YUKARI's End (61)

2017-03-10 15:35:23 | 日記

10/03/2017 (Friday, afternoon) It is cold and wendy with snow flakes flying. I went to the rearest supermarket to buy some animal protain foods.

  Before the supermarket, I went to a dragstore to check the business condition. Almost no one situation there. And I found that my thum of the right hand bleeding. A lot of blood. I didn't hurt it at all. Why the hurt and the bleeding? And I tried this cut to the clerk, to check their level of kindness. And she was a qualified not kind. My bleeding was obvious, and this was drag store. Lots of quick medical treatment materials. She watched my wounded thum with bleeding, because I needed to wipe the blood with my tissues or so, and I needed to search in my bag for it. She was just watching to confirm that I would be a pickpocket or so. She was so near me, 3 meters distance. However, she never tried to assist me.

   I used a lipcream of the tester with my bloody hand. She kept silent. Just watching. Monitor only version.  

 I also tried the same check in the supermarket. I showed my wound and tried the same type of search in front of the clerks. However, they just pretended to be busy. Any offering of band ade or so.

  And also, strange thing happened. When I entered into the both big stores, on the parkinky, there were small number of vehicles. However, when I got out from the supermarket, the parking area was filled with vehicles.

  Just tracing game? For what and why?  The clerks and the clients were team, I got to know already. Now, they were so spooky and their gazing was always downward. They did commit another error?

  In the supermarked, relatively more figures were here and there! Oh, Plemium Friday! It was established by Tokyo DDMs team, and Shirakawa adopted it, because they have no other job.

  I also notice that the fish store is also in a recessition today. The curtain was shut.

  Presumably, neuro marketing system is used today, also. And predicts where I appeare and go there as soon as possible to fake the scene. However, they can't recognize the difference between rural town and Tokyo. Their ability is that of the 4th grade of Alzheimer patients. While I took a slight nap, YUKARI came to the office and retired after I noticed she returned to go back. Only a slight nap, she started to attack. And her attack was so direct.

  Oh, she did it. Stole some dates and soled to others. Thus, remote controle mode. However, someone sold the remote controle system to DDMic army, and she moved as their gorem.

  She retired from her luke warm water jobs. Good job for us. She was sold anyway. Not under the controle of our family. She appears sometimes as a gorem, however, not as our family member. An existance controled by another DDMic will. And they are totalitarians. Thus, they control by themselves as a loop mode. Mechanical movement like a broken robot. And dashing and repeating, like a dumb itself. Repeating errors accumulated. Beyond the limit. Throwal of the plastic bag was HARUSAN's habit, and she imitated and did it with the worst way. As a physical attack on Miyuki, to her back. It it were a knife? She did as she were moved by somebody.

  Oh, MATSUSHIMA bought her. She called to the telephone number again to pick her up. And they did a job, and they failed also. Not a good job for them. Neutral faked army's job. Fatus finding jobs. And they searched the muck. Then, storage. And the residence. Molds were taken completely by someone who knew the way, with Crol, as a material. Miyuki got to know that this way was poisonous and hurt the brain. Miyuki wrote it in the legal paper. However, they sued Miyuki and Miyuki was expulsed from their society. Miyuki would failed, they yelled. Miyuki had no chance to go to the court. They did after their lost game. And failed again. Mick raker, now she is. Thus, she tried to eat it and could it. The promise with her father. If you get violent again. you should have no chance any more. You should be sold as your object like. Only once, they could. Once in a while. Miyuki's was the biggest and the worst for both. Miyuki, you are so megalomaniac. They claimed. And you said so, clearly. And yelled by themselves. More and more! Thus, Miyuki claimed, "I want Justice in Japan, in underdevelipping countries and in the developped countried. All in the world. I would do it. And I would want my reserved seat in Paradise and the success in the missions. Then I would do!!!"

