ルーマニア・ランニングライフ★Romania Running Life★


Hello from Istanbul with love

2008-10-26 | 海外&ルーマニア・マラソン大会

There hold Istanbul Eurasia Marathon on 26th of Oct.

My darling dıd marathon very well,
finished by 2 hours 58 min and 29 seconds with 31st place of all male and 4th place of his age gruop(male of 35-39).
I am very proud of him.
He ran Belrin by 2 hours 54 mın on 28th of Sep,
ran Bucharest by 2 hours 46 mın on 12th of this month,
in total he ran 3 maratons in 4 weeks.

It rained very heavyly and was cold about 10 degrees during the all day long. Rain never stopped.
It continued raining until midnight....very hard condition to run.

I ran 15 km by 1 hour 8 min and 40 seconds.
It was not so good but my condition is like this.

One turkish guy helped me very well.
After passing 2 or 3 km, he ran with me and encouraged very much. He took some water and sponges for me and handed them.
I finished with him, then after finishing I found him without any numbers and chips.
He was a locul runner and just ran all the course like registered runners.

We met Haile, the world records holder of male by 2 hours 3 min and 59 sec, in Marathon Expo on Saturday. He was a special guest for Istanbul marathon.
We took photoes together,
My darling wore a tricou(=T-shirts) of Ro Club Marathon, shaked hands with him, and spoke of Ro Club Marathon.
We had his autograph on posters of Istanbul marathon.

Haile was always smiling and friendly inspıte of his hard schedule.
Many interviews were waiting him, many fans also were waiting him,
He really a star of all marathon runners!
