Rabby & Chinkoro : News Flash (149)

2017-07-08 19:38:04 | 日記
08/07/2017 (Saturday, evening) Miyuki got up at 6:30 in the morning. YUKARI and HARUMI did their combinated strange erroneous Alzheimer like sound making job soon.

When Miyuki got up, HARUMI's bed was empty. "Oh, she vanished! Viva! " Miyuki yelled.

Soon, dashing sound from the door of YUKARI. Then, a slow sound of faked preparation of breakfast was heard by Miyuki, and Miyuki wondered if it were done by HARUMI.

Always YUKARI were accustomed to make a sound of preparation in hush-hush mode with blashing sound of dishes. However, this morning, so slow movement of the dishes. And YUKARI or HARUMI was difficult to presume by Miyuki.

Then, Clare's voice, which yelled to YUKARI, came from the 1st floor. And the sound of YUKARI, who came down from the stairs, in the quiet mode. Miyuki was astonished that YUKARI's way of appearance. Was she in the second floor??? Miyuki didn't heard any sound up to the moment on the 2nd floor. YUKARI popped out in the stairs, Miyuki got thrrified.

And where is HARUMI? And Miyuki heard a so light foot sound, which came up to the second floor, and it started to pick out of some dried clothings or put some wet ones to dry up with pinches on the corredor, then, it started to make a sound of turn the page of the newspaper, so slowly, and gradually it began to turn the pages in more speedy way. Probably, it turned to be HARUMI, Miyuki presumed, and after 10 minutes or so, Miyuki got up, and opened the door, and confirmed it was HARUMI, not YUKARI.

And Miyuki heard that the sound of dashing back to the chamber of YUKARI.

Anyway, slow, Miyuki really thought.

Miyuki ignored HARUMI, who was pretending to read the newspaper, in the Japanese rural squat like sitting style called YNAKII-ZUWARI or ヤンキー座り, which was the last pose of TAKAHARA, and on the back, Miyuki did a "Air Kicking", with her rage.

This stupid Alzheimer satan orders newspapers to check the advertisement papers of Supermarkets. She just compares the prices of each supermarket, and buys the cheapy item, indifferent from the quality. Just the lowest price finding game, she has continued for more than 40 years in the house. Newspapers mean for her, just an excuse to gain the advertisement. US$50 per month, in the poor family, was thrown to ditch, by such a crazy Alzheimer satan. US$50 x 12 months x 40 years = US$24000. Almost all Miyuki paid for quitting communication with YUKARI. Too too harsh to put up with such kind of extravagance of the satan. In vain.

All of Sato Family already have known that HARUMI is totally Alzheimer satan. She dislikes all of them, and she was disliked by all of them. Eveniness.

Miyuki is the cleverest among them, and Miyuki dislikes HARUMI. And Miyuki also hates Sato Family all, including its relatives. 近親憎悪 or Hatrid against nearest kins. In her case, so so understandable, we all recognize her inclination. Satans inside us, Miyuki really thought, and confessed, we, human beings, were more satan like existance. Look, we have no fur. It means Satanic symbol. Gods refused entrance of them to the paradise called the earth, is the rightous answer. Why these ugly existance invided our beautiful earth? Was plants' question. And Miyuki only agreed at this point.

Plants are right, Miyuki deeply thought. And thought that no one, even Platinum Tribe, didn't understand that Miyuki did the rightous thing at that moment of her hoslitalization. Miyuki did, because she thought that the earth belongs to the rightous guys, in short, Fauna & Flora, and the reign of MICCHIKU had already ended up.

Why? We are in the MICCHIKU world, was their understanding. Too early to participate into the army. However, she did. She belived that they would protect her, in the end. Thus, they protected. As far as she were rightous, they provide their assistance, they pledged.

anyway, I would do, however, I am not so brave, and not so skillful. I try, anyway, thus, protect me, OK?

They yelled, and Miyuki did, caught, and was forced to pass 3 weeks in Detention, and then, full 3 months in the kinkiest hospital called HASEGAWA Hospital in MITAKA as mentally illed, in the form of Forced Hospitalization.

