

ChatGPTの『日本書紀』英訳 允恭天皇 3

『日本書紀』允恭天皇 3



The prince, however, refused to listen and turned his back, saying nothing. Princess Ōkanatsuhime, greatly distressed, did not leave and continued to attend to him for four or five koku (approximately one hour). It was the harsh, cold season of winter, and the water in the bowl that Ōkanatsuhime was holding spilled and froze on her arms. Unable to withstand the cold, she was close to death.

The prince, seeing her condition, was startled and helped her up. He said, "The position of Emperor is a heavy responsibility. It cannot be taken lightly, which is why I have not agreed until now. However, given the earnest requests of the ministers, it is clear that I cannot refuse any longer." Hearing this, Princess Ōkanatsuhime was relieved and informed the ministers, "The prince is willing to accept the requests of the ministers. Now, the imperial seal will be handed over." The ministers rejoiced greatly and, on the same day, presented the imperial seal with two deep bows. The prince said, "Since all of you have collectively requested that I take the throne, how could I dare to refuse?" Then, he ascended to the throne. This year was the year of Mizunoe-no-Ne.


しかし、皇子(みこ)は耳を貸さず、背を向けて何も言われせんでした。大中姫命(おおかなつひめのみこと)はこれを畏れ、立ち去らずに皇子のそばに四〜五刻(約一時間)も居続けられました。その時期は寒さが厳しい冬で、大中姫(おおなかつひめ)が持っていた鋺(まり 鉢)の水がこぼれて腕に凍りつきました。寒さに耐えきれず、姫は死にそうでした。皇子(みこ)は姫の状態を見て驚き、助け起こしました。そして、「「日嗣(ひつぎ)の位(皇位)は非常に重いものである。軽々しく引き受けることはできないので、これまで同意しなかった。しかし、群臣(くんしん)たちの熱心な願いを考えれば、これ以上断ることはできない」と言われました。


令和6年6月3日(月) 2024

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