  Too much. Success included. No one was so greedy like her! She was too much. Burdensome. Miyuki realized that someone wispered to Miyuki to do so, and they said you can do it. Thus, she prayed sincerely. And claime at her supposed friend. Jesus, you were a good fellow type. However, you were to slow to know the useful tools. Why avoided the tools. Your faked representatives trapped your believers and got to death sometimes. You should order the change to them. And he should do the dirty job. Fatus checking. Oh, thus, the smells. In the trains, and another places. Almost all of the time, with a vague faced lady. A big bag in their hand. And smells. Muck like smells, rotten, fermented animal protein like smell. And did. The fatus was broken and should be eated by them. The order of the executor of Gods. Baby doll like figures were eaten as substitutes. And they thought that they were free from sins. Doll festivals!!! Or, substitutes!!! River side fatus throwal. Shirakawa had the point of it. SEKINE is only one of them. They did the dirty job. They believed that it were good for both. Both for male and female. However, changed her mind. Not both. Good for the clinics. Condom use is admitted in every case. Animal Declaration forgot the animal condom use. OK, I would put it.

  Sometimes, they don't want to have, however, Gods give sometimes. And they, no way like thing, accepted it. OK, without the problem, you can play with them. OK, for both. Rabit was guilty for the use!!! you used? Oh, frontier! And need to be reformed. Checking the usage!!! Oh, good. Don't worry. I think if the fatus came, as a kind of love child, thus, would be beautiful, not like Poseidons of Toriton, the ocean prince. Beauriful means useful and quick. Not so broken robot like figures. Thus, good, if I concepted naturally with animal species, however, he doesn't want to grow up, OK, I accept your idea and start to find the suitable one. Not for protection only type and amusing tools as a communication tool. Good choice. Your box is nice. It seemed like a package of cigarette. And she burned it and failed. Clare did it as her hands. Nasty smell. However, she said, "IT is a good girl's habit. Don't use that. You should be clean, until your wedding."Oh, oh, conventional and anti-scientific DDMic remarks.

  Miyuki was so nice to perceive the nasty remarks of hers. And she failed. She said, "I wrote it for my kindness. I didn't need to write. However, I wanted to earn money, anyway. Because her Goddamnit kids ate my foods so much and I lost money a lot. She should pay for me. Thus I caught her and punished her."

  Totalitarian has no limit, and they are in a body. They admitted all of their wrongdoing. The last resort, they used. Family problems were their happiness. And Miyuki welcomed the problems, as her exercise impressed OKINO. She had too harsh time with her conventional parents. However, now they turned to be good, more liberal. They almost lost their money to buy their own houses, and escaped from it, accoding to the someone's wispers. Abrupt change, however, for better, understandable. Good to know. You are talented cooker. And your sweets are good sample of dffort makes  a lot type. Miyuki did well with the black beans. And found that the skin bags. Until the skin bags was the rule. And did it.

  Skin bag YUKARI, they called, however, others didn't believe it. She was taken by someone already. Troublesome girl, as always. Violent, sometimes. Nudging was prohibitted by the rule, however, she couldn't recognize the rule at all. She behaved as she liked. Enhanced mode period. Until Miyuki's appointing, they didn't believe her abrupt change. And she failed. She was taken far more than 5.6 bilion years since the islamic born Gods ordered them. Gorem type. The modernized version was unnecessary in the age of modernized scientific thinking. However, Miyuki was totally understanding how she went to be a gorem. She didn't like use her own will and mind. Always copying. And unkindness to others. Gorem's inferiority-superiority complex. They was born to serve to others, and didn't. Even in the worst moment, they refused their request. Ms.Araki was substitute of your mother. A strict to her endurance and nothing bad to Miyuki. And she left D1 alone. Without any object, including glasses she wanted to buy with her adorable son like nephew. Miyuki got upset that he was controled by his evil wife. Why he forgot to see her! They lived together and now. She and her cousin. Not so bad, a bit tired. But, better than the elders house like hospital.

  She wacaped from her endurance. She wanted to show her gratitude to Gods however, they said, "You could put up with the high temperature at that time. Miyuki shared a bit and claimed not. A good fellow guy, she wanted to pretend. A camoflauge. She is too too shy to be thanked. And a good big present for your kids. Last one problem. Why last one? Miyuki asked. And they got to notice. Why?, was prohibitted word No.1 in Japan. How it is now, is the rightous question. Fact only oriented education. And not the fact, but their facts, relying on their unconstitutional anti-scientific beliefs.

  Terrible idiocracy in Japan. And in the world here and there. Just Miyuki didn't know that.Miyuki was too too macho for another guy. And Miyuki would find a lot of your similar in the near future. Without penis type. Amusing but not for the use.

  TOHOHO period again. The second stage. More harsh ones. And good to know! They got a chiled and lost fatus, naturally?