Almost being killed, was everyone's impression, and Miyuki felt really chilled there. Many rightous guys were killed there, Miyuki deeply felt like that.

From Saitama, from YOKOHAMA, from so far place, they were brought into, and locked up in the chamber, obliged to use mobil toilet called OMARU, and now, HARUMI is in custody. She chose the way. She wanted to use OMARU, thus, Miyuki should be killed, she declared in a loud voice. Miyuki should be disposed, thus, she ordered SQUAD again today.

HASEGAWA Hospital associated with her side. They wispered her, "In case of necessity, MIYUKI would be shot, because she is totally traced by us all. We provide any service for you. You two, yes. You, two ladies, have already houses per each near MITAKA area. Thus, come with us all!" They wispered, and they did it, as always.

When they feel angry, they did it, in fact. Literally saying, SHIRAKAWA figures entirely were participated into the Miyuki catching game.

Today, Miyuki experienced special version of this catching game. They united in the athletic field of the sport park, where Miyuki went to do exercise. The title was 58th aniversaty of Shirakawa Gymnastic Competition. And only old guys entered into the field.

The presentator used speaker equipment to enhance the voice sound, and any preachers, including the main organizer was not allowed to use the equipment. Thus, only this stupid presentator's voice was heard to Miyuki's ears.

Too too laughing. Only instruction. Trifle cautions. Oliental Land like "Don't need to say so for us all, Auntie" like words only. He didn't want to pass the microphone to the main speaker of the day. Monoploly of the sound, sponaneously.

And, with a so small sound, Miyuki could hear a bit the contents of the main speaker's speach. Laughing jokes!!! He did deliver the same instructions to the audience, without microphone. For Shirakawa Alzheimer residents, speach means delivering trifle instructions repeatedly. Oh, HARUMI could do it, even with her progressed Alzheimer symptom. Only several instructions with BLA-BLA-BLA mode, from the begining to the end of so called "Opening ceremony". Oh, Kazuo SUZUKI, the major?, the presentator? or the main speaker? Which guy? The same role, they two played. And only for the old guys type ceremony.

Miyuki heard, "Make a line", "Smou associateion supports this ceremony." "Take care of the balls", from the instructions, and imaged that, at first, "Oh, they came to be killed by shooting as targets of the gun", and then, "Oh, Japanese traditional wrestling would be held here, and they use ball in the middle of the wrestling in the battle field. Kinkiest game, they participate in. Only Alzheimer could do such a sport like..."

And finally Miyuki found that Shirakawa residents satans were all Cockroach type. Thus, they liked black sinistrous wears. At least, one part of their clothings should be black, was their kinkiest inclination, Miyuki thought.

And the way to treat kids is so so nasty and rough. In the park for infants, there were several couples of faked parents and kids. Kids cried sometimes, and the parents ignored totally, and just laught at or scolded the kids. Laughing means, admission of being lost, and crying means admission of being killed. Both, the same. Thus, no necessary to hold the competition of shame collection, early summer seasonal version.

Miyuki chose too too rightously her Florense Summer Dress, no sleeve type, because she needs to errase the white marks of T shirt, called 土方焼け or Construction Worker Burnt Skin. So so anti-fashionable. Thus, she desided to put her upper arms, totally off to the air.

Thus, at first, she needed to pick out her armpit hair. She has special kits to do grooming on this part. Thus, early in the morning, she did, and now, her arm pits are so so smooth. White, yes. No hair, off course, and she washed the pits often, using water in the toilet of each supermarket.

For her, so so rational, and for Philipinas, of course. They are sensitive in smelling, and like to keep cleen some smelly spots. Thus, washing it is good. However, in Japan, only Bidet type was not extisting. Washlet only.

Bidet is used for other object, yes. Washing baby's cloth diapers, yes. Miyuki heard the story that Indian women washed it in the toilet of air plane, from the cabin attendant crue. Sometimes, necessity is priority, Miyuki accepted the message.

