Rabby & Chinkoro : News Flash (169)

2017-07-27 19:51:31 | 日記
27/07/2017 (Thursday, evening) Miyuki came back from her village walking and put the seeds of golden kiwi on the field of the courtyard. Already green kiwi's ones were planted before. Miyuki hopes to have a glorious kiwi rooves garden in the near future. Vitamin C tribe, Miyuki adores.

Miyuki recognized the disaster of GUTS, her team mate, was so so deeply rooted in the historically accumulated factors of Shirakawa's wrongdoings. Shocking story, in really.

For Guts's recognition, the man in black, some trench court type, shot him, twice. He got so astonished at his conduct, and died immediately of the two shootings, directly on his brain. His brain had two holes and it was explained as the traffic accident caused by himself. Disastrous! He was dealt with so so unlucky guy to encounter with the worst disaster with sports type bicycle. Miyuki believed on this line, and explained like that to her kids, to take care of bycicle riding, several times, when she and the kids passed through the slope back the confectionary OOYA or 大谷.

Now Miyuki believes his new story, however, up to reach the point, she needed to know many related facts on Shirakawa area.

Nasty, unfair, conventional, old boresome village, SHIRAKAWA is, was Miyuki's straight feeling on this village. However, from march to now, Miyuki did know the rality of Shirakawa, and Miyuki's impression on Shirakawa is, "Cruel satanic morally degraded rotten sly betrayers' rural isolated village, filled with wrongdoings."

One of the worst wrongdoing was GUTS' case. His death was concealed by adults, including the police, the teachers, and probably, some members of his relatives or families.

The man in black was a broad shoulders holder, and for Guts, as a boy of only 11 years or so, so so big guy. Just like MATRIX's poster, Miyuki thought. However, no glasses were worn.

And he was related with public facilities. Miyuki's presumption is that he is the guy, whom Miyuki encountered with his KARAMAZOV's under the train wheel challenge's site. He was 65 years old or so, and wore the fire fighter's uniform, and rode the bicycle with a black tool box in front.

This tool box was black, and put some rable of number, as if the bicycle were public holding, and the size is 30cm x 20cm x 20cm, almost. It would be sufficient to put the small gun inside. Tool box type, however, looks like attache case like impression it gave to Miyuki, because of the metal brimmed lines of the wedges.

Gorgo 13 lover, he is, probably, Miyuki felt. And his bicycle was so oftenly seen in front of KAINZ HOME, a homecenter of the materials of each field.

And Miyuki is deeply upset of the existance of 斎藤銃砲取扱店 or Gun Shop of SAITOU, near SHOUWAMACHI area. In the counter, with an old lady or an old male guy, who looks like more clerk rather than commercialist. Monotonous empty shop, however, probably, in case of arrival of the hunters, with faked licence, the both would provide any gun related materials, indifferent from the clients.

If they were both rightous guys, they should have closed the shop, as earlier as possible, and even now, they provide the bullets and the guns to the faked licenced hunters. Terrible. Any guy can buy the gun related materials in the small shop for all gun maniacs.

Big broad shoulders, was GUTS's impression, and Miyuki felt like that so exactly. Miyuki was shocked, and couldn't put up with the scene, and concealed the ejection part, with two holes, by her left hand, and faded in another dreaming...ZZZ

The two holes' mouth was so impressive for her, and she felt as if it were the nose of a hog like 🐽. Existes?

Guts and ADACHI were both obliged to explain the omission system. In GUTS' real case, two shots, and for MIYUKI, famous chicken type, only one is too too shocking, thus, in the resumed version. Not hog like gun top, in fact.

The size was almost 2cm x 1.5cm. Small slender ejection part. Rifle or short gun type. Not KARASHINIKOV type. Lady's hand type or rifle for hunting, presumably.

In the former case, it would be put inside the black box above, even now.

Strange to say that a fire fighter is allowed to use gun in Japan, yes. However, now, Miyuki believes that in SHIRAKAWA, this guy has been hired by the power holders, in each generation, as a mad dog to kill the targets, according to their own will and order.

Convenient existance to them, the power holders, like medical staff like Masao SEKINE, and the public organs all in a body concealed the evil fact, and helped each other for it, intentionally, to gain the favour from the power holders.

Thus, unfairly public servants were hired. Just dirty work only type, he is, and the other public servants should be so so degraded up to keep the top secret, during their whole lives.

However, their plan to conceal the fact failed, because of their own Alzheimer disease holding. Their wrondgoings' proves were appearing gradually from their own shelves, probably. Confession of their wrongdoings as prize, was the character of this stage of the disease. Only in the most pregressed stage, it happens. Thus, in Cathoric church, confession process was provided to the dying human figures.

And like as many detective dramas' ending, the wrongdoers told the case, soon before their catch.

Some guys were trapped, however, many of them were intentionally or spontaneously, confessed their own wrongdoings. Alzheimer disease as the proof making factor, Miyuki deeply thinks so.

Miyuki, OKINO and Moriko, all thought the same thing: If it were the reality, all wrongdoers who watched our photographes, films, data, in general, without our agreement, would turn to be blind, at first, and then, forget all, as the second, and finally, be killed in the end.