  A strange, I thought. Only after one month, fetus was too too tiny. How they got to know the existance???

  MIYUKI was too too right and the imagination was too too kinkiest. Imaginary conception by him own??? In the training, he did it!!! OK, good training. I thought that you got one with KIMURA and she disposed it on you, and you asked me as teacher responsible, and concealed it, because if you said so, you can't get any reply from any figures in Kyorin Versity.

  Miyuki was too too clever to perceive the Kimura's attitude is similar to MASAKIs. And they changed the personality and did it. A good couple to do so. And got a fatus for them and lost. And KIMURA ate it. A possible situation would be a good answer's nearer one. Miyuki liked to be sarcastic to DDMic life. HASEGAWA Hospital was ideal for YUKARI, Miyuki thought. And there came more than 100 applicants for the sake of 1 candidate. Oh, YUKARI was wanted for them. Internal organ cordinators. They faked their sperm as the clients' dream meles. I knew the story. More than 60 females got kids from one only medical doctor. Absurd. He said, "I would provide you mine. And you are OK, mine is superior than others, becaue I am medical doctor." And YUKARI equivalent accepted the offer. Oh, Dr.Dull did the same job. And CHIGU TOMI failed many times. And she was killed also by the Gods of Justice. Fatus killers, they said. They wanted to be a prittier, and getting pregnant is the best way. Being fat is the best way. Thus, they did. Oh, MIKA did it and got pregnant, and got fat. And De.Dull replied, "Until 48kg, you can get fat." And MIKA ate and ate and gained more than 48g. Now, she failed. Over 48kg, she would live, and over 48kg, she would be killed like as a plump lady. Only weight standard. Oh, Shinichi HOSHI's short short. 60 over, just falls into the darkest hall.

  Miyuki was too too clever to remember the strange episodes and used the expression. And they did know your memory is sufficiently good to be common people. Everyone knows the strangeness of the temperature, low too much. And you would be too tough to your friends. Too heavy to owe. Good to know it. And Miyuki is a unique existance in the universe, like others!!!! You should know, you are too too arrogant to do so. You just said, "I want to take advantage of my family" and HARUSAN was so so upset. Miyuki just wanted to say, "If I need, I will ask your assistance. As much as I could, I would do. However, fortunately, I have a wonderful family, so I can realize my dream to have a baby."

  Nor abuser, intentionally. And I did it, as much as I could. However, Miyuki's like was too too low and their line was too too high. And Miyuki didn't expect the high line to others and was satisfied with ordinary or lower standard. And the rest, a kind of their extra kindness. Miyuki is too too sly to the separation. And always said, "If you like" and doesn't force any. Sometimes, requested from the bottom of her heart. It happened that YUKARI assisted the kids in Funabashi and in HACHIOJI. However, she understood it as life time insurance. Misunderstanding, or illusion by her own. Not my fault.

  Miyuki was too good to say, that you failed, my Alzheimer sister. And she failed. Until Miyuki, her supposed rival got to know that she is the real Alzheimer patient, is the promiss. And she lost her chance. Miyuki was her hope. Miyuki would not get to know because she were inferior to YUKARI. And if MIYUKI said "Alzheimer", it meant MIYUKI would have suffered the disease also. This is the strategy. They were too too arrogant to know the fact. Miyuki did the test, unconcsiously. Forced and did it. YUKARI did and failed. She tried and tried and got darker and darker. Spooky figures, she turned. She didn't believe that she was the last one in the class. And thought that her nephew were the last and ordered to be the last. And they did. And Alex took the last points as usual. Miyuki got to know that he was not good at math, but good at speaking. And could think logically. Just pragmatist. American boy, don't worry. Alex was satisfied with the result. He got the worst and MIYUKI was pleased, with a regret. "You should take ZERO, however, you took 11 points. Too much. However, I appreciate your effort. Anyway." He regretted to have gotten the 11. He should offer it all in blanc, saying, "My mother, by her belief, prohibitted to take more than zero. Thus, you teachers, go ahead. I stay here with my family."

  And he said to his supposed instructor. "OK, Auntie, you are too too Alzheimer. No way. Miyuki did say so. And she said, amusingly. Oh, the disease of idolness! Hermit! They all Alzheimer patients!!!"

