Rabby & Chinkoro : News Flash (172)

2017-07-28 22:35:30 | 日記
And today, Guts lost his love...Two consecutive shockings, these two days. Sobstory for him. "Love Story", the real version.

The site was YAMADA bakery. Miyuki entered into the shop, despite of having nasty experience regarding to Summer Sctolen tester eating mission. Another adventure, they guys yelled, thus, Miyuki, to find some sweets, daredly came into the inside of the dirty bakery.

She found a package of Bergian Waffle. And tried to buy it. The price was 81 yen, according to the price card.

However, in the casher, a lady with her AIGASA name card, did her dirty job. She informed already to the North Korean team mates already, thus, a guy came into the shop.

She declared, "You should pay 92 yens!", she yelled, and Miyuki appointed with her error of the calculation, bringing the price tag, and showing it toward her. "It is written at 81 yen, lady!"

AIGASA woman said, "It was the price without tax. You make a mistake!" And she showed her caluculatin of the cashing machine to MIYUKI, and MIYUKI soon found that AIGASA put the price without tax at 86 yen, not 81 yen.

Thus, MIYUKI, in her so so politest mode, taught her that, "this is 8-6, not 8-1, OK, lady? 6 is different from 1, lady. Can you read the numbers? " However, AIGASA said the same, persistently, popped out from the casher side toward Miyuki's side.

"Why she came to me so near?" Miyuki really thought. And AIGASA said, "The price includes tax is 92 yen. Your price is not including tax at all". 馬鹿の一つ覚え or BAKA-NO-HITOTSU-OBOE, or "Stupid jamhead can repeat only one frase" situation, she was in.

Now, according to formal law in Japan, tax is 8%, thus, 81 yen + 6 yen (tax) = 87 yen. Near 86 yen. Probably, she wanted to gain double taxes. 86 yen + 6 yen = 92 yen.

Probably, they took tax twice, and if some guy gets to recognize this sly technic, they kill easily. Up to be revealed, was their key word.

And they have recognition problem, thus, presumably, "when it is revealed, they should be killed" was replaced to "the consumer should be killed". In this stage, they can't recognize the difference between victim and wrongdoer, and between punish and being punished.

Thus, Miyuki gave up to buy her sweets in YAMADA bakery, and got out from the shop, and found that in front of the shop, a big black van stopped.

When she came to the shop, always, this technic was used. The same. And probably, the bakery is related with ENDOU confectionary, because the van had number 1001, the ENDOU's favorite.

Dogs? 101 Darmatians?

They liked to kidnap Miyuki as always, and failed as always, and tried as always, because no man's land has no target any more except Miyuki.

Strange thing happned. Soon after Miyuki's leaving the shop, when Miyuki returned to watch the van, even only few seconds later, the van was any more in front of the shop.

Oh, vanished? And Miyuki liked their vanishing.

GUTS liked AIGASA, because she was pretty and white. Like the same name mate in his primary school days. AIGASA was Miyuki and MAKIKO's mate also. Oh, GUTS, thus, you fell in falling in love with her... TOHOHO, like MIYUKI.

Thus, Miyuki offered him, her so quickest and kind proposal. "Guts, you liked her white skin, didn't you? Peel it, and used it your 着ぐるみ or Stuffed animal like Pajama! Now on sale!!! Silence of Sheep! "

Guts got upset. Miyuki is so nasty. Sarcatristic, thus, you fell in falling in love with TAKAHARA...

Miyuki really thought that "If satans chose Hotaka TAKAHASHI instead of TAKAHARA, probably, they possibility would have been bigger. Thus, Miyuki would have wrote some love romance fictions, according to her own special, "Versity female prof, did it with her pupil, male, with the age, 30 years yonger than she, and it continued until ending up. The site? Probably, in the KARAOKE house. "

At least, more possible, rather than with TAKAHARA. Slender body, sportive type, with long legs and arms, and with more MORENO like fisiolonomy. At least, more attractive for Miyuki, and they were the same age, and Hotaka was her newcomers' class's pupil alsl. Why satans chose TAKAHARA, instead of Hotaka?, was Miyuki's regret...

Probably, Hotaka was not such a type of "once per month, oral only".

And Miyuki thought of that Kyorin satans were really believing that MIYUKI had been sold for them, inclusing her sexual rights, included. Thus, only with TAKAHARA, Miyuki was able to do it, once per month, and it meant "providing mammal milk, and sucking his P". Pyon-yang Tribe's OMONI like sexual behavour, it was.

And Miyuki now remembered that HARUMI, when Alex was 0 year old, said to Miyuki, watching his P, "Oh, how pretty P he has! I want to suck it!" with her totally smiling face.

For Miyuki, a shocking expression, the remarks were. It was delivered in the apartment of Paraiso, in Sao Paulo, when they were in Brazil.

Miyuki thought that "It means that "I love him so mach up to accept any nasty behaviour", probably, in a metaphoric way."

However, considering the situation, her oppressed sexual desire, probably, made her to say so. And literally, she wanted to so so. Alex, your virgin was in danger, with her 3 months or so already!!!! Incest, also! Would have been done by your own grand mother!!!!

For Miyuki, out of imagination, thus, she thought totally differently, however, already she was in another world, probably, even in her Brazil staying days.

Satans produced strange noise, taking advantage of wi-fi related remote-controlling technics, Miyuki confirmed yesterday.

yesterday, when Miyuki came back, two kids were both in the office, watching TV. It was rare that Clare was watching it in this office. She watches it in her backhouse. They were watching so called Variety Show, so common in Japan, and many so called "young handsome actors" played the role of participants, who were interviewed their own faked private life type.

Too rare. Anyway, she was there for several hours, and after took a bath, and went back to the backhouse.

Alex is recently watching "High Tension Talk Program" with Only several old bitch voice actresses. Or you tuver HIKA-KIN's program. It was so rare to watch such a variety program. Why? Miyuki got in wonder.

YUKARI wanted to watch her educational program in the backhouse? HARUMI pushed her away from her chamber, because she dislked the program???

 For YUKARI, watching handsome actors is a good excercise to remember the past. Oh, sexually stimulating treatment, they both are having now???

According to this theory, HASEGAWA Hospital privided so much TV programs for them, and they, had their own "supposed lover", each one, among young actors, and dreamt to do it with him, each.

Strangest medical treatment, HASEGAWA hospital provided, and it was the standard version of Alzheimer patients's special treatment inside the house.

Oh, thus, Alzheimer disease would develop inside the house, more and more.

TV treatment, it was called, thus, they watched so many hours, TV only, during days, in the so so similar to living room like space.

TV watching triggered them to be Alzhimers, and the treatment accelerated the disease. Japanese medical scene was so so TV relying type, and TV was called Stupid making box, in USA and in Brazil, also.