Because of the smallest percentage of their supporters, the three would lose, while our team of majority would gain, despite of ilegality. Thus, we provided a lot of data, to gain popularity, for free, as a game, to others, and could gain popularity, thus, we should win, the pimps of Tokyo Versity yelled. And Miyuki, OKINO and Moriko laught at their childish majority system. If it were the truth, any legal system would lose the ground of necessity. The pimps are so so stupid, up to lose the necessity of their existance. Ummmm....Satans are so so stupid, beyond our imagination. At this point, anyway, superb!!!

Miyuki's way of saying is so so nasty for satans, and they don't understand her remarks at all. However, they feel some nasty feeling from her way of saying and total impoliteness, thus she is attacked so harshly by the residue of satans.

Miyuki has gene related Satanic hatred inducing power, probably, Moriko analysed. Genuine disliking system. Especially, for North Korean type, she would be an existance, which should not have been existing type...Why she is alive even now?, was their common inner question. Always appeared indiffrently from their safety. They want to be killing softly, not with her nasty loud voice, according to their feeling.

"Killing me softly" Roberta Flack.

Killing them all in a body, suddenly, and softly, yes!!!! In the middle of their extacy caused by their eating and doing it, in the MEGA-TOMBE party, they each other should kill as thei like! Killing them softly, as they like, strumming with Miyuki's beatiful fingers, singing their shameful lives with her songs, Miyuki is killing them softly, as much as possible, with her total sincerity, in her life, total 5 As!!!!

Miyuki likes this song, and her interpretation was, "we split, however, the nasty guy even now, selling our night's memory, producing a music on the private experience! Stupid guy, he is!!!"

Beautiful song, yes, however, "Don't give me damage any more!" is her softest message. Not "Stupid!" included...

Miyuki is always extremest, thus, sometimes, with her total disliking and liking, in turn.

Miyuki's so so craziest hypothesis on Ass-Mouth function-Appearance confusion proble, is too too painful for others. Sobstory, it would be! The started to cry! Who are they????

For her and Kabucky's so so realistic understanding, in this case, psycholosically difficult the situation is, yes, however, the both would conquer the problem, after their mental would take a bit more time, however, soon it would be accustomed, probably. Both. How flexible! And how nasty to imagine like that!!!

Nasty, yes, at first, especially, however, probably, we both anyway want to do it. In this case, no other answer exist. Do it, yes, however, need some mental preparation. Just it.

Skewed, yes!!!However, probably, soon after, it would turn to be "Oh, we did it. We challenged, and gained the satisfaction. Good experiance. We explored the new horizen. Thus, let's apply it for others!!!"

Accumulated experiences would be the seeds of another pleasure. Thus...Miyuki is only plants type, actually and up to probably at least one year after...

Thus, anyway, Miyuki should be more effective producer of the new age. Satanic world, No More!!!! Thus, Miyuki's working, so much!!!!

Today, anyway, Miyuki started to regain the power, and physically, and felt that she really needs to do her muscle accumulating excercise and the flexibily of pivots of bones' one.

Now, Miyuki lost by an old guy in her arm flexibility. The olg bug did total bending of the upper part of the body along the rolled bench back on the gymnastic field. Miyuki can't do it yet. Thus, lost, in short.

And Miyuki recognized that for gaining more beautiful arm muscles, the flexibility of the each pivot is crucial. Thus, everyday's training, without exception, when she is in good mood.

And sticking process is accelated in these days, because of satanic magics. And if Miyuki could endure the situation and train the muscle despite of the satanic continuous attacking, the muscle would be precious and more precious, and, more easily able to gain, because of the burden, excessively put by the enemy.

Miyuki was obliged to climb up the accumulated number of steps in the acute slope of Water Drain Section of Shirakawa Municipality, almost 20m high from the bottom to the top. And for the first time, Miyuki did know what is the section. Just old abandoned equipments were left on a hut, and she could see a big dram shape like water stocking lying on the top of the hill from the foot of it. Probably, tank, it would be. However, why in the highest place, unnecesarily? Just like a tank in a residencial building of condominiums of urban area of Tokyo. In Shirakawa's case, just a symbol of IDIOCRACY. In urban area, no space to put it on, while in rural area, a lot of sufficient places, more suitable for the same object.

And Miyuki found also an empty office, all the electric lights were lit in the ceiling, in vain, with no clerk at all. Several vehicles were on the parking lots, and in the middle, flat plain weeds glowing big circle was. So vacant, and dirty. No diligent worker at all, Miyuki confirmed.

Thus, Miyuki, as our representative, did the declaration of our confirmed triamph, and accelatation of the cleaning up process, with pledge of the revenge, as usual. Good to see the scenery. However, Miyuki felt so chilled after her declaration, and hurried up to get down the steps.

And when Miyuki passed through the fire departiment, which is located beside the water drain section, she watched to see an ambulance car started to depart for the direction of 大手町, or OOTEMACHI, near the castle. "Fire?", Miyuki got in wonder.

