English Collection


plug away

2012年12月03日 | 英語学習
Pinball, 1973の語り手である "I" が会社の女性事務員と仕事帰りにレストランで食事をした後一緒に駅に向かって歩いている場面です。
We walked side by side to the station. The sweater kept me comfortable in the night air.
"Okay, I'll keep plugging away," she said.
"plugging away" の意味が分かりません。"plug away" を辞書で見ます。
・Macmillan Dictionary: to continue doing something in a determined way despite difficulties: I'll just keep plugging away and try to get it finished by tonight.
・Cambridge English Dictionary: to work hard and in a determined way, especially at something that you find difficult: Katie has been plugging away at her homework for hours.
この意味は "away" の代わりに "along" が付いたり、"plug" だけでも使われるようです。
・Dictionary.com: to work with stubborn persistence (often followed by along or away ): You're doing a fine job?just keep plugging. Some writers will plug away at the same novel for several years.
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