power plant worker death and the worst situation (August 23)
(L’Expansion.com avec AFP, « Fukushima : un employé décède, les scientifiques craignent une catastrophe », L’Expansion, 2012.08.23)

08/23/2012 L’Expansion.com avec AFP








(L’Expansion.com avec AFP, « Fukushima : un employé décède, les scientifiques craignent une catastrophe », L’Expansion, 2012.08.23)

○ The Fukushima Crisis 359;Abnormal Butterflies's Seen.2福島危機356. 奇形の蝶が飛ぶ.2

2012-08-24 10:10:54 | ♪PFK ASAP NEWS

08/23/2012 Sortir du nucléaire. Michelle Fernex, the emeritus professor of the Basel university.
nature.com. The University of the Ryukyus research team.

Media also with big Germany and France took up deformed investigation of the Yamato freshwater clam by the University of the Ryukyus research team one after another as it was calling the serious ripple internationally, but One Sortir du nucléaire of the biggest anti-nuclear power plant organization in France is an independent WHO member about this theme, and interviewed this time Mr. Michelle Fernex, the emeritus professor of the Basel university.
Because it was called the interview by an anti-nuclear power plant organization, the contents were also thrust in and were very interesting.
Mr. Michelle Fernex visits Japan these days, and Fukushima has disregarded teachings of Chernobyl. The warning to say has been just emitted.
***** *****
★What kind of conclusion should be pulled out from the fact that malformation was checked by the butterfly of Fukushima (interview to the emeritus professor of medicine, and Mr. radiation damage specialist Michelle Fernex)?

- How is the credibility of the method of research used for this investigation and research considered??
Although investigation was aimed at a kind of the hairstreak often seen in Japan, it is shown that the radioactive material emitted from the Fukushima nuclear power plant disaster is transfiguring the gene of this butterfly [1].
It is the very excellent research investigation conducted by seven university researchers in the field and a laboratory.
When a photograph is seen, two-month Ushiro in whom the nuclear power plant exploded already understands well signs that the birth defect which appeared in the butterfly of the scalpel increases in the course succeeded over two generations after that.
The right to expect quick research from Japanese university researchers on a high level this much suited us.
So, I cannot but regret that one did not have a thing with the same courage as the medical department of Japan where evaluation is very high.
Japanese authorities are going to underestimate or conceal the damage caused by diffusion of the artificial radioactive material of an immense quantity emitted by the nuclear power plant disaster.
In addition, the Japanese government is still forcing the medical world into silence and no acting.

- What kind of things are the main conclusions which should be drawn from this research?
Radiation has the radioactive toxicity into which growth of a living thing is transfigured.
it is a thing of teratogenicity [ this ] (the time -- coming -- cause = malformation -- producing -- making), and is also a mutagen (substance which has the action which causes change in the genetic code of a living thing).
That is, radiation transfigures DNA of a gene directly, and it dies, and it leads or it causes hereditary abnormalities.
Such hereditary abnormalities appear for the first time, after often passing through several generations.
In the butterfly of Fukushima, whenever hereditary damage not only appeared at an early stage, but changes a generation, it becomes remarkable.
It seems that this phenomenon is based on the phenomenon which we probably call gene circumference (p?rig?netique) damage.
That is, radiation can change the main part (cytoplasm and biomembrane), before reaching the core of a cell.
The change of such the gene circumference is directly inherited by posterity, and although it is a new phenomenon, damage becomes serious whenever a generation takes the place.

- This research in particular will not support the research on the influence of the radioactivity in the living thing performed in Chernobyl until now?
This investigation supports all the researches done until now.
For example, the investigation which the researcher of Belarus conducted from 1986 to 22 generations of bank voles of the Chernobyl surrounding area in 1996 showed becoming serious, whenever gene damage changed the generation.
The bank vole with variation is 12,000Bq/m2 not only the land that carried out the huge radioactive contamination said in 2,546,000 Bq/m2 but near [ 300 km-away ] Minsk. It was discovered even in the polluted zone of the grade.
In birds also after beginning the Anders Morrore and the Timothy Mousseau [3], many research teams' investigating in the refuge area in the 30 km of outskirts area of Chernobyl and the high concentration radioactive contamination of soil passing for 20 years, Inviting retreat of diversity and the number reduction of habitations for every kind for a decline of ability of reproduction and shortening of a life to a cause was shown.
In the high concentration contaminated zone, the number of habitations of an arthropod like various kinds, the large-sized mammals and reptiles, amphibians, a butterfly and a grasshopper, and a flower beetle decreased.
Similarly Morrore and Mousseau are checking the negative influence of the radiation in birds and a butterfly in Fukushima in 2011.
The number of habitations was increasing only the spider uniquely.
It may be because the nest was effective for physical strength weakening of the insect which possibly serves as food.
Since their number investigation of habitations is repeatedly conducted over three years, the observation in the 2012 fiscal year may support this hypothesis.

- It is ? [4] how although the opinion said that nature has revived in the polluted zone has spread very much, it should think.
Surely being threatened of animals by the human being who is the first natural enemy was lost in the refuge compulsion zone in Chernobyl.
However, it is a mistake to express as rich nature has returned.
Mostly, in all the investigated kinds, owing to especially a hereditary disease and the pollution food by cesium 137, the number of habitations decreased, mortality rate went up, and living thing investigation has reported that propagative power is declining.
As a result, a swallow is exterminated.
The opinion referred to as that "protected nature" was made around Chernobyl drives away such research investigation to a plight boorishly.
Such the general public's results of an investigation are almost in not knowing because of [ by IAEA ] a funding stop and inspection.
Although the Ukraine is wanted to open the refuge compulsion area in Chernobyl for sightseeing of a certain kind, such an opinion is a lie [ stereotype / for legalizing it ].
And it is also for denying the actual damage of a large-scale nuclear power plant disaster natural again.