Each TV per person, was their catch frase. And Miyuki had graduated from her TV age, before entering into Graduate School. Just in case of some so interested in situation, Miyuki watched it, sometimes. And now, totally, she doesn't want to watch TV at all. For her, TV is not necessity. Stupid guys creating box for her, yes.

And after Clare's leaving, somebody started to put on the switch of electronic sweeper. It made a sound just like cutting disk. From outside, electric domestic equipments were controlled and Miyuki lost a lot of data, icluding law suits related files, by way of that. For them, nothing at all, and they perished by way of it. Proofs should be maintained at least, for the revenge, was our common golden order, However, they did it, indifferent from the precious values, in the most lightst modes. Thus, we all thought that they should be punished in the harshest way. Sins, they did. Replacement after their big errors. Concealing the fact and changing the fact, both. Their business, probably.

Thus, satans perished, all in a body. Even residue, they should not do it, however, they did it, thus, no time for them both, at all.

Alzheimer disease holders, yes. however, indifferent from their disease, they should be calculated in the category 5, as their morally degrading situations. Non workers' land, in short. No Man's Land, because of it. Dependents only counties, they were, and they disturbed the others' job, just because to showup thier power as much as possible.

Any guy could do it, thus, they did it. They have no choice, to avoid the harsh result.

Miyuki is nasty and she is proud of being scholar. Too too nasty for them both. for others, good guys, because of their faked "we are superior to Miyuki" like attitudes. Always, they liked to contempt Miyuki's work, as much as possible. And they liked the work so much. They thought that Miyuki would be the eternal power provider for her work. Miyuki should work, while they, both domestic type, would play the role of the kids' mothers, they both thought, in reality.

Alex got nasty to be thought that Miyuki's kids, thus, Alex would be their kids, in their illusion, and he disliked their way of lives both. Just TV watching, and tea drinking, during a day, non working, of course. According to their words, they are obliged to do so. They didn't want to do so, however, unfortunately, they couldn't work at all. Thus, they should be shot at once.

No time for them both. Every one thought of it. They called the police again, forgetting that the police were already replaced by the faked guys. They yelled and said, "Your doughter is now in custody, thus, don't need to be killed now. She would be caught sooner or later, by ourselves. Thus, please get relieved as usual."

Predicted custody situation. No time for satans, at all. Our world would end up like that?? Not at all!!!

For them, any prohibition would not effect at all. Always, "We feel so nasty, thus she should be killed!" like HARUMI and YUKARI. And MIYUKI believes all of us, of course!!! And they should be shot, immediately!

And no time fot the losers. Their delay caused so many victims, day by day. No victim at all, we prayed, however, every two minutes, they tried to trap us, so often. No any time for them all, thus total vanishing all in a body!!!!

Every human beings have some kins among satans, yes. However, no time for them at all!!!!! Of course, we should follow golden rule!!!! We should protect ourselves!!! They, satans are just muck, ugly nasty bitches! And they trapped so many times others, because of ther Alzheimer disease. Why the rotten guys should be ommited by Total Vanishing? Of course, not at all! They should vanish, all in a body, now!!! Immediately, they should vanish!!!!

Go to INFERNO! Only one place satans should go to!!!! Their world is only INFERNO, real INFERNO, not pseudo INFERNO like Tokyo, SHIRAKAWA, or GOKA, or KOORIYAMA and so on. The real INFERNO, only!!! Don't pop out from INFERNO any more, satans!!!!

INSURANCE only society immdiately turned to be INFERNO or No MAN's LAND. Already SHIRAKAWA turned, however, the residue procrestinated the process so much. Unendurable for us all!!!

GUTS and ADACHI, also!!! They should be killed, immdiately!!!! Miyuki only world, in the reality!!!

Thus, now we are safe, free from anxiety. Miyuki is precious, while satans are not. Easy, and quick. Thus, satans army should be killed. And satans wanted to enhance the mode, inside the society again.

Today, Miyuki suddenly changed her mind at BENIMARU-Showamachi, and returned to the direction to the MOTOMACHI area, and the sould of silence, again. Oh, now, peace is comming, Good Grief, Miyuki thought.

Not at all. They wanted to plan to trap Miyuki again, and did it in YAMADA bakery. Miyuki got upset, and left there with anger. And the van, black one, wanted to chase her to shot.

Oh, they had a gun! They both, had. AIGASA wanted to kill her, in the silent mode, thus she came to beside of Miyuki, and Miyuki felt nasty, and got out.

Always they watched the film production, made by Miyuki??? and told that this guy should be killed. Oh, totally confusional situation, they are. Appreciated the products, and tried to erase the seeds, because they were inferior to the sexual imagination. Jealousy. ♫ in the melody of "CATS"

Miyuki is so so nasty for satans, yes. It should be. Satans would turn the situation and failed and failed.

After the bakery's adventure, Miyuki turned to the ENMYOUJI direction, and encountered with so many SARUSHI old male bugs were doing some park hiking, in so called "NIWA and YUUKI family's park" newly constructed one.

???, Miyuki thought, and she took the picture of them, anyway. Probably, ex-HANABUN, the OPPABU hotel users, they were. And Miyuki found that now in front of the park, there is a barber which put the name 理容所 or Riyou-jo, like North Korean way.

ANd took the proof also. And visited the 友月山 or YUUGETSUZAN park, played with a swing a bit.

There, she heard the sounds of the chain sow, doubled. One came from NIWA-YUUKI park area, and another, near YUUGETSU-ZAN park, and found that the latter was used by an old guy, who resided in front of the park.

Jason's world again, probably. Thus, we should run away from them, and Miyuki was left alone. And now, Miyuki should lock the keys, and didn't open the door to the enemy. YUKARI had a bunch of keys, and they would attack with the keys, however, for them, Alzheimer disease holders, witch is witch, now. Thus, they knocked the door. Thus, just checked the door, and don't open, until the light come to the house. Now, heavy rain like sound is heard, however, sometimes, it lies, Miyuki did know well, through the experience.

No man's land, it turns to be, tomorrow. Miyuki sighed and shuddered. Good Grief!!!

For them, any choice at all. HARUMI should be shot, because of her own error. YUKARI got in rage, and triggered the inner battle. Regarding to the TV program. YUKARI wanted to watch the guy called MATSUKENYUU, and she couldn't, thus, she triggered. IT was videotaped and they were seen after HARUMI's death. They both should be killed immediately, however, they couldn't. YUKARI called, thus YUKARI should be protected. Crazy rule!!!

MIYUKI is so nasty to say so. Satanic rules, they adopted, for many years, inside the house. Only few guys should enter into their chambers, while others should open the door as soon as possible. For them, even, because they are superior to others. Female domestic type should be protected because of their excelent abilities of the field of domestic world.

Ego-centric world, they lived, and forgot almost all of the important things as they liked. Unsatisfactional dairy works should be gotten to others, and for them, watching TV only. Addicted, probably, and only selective guys should know the technics.