  Miyuki understood that she had a harsh time. Anyone passed and got stronger. And she evased. She lost the chance.

  Repeatedly, she refused the chance. Only one chance, she thought and she refused it and failed, and failed and failed.

  Only once, is her excuse as always. And did always. Forgetful broken robot, she is. Eternal virgin type. And did it again and again. She lost the chance and did it again and again.

  Shirakawa DDMs are the same. They are totalitarians. They lost their spirits. And did it again and again. They can's do so, just wait the execution. And tried again. Once in a while, they did and failed. Hermits are participants now. downander gaze, found Miyuki. They have a lot of excuses for it. And failed. Another excuse? I can't put up with your excuses. And did it. HARUSAN took her to the driving school and said, "Is she be able to take a driver's licence?" They replied, "Probably not. She looked like too old to do so. She would be sick in mind. She would not be your driver."

  And explained to YUKARI, "You are good at math, however, versity graduates can't have a driver's licence, any more. You suffer from Alzheimer disease because of your idolness. Your own failure. Not your fate or inferiority complex. Now, you recognize that you are sick and you should be hospitalized. And you have time limit. If you fail again, you should do it again.  It means, you would be scolded again until you are going to the hospital. Which do you prefer, Alzheimer patient? You are your dream girl, however, for us just a nightmare. Good to know. You owe to your family, however, you should not want to do so by your own reason. Devils work, you did. You did forgery. You explained that you did it only for the school tasks, however, you did for your own way. Wrote, "I am a sister of Miyuki SATO, Kyorin University's staff. And she wants to pretend to be a staff only. Not professor. Thus, she should be my servant. She lost her job, and I should save my kids, anyway. I just wanted to be a good girl. Good supergirl. And you like to be my job. I would like to work for you. A good teacher for you and your kids. I am good at math, and your teacher should be a good math type. OK? I would be a good math producer"???

  A dranken letter, she wrote to your superior???? The devils. Ok, my boss! OK, I am doing excuse for thier damage. They were unfairly underevaluated. I should do this job also. I thing that we like each other. Executor of Gods. Animal figures, probably. And for this figure, DDMs criticised their job. However, they were right and they didn't excuse, becaues evasion was the dishonour for them. A good choice. Miyuki could do it. And good at it. Assistence. Subsides each other. And Gods of Death is in shape, Miyuki's type. Natural slender type with bones. Good structural bones. Sculp is a good point to separate gymnastic type from not gymnastic one. Miyuki's theory. And in genaral, it was right. Only exception is there. As generally speaking, it is right. And sculp holders should be blamed by Miyuki, not! I praise the beautiful sculp and refered the story to her daughter. I once asked her skulp to my almna called AKEMI, and your sculp is also good in shape. Thus, If you like...

  Miyuki's dared joking was too too good job for DDMs. Miyuki would like to praise the shape of the sculp, because Miyuki failed to have it. Because of some happening. And the worse case Miyuki knows and gave up to have it, and not so formidable with hair. Not satisfied with the shape, however, concealable.

  Prefer long legs. good slender type. Good to my body. Sexually neutral type. Miyuki was really liked the book called "Jeans lovers" publishe in USA and wanted to buy it. However, a bit expensive. And watched it and found, Gee, my type! Only a looking on the mirror! My shape! Better than these models. Belly and hip models!!! Thus, gave up to buy it. ADACHI wanted to buy it, however, OK, she show me the part. Arrogant and Good! Not so bad. Oh, now, your hip. Bag like one. Shape is an important problem for anyone. However, 2D lovers are not good at 3D plastic surgery's design.

  And YUKARI did a plastic surgery. Oh? Miyuki didn't notice her one. Oh, masks. She did because she had an inferiority complex. She did it with her money. And got satisfied with the result. However, the traces. She wanted to check the situation, once in a while, and did it twice. And lost her mind. A good to know. HACHIOJI was a good place to change her mind. Not so violent, however, a tiny change she did. And Miyuki didn't notice her change at all.

  She nudged to call your attention. ????? Miyuki didn't notice and she lost her chance to recover her sanity in her mind. She wanted to be more beautiful and gained an ugly face. As always. KITADA and KIMURA. HARADA did the foot shape surgery. Urucanus like O letter feet she had and gained more straight feet, however, she looded painful in walking.

  Slight change and didn't effect at all. The downward gaze is the worst rather than flat broad nose.

