

ChatGPTの『日本書紀』英訳 履中天皇 10

『日本書紀』履中天皇 10




On the day of the 癸卯 (mizunoe-u), a voice like the sound of the wind was heard from the sky, calling out, "Prince Tsuru-gi Tachi Hitsugi no Miko(Sword-Wielding Prince) is the king." It also called out, "The bird comes and goes, your sister from Hata is buried at Hasa."

Another voice said, "The noble SauakuTakomotsu no Mikoto is also buried at Hasa." Suddenly, a messenger came and reported, "The empress has passed away." The emperor was greatly shocked and immediately ordered his carriage and returned. He arrived from Awaji on the day of Hinoe-Uma(丙午). 

In the winter, on the day of the new moon in October, Kinoe-Tora(甲寅) , they buried the empress. After that, the emperor regretted that he had not properly appeased the gods, leading to the empress’s death. He sought the cause of this misfortune. Someone said, "Kurumamochi-no-kimi (Lord Kurumamochi) went to Tsukushi (Kyushu) and surveyed all the Kurumamochi officials. He also 
acted in the role of a divine being. This must be the cause."

The emperor summoned Kurumamochi-no-kimi and investigated. The truth came out. The emperor then reproached him, saying, "Although you are Kurumamochi-no-kimi, you unjustly inspected the emperor’s people. This is the first offense. Furthermore, you seized the sacred people given to the gods. This is the second offense." He was then subjected to purification rituals for his sins at Nagasuno Saki (a beach in present-day Amagasaki Hyogo Prefecture).

The emperor decreed, "From now on, you shall not govern the Kurumamochi officials of Tsukushi." He then confiscated all their properties and dedicated them anew to the Three Gods.







令和6年5月25日(土) 2024

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