Miyuki believed that the direction were OOTEMACHI, because the broadcasting system of the department said so. However, ADACHI and GUTS got upset. "Oh, Miyuki, you are chicken, however, always easy to believe others' remark! You should know that some guy called an ambulance for you, to catch, because it watched you climbled up the slope to the section of water supply. Satans are always watching you, watching you, watching you, Wow-Wow ♬♫" Hall & Oats, in short H2O. Water place.

Monitoring system, they don't stop yet, without reason. Satans can't stop any thing. Only impulse mode now, they are in. The rotten satans' final stage, we are watching. Thus, always information was sent on Miyuki to the police, faked one.

Probably, almost 4 years ago, North Korea, satans' clony No.1 on the earth, started to invide into Japan, and occupied the land, and killed the residents all in a boddy, all over Japan, and the Japanese government didn't inform the fact at all to us all.

Thus, already No Man's Land, and we were already in North Korean totalitarian world, while, in a formal meaning, the independence of Japan was kept.

3 years ago, so many residents were killed in Shirakawa. Not only by way of suicide's case, but also forced death, or assasin, the number of residents reduced abruptly. War without declaration, against any wartime law. And we could not run away from Japan, because we were concealed in Japan, without any information related on our war, from the goverment at all. Too too irresponsible, this country is!!!

And North Koreans replaced the ex-residents of the village, and the result was disaster. IDIOCRACY done by satans, in short.

They had and have no limit on any morality. Incest, pederasty, fetus & kids killing and eating, human meat eating, killing and raping, abandonment of families, stealing, robbery, forgery, deceipt, monopoly, threatening, faked economy, illegimate occupation, public nusance, blasfamia, and so on. For them, any wrondgoings were all allowed, if their bosses agreed.

For them, inner world monitoring system is too too normal, and stealing personal data is a hobby. Porno Video was easily made by their monitoring jobs' result, and they liked to provide the video to threaten the victim. This is the North Korean life, and Miyuki, Moriko and OKINO were obliged to get to know their real life, within Japan.

Oh, thus, when we sued the government to the court, we were already in the no Justice land. Thus, return the money all!!! My precious time also!!! My energy, of course, too!!!! Every minute should be the value of whole galaxy, of course!!! They didn't say so, thus, we lost so much because of their intentional secret system.

North Koreans life is satanic one, yes. They should decalare the fact, at first, as soon as possible.

"Hey, guy! you know, we are all satans! We occupy your country. Now we are in total ICIOCRACY! Thus, no judiciary, nor any justice related power at all!", in the most sincere way.

Thus, we could have responded rightously. "Oh, satans, thus, you should vanish! You are KAOTIC existance, and we could not recognize you as our society's member, nameny, KOSMOS's rightous brothers. Thus, get away from our beautiful beautiful universe! Occupation is against our rule, and you are not allowed to exist. OK, satans! You should be killed immediately, now, at once, by us all. BYE for now!!! " The end, in short.

Satans should not exist. Just it. Thus, no way to survive for them all. Die, now, or we will kindly kill you, with my song...A-A-A-A-A...Roberta Flack again.

Nasty. Soon after Miyuki's arrival, in any facility, they started to move the paper boxes so roughly in a loud noise, in case of the clerks, and started to call to some place, in case of the consumers. Both, faked ones.

And Miyuki got to know that their nose making was first trained to conceal the fact of shooting, and threatening the targetted victims, and then, just show up their nasty feeling in stead of saying, "I hate you".

Thus, no iffective at all, and just standing in the counters, so many old ugly bitches, with reluctant facial expression, and they are all ignorant and forgetful, and useless like wooden skewed failured dolls. In short, Alzheier satans, they are all now. The worst grotesque form of the satans. And everyday, we monitor their astonishing ridiculous illoogical cruel croocked world. Shemeless anyway.

Thus, so many kids started to do it, without any exception. Miyuki got so appalled, when she found so many junior only sexual erotic colorful body suits, with frills and laces, on the kids' corner of AEON, called, PATTY'S, on the second floor. And so few counterparts for adults corner on the first floor. The countrary, totally skewed!

Good girls who can do it, or pleasure team or 喜び組 was their model. AKEB 48, or NOGUIZAKA 46 or 乃木坂46. Erotic satans only world now. Thus, girls work in the night club, as soon as possible. Thus, in HACHIOJI, Clare's ex-mate MEI, did plastic surgery in her junior highschool days!!!

In North Koreans, kids, including infants, should be obedient to any adults. Thus, adults, mainly kins and families, put poison to them and did it with them, during their sleeping time. Thus their legs were so skewed!!!

This morning, when Miyuki was in Gymnastic park, a bunch of infants came there, and Miyuki recognized that many of them had short skewed legs toward inside. Some of them had big hips. And they said so dirty words related the bottom.

Oh, thus, HASEBYO nurses were so interested in the evacuation of fass. They were brought up in the North Korea, probably. Already in North Korea, Japanese language has been commonly used, and North Koreans are good at Japanese. Thus, they easily came to Japan, and lived soon near us all. Neighbours are North Korean spies, we all thought of it.