  Miyuki wanted see her nose now. An interesting matter on the ugly girl's unsuccessful surgery. They wanted to change the impression and after the surgery the same as usual. Spooky impression never changes even after repeated surgeries.

  Miyuki did say so that she got to know the reality of the plastic surgeries. YUKARI just wanted to show her new face and failed. Miyuki thought that she was ugly as always.

  And She did her own job, by her own way. No one was satisfied with her job. and she was satisfied with her job. Subjective and she damaged our life. Abuser. Life time abuser. She is fated to fail, she believed and did it. Good choice. And we suffered lots by her arrogance. She does as she likes. No one could stop her conducts. Wrongdoing included. and lost. She lost her job, because of her arrogance. Just if she said, "I made a mistake, sorry." was enough for the moment, they thought. DDMic world. Confusion. Who did so? Miyuki. And lost their memory. For them, Miyuki and YUKARI are the same. No resemblance. Even though, they thought so and believed.

  Just believing. And doing nothing.

  Now, Alex head from her friend NAGUISA that now big shopping mall would be established in TAKAO. Is it true? Again?

  In TOYODA, suddenly appeared a big shopping mall, inspite of least population. Unnecessary exploration, non stopping mode like YUKARI's enhancing mode.

  Good to know. Your boy Alex is normal one for DDMic world. However, a precious one for us, common people. Uniqueness weighs in the least populous world. Thus, Miyuki is doing this writing job. Cronicle journalist, probisionally. Good to know. Your putting on habit was too too good to your reflexion. And you didn't regret because it is necessary for us all. Good to know. Someone is good and someone isnot good. A bit interesting, a not interesting really, is your job??? On scholar job? I am interested in the job. After the offering, I felt satisfied with my job. However, now, it is one of my jobs. I continue to be a scholar. However, now, more creative and more interesting job. Creation of new pragmatic order for us all. Especially, disposal system. Legal system would be useful. As a tool of social science. Miyuki was too too bad sometimes and made a promisse, writing one, and wanted to break, because they didn't keep it at all!!! Already finised but I wanted to confirm the complete breaking. Just it. Thus, I pledged. And I would work for them, also.

  They were relieved that Miyuki understood the situation. DDMs. A time consuming rumour makers and lose their virgin only for a trifle relationship. Good to know that YUKARI's lost virgin legend. Always virgin type. Thus, always for the first type. Miyuki's for the first type is the tiny part of new experiment, like a new flavour, new cooking ingredient, and so on. However, good to have the fresh one.

  YUKARI lied and forgot the lies. YUKARI did to her parents, "You should treat me well, thus, I would not forget forever. "And lied and lied. Miyuki wanted to know her rumour taking? Not at all!!! You lost her loves among DDMic world. Oh, pupils, yes! They chose DDMic world, and failed. No excusion. they sold me, didn't they?

  And amused the esperience. Newly experience? Nothing. They failed and lost and vanished. The fate, they said, presumably.

  Old boys cheerfully, "We are indifferent from my successor juniors' ground problem at all!" like their matter responsible KITADA. And they failed. Miyuki got upset, and confirmed again. However, the same reply. They themselves wanted to ask me to resolve the problem, and I tried and KITADA stopped me to explain the problem and she said that she would manage the problem. And did as she like. She took advantage of the position to control the wi-fi e-mails in the campus as she liked and did it. Match-Pumpo trouble makers. She proposed and trapped the boys and forced to obey her and did the dirty job.And they said, "She is a reliable professor, and Miyuki was the worst ones. She is the betrayer. She forgot out duty. OK, Miyuki, you should get discharged from your seminar. KITADA would take the controle of them. "

 And she thought that she  could, however, she was just dreaming as if she were able to manage everything. Just her dream. YUKARI's positive version, KITADA was. Go-Go-type. Dreaming is the same. Not the reality objectively, however, in her mind, the dream was true.

  Now, quick news. Local and central governments call the fukushima ex-residents IKKYO believers to participate in their lost war. An order by actual power holders. Thus, the vehicles increased. The drivers lost their spirit at the exchange of small amount of money and easy type rental apartment. And now, they should show their loyality. Delayed however, as a proof os their obedience, they should obey the order. The lost team's leaders' flamboyant will, is the reason of their vanishment.

