

ChatGPTの『日本書紀』英訳 允恭天皇 9

『日本書紀』允恭天皇 9



Ikatsu no Omi received the imperial command and set out. He wrapped some dried rice in his clothing and went to Sakata.

There, he lay in the garden of Otohime, and said, "The Emperor is summoning you." Otohime replied, "How could I not honor the Emperor's words? However, I do not want to hurt the Empress's feelings. Even if I must die, I cannot go."  Ikatsu no Omi said, "I have received the Emperor's command to bring you back at all costs. If I fail, I will be executed. Therefore, rather than returning and facing execution, I will lay down and die here in this garden." He lay in the garden for seven days. Though food was offered to him, he did not take it, secretly eating the dried rice he had brought.

Otohime thought to herself, "I fear the Empress's jealousy and have refused the Emperor's command. But if I cause the Emperor to lose a loyal servant, that too will be my fault." Finally, she decided to follow Ikatsu no Omi. 
They arrived in Kasuga in Yamato, where they ate dried rice beside the Ichi'i well. Otohime offered sake to comfort Ikatsu no Omi. That day, they reached the capital, and Otohime was placed in the home of Yamato no Atai Agoko. Ikatsu no Omi reported back to the Emperor, who was greatly pleased and praised Ikatsu no Omi, treating him with great favor.

However, the Empress was not pleased. Thus, Otohime was not allowed to stay in the palace and was instead housed in a separate residence built in Fujiwara.



てきた糒(干飯 ほしいい)を食べていました。
弟姫は考えました。「私は皇后の嫉妬を恐れて、天皇の命を拒みました。しかし、天皇が忠臣を失うことになれば、それも私の罪となります」。そこで、ついに烏賊津使主(いかつのおみ)に従って行くことにしました。彼らは大和の春日に到着し、櫟井(いちいい)の傍で糒(干飯 ほしいい)を食べました。弟姫は酒を使主(おみ)に与えて慰められました。その日、彼らは都に到着し、弟姫は倭(大和)直吾子籠(やまとのあたいあごこ)の家に留められました。烏賊津使主は天皇に報告し、天皇は大いに喜ばれ、烏賊津使主を称賛して厚く遇されました。しかし、皇后の心は穏やかではありませんでした。そこで、弟姫は宮中に近づけられず、藤原に別の殿舎を建てて住まわされました。

令和6年6月9日(日) 2024

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