Superficial politeness is sufficient, Miyuki's mother's case is. Thus, she turned to be a satan. Alzheimer, already, and now, Alzheimer satan. YUKARI is also. Thus, two satans family, Miyuki's case is.

For them, monitoring is enough, and now, insurance induced money earning business, again. Clare wants to avoid the nasty result, which Miyuki also suggested to her. Just ignore all of their existance. It's OK. They have no power, and even the faked police do know well that their Alzheimer situation is really proceeded. Thus, don't worry to ignore the both two. They shrank, you know? They are going to INFERNO. No choice for them both, at all!

Did you watch the veranda? On the floor, there are so many holes, covered with pebbles. Why pebbles? Because they wanted to the surfice to be flat. Good for the earth, yes. However, not at all for the veranda!!! They can't recognize the difference between the earth of the first floor and the veranda's cement concrete surfice on the second floor. Alzheimer patients, totally!!!! Miyuki was so so shocked today, and started to laugh at their rediclous big mistake, caused by their recognition lacking situation.

And yesterday, at 7:30, Miyuki was yelled by HARUMI, asking, "Alex's precious corns were boiled. You should know respond if you would eat or not, immediately!" with her threatening voice. Miyuki was sleeping in the floor of the office, in the blanket, and HARUMI persistently forced to respond so many times. Crazy! She is totally out of tune!!! Thus, Miyuki continued not to hear her voice at all. Just ignored it, and it effected.

They both sold Miyuki to earn so so few money and damaged Miyuki's professional life entirely. Miyuki was obliged to enter into custody, by beeing kidnapped and raped, and videotaped her nakid body and whole her life during one week, including her toilet scenes. HARUMI and YUKARI just wanted to earn money by Miyuki's hospitalization. Thus, they faked as if they were worry about Miyuki's health.

"You are so lean. You should take a rest in the hospital, as you like, MIYUKI", in her faked soft voice, HARUMI said to MIYUKI on the phone. HARUMI did know well the insurance system at that time, and gained several money from it. And she didn't know it was paid by Miyuki's precious monay. Totally ridiculous! Miyuki was so nice to return the value of US$100 to her father, because it was obliged to pay unnecessarily by Kyorin staff. All damage was paid by satans, of course. Miyuki caluculated the damage so small at that moment, because she didn't know the fact on the satanic occupation.

Now she did know well almost all of the situation, thus, the value should be increaced at least 100 billion times.

Without knowing, her calculation of the damage of her father was only US$3 million. Thus, now, only regarding to his side, US300 million x 100 billion. Unit? Someone put it, please!

Miyuki's loss is much more bigger, of course. Incaluculable, thus, one second values one galaxy. Not one minute. One second. It started on 16 of October, 2016, at 9:00 ocloc in the morning, and even now, they continue to attack with their nasy letters. Thus, continuation. Up to pay for Miyuki, all in a body, by actual valuable cash.

Satanic work is costive, was so so commonly said. Thus, so costive. Thus, no choice for any satans. The most rotten part of satans are now in SHIRAKAWA. Exist such stupid satans??? Miyuki was so surprised, at first. Now she is so so accustomed to the situation. Satans are stupid and idiots, was Miyuki's learning through her harsh experiences all.

After her first custody, HARUMI and YUKARI planned the second Miyuki catch game, and MIYUKI was caught on 6th of August, in 2016, at 16:46, at JP Tower, and got put into custody again. It continued up to the day 25 of November, in 2016. Almost Miyuki was killed by the staff in Tokyo, yes. However, for HARUMI and YUKARI, if MIYUKI had been killed, it would have been better for both, because they could gain her money as succession.

So so rotten, and they both got angry now, because Miyuki is alive, even after their dirty attempts to kill her, by way of the other satans. today, ambulance was called by them to catch her. Miyuki would not believe it, probably. And Clare did see them talking on the matter.

Miyuki was climbing on the hill to the water supply deppartment, thus, she should be killed soon. Thus, they called. They had special system already to grasp Miyuki's moving. They took Miyuki's wave data every day, thus, they could get up, soon after Miyuki's awaking. And they pretend to work hard, before getting up earlier than Miyuki, and accusing Miyuki as a late riser.

No choice for them at all, and they should vanish, immediately. Miyuki watched an ambulance came back from YAOYA-CHO direction to the center of the village, whose car numer was "7057".

For them, everyday's trouble maker, Miyuki is. And for us all, everyday's sobstory makers, they both are. Always, "If she were killed, we would gain some amount of money, each..." like nasty conversation, each time. So so nasty to be heard by others such so private nasty scenes. They can't know any limit. Why they exist, was Miyuki and Clare's question. Miyuki's self reply is, probably, to end up satanic world, and to correct the failure for reforming under the rightous reign.