 They should avoid the order, however, they participated. They failed. Only a promiss. An ilegal one. Can be canceled. They didn't think so. They wanted to continue the actual idol life and the change was not confortable for them. Thus, they did it and failed.

  Already done, at the moment of the contract, however, sometimes happened. An error. Irreparable error, it was. Miyuki wanted to all of her dreams be realized including her immortality and the total success. And believed and relied on it, and, they failed. Sincere promisse should be realized, at the cost of her life. However, Miyuki refused the condition and required erroneously. Devils denied the existance and trashed away in the bin. Gee, they lied! Now I am free. I lost time, however, I got to recognize that I am not good at memory oriented study. Good. At least, there are lots of different jobs. Let's then think of others. And encountered with the poster of the Association of Cultural Intercourse between Japan and Brazil. Good. Then, what is Brazil???

  Miyuki was right to do so. Stupid. However, tried and lost. Failure. However, sincere. Thus, couldn't vanish. Thus, another chance. Now, she hit well outside the field. Too too biggest! Why you asked her! I? I not. You! You! You did it! You?

  Ohhhh...irresponsibility again. And they didn't want to vanish you. You are not the member. In every meaning, you are different. YUKARI said to others, "Miyuki was DDMs. I know the fact. And I am her sister. She is the real DDMs' leader. I am her sister. Rely on me. I am sure of it."


YUKARI's End (60)

2017-03-10 10:43:42 | 日記

10/03/2017 (Friday, morning) I ate a Tomate rizzote with cheese and cafe latte.

  I remembered that IVANISA made me a razanha in her quick way in her HEKINAN apartment in Aichi prefecture.

  She is my old but younder Brazilian friend. A dancing friend, with her fluffy hair younger sister. We got to know in a dance hall and they talked on me frankly and we got along with each other.

  Ivanisa came from Seara State, near Fortaleza, the state capital city. Once I visited the city. A brilliant blue sky, long sand beach, less populous turists. and almost all of ths shops were closed and the streets were so calm. It was Sunday, thus, they took a weecly trip to outside the city, I thouhgt.

  However, this beautiful beach is so attractive and clean. Why they, the middle class residents don't take advantage of this beautiful scenes? Only several tourists were eating and drinking in a plain Italian cafe. Why? I was in wonder.

  And I found even in the old down town, the situation was the same. I was dissapointed at the similar situation between old under-developped side and the newest explorered one.

  All of residents went to some parks or so???

  Then I found a big concrete cathedral, of course Catholic one, there were many people. And beside the church, there was a narrow street with lots of people doing their shopping as normally.

  Oh, this scene is the same as I watched in Lima, Peru, later. There also were almost no one existed. However, I found a colourful village of modest people's houses. Miyuki named it "LEGO-Town", because each house was painted in colourful pastel toy house like taste. From the villeage, lots of people were going to the forum, where a festival against Child abuse was held. Thus, I decided to go to see the scene. Populous is better. On weekend, also. Where are middle class people???

  And Miyuki got to know that public agency dealt with the people bad. There were newly build bridges. Yet completed. From the village, they are forced to walk so long to pass cross a river. A long slopes, like Z shape. Why the shortest way, the public agencies didn't choose? Costive and inconvenient.

  I went there and in the middle of the bridge, I took some pictures with some Limanese boy, good looking one. I took it by iPAD, because my camera was broken soon before the trip, paid by Ministry of Culture and Science. Thus, I used iPAD and took many pictured by it.

  I boungt 3 iPad already. 2 for my professional use, mainly, paid by Reserved money for study of Kyorin Univ., and one for the present to my father, by my own purchess.

  I wanted my kids to communicated easily with my parents, chatting and watching each face. Thus, I took advantage of the result of science and made several wi-fi station in our houses. And got success provisionally. Soon, the system was broken easily and I was forced to tune up again.Repeatedly. Both side. I regretted to buy these inconvenient machines called iPad.

  I brought one for me, and left another in my residence, to communicate with my kids. I didn't like YUKARI's intervention in our family. Thus, direct communication with two iPAD was good, I thought at that time.

  And now, 3 iPAD vanished, with my precious photos and the records of messages, namely, all information at that period, altogether. Where they were? Anyone knows.