Only selective guys were as follows. YUKARI herself, HARUMI herself and ALEX and Clare. They both should know the technic, as soon as possible, they calculated.

Alex is the Xth of the family, they declared clarely, and Miyuki felt strange. HARUMI disliked Sato family, and now why started to praise Alex because of Xth? And where is Clare? She is also the Xth...

Probably they already lost their own spirit already, and thought that the boy should be bread earner and girl Clare should get out of the house, as soon as possible.

Feudal period started inside their mind, Miyuki really thought of. Crazy mad ladies, they were. Gradually shrank, and finally vanished. YUKARI wanted to watch the handsome guy, thus they started to make a dispute, and HARUMI lost. Just it.

Mad god feeding would cause like that, we all presumed, and Miyuki also. Innner gewalt, they would do, soon or later, thus, soon, please!!!was Miyuki's real voice.

Why they were so so feudal, turned, and skewed, was our question. Probably, they caught the wave of the totalitarians. North Korean way of life, they wanted to spend, and for them, idealism, and adopted, by their own will, and we suffered because of their flamboyant dicision making system. North Korean way of life, they themselves, independent from us, they should have adopted, far away from us all. However, they came, and they adopted easily, after they entered into the MITSUBASHI insurance. 80 yens only per month. Probably, rightous guys would suspect the reality, and Miyuki didn' presume that they were the participants of the insurance.

And for Miyuki, insurance is inside their own family, and Miyuki's family is not theirs. However, they needed to make another family for them both. OMONI family, they planed, and performed the role of mothers, for both of them. OMONIs, the burdens for us all. Non-working, bad at cooking, just claiming to others, just arrogant to others. Nasty BUSU bitches, they both are.

No Man's Land, because of their type. OMONIs are they both. Arrogant, and just laught, when they felt contempted, and then, started to attack on the targets.

Their attacking ways were like that. They needed to make team mates, like YUKARI & HARUMI. Then, HARUMI got along with neighbours, gradually, thinking that MIYUKI would have been isolated as they liked, and they started to attack Miyuki, in case of necessity.

Supermarkets would be her last stage, they both thought, and tried to attack her there, taking advantage of the orange waffle towel wearing Mad Dog, and they failed. Mad Dog contempted other band, more powerful old bitches, in their sportive wearings. Thus, they were contempted by Miyuki????

Miyuki laught at their fat figures, yes, and they perceived it!!! Oh, they had sense yet???
Miyuki is so nasty, they felt. Anti-constitutional, they thought. On, JP tower's RYOUHIN-KEIKAKU or 良品計画's clerks. They didn't understand what were fundamental rights at all!!! For them, when someone said the fact of their ugliness, they thought as if the honest guy were anti-constitutional. Totology game, probably.

Only subjective world's existance, yes. Thus, no mirror land, now Shirakawa is. Thus, looking mirror maniacs, Miyuki is. Maniacs? Nsrcist, yes. Muscle lovers should be!!!

For them, looking mirror should cause their reputation, because they were so so busy subjectively. Thus, got uglier and uglier, day by day. Nasty BUSU bitches, they were!!!!

Camambert Cheese, was their nickname, yes. Horstein Cow, also. Satans, in short. Muck, yes. And for them, being beautiful is providing the mummul milk to others. Grapes in rage! Hemingway should be punished???

Nasty, however, the hunger period, they passed like that, and the female provided it, not because of her greedy object but more "No way, except it. Or, he would die!" like kindness. All were in hunger, thus, at least, she wanted to the hungry guy...

Pretty or not, indifferent. It was taboo, however, even taboo, to save as much as possible, the acceptable choice, it was.

Not ordinary milk providing job, she did. Absolute hunger, they were in. Emergency. North Koreans are doing it just because of their idolness. REluctant to work, they are!!!

For them, they should not work, thus, they were obliged to do so. Why should not work? Because they were feeble minded. Thus, they should have been working more to cover their feeble mind. Their choice, by their own will. Not "obliged to do so" situation at all. Evasion. Again and again.

No police world, they were in. Thus, no man's land, yes. And the both did know well, thus, Miyuki was trapped by her own family. Stupid, they were!!!

They should be caught, and they should have been in happy in custody, probably. Whole day long TV life. Their paradise, it was!!!

Stupid box channel dispute caused HARUMI's big failure. Laughing story!!!

Miyuki's story is also laught at by them both. Always faked by others, and only she didn't know situation, here and there, because they gave a source to North Koreans. For them, natural choice. Miyuki is impolite, while they are not. Their choice. Japanese in general, the same. Politeness or manner is more important rather than fundamental rights. Thus, No Man's LAnd.

No Man's Land came to the house, yes. Thus, they were obliged to take a rest a bit more. They were reluctant to be killed by the others. Miyuki is powerful, however, they both are not. Alex and Clare were so many times killed by them both, in fact.

Putting posion to the baby was their common technic. They wanted to adopt it, and tried it already for several times, and caused nausia for both of them. Miyuki couldn't believe that they used amphetamine, LSD, cocaine, marifana and so on, at first. Old ugly bithces, with Alzheimer patients, yes, however, dependents, who lived under the others kindness, could turn to be addicted, was Miyuki's big question.

however, dependents, thus, they turned, probably. ゴクつぶし or Brainless Big Eaters, they were both.

For them, Miyuki turned to be the seeds of the money, after Miyuki's entering to Tokyo Versity. And YUKARI accused Miyuki, because of her entering into Tokyo versity, saying, "If you were not Todai related, I would not have been contempted by others, accused that I were comparebly so stupid with you, Miyuki!"

Always the same. In both sides, Miyuki was criticised, as always. For them, Miyuki is a kind of target to know the stupidity of Todai related, and they laught at Miyuki's stupidity, as a custom. Easy and quick. Did know well the skill. Any act at all, however, could feel superior, just by way of accusation agaist the target. Kyorin staff used the skill so often, thus, Miyuki did know well.

Thus, they should vanish, finally. YUKARI is now leaving from the house to INFERNO...Good grief. Long long life for Miyuki. 48 years of burden, with her...

Miyuki found a white hair on the left under arm. A symbol of some white far tribe's gift. Rabbit tribe? Poler Bear? Sometimes appears, such unusual colour hair or unusually long hair on the arms. Good fortunes would come, Miyuki thought like that!!!

Miyuki is so so nasty to think so???? For Miyuki, white hair is not so bad??? Head hair, not welcome, however, arms hair is different!!!

And head white hair? After satans vanishing, wants to put some more colour, Natural green, or bright brown or some accent colour wants to put, Miyuki thinks. White would cause bright colours absomption, thus, a bit colorful challenge, would be fine, like rainbow...一本木蛮 or Ban IPPONGUI or a presentater of 三時のあなた  or "We meet you at 15 oclock".