- In what kind of range can a conclusion be drawn about man's health impairment from this research investigation?
I am not pleased with one sentence of the last of research.
About man, these results of an investigation are not applied and are said.
The risk to all the other living things is in spite of having supported.
However, what is called heredity is related to all the living things.
Aggravation at least of the same hereditary damage has the fact inspected also in man.
Professor Yury Dubrova is checking also in the family contaminated in Chernobyl.
He accepted aggravating, while heredity damage passes through three generations similarly again among the shepherds of Kazakhstan and the Semei city which were contaminated by the air-strikes nuclear test of the last by Russia again.
In Fukushima As that was right also in Chernobyl, administration did not evacuate residents immediately.
The workers who are doing strenuously the work which makes many people who were delayed in refuge, environmental pollution, especially contamination of the groundwater level reduce have to imagine having the posterity who received gene damage more serious than themselves.
Moreover, children were not protected by distribution of the stable iodine tablet in order to prevent the increase in thyroid disease.
In Poland, the side effects which should be mentioned especially did not happen with the measure carried out for 10 million children, either.
Furthermore, it is serious that it was without supplying the food which has not carried out radioactive contamination too much for a long time to the family who had shut himself up in the house in Fukushima.
Europe 1 -- it is said that even poor Belarus continued these efforts over eight years.
80% of children are getting sick in spite of it in the polluted zone in Chernobyl even now which has passed since explosion for 20 years or more.

- Is it difficult for the situation of present Japan to release such research findings?
How is it in Chernobyl again?
What kind of message should be sent to a hygiene-related governmental agency today?
Japanese persons in charge may think that it will not start although a hairstreak will start sick, but they are not every national concern ...
Chernobyl consists of different Mikuni.
it is alike to some extent, it sets, the Ukraine is disclosing information, and, in almost all cases, two countries (Russia and Belarus) of others have bolted the mouth.
Anyway, it is a chance which already stops a lie.
You have to accept a risk of the heredity problem amplified in the change of generation expressing.
In order to realize prevention of such an always harmful variation, it is necessary to form the research program for discovering and developing prescription which prevents variation.
It is a word to the last.
Are there any human being with the right to promote the energy built with the industry which injures our child and a grandchild's future seriously, etc.?
Even a sixth generation's nuclear reactor is not safe so that specialists may be in agreement by saying that a new nuclear disaster is nonavoidable and the nuclear physics researcher of European Organization for Nuclear Research may say.
If what Professor Vasiliy Nestrenco says as man is what makes a mistake at all, it is already said that it is only fantasy to improve the safety of a nuclear machine.
With the human being who does not make a mistake by any means in order for atomic power to function correctly ..... The human being who accepts living while the ill-omened influence of this technology is disregarded is required.
(Interviewer: Charlotte Mijonne)
[1] http://www.nature.com/srep/2012/120809/srep00570/full/srep00570.html
[2] Research by Genetic Safety Labor Rosa Gonchar Rova team of the Belarus science national academy
[3] An Anders M?ller Paris south university CNRS member, and the Timothy Mousseau, U.S. University of South Carolina
[4] "Chernobyl and the natural tale" which ARTE broadcast in 2010 "Tchernobyl and une histoire naturelle" spread the opinion said that rich nature is prosperous around Chernobyl.
[5] Research "swallow of Chernobyl" reference les mutations des hirondelles of Thimothy Mousseau?

08/23/2012 Sortir du nucléaire. バーゼル大学名誉教授のミシェル・フェルネックス.
nature.com. 琉球大学研究チーム.

琉球大学研究チームによるヤマトシジミの奇形調査は国際的に大変な波紋を呼んでいるようで、独仏でも大きなメディアが次々に取り上げましたが、今度はフランスで一番大きな反原発団体のひとつ Sortir du nucléaire がこのテーマについてインディペンデントWHOメンバーで、バーゼル大学名誉教授のミシェル・フェルネックス氏にインタビューを行いました。反原発団体によるインタビューというだけに内容もずっと突っ込んでいて大変興味深かったです。ミシェル・フェルネックス氏は最近日本を訪問し福島はチェルノブイリの教訓を無視している という警告を発したばかりです。


***** *****







福島のチョウでは遺伝的損傷が早期に現われただけでなく、世代を交代するごとに顕著になっていく。この現象はおそらく我々が遺伝子周辺(périgénetique)損傷と呼ぶ事象によるものと思われる。つまり放射線は細胞の核に達しないうちにその主要部分(細胞質や生体膜)を変化させることができるのだ。 こうした遺伝子周辺の変容は直接子孫に継承され、新たな現象なのだが、世代が交代するたびに被害が重度になっていく。


この調査は今まで行われたすべての研究を裏付けるものだ。例えば1986年から1996年の間にベラルーシの研究者がチェルノブイリ周辺地域のハタネズミ22世代に対して行った調査は、遺伝子損傷が世代を交代するごとに重度になっていくことを示していた。変異を持つハタネズミは、2,546,000ベクレル/m2 と言う膨大な放射能汚染をした土地だけでなく、300km離れたミンスク近くの12,000Bq/m2 程度の汚染地帯でも発見された。[2]








福島では チェルノブイリでもそうだったように、行政はすぐに住民を避難させなかった。避難の遅れたたくさんの人々や環境汚染、特に地下水面の汚染を削減させる作業を懸命に行っている作業員達が、彼ら自身よりも重度の遺伝子損傷を受けた子孫を持つことになることを想像しなければならない。

また子供達は、甲状腺疾患の増加を防ぐために安定ヨウ素剤の配布によって守られることがなかった。 ポーランドでは1千万人の子供を対象に実施された措置で、特筆するべき副作用も起こらなかった。さらに福島で深刻なのは家に閉じこもっていた家族が、あまりにも長い間放射能汚染していない食料を配給されずにいたことだ。ヨーロッパ一貧しいベラルーシでさえが、八年間に渡ってこの努力を続けたと言うのに。それにも関わらずチェルノブイリの汚染地帯では爆発から20年以上経った今も子供達の80%が病んでいる。

●このような研究結果を現在の日本の状況で発表するのは難しいでしょうか? またチェルノブイリではどうでしょうか? どのようなメッセージが今日、保健衛生関係の行政機関に送られるべきでしょうか?