  The identification of the machines were so easy. The recording system. Even after "Format", it would be recovered by use of special professional technique. I had heard it from the recovery professional. I paid lot for them, but they did their job, as much as possible, and they explained me the limit and the possibility of the recovery and the money. I thouht it was the right attitude to recover the machine. Normal business attitude, I thought. Sincerity, in any way.

  Where are my 3 iPAD??? Yukari are accustomed to keep the our common keys as hers, and we had a lot of troubles by her ignorance. Alzheimer damage on the family.

  And the crucial time of the stealing was in the time of Kids schooling time. Thus, my mother forced us to use the keys for the protection.

  However, this week, she refered me, that the system changed. Now, the exact time, we should keep the door unlocked. I was informed the system change after. Why they changed? They discovered that the thief was inside and she herself took the advantage of the key holder for the disturbence to the others.

  And she herself said to her mother. "Mother, why you keep the door of the office unlocked? It was too dangerous, because here and there, lots of thieves. We should keep the door locked, as much as possible. We should protect ourselves, anyway." And adopted the system.

  Now, she did say, "Why you keep the door locke? It was too inconvenient for us all. You are crazy? We don't need any keys at all. My house is open to others. I love people. We don't need the door locks at all. We should be open to others."????

  Abrupt change according to her own flamboyant will. Miyuki noticed that your family was controled by someone, from outside. Abrupt change. Miyuki was indifferent from the change and just got to know the change and felt strange.

  Miyuki is safe, and you got to know, the last one legend, Hideko KIKUCHI asked. Even all of the human being died, Miyuki chose to live. This type. Only one type. Hideko asked more, "Don't you feel sad? I don't want to live such a sad condition.If no one existed, I would go with them, rather!"

  I replied, "OK, it would get sad, however, living is better than dying. And I have a lot of books. I can pastime with them. Anyway, I don't want to follow the way of vanishing, because of sadness.I want to live, just it."

  She gave up asking and admitted my choice. You are such a type. Wa are friends, however, the attitude on the matter was totally different.

  My type were too too individual and too too insensitive, probaply, from the point of view. However, Miyuki's liberalism is so strong and convenient. Your instruction is sharp. Abandone her. Too harsh for DDMs. They are sobstory makers. However, sobstory masturbation type. They chose to be Alzpeimer patients, like Shoko ASAHARA. Too cruel to any human being.

  The gift from Gods to poor ugly nakid monkies. However, now they don't want to have it, and turn to be a monster without any recognition. They are just monstrous creatures. Erotique interest for their tiny little things.

  Miyuki was so astonished that Alex seemed so little yesterday. He was little. He chose his way. Going with her DDMs. His choice. Indulged kids. Sorry, for Miyuki's expectation. But he did it. And he wanted not to appology. His choice. Gifted present, Miyuki would know. Beautiful sense of humours, intelligent and pritty sense of beauty. Amusing type. However, he lost his mind. And it was not addmitted by his own will. He wanted to say so, however, he couldn't. He should go to hell for it. OK, my boy. Good leaning lessons. Even his repeated asking for money, MIYUKI didn't surrender.

  He cama back from junior high. Why? He did know that Business School was just a fake. No school system, any more. And MIYUKI should know it. Then, he tried to persuade Miyuki to know. ???

  Any excuse for DDMs. They want to get Miyuki in trouble and controle his neron and got it. According to his own fragility. Every one is fragile and Alex is addicted type. Not sobstory type. And he was sometimes bad, however, sometimes, he is serious and said to me, "I am not the friend of Kakishima, who bought a Delivery Health Boy or prostitute by our tax." and Miyuki believed his remarks. Even in his worst situation, he could say so.

  And he listened to my advice on Business School and watched me, with understanding of that I as a parent sencirely thought of his future. At least, he watched straight on my face and I got to understand that I could persuade him.

  Sincere and harsh remarks on him. Your choice, however, with in the limit. I hope you yourself choose your way rightly. However, if you couldn't, I will do my power as the legitimate power holder of parental right.

  And tried to do my best. And you did forgery, it was your choice. I am free from your problem.

  Old boys want to take advantage of his liking to the girls. However, they were faked ones. A mixed boy, he was. Just it. Good for amusing. Each side thought and did a good job. I want to have friends and I try to be a good boy. Not good boy, Alex. just a unique boy. Respect is a key to the relationship with others. I am not so popular in a certain mean, however, accessible. There are lots of communicative frends, even shy people can be entered into the world.

