

『Anne of Green Gables』より‐第10章Anne,s Apology

2024年01月25日 00時05分13秒 | 『赤毛のアン』

'But I,m going to imagine that I,m the wind that is blowing up there in those tree-tops.

When I get tired of the trees I,ll imagine I,m gently waving down here in the ferns-and then I,ll fly over to Mrs.Lynde,s garden and set the flowers dancing-and then I,ll go with one great swoop over the clover field -and then I,ll blow over the Lake of Shining Waters and ripple it all up into little sparking waves.

Oh,there,s so much scope for imagination in a wind! So I,ll not talk any more just now,Marilla,'

'Thanks be to goodness for that," breathed Marilla in devout relief.








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