Unfortunately, we gained them as families, DDMic satans, both. Brainless Alzheimer erotic satans, with dirty ugly sly smile. How nasty for us all to attend them both? Nasty yes. Thus, ignore them entirely, and behave as if they would not exist at all. Miyuki does it now, and gains a lot of success. For them, they exist in INFERNO only, already. Not on the earth. They yell sometimes, and do their faked dirty jobs also sometimes, however, just ignore them, completely. They are dead, already in soul. Body is already shrunken. It means that they are in the moving process to INFERNO. However, for MIYUKI, they don't exist any more in our world, and they are infernal stayers, both, already. Dirty and ugly, and kinkiest at all!!! Look at the kitchen towels, with the name of HARUMI! After so many years of her bath using, it was kindly offered to the kitchen use. Probably she wiped her ass with the same towel. For HARUMI, her asshole is so so clean, and everybody should thank to use the towel to dry up the dishes!!!

Alzheimer ladies, they are. Satanic ugly faces, they both two! And they are so smelly! Miyuki was obliged to take a bath after their use, and smelled the bottom part. They did it in the bath tab. Vomitting, however the fact.

For them, they are divine like special existance. They can do it as they like. If they get up early in the morning, they can make others get up, soon, even the others are in the bed. Ego-centric. Their body is so precious and hygine, thus, we should put up with their teeth paste used brashing smell during in the kitchen.

for Miyuki, too too nasty to smell the mint taste, however, they are both senseless already. The big character of Alzheimer disease, beside forgetfulness. Nose smelling is difficult for them both. Thus, they can do it in the bath tab. For them, others also don't smell their body smell, including shit, fass and any body liquid.

Dirty. And they spilt soap water in the courtyard!! Terrible! Plants are suffering so much of the nasty soup smell! They don't want to pick up weeds, thus, chemical weapon users, they both are! And cut the plants, with their sissors and electric disc type chain sow!!! Unnecessarily, every morning, they cut! Terrible! They cut in the middle of floureshing!

They both are so so ugly. Thus, they are so jealous toward pretty existance, including plants!!! They start to attack, when they feel inferior complex, by impulse. No brain at all!

They use cocaine, marifana, and now, LSD and amfetamine!!! Astonishing for us all, however, cheapish DDMic satans were provided addictive medicines for free by their satanic North Korean team mates, and YUKARI is so happy to smell the amphetamine, from her nose.

They are good sleepers, because they use 覚醒剤 or amphetamine, every night, before sleeping. And YUKARI put it in Miyuki's sweets so many times, to make MIYUKI amphetamine user. MIYUKI is so sensitive against any drugs, such kind, and because of YUKARI's attacking, MIYUKI lost so many days in the bed, or she was obliged with so nasty headache and nasty vomitting sensation.

The real mother and sister put MIYUKI to take poison so so repeatedly, during 8 months. Exist????

MIYUKI's so nasty for them two, yes, because they lost any conscousness already. They want money in short, to buy their precious TOKYO modernized house. They should build the house in INFERNO, only one place they belong to. Tokyo is already INFERNO, and SHIRAKAWA, also. However, they should go to INFERNO, not metaphorically, but in reality. Go to INFERNO! Immediately, right now, at once, all in a body, entirely, completely, totally, forever, eternally, in resume, VANISH!!!!

Satans, with no working. Just pretending to be a DDMic worker for their whole lives!!! No value for versity degree for YUKARI at all! Piano was bought at the cost of US$5 thousand, for her sake. Miyuki was refused to learn music by HARUMI, because of no money situation. However, YUKARI had chance to learn, and asked her mother to buy the precious piano, and gained, and soon, quitted her piano leaning. Exists????

And she bought another electric piano at the cost of US$20, and never used. Exists???

How costive, they both are!!! Miyuki eanered her living cost, with her pride. Thus, she is thrifty and proud to be thrifty. And Miyuki likes to cook, if she has time. However, Miyuki was pushed away from the kitchen, being declared just, "Use the predge on the office. Your foods are spacy. we both use the fredge in the main house".

Miyuki was obliged to lie down under HARUMI's feet, to be contempted by HARUMI, and Miyuki got to know that HARUMI is not kind at all, and just wants to accuse MIYUKI because of her jealousy.

Ugly, anti-fashionable, anti-attractive, unkind, non-cooking, idol, flamboyant, brainless, slow, threatening cruel nasty terrible BUSU bitches, cockroaches, these two satans are. They should be punished harshly.

They triggered against their own satanic army, thus they are specially stupid self-explosing bombs, suicide-terrorists for their own army use, Own Goalers, they are!!! So so stupid and idiots, they both are!!!!

BLA-BLA-BLA is not conversation. It is called crime. Just preach on her own strange kinkiest religious belief, without any materially effective reasoning. Out of imagination!!! Just wrongdores, they both are!!!!

The most stupidest satans' stories, they produced in our house. They tried to lit the main house, using the empty kettle, burning on the gas range. Miyuki recognized it, thus, informed it to HARUMI, and found that HARUMI was waiting the result or burning a bit. Exists?

Thus, no no safety for us all, because of this ugly BUSU cockroach bitches!!! They shall die, immediately all in a body!!! They are just like twins!!! BUSU bitch satanic twins!!!!

