

ChatGPTの『日本書紀』英訳 垂仁天皇 6

『日本書紀』垂仁天皇 6



In the seventh year, in the autumn of the seventh month, on the first day of the month of Kanoto-mi (October 1st), on the day of Kinoto-i (October 13th), the attendants reported to the Emperor: ‘In Tagima Village, there is a brave and powerful man named Tagima no Kuehaya. He is strong enough to break horns and straighten bent hooks. He often says among the people, “I have searched all around, and there seems to be no one who can match my strength. If I ever meet someone as strong, I would not hesitate to fight them to the death to test our might.”’

Hearing this, the Emperor decreed to his courtiers, ‘I have heard that Tagima no Kuehaya is the strongest man in the land. Is there anyone who can match him?’ One of the courtiers stepped forward and said, ‘I have heard of a brave man in Izumo Province named Nomino Sukune. It would be good to summon him to face Kuehaya.’

On that very day, an envoy, Nagao no Ichi, a senior official of the Yamato no Atai, was sent to summon Nomino Sukune. Nomino Sukune then came from Izumo.

Tagima no Kuehaya and Nomino Sukune were ordered to test their strength in a sumo match. They stood facing each other, each lifting a foot to kick. Nomino Sukune broke Tagima no Kuehaya’s ribs with his kick, also crushing his waist and killing him. Therefore, Tagima no Kuehaya’s lands were confiscated and all awarded to Nomino Sukune. This is the origin of the name ‘Koshiorida’ (fields with a broken waist) in that village. Nomino Sukune then stayed to serve there.



天皇はこれをお聞きになり、群卿(まちきんだち 天子の近くに伺候する位の高い人たち)たちに詔(みことのり)して、「当麻蹶速(たぎまのくえはや)は天下の力持ちと聞く。これに匹敵する者はおるだろうか」と言われました。ある臣が進み出て「出雲国(いずものくに)には野見宿禰(のみのすくね)という勇士(ゆうし)がおります。この人を蹶速(くえはや)と取り組ませてみるのがよろしいかと存じます」と申しました。


令和6年1月25日(木) 2024

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