

ChatGPTの『日本書紀』英訳 葦原中国の平定 28

『日本書紀』葦原中国の平定 28




Hikohohodemi no Mikoto, burdened with sorrow and anguish, wandered along the seashore. During his lament, he encountered an elderly man named Shiozuchi no Oji. The old man inquired, “Why do you grieve in this place?” Hikohohodemi no Mikoto explained the details of his situation.

The old man reassured him, saying, “Worry not. I shall devise a solution for you.” He then crafted a blind cage, placed Hikohohodemi no Mikoto inside, and submerged it in the sea. Soon, a beautiful small beach appeared.

Abandoning the cage, Hikohohodemi no Mikoto wandered until he reached the palace of the sea god. The palace was adorned with splendid walls and shining towers. In front of the gate was a well, atop which stood a sacred katsura tree with lush branches and leaves.

Walking beneath the tree, Hikohohodemi no Mikoto encountered a moment of uncertainty. Shortly after, a graceful woman emerged, opened the door, and began to fetch water with a splendid bowl. Startled by his presence, she retreated indoors and informed her parents, “There is a rare guest beneath the tree at the gate.”

In response, the sea god, Watatsumi, arranged eight layers of mats and welcomed him inside. Once seated, Hikohohodemi no Mikoto was asked about the reason for his arrival, and he recounted his story in detail.

Watatsumi gathered various fish, large and small, to inquire about Hikohohodemi no Mikoto’s situation. They all replied, “We do not know, except for the Red-Eye (tai fish), which has been absent lately due to a hook-related illness.” Summoning the Red-Eye, they discovered a lost hook, confirming the ailment. Subsequently, Hikohohodemi no Mikoto married the sea god’s daughter, Toyotama-hime.

Three years passed in the sea palace. Despite the tranquility, Hikohohodemi no Mikoto harbored feelings of homesickness. Overwhelmed by this, he sighed deeply. Hearing this, Toyotama-hime said to her father, “The Heavenly Grandson frequently sighs with profound sorrow, surely longing for his homeland.”

In response, Watatsumi summoned Hikohohodemi no Mikoto and spoke gently, “If the Heavenly Grandson wishes to return to his homeland, I shall escort him.” Handing him the recovered hook, Watatsumi instructed, “When presenting this hook to your brother, whisper ‘Impoverished Hook’ discreetly before handing it over.”

Additionally, Hikohohodemi no Mikoto was given the Tide-Filling Jewels (Shio Michi Tama) and the Tide-Ebbing Jewels (Shio Hi no Tama). Watatsumi explained, “When you immerse the Tide-Filling Jewel in water, the tide will rapidly rise. Use this to submerge your brother. If he regrets and seeks salvation, immerse the Tide-Ebbing Jewel, and the tide will naturally recede, saving him. By employing this strategy, your brother will surrender willingly.”

As the time for departure approached, Toyotama-hime informed the Heavenly Grandson, “I am already pregnant and will soon give birth. When the day comes with swift winds and high waves, I will appear on the beach. Please build a birthing chamber for me and await my arrival.”

Hikohohodemi no Mikoto returned to the original palace, faithfully following Watatsumi’s instructions. Consequently, his brother, Ho-no-Susori-no-Mikoto, faced adversity, willingly surrendered, and pleaded, “Henceforth, I shall be a performer in your service. Please grant your forgiveness.” Accepting this plea, Hikohohodemi no Mikoto granted forgiveness, and Ho-no-Susori-no-Mikoto became the ancestor of Wota-no-Kimi and Ko-bashi.








帰る時、豊玉姫が天孫に告げ、「私は孕んでいます。もうすぐ生まれます。風や波の速い日に必ず浜辺に出ます。どうか産屋を作り、待っていてください」と言いました。彦火火出見尊は元の宮に戻り、海神の教えに従いました。兄である火闌降命も困難に直面し、自ら降伏して「私はあなたの俳優(わざおぎ 誰かに仕えて、演技などをする者)の民になります。どうか許してください」と言いました。これを許した彦火火出見尊は、火闌降命の祖先である吾田君小橋(あたのきみおばし)の始祖となったのでした。

令和5年12月1日(金) 2023

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