Thus, no time for the losers. The end. We should not have any contact with them both. No conversation at all! Any order done by them both, should be ignored completely. Don't hear their word at all! So so nasty and dangerous!!! Erotic satans, both they are! They want to do it with some male guys! however, so so ugly, thus they have no chance. Thus so so frustrated!!! Thus, they start to abuse us all! BUSU bitches' cruelest attacking behaviours result is the main house!

Every body would recognize that they are both real Alzheimer disease holders because of the 4 all chambers of occupation of YUKARI in the first floor. No living room at all!

Rabby & Chinkoro : News Flash (168)

2017-07-27 01:11:59 | 日記
By impulse, she acts. Thus, interference or not, is not important. HARUMI's case, for her, after her getting up is always OK for attacking. No truce effects. Always ego-centric, they both are. Thus, only total vanishing exists for them both. Anyway, dangerous. No rule at all. And they themselves think that they are both so so kind and precious.

Subjective existance, entirely, from the begining to the end, and from the top of the head to the toe. Both, satanic dodomerdic existance. MUCK, in short. Pyong-Yang type adore them both. They are so easy to be trapped. Just like kinkiest old guys, they are, and they both are satisfied by their special treatment, with total superficial politeness.

only 80 yens per month insurance was established for them both only. Less than US$1, was the trapping remark. And they were easily trapped, and sold all of the family data, including Miyuki's precious files. For them, any files are cheap trash, and for them, no value at all. Alzheimer disease holders, in short, for Miyuki, and Muck, in resume. Satans, yes, cockroack type.

After these categorization, they continue to behave strong existance. In case of being revealed, behave like worriers! They adviced, and they adopted. And they confirmed to assist them both entirely. Thus, Waffle Towel Orange Mad Dog attacked Miyuki today.

And Seven and I holdings vanished complitely. Miyuki smiled to have found that all of salty lemmon soaked pork had vanished on the shelf. And when she was choosing row fishs for her dinner, apeared nothern korean tribe, public servant type, and hated their existance. Blasfamia! Taller then Miyuki!!!! Vanish!!!!

Miyuki was forced to eat the two package in the office, despite of her disliking to dine in the house. Mad Dog in waffle Towel textile was no more, however, the existance of the supermarket itself is betrayal. VANISH! All in a body!!!!!!

Chemical weapon is usually used by satans in the earth. Astonishng fact for us all!!! However, for satans, "Why you are so conscious of such a trifle? We should go pragmatically! " is the honest feeling. Thus, "Satans, go directly to inferno!!! Go pragmatically! Go ahead!!!"

Miyuki is too kind to others. Sometimes to satans. We all deeply think so. Why Miyuki is so pleasant to confirm the mega death of the satans?, Clare asked. Probably, Miyuki is the genuine sadistic type. So so precious among FAUNA or animals. Plants type. Thus, she gets along with almost all of plants. Thus, anyway, lemmon orchard, she would gain.

Miyuki already presumes that this year, for other fruits type, it would be difficult to produce eatable fruits. Anyway, too too poisonous. Miyuki picked up some berries, and on the outside of the skin, she felt a bit bitter. Inside is more delicous, and the bitter was because of wild character, she took so kindly.

for her, anyway, we should go forward, and orchard would be a good plan for her. Olive, and lemmon, latin type, and both are so so precious and basic for latin medditeranean culinary.

Thus, Miyuki is marking the existance of these trees. And black and green both olives exist, in Shirakawa. Probably, after this nasty disaster, we will clean up, and we will gain the result, as soon as possible. Don't be haste! Supremes. Diana Loss!!!

Cute type, Miyuki categorized her. And 由美かおる or Kaoru YUMI is this type. Gymnastic body she has. After 60 years old, beautiful, they are. ADACHI and GUTS recognized them both. Bevery and Kaoru. Linda?

Physically benefitted type have more advantage in any period. 浅野ゆう子 or Yuuko ASANO also. Norika FUJIWARA, Ryouko YONEKURA, both quater of western blood were obliged to conceal their family relation with western families. Strange! For us, more interesting stories. However, in Japanese so called 芸能界 or astists' world, taboo. Strange county called JAPAN, only ugly bitches and stupid bugs were allowed to live there...Kyo got dissapointed at the final end.

Only an extra thin paper cup, Japan sank...This is the real Idiocracy. Among various IDIOCRACY, the worst end. Jared liked Miyuki's so unusual experiences. Exists? Exists...

Miyuki categorized Cristopher Cross as lilical type like Elton John, with not promissive in appearance type. And Miyuki likes their lilical songs, because her type couldn't produce such type of amusement. "Lilical!" by not Olivea Newton but Elton John.

Stupidest! All of them yelled her. Exists? Yet Alive!!!

Miyuki laught at the satanic so so unusual ridiculous plays!!! Spander Ballet! Spiderman's Play????

Miyuki liked so much with Puig's "Kiss of Spider Woman"? Likes, yes. Not so much... Narration, and B class film type, and prison. Epoch making. Not so attractive in this situation, And the end, some tabarish spirit. The campy mate died for Justice. For her, not sobstory, however, more happier ending should be. However, understandable. Many guys, indifferent from their sexual inclination, behaved like rightous brothers, in short.