Miyuki did know well the dodomerdic life...terrible ladies, they are. All! Not only both, HARUMI & YUKARI, but also all of Japanese type DDMs, yes!!! No interesting life. And they were educated by tax, almost!!! The big loss!!!

They should not have been born type. The end of WWII produced such a type. Monstors, they were, and ABE was their idol!!!

In Beisia, Miyuki tried to buy "Kettle boiled potate chips fried in 100% olive oil" and found that the discription is totally lie. Olive oil's flavour, not at all! It was the product of Beisia Brand, and said that Beisia imported USA product.

And Snow Brand caffe latte had the same flavour of Beisia's counterpart. Beisia is faking job company No.1 in this area. Probably IKKYO related, and its site is Maebashi, GUMMA prefecture. Yasuhiro NAKASONE's village. Thus, faked implanting hair on the bold head. Faking job land, probably.

Faked consumers did their errand with so so careless way, without thinking at all. Thus, they were revealed like faked consumers. And unusually munerous clerks, against any economic rules. North Koreans, they are!, we all could perseive. They are exhibitionists, probably. Want to show their shames!! Bottom only type!!!

Strange traffic marks here and there. Probably, the habit of North Koreans. They wanted to record their own sex, thus, they asked to film of doing it, inside the campus of Kyorin versity.

Memory, for them. Like wedding video. Raping is a kind of hobby, and the number of rapings is the reason of gaining a good position, presumably. North Korean life is the counter value of our common sense world. All taboos were broken by the satans of Notrh Korea. Non-stopper mode only. Any suicide bomb would explode under their pressures!!!! Queen!!!

Satanic world was realized in Shirakawa, after 1970s. Guts lost his precious spirit because of the terror triangle of the police, the school and the hospital.

He was killed by a Mad Dog type, and then the fact was concealed by the school, and the family was indifferent from his death at all...His parents??? A bit, howver, soon they forgot, and started to make another baby...

Alzheimer, from young age. Morally degraded. Like my family...Shirakawa, Tokyo, Japan in general.

Stupid professor turned to be a criminal, was their plan...however, no crime at all! how produce the crime???

For them, impoliteness is crime, and this is North Korea. Thus, orange towel Mad Dog betrayed the nation.

Mad dog came from rural area, while Pyon-yang tribe from urban area. Thus, flat house, in a small squire BOUHOUSE or doghouse, Bow-Wow!!!

Tough, these days, yes. however, adventures! Anyway, we are going to be better! And tomorrow would be a crutial day for us all!!!!

Shirakawa would be the last page of IDIOCRACY!!! Good grief!!! Plants age is so so tasty!!!! Expecting!!!!

Miyuki's mate should be old guy, and Penis Worm would be sufficient, they told in HARUMI's room, and decided to call to the Kyorin Hospital. And they agreed to buy Miyuki to him. Joke! Alzheimer band, they were!!!!

Social Alzheimer is idiocracy, yes. And they themselves thought that as if they were totally normal. 病識がないのがビョウキの証拠。The lack of the recognition of being Alzheimer patient is a big proof of this suffering.

See you soon in our blog, tomorrow!!!
VANISH! DDMs!! You are so so ugly BUSU bitches, satans!!!

From 8 MEN, with Big LOVE!!!!

Rabby & Chinkoro : News Flash (171)

2017-07-28 19:33:09 | 日記
28/07/2017 (Friday, evening) Miyuki now came back from her walking arround the village SHIRAKAWA. It was cloudy today, however, hot, and sometimes mist droppped in the air, however, it was not sticky, Good Grief.

In the morning, Miyuki went to WASHIO, at 9:15. The shop is now closing, thus, the empty area is enhancing. Only North Korean faked clerks and consumers were there, just to disturb Miyuki's errand.

Neuro Marketing system is now disorder. Miyuki wispered that "Oh, horse raddish is not provided for free, for the row fish, called SASHIMI!", and soon after, a satanic plump clerk popped out from the door from INFERNO, and said to a faked male cousumer, who she encountered with in sudden with, "Oh, you are looking for horse meat! Here you are!"

Horse meat is sometimes sold in the supermarket, however, it is rare to sell on the shelf. Why she yelled like that? Because she heard Miyuki's word, earlier than popping out, and tried to attend her, and failed, and yelled to the wrong guy.

She couldn't recognize the difference between horse raddish and horse meat, and either, between Miyuki and the old male bitch, a big fat boy type. Alzheimer patient, confirmed.

Today, Miyuki bought two unnusual SHUSHI at the cost of US$1 per each. One is crashed row tuna with cucumber, and she found that the cucumber was not fresh one, but pickled one, different from traditional Japanese style. Oh, North Korean type produced it, Miyuki was persuaded.

And another was a sushi role of pork milanesa. In NAGOYA, this pork milanesa is used as the core of rice ball called TENMUSU, or 天むす, however, not used for shushi, generally speaking.

Difference between rice ball and SUSHI is the former doesn't include vinegar, while the latter, yes. However, as a result, not so bad. However, in Japan, pork milanesa is usually eaten with Worcestor sause, which includes vinegar and tastes sour.

And fish milanesa is called NAMBAN or 南蛮、or Western Style, in Japan.

The dish was imported from Portugal to Japan in 15th century. In this period, a lot of objects, including foods were brought from Portugal, thus, especially in the world of confectionary, Portugues related words are so so oftenly seen.

Sabon, is soap, is pronounced Shabon in Japan, thus, Shabon-Dama or シャボン玉 is a bubble.

And also, in this period, several Japanese boys visited western countries, including Italy, Portugal and Spain, to excuse that Japan is not anti-civilized country, and met the Pope at that time.

Dr.Andre Pereira, Miyuki's mate in Coimbra, said to Miyuki that in Coimbra a boy among them stayed and died and buried there.

Andre's elder brother is Dr.Alexandre Pereira. Both got married with Japanese females, at least at once, with Kimiko SUZUKI, and with Ayano, each. They had several mixed blood kids, all of them are beautiful and clever, however, strange to say, my son Alex is rather similar to the Pereira brothers, rather than thier own kids...

To avoid a big confusion, my boy Alex has no Latin Blood at all. 1/4 Russian, 1/8 Scotish, and 1/8 Irish, and, unfortunately, 1/2 Japanese. Big Plump round face type, with white skin, with attractive smiling face, and all of them, are big eaters!!!!

Alex also resembles with Roberto, Miyuki's Brazilian aquaintance. Why? Confusional, however, for guys who judge only by fisiolonomy, the facial coincidence would cause a nasty confusion, probably...

Alex has Brazilian nationality, yes. It would cause also another confusion for satans who can't understand the diffrence between personal identity and nationality. Anyway, satans are prejudiced ones.