最後に一言。我々の子供や孫の未来を深刻に害する産業からつくられるエネルギーをプロモートする権利を持つ人間などいるだろうか? 専門家達は新たな原子力惨事が回避不能だと言うことで一致しているし、欧州原子核研究機構の原子物理学研究者が言うように第六世代の原子炉でさえもが安全ではないのだ。 ワシリー・ネストレンコ教授が、人間と言うものが間違いを犯すものである以上原子力機械の安全を改良することは幻想に過ぎないと既に言っている。原子力が正確に機能するためには、絶対に間違いを犯さない人間と..... このテクノロジーの不吉な影響を無視しながら生きることを受け入れる人間とが必要なのだ。


[1] http://www.nature.com/srep/2012/120809/srep00570/full/srep00570.html
[2] ベラルーシ科学国立アカデミーのGenetic Safety Labor ローザ・ゴンチャロワチームによる研究
[3] Anders Møller パリ南大学 CNRS メンバーとティモシー・ムソー、米サウス・カロライナ大学
[4] 2010年にARTEが放映した「チェルノブイリ、自然の物語」 "Tchernobyl, une histoire naturelle"はチェルノブイリ周辺で豊かな自然が繁栄していると言う説を普及させた
[5] Thimothy Mousseau の研究「チェルノブイリのツバメ」参照 les mutations des hirondelles à Tchernobyl.

○ The Fukushima Crisis 358 ; Fukushima Fifty. 福島危機358. (フクシマ・フィフティ)

2012-08-23 07:52:18 | ♪PFK ASAP NEWS

It is "Fukushima 50" today.
Fukushima Fifty seen from the foreigner.