Not for sentimental romance, but more some sympathy to behave under the idealism. Moral oriented. Miyuki's understanding is different from film version, probably. Miyuki just has read the novel, and did know the existance of the film version, however, no chance to watch it. Probably, advertisement provided by Cinefil Imagica, Miyuki heard. And felt a bit more inclined to romantisism.

Film's fate, probably. Anyway, only within 90 minutes, they should catch the heart of the audience. And sobstory was so many times used for the object. For her, comical version is Crying Game. TOHOHO tribe's attempt was tooken differently, thus, the facial expression of the hero, in the last scene...Dog like face...

German Dog did the same facial expression. And Miyuki is so cute to accept the fact. Anyway, just a hypothese. Nice try! Probably, the next generation is more liberal, thus younger than him!!!!

Miyuki is hoping to have German Shepard boyfriends, especially. Not only, however, as tribe, this species has so so excellent in smelling. Acute nose comined with cleverest mind. Yes, it all depends on each indivudual shepard, however, reliable, in generally speaking, and high specs holdings are almost in all cases assured. Thus, german shepards were good candidates, even now!!!!

For her, not at all! However, others, astonishing....However, understandable. So so rare, in the earth, human beings, now are. And almost all of them are pledge type. Or, genuine TOHOHO type. Thus, Miyuki is expecting the next generation. Probably, at least, 17 years after, in this case.

German Dogs' case, probably, one year or so. According to the remarks of MIYABI's mother, the dog family grows up so rapid, thus, less than 6 months, already, turned to be adult. Thus, Miyuki should not be obliged to wait for them at least more than 20 years. Just one night OK, of course! Anyway, I want to try it!!!

And Miyuki is expecting to pick up a big armour of the sea turtle, which was left in the beach, in the southern beautiful area only. What is the usage of the turtle? Miyuki's reply was...Basin for wash her face and so on.

After polishing up to become so transparent, Miyuki would use it for everyday use. It costs almost US$1 million, probably. Miyuki remembered a Chinese old tale called 南海の贈り物 or Present from South Ocean, witch was liked by her so much when she was in her primary school days. It was a story among lots of China tales, and so similar to 浦島太郎 or Tarou URASHIMA in Japanese. In the former, the most precious tresure in the ocean is Turtles' armour or 鼈甲 or BEKKOU. So so heavy, however, just like amber. Maple suger liquid like colour.

Transparent brown, amber is. Thus, Miyuki liked the insect put jewel. Miyuki bought one, in the National Musium of Sience, at the cost of US$5.

And at the cost of US$70, she could have bought a pair of earrings...However, she could not. Because they were sold, when she passed there, the Moscow airport, on the way back from Brazil to Japan, thus, instead, Miyuki bought a mink far cap at US$90.

Candy like beautiful precious colour. And including insects would be more and more precious for her...thus, artificially made easy faked amber in the cheapy way...Miyuki's pleasure in her junior high school days, during boresome class. The flying ants came to her desk intentionally, and turned to be her target to produce faked amber...Ball Point Pens, especially of MITSUBISH were used for the object, because of the high possibility of failure. Good use of MITSUBISHI ball point pens.

And Miyuki didn't know that MITSUBISHI penciles used precious thin woods for their products. For free, the company said to gain the material from the forest.

KARANDASH, was the name of the switzerland stationary company, and its pencils were the same colour. Dark green. The colour, Miyuki liked, however, Miyuki's preference is TOMBOW. Yambow, Nimbow. Tadasu IIZAWA.

Miyuki read some series of left wing when she was in high school. Encountered in high school. Cramschool days, however, in March, she had spare time, and anyway, nasty, only cramschool study. Thus, she took advantage of the vacation, and borrowed some books from the high school, and some of them are the series. Tadasu IIZAWA, Toukou KON, Momo IIDA, Inada NADA, and so on.

Not so valuable for Japanese Language puzzle game, however, interesting. And thus, Miyuki thought that Today were liberal...Many of them graduated from Tokyo Versity.

It was the fact. However, from the society, they were differently categorized. How? Intellectuals? Or?

For Miyuki, minority of Tokyo versity were aim of admiration, probably...And the majority...satans, now, she learned.

After so many years of passing in Tokyo Versity related facilities, she didn't recognize the most important fact. And belived that she would be somebody in law field...liberal is the prevelent among them. Too too skewed recognition, and it would be called recognition problem. In any place, idealist, and the kindest approach, Miyuki adopts, thus, "Happy Figure"...Oh, thus Ichiro KITAMURA said directly to me. And Miyuki's honest reply. "Yes, better than unhappy figure..."

Eu sou louco...I am crazy, however, better than the figure who lives in search of unhappiness, as Ney Matgrosso sang.

Why this stupid feeble-minded prof said so to me? for other guys, probably, the remark should be delivered to Miyuki. However, this evidently stupider type, has no right to say so, Miyuki really got upset, however, Miyuki didn't show her real feeling at all, and in the wooden dumb like face, said like above.

And KOBAYAKAWA, who is the good example of Alzheimer holdings among Todai pimps, and his major was Administrative law, was better French speaker rather than KITAMURA, whose major was French Law.