Alex was not good in case of comming back from Brazil. He was smiling for all route hours, however, he had diarrea, a bit, yes. However, so quiet. Almost all of the flight, he was sleeping. Only few houses, he got up.

At the fright, on the end of September, 2001, Miyuki met a semi-blooded girl, who was a Sofia Versity student, who entered into Faculty of Theology, and wanted to be a journalist.

Name, unknown. However, her episodes were so interesting. She has Chilian mother, who lived in Tsukuba, and she and her elder sister both were brought up in totally Japanese family, thus she had no opportunity to learn Spanish at all.

However, she sometimes visited her relatives alone. At that time, she visited her grand mother, who was a Ministor of Justice, at that time. And, on the way back from Chile, she was obliged to stay in Brazil for several days, because of the disaster of September 11 attacking. It caused so much on air port related business, and she was just waiting for departure.

Coincidently, Miyuki sat beside her, and introduced just "I am going back to Japan, with my baby with 5 month and my mother", and she relied on Miyuki.

She said, "I was not good at Spanish, however, my relatives treated me so much." And Miyuki replied, "You will learn soon Spanish, because you are interested in the language more than others now. Not because of your race, but because of your intention and oppotunity to have Spanish speaking relatives. Thus, you are more privilleged, in this area."

Semi-blooded beautiful girl, and she watched Alex, and Miyuki made a big mistake...Miyuki changed Alex's dirty diaper in front of her...I should have used toilet, bringing him to the toilet...Sorry, I started the job, because it was so spacy for him...I was egoistic, yes. After, I noticed, thus, only once, Miyuki changed....

Alex was upset at Miyuki's so rough way of life. Too too sleepy because of Miyuki. They claim to Alex on Miyuki????

Your mother is too nasty. Always, they talk on Miyuki, and try to know how she gained the money????

Miyuki is obliged to speak it to them? No. Just ignore them both. Cochroach satans, they are, both of them.

Clare totally agreed that they are them, Cochroach satans. In depth, the same. Too too nasty.

and Miyuki said, so rightously, "They uncessesarily participated into the army of DDMs, good greif. Because they, cockroaches were categorized, "Nasty, however, we should put up with them, because we should be tolerant to harmless animals, as much as they were rightous." And now, they were revealed that harmful just nasty satanic cochroaches, we should dispose them all cockroaches in a body. Cockroach free society, it would be! Really frotunately..."

Plants also yelled. Miyuki disliked, however, tried to avoid to kill them all in a body, because they were just nasty guys, and we human beings are also nasty guys. Just nasty is not enough to punish. Thus, as like as us, cockroaches should be allowed to exist, if they were rightous.

However, Miyuki, already in HACHIOJI, cochroaches turned to be so slow. Miyuki, at first, thought that all insects suffered so much because of the anti-hundamental right's attitude of HACHIOJI, and then, thought, that DDMs spilt chemical weapon on the insects, and only cockroaches and so few survived, and now, cockroaches were feeble.

And now, the third theory. Cockroaches degraded and turned to be satans. This is BINGO! answer.

Why they are so nasty and spooky, and perserverant? Doing anything during day, and in the night, in case of YUKARI, the light of the chamber is always lit. For her, day and night, the same.

And Miyuki recognized that last week, despite of the weather change from colder to warmer one, YUKARI started to wear Black Sweater and Black pants, again. Just like Cockroach! Miyuki was impressed.

YUKARI liked to be awake during night, already in her junior high days. And then, just degraded history only.
For her, day and night are the same, Miyuki did know well.

And this evening, at 18:00, in the public market forum located in HAKAMACHI area, a group popped out from a restaurant, in front of Miyuki, sitting on the bench to put a bandage on the injury caused by friction between shoes and her left foot. C.S.Louis's son actor turned to be a shoemaker.

Anyway, Miyuki heard their conversation quietly. The two faked families, departed from the location, and complemented each other, saying, "Good night" or "Good sleeping"...