■ They are the heroes of Fukushima Fifty and Japan.
■ A real hero is in Japan.
The foolish hero of a Hollywood film will be differed from.
■ The men most wonderful [ of Japan ]
■ Express respect in the institution of such a state to 50 men who have exposed the life to danger.
They are just Japanese heroes.
■ For a hero, these people are just things.
■ He is an ultimate hero.
Those who are not allowed and also die from radioactivity will also come out of a mistake.
Yesterday's (March 16) radiation levels are 1000 mSv per hour.
Sufficient quantity to destroy marrow.
The development-of-symptoms rate of cancer also increases certainly.
Because the natural radioactivity to which people are exposed at every year is 4 mS.
The maximum respect is paid by these people's bravery which is working for human beings, and natural.
。 which should be admired, should be carried out and should be cut
■ If water supply finishes, shortly, a lead will be put in and it will harden with concrete.
Talk with Russians.
The disposal at the time of Chernobyl is remembered!
■ I wish you good luck with these 50 heroes and Japanese people.
■ There are 50 or more persons in fact.
They are 150 to 180 persons.
The polluted zone has a level to which radiation levels exert danger on a human body with an immediate effect.
Therefore, it cannot work 15 minutes or more at once.
It is working in every 50 persons' shift.
■ Twitter of Japan was introduced.
"Father carried out to the nuclear power plant.
It heard that mother cried like that for the first time.
The people of a nuclear power plant are doing their best.
Sacrifice oneself, in order to protect everybody.
the wish and father -- living and returning -- ".
The person who read was writing ", even by a superman, he will think that he wants such 50 persons' courage like people of Fukushima."
I will pray for them.
■ For ↑ Japan, I pray for the mother of you and you for your father.
Please do not cry if you please.
May God give you a blessing!
■ Even if the engineer of a control room says to a coworker, "I may die."
I will think that it is like [ an action film ] words if there is no such reality at hand --
There is no movie which protects the world from the crisis which the meteorite which brings an alien's invasion and human beings the end approaches like [ hero ] ....
■ A nuclear power plant worker, a firefighter, a soldier.
They are people who progress themselves and are doing difficult work.
The norm of a samurai's Bushido is symbolized.
Courage, honor, Tadayoshi -- Ardent exponent of seven virtues.
If it fails, it will fight in this destructive situation called having to face death certainly.
■ About the virtue of Japanese society for a state not to fall in the chaos of absolutelyq, and courtesy, it is written in various places.
But I have witnessed now still nobler moral sense and a self-sacrifice.
"Fukushima Fifty."
The world is having the heart moved by them who are fighting in order to prevent the meltdown of a nuclear reactor.
■ He is a Japanese hero.
They are all human beings' heroes.
Respect is expressed.
The person of Christianity will also pray also for the person of Islam all together.
These true heroes can live and return.
The crack be light even if you may get damaged.
■ I think that it is certain that he is a hero in ↑ world.
If cesium 137 spreads, because damage will come out also to the sea and other countries which are not only Japan.
■ God -- please give a blessing to this world.
Both you should work and should love people in this world who are trying to help each other.
Protect people of this nuclear power plant.
Please protect them and Japan which are going to help Japan.
■ The message that the heart which the courageous engineers who are fighting to protect Japan from a nuclear crisis sent to the family is torn.
"one understand that this is a self-destructive mission."
Families' interview was passed by national broadcasting yesterday.
A certain brave worker had written the message that fate like this death sentence is accepted calmly.
■ It is of the daughter's of a worker's mail.
"The father is still working in the nuclear power plant.
In a nuclear power plant, food is exhausted and a situation thinks that it is very severe.
A father is that he has said that he accepted himself's fate equal to having received death sentence --."
■ They are courageous people.
Although we get to know [ no ] about them, we do not forget them.
you have saved the world -- thank you.
■ The tradition of "Fukusima Fifty."
■ Did Japan prove things even the samurai state?
It is a knight's country!!! !.
Japan -- survive! When supports you and Indonesia shines!!
■ It is a true hero and they are true samurais.
Because it is fighting in order to save Japan.
There is a danger that a bad influence will possibly appear in the body.
but it returns safely -- as a hero.
Without losing this spirit, it will become strong and Japan will return!
■ Before this nuclear power plant crisis happened, there were 800 workers.
It decreases to 50 persons after explosion of No. 4, and has returned to 300 to 500 persons now.
There are people of Toden which is moving the nuclear power plant, and there are people who are coming from a group company like the Toden industry.
Firefighters are also shift operations.
The first party which drained water off is a team of a Tokyo hyper-rescue.
The party of Kawasaki or Yokohama also runs and he is doing his best hard.
■ It is admired by Japanese people although it is the heroes to whom the name which is fighting against danger does not become known, either.
300 engineers stabilize the nuclear reactor of the Fukushima nuclear power plant, and are working on a 24-hour basis as like.
Three workers were formed into the water polluted by radioactivity, having constructed the cable by No. 3, and have been exposed to the radioactivity of a high level.
It is a talk on Tuesday.
Two persons were carried into the hospital.
■ They are not 50 persons.
180 (eighteen hundreds) persons or which [ of 800 (eighty hundreds) ] is it?
I think that there will surely be many people among Japanese people in order that it may be pleased with a nuclear power plant.
There is a cultural pressure.
Japanese people try to lead meaningful life according to the norm similar to Bushido.
After having the peculiar special culture called Japanese people having order strict with all things.
■ To you, the workers with the brave selfless heart of the 1st nuclear power plant of Fukushima.
My greatest eulogy and respect are sent.
This self-sacrifice is just a reason for a hero barrel in the world.
The efforts in which you do not stop are respected.
■ life -- also writing -- is it hot?
Japan showed it as the world.
me -- a Filipino [ like ] bears the sense of the 50 persons' reverence of this bold Fukushima.
the Lord -- please protect our friend who is present in the dark room of radioactivity.
Then, please dismiss them to a pine family's basis safely.
■ It is gratitude to the extent that it is not made to the courage of an unfathomable like, and language.
■ There is no calamity which is not exceeded by using man's courage with preparedness.
Japan certainly revives.
■ I think that it is really wonderful.
Having the common purpose, Japanese people are fighting as one peculiar big family.
Sadly on the other hand, many states become a team to a thing, and it is bombing about Libya.
■ It may be unable to speak about the language with same us.
It may not have the same culture, either.
However, it may be common to all comment writing people at this page.
It is respect to 50 persons of Fukushima who fight bold for the others, sacrificing self.
We are praying for you.
■ They are all the respects of Barcelona to mine to the heroes of Fukushima.
It is believed that it succeeds.
Thank you.
■ For a hero, although, as for language, the threshold had fallen fairly these days, for a hero, these people are just just things.
After sacrificing oneself for everybody.
It is wonderful.
■ Although their action is expressed, in language, it is insufficient in courage.
What [ more than self-sacrifice ] is it?
The life is offered.
In 24 hours, no less than three calamities overlapped.
It passes enough --
But, you are trying to pierce only through one way which escapes from this crisis.
It is shown as the world.
I am thankful to you who are going to help us as well as those whom you love.
■ It is that the employees who retired are also called back in order to deal with this critical situation.
Are there any other actions which were full of humanity like this?
■ It does not have regard [ family ], does not have regard [ those / who love ], and don't look back even upon your life or safety.
For all mankind, this will be just a hero.
■ (from that of Japan or ) There were the Vietnamese's staff and meeting in Ho Chi Minh City this morning.
It became a talk of "Fukushima Fifty."
It was deeply impressed by 50 people who are acting for Japan and the world.
In order to express respect, it was said that a fund-raising campaign was begun.
I became that it is likely to cry --
■ Hero? It is not settled with such language! Fighter of truth [ you ].
us the human beings -- everybody appreciates.
Do you regard even the earth as thankful to you?
■ All that happened in Fukushima.
Although this was an extraordinary tragedy, it has understood the very attractive feature of a country called Japan and its people in this sad occurrence.
This will back up soft power of Japan.
Although the feeling which feels affection for Japan was born into people and prepared for the disaster therefore, the good-mannered society which does not collapse in a crisis was displayed to the world.
Also the reaction of people who were calm and orderly.
it often did -- Japanese people.
He is just a hero in the world.
■ Give up a life for the others.
There is no love beyond this.
although it seems that the prospect that a part of cooling system would be restored was found, it is prayed that it succeeds somehow -- about .
Tag: Offing earthquake of the Tohoku district Pacific Ocean Earthquake Tsunami Great East Japan Earthquake The 1st nuclear power plant of Fukushima

Fukushima Fifty struggling even Right Now. pathfinderk.


今日は『Fukushima 50(フクシマ・フィフティ)』です。


外国人から見たFukushima Fifty.

■Fukushima Fifty、日本のヒーローたちだ。(+24)





ミスは許されないうえに、放射能で死ぬ人も出るだろう。昨日(3月16日)の放射能レベルは1時間当たり1000 mSv。骨髄を破壊するのに十分な量。ガンの発症率も確実に上がる。年間に人が浴びる自然な放射能は4 mSだからね。








■国家が完膚なきまでのカオスに落ち込まないための日本社会の美徳、礼儀についてはいろんなところで書かれてるよね。でも、僕たちは今、さらに高貴な道義心と自己犠牲を目撃してる。『Fukushima Fifty』。原子炉のメルトダウンを防ぐために闘っている彼らに、世界が心を動かされてる。







■『Fukusima Fifty』の伝説。

■日本は、侍国家だってことを証明したね。騎士の国だ!!!! 日本よ、生き残れ!インドネシアはいつだってキミを支援してる!!