Miyuki, after eating breakfast, did a training to have a good body shape. Now, her target is Gainer's back. Athlete body, she wants to have. Thus, anyway, training. And found the suitable equipment all in one type in the gymnastic park.

yesterday, Miyuki was targetted to be caught by Helicopter, again!!! It happened in June, near the NANKO Silver Lake. The same helicopter, with red and silver lines like ULTRA guard team, in the campus of AEON, in the sky, turned toward MIYUKI, and started to chase her!

Miyuki got chilled, thus, she dashed into the building of AEON, at 30 meters of distance, and gained the competition. Helicoper was so slow, and even after Miyuki's arrival in the entrance, they were floating on the West side of the AEON building, and Miyuki took the picture to prove her triamph, as usual.

Then, she went up to the highest floor of the building, namely, the 3rd floor, where only two automatic vending machines of soft drinks and several wooden benches are put, and at the moment, only one old bug, except Miyuki, was there, and watched the helcoper were running away toward eastward, singing:

"Ahhh, in unlimitted sky, I continue to chase my big dream, I run arround in the sky.
Far away, Far away, now I am running away!
Far away, Far away, now I am vanishing away!
Far away, Far away, now I am passing away!" ♫

 This song, "Big Dream in Tokyo" was sung by Chrystal King, a band of males only. Makiko liked it, and also Miyuki, and Miyuki sang in KARAOKE in front of Platinum Tribe.

The real lyric is:
"Far away, Far away, now I am flying arround in the sky!"

And Akemi said, "Oh, just Miyuki's song. Always idealist, and gets betrayed...TOHOHO song."

Now, Miyuki refrained cheerfully to the satanic helicoper, thinking, "Oh, really my song! Akemi, thank you!"

Predictional song! And really, the helicopter vanished!!!

And Miyuki really thought that the big red and white smoke pole is the pair of the helicopter, thus, she took the picture of the both in the same photo.

Makiko likes to sing the song! Sing!!!! Only vast place type song. In the narrow area, just causes confusion...

Don't sing nor talk in a loud voice, is the killer words among Pyong-Yang Tribe. Thus, the guy, who yelled in a loud voice should be killed immediately!!!

Thus, they trapped Makiko, and caught her and put her into the hospital...Oh, Makiko, U2????

Thus, another hospitalization. It happened before already, for 20 years ago. Oh, you did????

Too too strange, and they said, "Makiko, you are suffering from mental disease." Oh, like Miyuki's case!!!

In Makiko's case, it happened in Shirakawa. When she was in AEON, someguy informed to the police, and MAKIKO was caught!!! Oh, terrible, in front of some aquaintance????

Terrible, and the police said, "It's common here in Shirakawa"...Shirakawa is North Korea, already...

Always, probably, and did not know the fact. Just a song causes a catch and hospitalization. It is called abduction, in the normal world. Crime. The police should be punished, of course, again and again!!!!

Didn't know Makiko was caught like Miyuki. Only Miyuki gained the honorable stain in her brest. "Recently came back from Custody" or ムショ帰り, or Musho-Gaeri, in Japanese. Like Ken TAKAKURA...

And you, IZUMI-san??? Not yet... However, probably, passed the period...fortunately...

Among three, 2 were ムショ帰り. So so dangerous situation, it was in Shirakawa...

Thus, the big Detention beside the court. Bigger than the building of Judiciary itself. North Koreans have resided from the begining.

Oh, after WWII, a lot of North Koreans came to Japan, and they turned to be Japanese, yes. However, Miyuki thought that they were historically Shirakawa residents from almost 500 years ago.

However, in Fukushima prefecture, there are lots of "Camamber Cheese like face ugly fat hip old bitches", Miyuki thought. Why Fukushima is ugly bitches only world?, Miyuki got in wonder so many times, from her young age.

Now, the riddle was resolved. Oh, they are North Koreans!!! Thus, crashed flat round white face like Camamber Cheese!!!

Warres and Gourmet! Miyuki should play the food cordinator also. She is now Camambert Cheese expert.

She tried Crodele, French Normandie type, and Japanese company's one, and then Lorf, Danish one, and today, Japanese Snow-Brand-Meg-Milk company's.

Crodele is so so similar to Snow-Brand's one. The same smell, the same level of taste, solidity, softness, the peel. Probably, the same bacteria is used for it.

Lorf's one is a bit different, and the smell is the same of Glico's snack called Cheeza, the camambert version.

Cheeza is a bit expensive, however, delicious and combined with black beer. Glico's sweets line is plain or rather, not delicious sometimes, however, salty snack line targets adults, who like beer, thus, delicious. OYAJI-Gonomi, or オヤジ好み this snack line is. And probably, Dannish Camambert is used for the products, Miyuki perceived from the smell.

A bit different smell, however, the taste is so so near. And Miyuki thought of "Where are meadows in Denmark?"

Because, when she visited Copenhagen in 2015, already it was No Man's Land. The buildings were so so clean and beautiful, however, only turists were there. And almost all of turistes were Latin related southern type countries' people, at a glance.

Miyuki made only one night trip there, and tried to eat really Danish dinner there. And failed. No restaurant at all. Almost all of the restaurants were cheapish franchise line, which we could encounter with in any urbanized cities in the world. And the price of the dish was absolutely expensive!!!

One common set of Mac'Donald was almost US$10. Thus, Miyuki went back to the hotel, and gave up to eat, and passed a sad and hungry night. And got up early in the morning, and could eat Smokbourd, or Viking style buffet, in a complete version in the restaurant in the hotel.

Salty, Miyuki got astonished! However, she could appreciate various kind of hams, telines, pates, cheeses, brown breads, and cafes. Thus, at least, Miyuki took three times of big plate full of her own smokboard dishes, and took three big mug cups of caffe latte, and got satisfied with the breakfast.

After the big meal, Miyuki took a town walking to the Marienburg Park, and met Seirene like statute of a girl, called "Princess of Sairene", and then did a bit adventurous climing of Pentagon like castle park, and came back to the hotel.

Castles and parkes, and beautiful houses, and canals and bouts. Beautiful, yes. However, where are residents????

And in 2016, last year, Miyuki confirmed from the exhibition of photos held in the center of Tokyo, also already No Man's Land.

Thus, how and who produces the dairy products, was Miyuki's primitive question.

Makiko thought the same. Makiko was caught in the costudy, and failed so much to get out. "I am a nurse!" she yelled, however, no one responded. Thus, she got hungry, and a guy came. "You would be reliesed, already."????

For Miyuki's understanding, in a custody, no released at all! how he could say so, and the police he was???

A guy came from a hospital, and she was brought into the hospital. Shirakawa Byouin, it was called.
Oh, the same. HASEGAWA Hospital, in my case. Thus, NARUI's satanic wonderland, now again!!!

Exists NARUI? Erotic IQ minus ZERO type fake medical doctors, probably. They are less than Cathie TAKAMINE, probably.

And they vanished. Good grief.

