

ChatGPTの『日本書紀』英訳 允恭天皇 7

『日本書紀』允恭天皇 7



In the fifth year of his reign, on the fourteenth day of the seventh month in autumn, there was an earthquake. Subsequently, Tamata no Sukune, the grandson of Kazuraki no Sotsuhiko, was tasked with overseeing the mourning period (mogari) for Emperor Hanzei, which involved keeping the body until burial. On the night of the earthquake, Emperor sent Owari no Muraji Aso to inspect the mourning palace. Everyone was present except for Tamata no Sukune. Aso reported this absence. Aso was then sent to Kazuraki to find Tamata no Sukune. Aso discovered that Tamata no Sukune was holding a drinking party with men and women. Aso informed him of the situation. Fearing trouble, Tamata no Sukune gave Aso a horse as a bribe and ambushed and killed him on the way back. Tamata no Sukune then fled and hid in the tomb area of Takenouchi no Sukune. The emperor learned of this and summoned Tamata no Sukune. Tamata no Sukune, being cautious, wore armor under his clothes. The edge of the armor was visible. To confirm this, the emperor ordered Ohari no Uneme to give Tamata no Sukune sake. Ohari no Uneme saw the armor under his clothes and reported it to the emperor. The emperor ordered soldiers to kill Tamata no Sukune, but he secretly escaped and hid in his house. The emperor pursued further, surrounded Tamata no Sukune's house, and had him captured and killed.
On the eleventh day of the eleventh month in winter, Emperor Hanzei was buried at Mimihara no Misasagi (Mozu Mimihara South Tomb).


(在位)五年、秋の七月十四日に地震がありました。その後、葛城襲津彦(かずらきのそつひこ)の孫である玉田宿禰(たまたのすくね)が反正(はんぜい)天皇の殯(もがり)(埋葬までの間 遺体を安置すること)を担当することになりました。地震のあった夜、尾張連(おわりのむらじ)吾襲(あそ)が殯宮(もがりのみや)の様子を確認しに行きました。そこには皆が集まっていましたが、玉田宿禰だけがいませんでした。吾襲はそのことを報告しました。吾襲は再び葛城に遣わされ、玉田宿禰を見つけました。宿禰はちょうど男女を集めて宴会をしていました。吾襲は状況を宿禰に伝えました。宿禰は問題になることを恐れて、吾襲に馬一匹(原文)を贈り、途中で待ち伏せして吾襲を殺しました。そして、武内宿禰(たけのうちのすくね)の墓地に逃げ込みました。
冬の十一月十一日、反正(はんぜい)天皇を耳原陵(みみはらのみささぎ 百舌鳥耳原南陵)に葬られました。

令和6年6月7日(金) 2024

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