■50人じゃないよ。180(eighteen hundreds)人か800(eighty hundreds)のどっちか。日本の人たちの中には、原発に喜んで行こうって人がきっとたくさんいるだろうって思う。文化的なプレッシャーがあるんだよ。日本人は、武士道に似た規範に従って、意義のある人生を送ろうとする。日本人は、あらゆることに厳格な規律をもつっていう、独特の特別な文化をもってるから。













■(日本のかたから)今朝、ホーチミンでベトナム人のスタッフたちとミーティングがあった。『Fukushima Fifty』の話になったよ。日本と世界のために行動してる50人の人たちに深く感動してた。敬意を表するために、募金活動をはじめるんだって言ってた。オレは泣きそうになったよ…。





タグ:東北地方太平洋沖地震 地震 津波 東日本大震災 福島第1原発

Fukushima Fifty struggling even Right Now. pathfinderk.

○ The Fukushima Crisis 357 ; Fukushima Fifty's Boss Says...福島危機 357.吉田前所長喋る.

2012-08-22 12:29:10 | ♪PFK ASAP NEWS

08/22/2012 ex-Fukushima Nuc.Plant's Chief Yoshida Says.

' I couldn't do anything. Everyone else did it. That's how I still feel.'

Masao Yoshida. 吉田 昌郎(よしだ まさお)福島第一原発前所長.

'Workers relied on you as their mental [emotional] support.'


I didn't do anything. All I can say is that I have worked at Fukushima I Nuclear Power Plant on 4 different appointments. I know almost all [TEPCO] workers at the plant, and I know many in the affiliate companies. I know their names. "Mr. so-and-so, are you alright?" That was it. I asked them. That's all I did. I couldn't do anything. Everyone else did it. That's how I still feel.


You mean you took time to communicate with them?


Yes. We know each other. We've been working together for a long time, we're colleagues [we've been in this together]. I watched these colleagues of mine go to the horrendous scene of the accident at the plant, come back, and go back out again. All I could do was to bow my head [and thank them].


Did you think you would die when Reactor 3 blew up?


In addition to Reactor 1 ['s explosion], Reactor 3's explosion made the strongest impact [on me]. In retrospect it was a hydrogen explosion, but at that time we didn't know what was happening. I thought something catastrophic had happened. About the explosions. I could die, and all people in the Anti-Seismic Building could die, at any moment. It was particularly so after the explosion at Reactor 3. That much debris flying all over. When I first heard that several people were missing, safety of tens of people was not confirmed yet. I thought, maybe more than 10 people just died. Then, more information started to come in, confirming the safety of people, though there were some with minor injuries. And I feel very sorry for the Self Defense Force. The SDF troop came to supply water and they were caught in the explosion and were injured. I am very sorry. One consolation is that injuries were not life-threatening, and I feel as if it was some kind of divine providence.


You instructed your people to write down the names of the members who remained in the plant on the whiteboard. What were you thinking?


I hardly remember how it was, but probably I just wanted to show what kind of people remained and fought till the bitter end. In retrospect. I don't know myself, really.


You thought it would serve as a grave marker.




Any last thoughts, comments?


This event [Mr. Yoshida uses an industry term for this accident] has been discussed and written up by the investigation commissions by the Diet, Cabinet Office, and the private foundation. We [at TEPCO] have thoroughly discussed with the Cabinet Office investigation commission in particular. There are many inquiries from the mass media, but we have said all to these commissions [TEPCO wasn't interviewed by the private commission] so I think it is enough for the media to go from there. But it is hard to have our true voice heard. Our true voice does not come across through the [reports of the] investigation commissions. For that part, I think we should spread the message in various ways. Not just my experience, but the experience of my colleagues who worked at the plant together, I would like to tell properly.


How should Fukushima I Nuke Plant and Fukushima Prefecture be, from now on?


That's a high-level question, and I don't have a ready answer for that. But it comes down to how to make the plant stabilized in a proper way. We cannot have the residents [in the surrounding areas] come back home while this is not accomplished, so it is the largest (task). What's needed most, as I was also saying during the accident, is to make Fukushima I Nuke Plant more stabilized, using the knowledge and expertise not just in Japan but in the world. We should properly assign responsibility [for the accident] on people, but what's most important is to make the plant as stable as possible. We need people for that, we need technologies and new ideas. I think it is important to focus [on the stabilization of the plant]. Only then we can decide whether the local residents can return to their normal lives. In any way, the most important task is to calm down, stabilize the situation at the plant. I still don't have enough strength, but when I come back [from illness] I want to do all I can for the plant that way [i.e. making the plant more stable].


It seems it was this last paragraph that went on a "telephone game" in some foreign media:
Yoshida says they need to stabilize the plant.

That means the plant is not stable, as of now.

Therefore, the plant is unstable, in danger.

Run! It's dangerous.

All Mr. Yoshida said was the plant needs to be made more stable, in a proper way - replacing Kanaflex hoses would be one, removing the debris and clutter would be another - so that the plant's various operations can run in a smooth, predictable manner, with no accidents like small fires and water leaks, not to mention major accidents.

By the way, this "Yoshida said the plant is not stable" duly came back to Japan as a credible piece of news in English, but it quickly disappeared among more sensational headlines (like butterfly mutation due to Fukushima radiation, for one).


○ The Fukushima Crisis 356 Abnormal Butterflies's Comes Up.福島危機356. 奇形の蝶が飛ぶ.