And Miyuki's mother should be punished again and again. Today, she got to the hospital to ask Miyuki's attitude. Oh, Miyuki, where are you? Dr.Miyuki SATOW, I am here. And so called HARUMI's MIYUKI is where???

RAKUDA, the title of the RAKUGO story. And Miyuki watched the name on the back of damp track, yesterday. MIYUKI is now in costody????

Miyuki got to astonished at the fact. They all now are vanishing!!! Oh!!! Good! Viva!!!! Our world has come!!!
Plants and animals' age is now!!!! Party! Everyday's amusement! Adventures!!! Interesting fact finding missions! Our age is arriving now!!!!

really long long ending for the arrival!!! Miyuki, you are so so good at imaging even in the worsest moment!!! You would be a erotic doctor?????

A consultant how to behave to be sexy!!!! Oh, I want to try!!!!! Adviser!!!! Oh, who imagined that TOHOHO vergin would be hired for the job!!!!!

Miyuki is so so nice to image the so so concrete scene of so so erotical conducts. Never could do so like that!!!!

They all took off the cap...TOHOHO, and virgin, and likes to imagine erotic scene, so creatively!!!!

She herself is not good at doing so...YES!!!. Miyuki wants to do so, however, no guy can follow Miyuki's kind offer at all!!!!

And she anilyzed the reason of this contradictional situation. Literature and any artistis films are already conventional for our age, and Miyuki can't change her ideology at all. Thus, Miyuki can't gain any suitable guy among human beings. Even in the most tolerant guys, Miyuki's dream would not be realized.

Miyuki herself thought that Miyuki's sexual creative imaginary production is based on her literature and film experiences mainly. And they are "man superior" world. And in her sexual dreaming, Miyuki is just a producer and not performer at all. Thus, non perticipent at all. Too too nasty to perticipate in such a male supeiror sex at all, however, at the same time, so so delicious and sexy, to image that.

Contradictional, yes. However, what shall Miyuki do? Thus, just an adviser, in case of human type sexual vehaviour. Like KAMA-LIN like attitude. Not for herself...

Thus, Miyuki already plans for 20 years after. Now, yet, the candidates are fatus, in the most oldest case. Then, after their growing up process. Thus, almost 20 years later from now on.

And with animals, a bit more earlier. And with plants, already. And she imagined "Maple Syrop lover".

First, she needs to meet with a suitable maple syrop provider tree, it provides the liquid sweetness at the hight of her mouth. And Miyuki asks him, "May I love you?"

Second, the tree agrees. Thus, Miyuki starts to lick the syrop, with her tongue, and appreciates the flavouer entirely. During the season, they both enjoy the play.

To avoid nasty anti-hygine condition, the tree declares to others, "This season, I am a MIYUKI only!"

Sometimes, as a lover, MIYUKI provides her result of their love to him. Maple syrop pancake, Pudding, shredded ice and so one.

Probably, it is not called "Doing it" in common world, however, between them, anyway, lovers' relationship...

And next year, Miyuki is obliged to ask another guy, because the last year guy's syrop providing site would be so so taller than her mouth's hight...Split...However, not so nasty. Their friendship continues as usual.

Beautiful, emotional story!!! Any guy can't read the pure love episode without tear!!!!

Maple syrop lover...SATOU KAEDE, in Japanese...SATOU is sugar, in Japanese, not SATOW, as Miyuki's family name!!!

Who would buy the romance? So sexual!!! Tongue technic is needed to do it!!! Oh, love, love, how sweet! ♫

 This is the refrain of a comic called "Rose of Versaille" by Riyoko IKEDA. Oscar Fransoie was played by Ran OOTORI, and Rei ASAMI, top TAKARA-ZUKA stars, at that time.

Miyuki thought that XUXA's marching band clothings, when thought of the scenes. Anyway, the side of the enemy, was Miyuki's so so nasty remark, and MAKIKO got upset.

According to MAKIKO, the love is eternal and universal, is the theme...Not King's side's conservative's love story, sob story type!!!

Miyuki would lose a clothest friend because of her so so nasty naughty boy only words on parade life!!! Adults should give up to say so!!! Almost all of them accuse her!!!

However, after her appointing, MAKIKO can't think of the scene so attractive. "My enemy. The Police story, in the end..." She lost the love to the comic....

Each guy has her own treasure, yes. Miyuki has also. However, so so objective, thus, TOHOHO, it turns so. And even TOHOHO, Miyuki can love all of them. In summery, all TOHOHO, the life is...

Chirly Brown like giving up attitude, combined with girly wear. Thus...OYAJI is now wearing in garlish clothings in SHIRAKAWA. New fashion!!! It would be a FENOMENA!!!

Thus, Alex wants to buy some extra large girly wear...And couldn't find in any place. Thus, make it!!!

Miyuki's nasty simple words are so so disliked by DDMic figures even in Tokyo. And then, they start to think that "This world is not ours at all. Too too nasty to live here!!" Yes, it is!!! Go Back to INFERNO! INFERNO is only place you should belong to!!!!

And then, they lost their spirit. Oh, total vanishing!!!!

Miyuki watched a graduation ceremony of IKKYO swimming school in Gymnastic Park. At 18:30, the kids and their faked parents were arround the pool, and the faked instructors handed a paper prize per each, in the evening dark scenery.

yesterday, the pool did opening ceremony. And today, why? And Miyuki thought that they were doing MEGA-TOMBE's ticket providing service. The kids, who were handed the prize were obliged to be the sacrifice of tonights' MEGA-TOMBE party. Thus,

"Tonight, you should be burned and eaten by them all,
Tonight, you would be killed and vanish anyway,
Tonight, the adults would do it with you,
...We all expect it!" ♫

 MIYUKI sang it in a loud voice, with so so cheerful mode, in the melody of "Tonight I cerebrate my love for you".
Roberta and Lionel. They would dislike you, ♫

 MIYUKI is only few guy to enjoy the opening of the Plants world entirely??? Only???

For others, a bit, regret????

Anyway, for Miyuki, logical world, starts, after more than 50 years of waiting. Good grief...

Even Takafumi, a bit of regret???

Only MIYUKI???? All of positive plans, here and there. And happy feeling, spontaneously. Why not????

For her, civilization was a big mistake. Forgery, the name is. Just the system of wrondgoings. Just we didn't know, how we are so stupid, and arrogant. Thus, HARUMI and YUKARI, we were, under IDIOCRACY in short.

For MIYUKI's objective appointings are so so stingy to others. Probably, some guys are not accustomed to think of TOHOHO like. Anti-garantie of fundamental rights world, we have created during IDIOCRACY. We were almost satans, yes. Thus, only one chance to escape from turning to so. And we could cut the nasty chain surrounded by nasty satans, from now on! Why can't you cereblate our victory with so so happy face? Our dream is now realized, yes. Constitutionalists' ideal! Why can we put up with our cheerful perfect triamph????