Miyuki felt nasty. Young Alzheimer. They can't recognize the difference between night and day. They included kids of primary school. The parents can say such erroneous complements to others? And no guy corrected, nor laught at the error at all. Cockroach BLA-BLA-BLA...Anyway, be talkative, was their catch frase. Oh, Kyorin staff, and YUKARI!!!

Miyuki liked to persuade them to go to INFERNO? No. reluctant to say so. However, as a kind of training, yes. Miyuki identified them as King Ra, Todai related, and Kyorin staff. It effects now. Oh, too too slow...

Like Tokyo Versity related, they are stupid, Miyuki yelled. And they agreed. Oh, easy! We contempted, and they liked it. Win-Win. "We are loving it!☺” Macdonald Humbergers.

Miyuki was so degraded morally. Moriko really laught at her degradation. No use for doctral degree, except to use as seeds of jokes. Miyuki, GUTS really cried for it. This is Japanese society. You are too too rightous. Who would be a Plants lover beside her? Todai related!!! Plants family got upset!!! Family affair!!!! All Flora and Fauna also, all were the enemy for their scandalous love affair...Prohibitted. Tabboo!!!! Cha KATO.

Miyuki, with 54 years old, with doctoral degree of Tokyo Versity, with knowledge of art of life, wants boyfriends in each species.

Chinkoro, with 0 age, with non degree holder, however, skilful, and cleverer highly rather than Miyuki, who pledged virginity, wants friends in each species.

Thus, they combined a pair, for comedy theater. Chin-ki, or Miyu-koro. And the former was adopted by ADACHI. Thus, Chin-ki, spooky fenomena? 珍奇 in Japanese and China.

Miyuki found the decadance of Shirakawa region. And tried to explain as much as possible to others. And others replied that "We are accustomed to see it".

Just for Miyuki, astonishing facts, in succession. And Miyuki pledged for Flora & Fauna. And gained a big success. The combination is too too superb, and every species cried her and his strange playwright. Oh, BBC prize!!! How much???

OK. Then, the scenario comte written by Banana MATSUO. Plants, a kind of already. Fruit type. Smell good. However, not so digestive for Miyuki.

Chinkoro and Miyuki were talking on their spooky situation.
Now Chinkoro, who is wanting to go out abroad, especially for USA. Talking to his Daddy of his plan.
Chinkoro: Daddy, I want to cure my hand, which are burnt inside the IRORI, Japanese ash using steamer, when I was so baby. However, I am afraid of being killed in Japanese Hospital. I want to go USA, because of the treatment.
(He is wearing a rural boy, old fashined like Boy Bakabon, with cross mark called カスリ, while Rabby, in the old guy mode of ADACHI, namely 与作 or YOSAKU)

And then, Rabby thought of a good idea.
Rabby: Chinkoro, your left hand's fingers were attached all together because of your burning. However, for playing baseball, no problem. You just wear Big Glove on the hand. And you should be a moajr leager in USA. Thus, we need to train outside. The sooner, the better! Here we go!

Then, they, both started to do exercise with old used elastic wheel tires, heavy type, in the courtyard of Shirakawa III primary school, and train in the most conventinal standard type way, used by the ANIME "Stardum of Giant" by Noboru KAWASAKI.

As Hyuma, Chinkoro, and as Ittetsu, Rabby, started to train in this mode, and Miyuki corrected their big error.

"Excuse me, which tribe you belong to?"
"Which? I? or He?" asked Chinkoro.
"First, you, Chinkoro." Miyuki said. and Chinkoro's reply, "Rabbit tribe"
"Second, he, Rabby" Miyuki asked. and Chinkoro's reply, "Rabbit tribe"

"Then, why you did ask me, I? or He?, Chinkoro?" Miyuki suggested the possibility of A, the most abominal fact of all animals.
"ummm...Just for prolonging the reply...", with being thrilled, Chinkoro replyed honestly.

"Then, what is the name of actual training? Rabby, as a boss, reply correctly."Miyuki said in her most anthentic mode.