2012-08-21 07:54:17 | ♪PFK ASAP NEWS

08/16/2012. leMonde. wsj. Nature.
The butterfly of "Fukushima: As high rate" of malformation / French daily Le Monde as a next generation (August 16)
Various malformation to the butterfly around Fukushima has been observed since the Fukushima nuclear power plant disaster in March, 2011.
And whenever the rate which such malformation generates runs after a generation, it is increasing.
It has broken out that this phenomenon in which a nuclear power plant disaster is regarded as a cause is the same as that of the influence of the accident and human body of ecology on an insect or a bird which were seen after the Chernobyl nuclear power plant disaster which occurred in 1986.
Butterflies with the shrunk feather, the crooked feather, or many [ unusually ] feather
The tactile sense which changed, an uneven eye.
The discolored body.
The pupa and others which was not able to hatch
The butterfly became infertility and it became impossible to breed.
the accident in which the results of an investigation to which the researcher team which Associate Professor Joji Otaki of Okinawa University of the Ryukyus commands announced to the academic journal "scientific report" (Scientific Reports), and was opened through Nature are very serious for the ecology of a butterfly in the circumference in Fukushima Prefecture was seen.
The color of the feather of a butterfly is known for reacting to change of the natural environment of the circumference, such as reflecting the influence of a climate change, sharply.
In this investigation, 144 Yamato freshwater clam butterflies were collected at points including ten places, such as Tokyo which separated 200 km or more from the Fukushima nuclear power plant, in May, 2011 two months after the Fukushima nuclear power plant disaster occurs first.
The malformation consisting mainly of feather, eyes, and a tactile sense was seen, and by cultivation in a laboratory, malformation reached 18% of butterfly by the second generation, and it reached to 33.5% by generating and the third generation at 12% of butterfly.
238 butterflies were collected in the second investigation conducted in September, 2011 six months after an accident.
By the second generation, the same malformation as 52% was seen [ 28% of the whole ] after that that malformation had arisen among these butterflies.
In the experiment in the laboratory carried out for comparison, when a healthy butterfly is irradiated with radiation (notes), it turns out that the same malformation arises.
Professor Otaki reserving a decision as "not telling science that it is certain 100%" about the causal relationship that malformation emits under the influence of the radioactivity emitted in large quantities by the Fukushima nuclear power plant disaster As "not having seen malformation like this time once", a nuclear power plant disaster does not deny having had big influence on the ecology of a butterfly.
The researcher team regards not only the external exposure by the radioactive material emitted from the Fukushima nuclear power plant but the internal exposure by having eaten the leaves with which the butterfly was polluted as having affected it, and it is planning the investigation same about other insects and small animals in Fukushima Prefecture in order to perform verification more highly accurate than the present.
"When this investigation considers the ecosystem of the Fukushima (nuclear power plant disaster gave) surrounding area, and the influence on man, it is a precious result."
Professor Tim Musso (biology) of the South Calolina University which is investigating the influence of the radioactive exposure to the animals and plants by a nuclear power plant disaster in Chernobyl and Fukushima states.
"The cause of the malformation of these does not have how to give explanation other than the influence of contaminated."
It is supposed that it is absent of the person who passed away in the contamination which makes the Fukushima nuclear power plant disaster a cause officially at present.
However, the specialists in medicine or biology pose a problem on which the nuclear power plant workers who are in charge of 80,000 people in whom it had pointed out to and just the influence of such slow occured contamination took refuge from Fukushima Prefecture, or accident processing are apprehensive about not being that in which it has an effect of contaminated immediately.
(Extract, in part edit)
(Note) It experimented by leading the whole life for one month of a butterfly, and irradiating with the radiation of a quantity comparatively as high as 55 millisieverts.
- ref.: "-- Fukushima watch: -- after a nuclear power plant disaster -- the malformation of a butterfly -- the increase " -- /Wall Street Journal (August 15) http://jp.wsj.com/japanrealtime/blog/archives/13332/
- source : Philippe Pons.special correspondent (Tokyo) "butterfly malformation-ized around Fukushima" / French daily Le Monde (August 16)
(Philippe Pons, « Des papillons mutants autour de Fukushima », Le Monde, 2012.08.16)

08/16/2012. leMonde. wsj. Nature.




沖縄県琉球大学の大瀧丈二(おおたき じょうじ)准教授が率いる研究者チームが学術誌「科学報告書」(Scientific Reports)に発表し、ネイチャー誌を通じて公開された調査結果は、福島県の周辺で蝶の生態に非常に深刻な異変が見られた。










●ref.: 「フクシマウォッチ:原発事故後にチョウの奇形が増加」/ウォールストリートジャーナル(8月15日) http://jp.wsj.com/japanrealtime/blog/archives/13332/ 

(Philippe Pons, « Des papillons mutants autour de Fukushima », Le Monde, 2012.08.16)

○ The Olympic Games Medalist is in the Ginza Victory Parade.五輪メダリストが銀座で凱旋パレード.

2012-08-19 07:13:28 | ♪PFK ASAP NEWS

08/18/2012. joc.
The first in history of "The Olympic Games medalist is the Ginza and it is victory drive."
The representative of Japan for the London Olympic Games who won the gold 7, the silver 14, and the medal of the 38 greatest ever which will exceed 37 of the Athens convention in 17 or copper 2004.
From 11:00 a.m. on August 20 (Monday), the first victory drive in history by the medalist is as [ Ginza central ] the Ginza, Tokyo, and is performed.
A parade course is about 1 km to the Ginza 8-chome crossing which has Hakuhinkan toy shop from a mouth crossing despite the Western Ginza in the Ginza 1-chome as the Ginza.
76 medalists get in two convertibles and five open buses, and say that this course carries out a parade over 20 minutes, and it seems that placement early for seeing along with a sidewalk is indispensable.
If it sees from per the second floor of a neighboring building also except a sidewalk,
Or [ that it is also good to look for one's secret spot since it becomes eyes about the same as the players who took ].
How about going to the Ginza, since the brave figure of medalist which were being watched by TV is the precious opportunity to see to once?
Japanese Olympics committee HP: http://www.joc.or.jp/

■ ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■

08/18/2012. joc.