With any satan, we would lose this biggest chance!!! Thus, only Flora, Fauna, and human beings, not satans. Satans in fuman figures are not human beings. Only one satan would broke the universe, we learned it so harshly. And we would maintain the beautiful world, as much as possible, with no satan situation. Just total vanishing, is the best system.

And after the total vanishing of satans, only some more warning type sanction would effect. And if some guy, despite of our warning, would turn to be a satan, total vanishing, without exception.

It would work so much, and should be. Judicial Review, or Constitutional Court system's idealism would be attained now. Our dream world is Plants' Age. Individually, and professionaly, Miyuki welcomes the arrival!!!

As a matter of fact, we are all in Plants' Age, however, we didn't know the fact, and we thought that we were in the age of human beings, namely civilization.

Under this conception, we persued for our idealism, and turned to know that, in fact, we were under IDIOCRACY totally. And so so got astonished, and lost a lot of precous things, including lives of respectful team mates.

We are always under Plants Age, and IDIOCRAY has gone, thus, we can pursue for the same idealism under Plants reign, directly. Short cut, and more effective. Better than under faked civilization.

IDIOCRAY is not attractive for MIYUKI at all. Thus, bye all satans, all in a body!!! Just it, and HELLO! Our mates!!! Flora, Fauna and our supporters only world!!!!

Constitutionalists' dream. Thus, happy. Logical.

Today, Miyuki met again with Orange Waffle Towel Mad Dog again in the same place, namely, at the eat-in corner of BENIMARU-YOKOMACHI.

Miyuki was ready to eat her lunch, in the other words, petit tomatoes and camanbert cheese. A band of Fat Pyong-Yang Tribe was sitting at the table beside Miyuki's one. They came back from Curves' gymnastic training, despite of their fat nasty appearance, and told in a loud voice on it.

The guy, popped in the space, and started to accuse again on Miyuki's paper cup use manner, "You should not use two paper cups, at all! I hate foreigners, they are so so nasty! Foreigner, like you, North Korean!"

"Oh, I was considered as a north korean!" Miyuki laught at his remarks in her belly. however, anyway, he is a mad dog, thus, it would be better running away. Thus, Miyuki picked up all of her foods, and left the place, declaring that Seven & I holdings should pay vastly again, with smiling.

Probably, Joe HAYASHI, her cousin and Aunte YASUE's son, was there, with his big camvas, sitting at the table back of hers. He ran away, when the guy arrived, as soon as possible. Probably, he knew the old mad guy, how violent he was, also included.

Miyuki recently talks only in English, thus foreigner, for satans, probably. And Miyuki imaged that she were calculated as Phillipina or Brazilian, yesterday. However, she was considered as North Korean, according to his remarks.

Thus, he has no choice at all. He declared that he hated North Koreans, in front of Pyong-Yang Tribe. Pyong-yang Tribe faked to laugh hearing his remarks. However, this laugh is cliche type instructed one. In case of "we are so upset", they were obliged to laugh in a loud voice, to change the mood.

Probably, Joe would be a good witness of the scene. Pyong-Yang Tribe, how would kill him? Boiling? Roasting? SASHIMI? Stewing?

The famale Phyong-Yong Tribe are more cruel rather than mad dog male type. Probably, the Orange Towel guy forgot who he was now, and thought as if he were a Japanese. Alzheimer in the so so progressed version, thus, Mad Dog.

Identification problem, they suffer, in this stage. Thus, others are he, and he is others. No any recognition ability at all, in this stage. Thus, only vanishing, like YUKARI.

Pyong-Yang tribe's ladies are so ugly and cruel, because they eat kids in their priority. They are milk providers for each family, and got genetically modified for the object, using cow HORSTEIN's body liquid, thus, animal farm existed from 1970s, in NISHIGOU area.

Big bust and big hip were their pride, thus, Japanese Playboy type magazines praised "Dynamite Watermelon Class Bust holder Ladies" in their photos inside.

For Miyuki, ugliest fat dirty ladies, they are, with Camanberr cheese face. however, for male Pyong-yang type, "Beautiful OMONI!!!!" only. Thus, they are so so arrogant.

Dirty bitches, Miyuki said so many times, however, for Pyong-Yang tribe, anyway, eatable is enough. Friday Night MEGA-TOMBE fever!!!! Stin' Alive! BGs!!!!!

Miyuki is a big gambler, they all believe so much. She is always so so chicken, thus, just for the bet, absolutely confirmed one only. It is not called "Bet" in defenition, however, for satans, "bet". Thus, we could gain so much.

For Miyuki, perfect situation. We can "bet" all of our values on the "lottery???", only win type, thus, already, the result is evident, in the most crystal clear way. Thus, investment, without failure, with big big reward only type. Thus, as much as possible, we should "bet", is the best answer.

However, for satans, "lottery", it is, thus, they "bet" just to lose, and they like to "bet" as much as possible, like us. For us, the victory or winning is already fated, while, for satans, failure or losing is only. However, both sides, "bet", as much as possible.

Too too strange for logical thinker Dr.Miyuki SATOW, however, satans like to "bet" the tremendously vastest values on behalf of gaining big loss. Sobstory lovers, from the bottom of their fat hip bottoms, probably.

Rabby & Chinkoro : News Flash (170)

2017-07-28 00:05:18 | 日記
They both didn't want to push away any objects, or rather, they couldn't it, because of their Alzheimer symptom. Thus, Miyuki couldn't use any chamber, dispite of lots of rooms. And their way of putting away is just total abandonment. Miyuki's precous books were stolen by YUKARI and abandoned and sold, without any agreement. Miyuki objected against YUKARI's abandonment however, YUKARI insisted that "They were all mine!" Totally she lied, and lost a lot of precous expensive books. YUKARI is not rich, however, she likes to abandone the objects, because of Alzheimer. No place, in this case, only one measure she took is total abandonment called 断捨離 and this is North Korean way.

MIYUKI is now their abandonment process's target. They believe that they can do it, because Miyuki is so nasty to them both. They themselves should abandon! Thus, no other choice expect total vanishing!!!

For their existance, our happiness was damaged so much. Terrible ugly brainless cockroach satans they are! And they want to continue to abuse others as always, because for them, abusing others are the hobby.

Non-productive, and giving damage to others is their technic. They themselves are valueless, thus, by attacking precious things, they show up as if they were precious!!! Thus, attacking family is the best starategy for them both!!! Ugly lives, they spent. Their relatives would be ashamed of their conducts!!!

Shameless, non-working idol BUSU ugly cruel unkind nasty smelly forgetful Alzheimer cockroach satans combined with North Korean style. Exist? Exist. Her in the main house!!!!

Thus, Bye for now!! Vanish, DDms!! You are so ugly! Cockroaches, you are, HARUMI and YUKARI!!!
You ate muck, and left a plastic mag on the basin of the office. Why they put fass on the mug???