"Don't you know the name? Ha-Ha-Ha-HARMAN! Miyuki is A, Miyuki is A!" Chinkoro yelled.
"I know well Chinkoro. Then, you should reply. The same question for you!"
"It's easy. Rabbit Jumping!!! You evased to express the name, it means that you are A!!! Ha-Ha-Ha-HARMAN!!!" Chinkoro, with all pleasure, replied!!!

Coughed, Miyuki. Silent ruled the scene. Chinkoro, and Rabby, started to be sticky. They recognized their big mistake...We did it! We did it!!! The big failure, we did it! Oh, our body is now sticky...Oh, it starts, it starts.

Chinkoro and Rabby, fainted, and kept in their sitting squat pose, anyway, like TAKAHARA or HARUMI, and Miyuki declared them, with her coldest eyes.

"You, stupid!! Rabbit Jumping, you tried to learn in the most Japanese style, with big old used tires. You are already able to be perfect jumpers!!!! Why intentionally you should learn to jump like Rabbit tribe???? Stupid!!! A, Alzheimer, confirmed."

Mission completed. Chinkoro and Rabby, with the hope of being Major leager, in the courtyard of Shirakawa III primary school, as practitioners of old type Rabbit Jumping training, sit in solid.

Statute Hideyo NOGUCHI, with so cold eyes, monitored their process of being sticky, as netual scientist, with all his green rage!!!

(Bows, Blavos!!! Blavos!!!! Vis!!! Vis!!!! BANANA!!! Blavo!!! You, stupid!!! you are too too crazy!!! Your profission is already gained!!! Oh, Oh!!!! Jobless, of course...)

After so many training, Miyuki can't gain any profession at all. Thus, Miyuki is walking along the Shirakawa area, searching cheapy foods of each supermarket...

Thus, food professor...A kind of....Food chasing professor, yes. Miyuki is jobless, not because of her own failure, but because of social system change.

Always jobless. Miyuki is thought that she is better than the cockroaches, who bought a mount of goods, especially, ready made foods in each supermarket.

Cockroaches like gleasy foods. However, rice eating habit, they have.

at the same time, in various locations, Miyuki recognized that the faked families held BBQ parties with smell of SQUID. Why? BBQ is for meat, especially for beef. Miyuki thought like that. However, for Cochroaches, rather sea foods.

Miyuki's first hipothesis is, "Squid is cheep" conception, totally erroneous for now, however, believed by stoneheads.

The second is, Devil's fish, thus, satans liked the name.

The third is, Squid is not meat, thus, they could escape from being betrayers, who were prhibitted to eat meat.
Eating meat is tabboo for them.

And last evening, when YUKARI was in front of the fredge of the main house, Miyuki smelled the sour Squid, or Octobus. よっちゃん or YOCCHAN, the chapish junk snack, that Clare and Alex used to do fishing robsters in Hachioji, at the price of US$0.2 each. The smell recalled Miyuki's memory of flavours.

Cockroaches like rahter squid than meat. A big discovery combined with mistery. It is more conserving type foods, and even in the shop, it is sold out of fredge. YUKARI stocks so many strange things in the fredge. Alzheimer patients do the same, so often.

Oh, in HACHIOJI, YUKARI put almost all of eatable things into the fredge, like potatoes, carrots, sugars, and so on. Now, HARUMI does the same. Both.

No space for stoking, thus, we want more fenomenum. YUKARI said always the same claim to Miyuki. No necessary. Miyuki denied immediately. And HARUMI? I don't know.
She sold the old fredge, after 39 years of use. Oh, useful? Miyuki was explained that it were broken, and she write a letter to TOOSHIBA, and the company sent a letter of thanking to her, according to HARUMI's explanation.

And bought less iron type. Cheaper, however, not so well made type. Hitachi, yes. And Miyuki's? In HACHIOJI, Hitachi. It was used in the back house now.

they bought the same again???? They have right to buy it???? Dependent. Jobless. No money. No right they have.