日本オリンピック委員HP: http://www.joc.or.jp/



○ The Fukushima Crisis 355 ; Can'u Hear Me,plz Not Get Angry! 福島危機355. 怒らないで聞いて!

2012-08-18 07:41:27 | ♪PFK ASAP NEWS

08/18/2012 The State of Gomel' of Belarus, Dr. Smolnikova . Chernobyl Bridge.
The remark of the State of Gomel' of "hearing without getting angry with what I say in how" Belarus, and Dr. Smolnikova

2011-12-08 00:38:43 |
Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant Since the memo of the study meeting of the female doctor of Belarus held to 11/20 in Okinawa and Dr. Smolnikova arrived, it publishes.
Chernobyl applies and it is based on the plan of an end.
Since there was also an utterance broken in in Okinawa, it leaves as record.
The hit in which she is present is engaged in medical services at the place of a hit somewhat insufficient [ kg ] in 5curie/kg, and about 2850Bq /.
Like the present data, about 70 percent of the child is holding poor health, and the child of a serious condition is also an area of about ten percent.
There is likely to be a healthy child only about 30 percent.
Since there was what has a fresh exchange in Okinawa, I publish.
[Ms. Mika Noro] Chernobyl applies and it is an end.
"Although it had been to Fukushima in the meantime, he is already tired wholly.
if it is also disagreeable to consider the thing of radioactivity, the direction which remains in the contaminated zone will come out -- the shin.
Too, those who already go away have already come out wholly.
No, it is this [ this ], was peevish, was heard, and was really hot.
Uncanny shared territorial bonding and blood relative, and traditional culture are terrible, and the place too called Fukushima is a certain place.
Although that curie and such talk were carried out also previously, it is as high as it says that it is in the place which says that 45 curie eventually became exterminate the village from 15 curie, and that this neighborhood will probably be into which the scientist and the person of the old Soviet Union did not go.
Even if it goes into Fukushima and Koriyama, it is calm 2 microsieverts or 8 microsieverts, and 1 microsievert comes out.
Does he have the feeling which escaped and was overdue since influence did not come out immediately too?
if it comes out, now comes and it gets cold too -- resistance omission -- .
If painful for condition to appear doing so in everybody.
However, I do not want to accept mentally that this is the result of radioactivity.
If it accepts, it is because it will become impossible to be there from there any longer.
I want such directions to come out and be peevish also including those who can escape, those who cannot escape, and the direction from which the body has first already been moved to the safe place here since it was variously, and to turn to the side to help "
3: They are namelessness Mr. @ watery eyes.
(Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region) : 2011/12/08 (Thurs.) 21:37:46.61 ID:19kBUC2J0
A continuation of >>1
Dr. Smolnikova (the Belarus Gomel' state )]
"A birthrate decreases gradually and mortality rate becomes high.
It has a reason a lot.
The person who was a child is in Russia now immediately after an accident in 1986 or 88.
But people to whom a child can be born decrease in number rapidly.
The young parents usually have bad health.
There are various diseases.
And you have to go to conscript.
There was a boy's investigation.
25% of boys were not able to suit the draft with various diseases ten years ago.
The inside of the boy who will not become if it will kick [ whether it is a line and ] to the draft in the spring of 2011 was not able to be suited at all 38%.
And a draft boy's inside has restriction with various functional diseases 34%.
Any 85% has illness in the inside of the woman of pregnancy.
It becomes very difficult diabetes, high blood pressure, the problem of the kidney, the problem of the thyroid gland, the problem of the heart, and for there to be a problem very much and for it to be able to bear a child.
People who have a psychiatric disorder in it also increased in number recently. "
"Relation between strontium and a bone.
The arthritis whose spinal column disease increased is also serious illness-ization.
A bone becomes soft and breaks easily.
The disease of the paragraph between bones also increases.
Since a bone does not often move, it makes noise and moves.
Belarus doctors do not understand the cause of the disease.
But it is a fact that such diseases have come out. "
6: They are namelessness Mr. @ watery eyes.
(Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region) : 2011/12/08 (Thurs.) 21:38:26.55 ID:19kBUC2J0
A continuation of >>3
"A child is still safety in case of 20Bq/kg soil pollution.
As for a child, danger begins from 50Bq/kg.
An adult is dangerous from 200Bq/kg. "
"Please hear it without getting angry with what I say after this in how.
The Ukraine is a nuclear power plant disaster, and it defended so that contamination might not spread.
Contamination was kept from spreading also in farmland and a place of residence.
By my impression, East Japan looks more hopeless than the Ukraine.
Contamination of farmland is serious and expansion of contamination continues.
Contamination of a place of residence is also severe.
Probably, the nuclide of strontium, alpha line, or a beta ray has come out of East Japan in large quantities rather than Chernobyl.
I cannot think that the land which is not polluted is securable as huge people's migration place though people who live in a pollution place now take refuge. "
13: They are namelessness Mr. @ watery eyes.
(Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region) : 2011/12/08 (Thurs.) 21:39:29.34 ID:19kBUC2J0
Time of questions and answers:
A question is asked from a Japanese doctor.
"Are the measurement, the pulse, the blood pressure taking and the palpation, and that self check that can carry out a home from urine in a thing like inspection paper validation?"
Mr. Smolnikova
"When inspecting, there are various cases.
The cancer of the thyroid gland seldom has a child up to 0 to 3 years old.
If it is a small child, it is necessary to inspect the thyroid gland from 3 years old.
There are also those who oppose an inspection depending on .
It connected to the child who takes blood and as for whom a thing dislikes at the string, and took blood.
Since it is an inspection serious happening of blood, in Belarus, it turns to a year 1 to 2. "
Japanese doctor
"In Japan, since internal exposure is not accepted, even if he wishs, a doctor does not examine correctly.
After accepting internal exposure, can it diagnose correctly in Belarus? "
"It is a report of the Belarus government.
It is the report which passed and came out from the accident from about twenty.
It is not English though regrettable.
The doctors of Belarus accept about internal exposure.
It is written on this report.
It has written to these documents "If the fruit and the vegetables to which a radioactive nuclide is released are eaten, a possibility of carrying out oncogenesis will become large."
And as for a child and an adult, the one reason of a malignant tumor is radiation.
The cancer and the disease of Belarus have politics and the illness legally in connection with Chernobyl.
Soil pollution, the cancer of other internal organs, and the problem of a tumor have a name in connection with Chernobyl.
Those who suffered the damage of the Fukushima nuclear power plant need to investigate your exposure dose.
There is such a machine in Japan.
People have to ask to use a machine.
And machine which measures the radioactive level of vegetables, or fruit, milk and a mushroom is .
Although it is in Belarus --"