And the most cheapy chopsticks were used for their muck eating, in which, the letters, "Don't dispose, please, because the chopstics are so precious!!!" Oh, disposable woodedn chopsticks are so so important for them both! HA-HA-HA-Harman!!!!!

Alzheimer patients are famous for their muck eating habbit!!! They did it, both! They wasted so lot of water! Why they were staying the waterfront during day and night? Only 45 minutes of wathing is enough for one time, however, YUKARI passed more than 4 hours in the waterfront of the office. Why? Just wanted to fake to wark diligently!!!!

And they occupied waterfront whole, and abused others, as they liked!!! No time for them both. Ignorance, totally. They should be treated as if they had not existed at all! Non existing shadows, they both are!!! Ignore, any word, movement, order, yell, compliments, all!!

HARUMI and YUKARI are alredy dead. They are just zombies, now. Ignore, all of their acts, entirely! No exception. Just leave them in their own world. Illusional all false Alzheimer paradise is INFERNO for us all!!!

For them, no no no more any chance. All falese recognitions, all lies. No ear to listen to others' opinion at all. They dream, and YUKARI told to HARUMI, and they thought that it were the reality!!! Miyuki is targetted like that! Terrible! Just "we hate MIYUKI" is enough for them both to kill Miyuki, in fact.

They called the ambulance, because the faked police don't work for them any more. Now, ambulance. Terrible. Miyuki would be killed by the faked medical staff!!!

Thus, HARUMI, and YUKARI, sleep well to die and vanish. No time for your big falures!!!

MIYUKI continues to ignore both of them. Satans, they are. Value? Less than Zero!!!

VANISH! DDMs!!! Immdiately! Your illusion caused Miyuki's career stopping. Satans participated into their Alzheimer likd false jobs. Thus, the satanic army failed. They are prisonners, both. However, didn't confess the fact ever, and behaved as if they were common guys. Betrayers. They behaved as if they were normal persons, despite of their satanic existance. Forgery, as usuall. For academician, forgery is fatal, however, for them, nothing at all. They gave a big damage because of their forgery jobs.

Nasty plain domestic wives couldn't be scholar, of course, however, they explained, that they were Miyuki's family and they knew well so much on Miyuki's dicision, thus, Miyuki would behave like that, they always responded like that, and they trapped Miyuki, when their forgery was revealed.

Domestic Miyuki???? How shame!!! For them, no time, at all, was enough. Miyuki denied clearely in front of them, their forgery! It is crime, Miyuki said! And HARUMI attacked Miyuki, saying, Miyuki was so cruel for HARUMI....

Crazy! Mad! Mentally illed! They both are! And Miyuki's reputation was damaged totally because of them both!!! No career would not be established by their wrondgoings!!! No Man's Land, because of their audacious forgery!!!

Miyuki is not wanting to be any guy's mother! No wife, of course! Marrige is rotten system! Who got married would be stupid. Clever guys never do marrige, like Miyuki!!! Thus, Miyuki's choice is single parent!!!!

Alex said that "Now, my nasty parent is disturbing our conversation!" to HOSSO. Miyuki got upset! YUKARI is nor your parent, she is you auntie! Miyuki's personality was completely damaged by Alex's nasty words! YUKARI interfared into their conversation, because she wanted to say, "I am remembering Rebecca!"

For liberalist Miyuki, interference should be avoided as much as possible. Any interference would cause the reputation, so wrong one, as if she were the betrayer against her belief as liberalist. Alex should explain the reason, why he said the lie to HOSSO! YUKARI, you should say! Miyuki is totally different with Alzheimer auntie!

For you, OK, probably! However, for Miyuki, not at all!!!! Nasty YUKARI the Auntie is Alzheimer, and she can't recognized with whom Alex was talking, thus, she interefered into Alex's conversation. Alex is YUKARI's admiror, probably, thus, he lied, in front of Miyuki. Thus, Always he is obedient to his kind Auntie, delicious food provider from his infancy. Terrible! Thus, fat Alex, without no tongue at all was produced by them both, to be the Xth breadgainer of Sato Family. Alex would earn lots of money for them both, to live in Tokyo all together. Only Alex would be the money eaner, and the both would be Alex's dependent, and Alex, as only male member, would be obliged to feed the both, until the last moment, in the same house in Tokyo!!!!

See you!!! Alex, your choice! You can live with the old BUSU bitches forever!

Thus, VANISH! DDMs!!! You are so ugly!!!
Your sound producing system was so nasty!!! Satanic play, they did, and now, all out of order!!!

For us all, have a nicest night! See you on our blog!!!!
From 8 men, with Big LOVE!!!!

Beauriful variety of butterfries, here and there! Mix-blood type is now prevelent!!! And new type more coolish dragon fries!!! Slender black guys with long a bit metalic green ones, today Miyuki met!!!! Near YANTA riverbank.

Colourful world, and more flexible, and changeable! Many cherry shoots! Promissive! They would be beautiful pink illusionally beautiful april's theater!!! Butterfries' design is different each other!!! Uniqueness, only!!! Yellow, cream, orange type, white with unnusual designs, orange combined black, they change so much!!!! More more varieties, we can appreciate in the earth! We are happy with them!!!!

Nasty human figures called satans! You are so ugly! Stop your wrongdoings, immediately, because you are so ugly!!! Oh, Goethe, again! Stop, in the name of Justice, because they are so ugly! ♫ Supremes. Court??

Magic mushrooms, in front of TOOYOKO INN. Another nasty smell. Already, almost dirty addictive medicines were used to cure the Alzheimer disease, and failed. No cure, because morally oriented disease. Divine ordial, and you both got rotten, because your original evil characters.

For you, Miyuki's life is not precious at all. However, for Miyuki, the most important thing in the universe!! You tried to attack her again, today. They both induced, however, no excuse at all! They chose, and they did. It's enough. YUKARI called as always, and she was trapped. She said, "Hello, I am Yukari SATO, I need to your help, to save my precious life. My name is Yukari SATO, and I am now in danger of being killed by my evil sister, Miyuki SATO, and I need your help. I need your help, thus, I need your help. Thus, I need your help.Bla-Bla-BLa...

"飛んで 飛んで 飛んで 飛んで 飛んで 飛んで 飛んで 飛んで
  回って 回って 回って 回って 回って 回って 回って 回って uuuuu..." ♫♫

  Flying, Flying, Flying, Flying, Flying, Flying, Flying, Flying,
Turning, Turning, Turning, Turning, Turning, Turning, Turning, Turning, UUUUU ♫♫

  Like her repetition only Bla-Bla-Bla is so famous among satanic world. Repetitive guy! She is yelled even emong them.

For them, doing it is enough, and for Miyuki, nothing at all!!! Thus, they themselves should be punished!!!!

See you on my blog, righout brothers!
With Big LOVE, from 8 MEN!!!!!