They thought Miyuki like that and failed. For them, Miyuki is not undanstandable, and for Miyuki, they are satans.
Thus, they should vanish right now. No room for living, and they started to descontruct the consentrated camp. Always. When Miyuki thought good, satans attacked the target, which was praised by Miyuki.

Thus, no camp society. They wanted to accuse Miyuki as their society's destroyer. My pleasure. Their society was so rotten as they themselves.

And they can't recognize that they had been lost already. King Ra, without knowing their big loss, continues to dig the tumbs, indifferent from other's suffering. The bigger, the better. Alzheimer patients combined with Gigalomaniacs, they are. And lost totally what they had before. "Lady Pope" in Italian tale, or "Lady in a chamber" by Elenor Fajon.

Miyuki, you think that they are so evil? Yes. And they don't no cure? Except my formula.

Miyuki, you like them? Of course, not at all!!! Pledged. Thus, they came to attack you???

Everywhere, Miyuki felt, "Oh, they came!" and Takao YABUKI and Takako KAWASAKI, Miyuki thought of. Not only troublesome, but also dirty and easy to turn to be betrayers.

Miyuki hates them? No. Just, I don't want to communicate with them forever type. Hatred not at all. Pooh, in short.

Living pooh? Already dead type, however, smelly, and troublesome.

Miyuki traced the life of DAME-OYAJI of Japanese. yes, I know. And DDMs? Satans. Disposal is only resolvation.

Thus, you think that they should deserve to death. yes. And you? No. At least, Miyuki knows to respect others. They didn't and can't.

Miyuki is so rightous to say so. Always, they tried to trap others, and no productive life at all. Only wrongdoing in their whole life. Too too nasty to coexist with them, and they enhance, dispite of their incapability. Satanic coskroaches, they are.

They should trace all of their degradations in the process of sticking. Their wrongdoings were out of imagination. They should be punished harshly. And you? Why???

Out of mind. Miyuki has no cause of wrongdoings at all. Thus, Miyuki is free from any anxiety at this point. yes, of course.

And Chinkoro liked her strange playwright. He played the role of rather actor, than comedian. better. He played the role of rotten Rabbit Tribe. With sincerity, he played the role. Actor, professional type. Miyuki likes Chinkoro so much. and for Rabbit tribe, wrote the stupid masterpiece. Anyway go ahead. They all yelled!!!

Wild 7, we love you, Miyuki!!!! Miyuki is in good mood!!! Why Miyuki should not be happy? The fundamental question against them both. And their reply was, materially, "Because we are not happy". DDMs.

Clare thought really sorry for Miyuki's participation in her life. Miyuki is so bad according to them both. Bad mother no.1, and should be accused because of it. Like Penis Worm KOGA. DDMic satans, they are.

NINOMIYA also. All SATANIC DDMs, Cockroaches, in short.

Their show was revealed now. "Que rei sou eu?", Oh, Edson Cerlari. Mobil phone like name.

Cerlar, it is called in Japan. Thus, rapid, in literally. Chinkoro type. Oh, more Micha type, Miyuki thought.
Miyuki, you choose so rightously. Clare had not so been prepared for the choice. Plants, Miyuki turned. Ummm...BANANA???? P like name. yes. However, ummm...not yet. More transparent type. And inside, probably, exists.

Miyuki is so sly to do so. However, what should Miyuki do, except it???? No room to sleep situation. Anyway, I want to take a bath, Miyuki thinks, and they popped out to disturb such a trifle desire. As always.

Nasty is not the reason of killing, however, attacking yes. And absorbing blood type confiermed, of course, yes!!!

Thus, they claimed so much. DANI, in Japanese, itchy bitchy spiders. Oh, they will appear? Too too nasty. Anyway, itchy. Cockroaches, they are. And Itchy Bitchy Spiders...Skin already thrilled....

Miyuki is so rightous to say so. However, all Miyuki should experience. yes, however, not pleasent...Already, in a image, the itchy feeling started....

Anyway, I will take a bath!!! See you soon on this blog!!!!

VANISH! DDMs!!! Satanic cockroaches!!!

With Big Love, from Wild 7!!!