08/18/2012 ベラルーシのゴメリ州、スモルニコワ医師. チェルノブイリのかけはし.

2011-12-08 00:38:43 | 福島第一原発 11/20に沖縄で開催された、ベラルーシの女医、スモルニコワ医師の勉強会のメモがとどきましたので、掲載します。


【野呂美香さん】 チェルノブイリのかけはし.

3:名無しさん@涙目です。(新疆ウイグル自治区):2011/12/08(木) 21:37:46.61 ID:19kBUC2J0





6:名無しさん@涙目です。(新疆ウイグル自治区):2011/12/08(木) 21:38:26.55 ID:19kBUC2J0







13:名無しさん@涙目です。(新疆ウイグル自治区):2011/12/08(木) 21:39:29.34 ID:19kBUC2J0







○ The Fukushima Crisis 354; Met.Coalition Agst Nuc.Demo.福島危機354.首都圏反原発連合デモ

2012-08-17 13:32:18 | ♪PFK ASAP NEWS

- Metropolitan Coalition Against Nukes-
Stop a 8.17 urgent ! Ohi nuclear power plant! Protest in front of the Prime Minister's official residence
It carries out also on Friday this week! Nuclear Regulatory Commission personnel proposal contrary! Ohi nuclear power plant re-operation contrary!
* Suppose that it appeals strongly in view of the urgency of just before [ personnel proposal determination ] the Nuclear Regulatory Commission which is an appointment requiring the approval of both houses of the National Diet this time also following on last time and second from last time also about the personnel proposal withdrawal which takes in the human being of nuclear unevenness including Mr. Toshikazu Tanaka.
Time: 8/17 (Fri.) 18:00?20:00 schedule
Place: Before the Prime Minister's official residence, and Nagatacho and whole Kasumigaseki
(Please use Kasumigaseki Station, Toranomon Station, and Sakuradamon Station)
* In Kokkaigijidomae Station in Chiyoda Line and Marunouchi Line, heavy congestion is expected.
Appeal: Metropolitan area anti-nuclear power plant union volunteer
* Please confirm the place etc. of the guidance * family block to you of participation to the protest in front of the Prime Minister's official residence which is opposed to Ohi nuclear power plant re-operation with the map here.

The "nuclear power plant zero" which continued from the stop of the Tomari nuclear power plant on May 5 finished in 56 days by re-operation of the Ohi nuclear power plant of No. 3 on July 1.
However, it was enough for making what "was unnecessary at all in fact only by a nuclear power plant being too dangerous" expose.
Although the Noda government trampled down the voice of the nuclear power plant contrary which is 80 percent of public opinion and re-operation of the Ohi nuclear power plant of No. 3 or 4 was determined, even the safety measures which were advanced in the random and rough and ready process which does not take in teachings of a Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant accident, either, and the Kansai Electric Power itself set forth are still deficient.
Metropolitan area anti-nuclear power plant unions, we, have performed the appeal of a protest of the nuclear power plant re-operation contrary in front of the Prime Minister's official residence from March 29, last year every week.
The participants who were about 300 persons at the beginning increased in number with 1000 -> 2700 -> 4000 -> 12000 -> 45000 -> 200000 persons, and, also after that, the citizens of a 100,000 people scale gather in spite of strengthening of rainy weather or severe defense every week.
The wave of the citizen who fills the circumference of the Prime Minister's official residence by helicopter aerial photographing was minced by many people's memory.
We perform the protest of the nuclear power plant re-operation contrary from 18:00 on Fri., August 17 in front of the Prime Minister's official residence to the Noda government around the circumference and Parliament succeedingly.
Furthermore, suppose this time also that it appeals strongly in view of the urgency of just before [ personnel proposal determination ] the Nuclear Regulatory Commission which is an appointment requiring the approval of both houses of the National Diet also about the personnel proposal withdrawal which takes in the human being of nuclear unevenness including Mr. Toshikazu Tanaka following on last time and second from last time.
Let's thrust many voice before and stop re-operation of the Ohi nuclear power plant of No. 3 or 4 because of the protest of an unprecedented scale! Please give me the information diffusion more than former, and support participation.
Moreover, the offer (a request and advice) to the official residence of the metropolitan area anti-nuclear power plant union which is postponed on account of the official residence side has received the offer from the official residence side, if a schedule is adjusted by Bon Festival dawn.

-Metropolitan Coalition Against Nukes- 首都圏反原発連合




日時:8/17(金)18:00~20:00 予定