Ummmm...Todai related were totally reliable, they thought, at least. And they all failed. For Miyuki, now, not astonishing reality, however, for Shirakawa residents, so so nasty to know it. They were beliver of cramschool type study. the easiest way to gain the point.

Finding rule game, for Miyuki, as layer. Probably, for her, better than Kyorin Education. Educating Miyuki or Educating the pupils???

Both. Kyorin pupils were better than Todai counterparts, because of sports' affection. OKINO felt in depth so. No physical attention, nor intellectual one...Lezz than double zeros....

Miyuki's so so lucky, yes. And protected by others, yes. Thus, anyway, alive. Many guys died for their belief for their mates. Miyuki also thought that they were kind guys, despite of stupidity.

From Tokyo Metropolitan Office, in the top floor of the building, the impression of the scenery of Tokyo is just "Dead Body with white bones".

When she visited there the last time, there were lots of foreigners on the same floor. And for them, probably, sky view, anyway. Also for Miyuki, until to recognize the existance of Shinjuku Chuo Park, just a sky view only. However, after the recognition, Miyuki couldn't stop crying, and felt so sorry for the rightous brothers. They were probably the same typr of me, and more morally valuable. Miyuki is chicken, and they were dislkied to be called so.

For her, physical job is not so nasty. Just low paid work, and monotonous, probably. And now? Kyorin's meeting type is more monotonous, yawn causing task, in reality.

Just compliments, literally. Exists? Exists. And for Miyuki, only at Kyorin. And now? All over Japan, the same pattern.

Jobless is avoidable, yes. However, life is more important than job or money. And it was caused by some chain of unhappiness. Miyuki thought like that, when she passed through the UENO SHINOBAZU park, anotehr Mecca of jobless guys. There were several blue sheets tents, and Miyuki thought that they were not so different from me. In the future, I would have possibility to be one of them. Thus, we should avoid the nasty result, as much as possible. And didn't know why she thought so at that moment. Passing in front of them, was her so simplest view.

Not so different from them. We have the same possibility, thus, we should change the society, was not recognized at that time by them. Anyway, the same...Not pleasant situation, however, possible. Thus, take care, Miyuki! You would be one of them, if you were not lucky...

The first day of the graduate school. the most promissive day as the starting. Not nasty. And for her understanding, thus, good to think so. The reality. Thus, we should make effort to avoid the nasty result.

Anyway, positive interpretation. And totalitarians, she didn't know at that time, as the character of Todai related. Already 学閥 or Almunum system was a representation of this line. For Miyuki, belonging to some versity is just a crue of the conversation. Not the aim of loyality and devotion.

However, not only Todai, but also KO, WASEDA and so on, any versity has the same inclination. And also, schools also. Companies, prefectures, municipalities, and so one, also. Just a topic providing matter turns to be the life long chain in Japan. More stronger than kinship, sometimes.

for Miyuki, out of mind, however, for others, not so much. Moriko and OKINO said, "Understandable". Ummm...

Affectionate type, probably. And dry type? anyway, first, Miyuki, herself. Save Miyuki, at first!!!

Carli is the same type! Oh, dry! Saysage! SALAMI! Maritime battle field!!!

Probably she would be stronger than Miyuki physically, yes. And more cheerful yes. and skilfull, and pragmatist yes. Thus, GUTS regrets his choice. Why he chose Miyuki? Because she didn' look female...And Carli...female...

Bust, in short. Miyuki is easy to imitate, however, to imitate Carli, needs so much bravery. Thus...try, Guts!!!

Miyuki's world is more tolerant and no monopolization. Thus, in case of necessity, Guts, you should assist her, carli.

And not so necessary as Miyuki's case. Miyuki asked not to get me tired of. Thus...adventurous, and not so much spare time to assist others. Thus, expert. And even experts, Miyuki is sometimes so so nasty intentionally. And ADACHI sometimes regrets his choice also. Incalculable. Why she said so! In the most beautiful moment!!!

Guts likes Miyuki's way of saying. For her, finding the best impression is the game, and the other's feeling? Ont of mind!!! Thus, it happened. And Guts learned the beauty of old ladies. Various pretty guys here and there. And Guts wants to meet SHIGUEKO's grand mother. Good to see her!!!

SHIGUEKO herself was pretty girl, at that time. However, her grand mother is rare precious jewel. Guts, you would fall in love with her!!!! She is almost 80 years old, however...

Anyway, please celebrate Miyuki's comeback to our blog!!! Miyuki is alive, anyway.

And Tomorrow, Miyuki would write GUTS's case...Astonishing fact. Miyuki herself probably would not have believed, without her harsh experience in Shirakawa. After her slightest however similar experience, Miyuki got assured that he had experienced so harsh, unusual, cruel experience.

Thus, see you tomorrow! VANISH! DDMs!!! Ugly betrayers, all of you, erotic satans!!!!
Pyong-Yang Style, not Han-Nan Style!!! Some chiken soup set???

Good night for us all, rightous brothers!!!
From 8 men, with Big LOVE!!!!