  Ivaniza is such a kind. We were dancing in the same club. And she talked to me, "Are you a Japanese? Oh, I like a Japanse! Oh, not descendent! Genuine Japanse!!! Good. I like to get along with Japanse people!"

  And Miyuki promissed to visit her house on weekend. Miyuki called her, and she and her sister welcomed and Miyuki went to their house. She said, "Our house is a house of modest people, not rich. However, we can treat you well!

  And Miyuki did and Gee, tiny house! Like my hut, a bet bigger, however, Oh, they lived in 5 or 6! Oh, can! Oh, I can sleep in the bed! Oh, with two female together! Oh, I are likely to feel cold, Oh, I can put sweater on! Oh, onvenient.

  We could sleep in the double stories bed, with several girls, including her relatives. Girls bed. And her brother, he was an only male, lied on a black sofa. No broblem at all.

  This was a kind of hut type "Sobrado" and their uncle's family borrowed them in the backyard of their common house.

  Precarious, they said, however, they could manage the situation. And cosy, rather than miyuki's only room. They did know how to live cosy. And also cheerful. Always with some happening. Some tragedic one, I encountered and I felt that I was too too coldhearted. I thought that I were just a common Japanese, in the most ordinaly way. And learned that I was really evil at the standard of the universe.

  IVANIZA asked me to go to the house of the cousin and I said yes. And the tragedy happened. The real bad thing. The fiance of the cousin. I couldn't believe the information. In the same day, just we planned to visit, the exact day???

  And IVNIZA took me to the place. I felt that I were in the nightmare or an illusion. Not spooky. A big house. Ivaniza said to me, "Leave your precious thing here. We are poor, but your are protected by us, thus, you can leave them here, with total safety." I brought almost all of my precious things, namely dollars, US$2000 or so. I was always with the value, because I didn't want my money to be stolen. Always. During my stay, I was always with the value, and fortunately, hadn't been stolen ever.

  I left my bag and amused with her and her relatives. Small girls and big boys relatives, they were.

  Strange. Is the tragedy real??? And I wanted to be a kind of an attraction for them, because I am a real genuine Japanese which they rarely watched. And I enjoyed the stay, as like as I could.

  However, the cousen returned from oudtide, with a sad face. He was silent. I recognized that the tragedy was real, not an illusion. He had a gun, a heavy KARASHINIKOV type. He showed us it and the girls started to play with the gun. I hold the gun, fur the first time and got to know the weight. Too too heavy not to hold in a hand. I grasped it with my two hands and continued to be a fool type intentionally. And he said, in a low voice, "Japanse are cold-hearted. You too, a lady."

  I thought that he was right to say so. However, I wanted to play the role of fool anyway. He laughed a bit. A slight laugh. But, not nasty, contemptious one. "No way, this stupid Japanese. Cold-hearted and stupid. No way type."

  I couldn't know how to behave rightly. however, at least, I hope, that my stupidity could avoid his suicide, at least. Not my own will, however, as that time, I was forced to play the role of fool, by someone. I was cold-hearted, yes. Didn't know how to behave rightly, yes. However, if the someone took advantage of my stupidity and could do it, I would be pleased with this unintentional stopping.

  On the way back to IVANIZA's house, we went to the semetery, where her cousin's fiace was in dead. IVANIZA asked me, "If you don't want to meet her, you don't see you. However, if you want, we allow to see her." And I replied yes. I wanted to confirm that is it the real, even at the moment.

  I met her, and burst into tears. Really burst into tears. With a loud voice. Because she was too too young and beautiful. Gracefull, I would say. Only 17! White doll like. Fluffy dirk hair. She was so pretty and now she was dead. Sleeping beauty like. However, she was dead. I got to realize that this is the reality. She deciesed by the tragedy one day before. This young promissive beautiful girl, a fiance of the good looking boy. Tragedy it self. If I were the boy, I would choose suicede, because of the too too harsh experience. The real tragedy, suddenly happened and I was too too ignorant to recognize that it was the real life. I keep crying for 30 minutes or so, and IZANIZA left me crying. Too too cruel. Only 17 years old beautiful girl, by traffic accident!!!

  Reason unknown. However, Brazil's roads were not good in condition. Lots of broken signals, holes, including big ones, wrong or no signals. The traffics were a kind of mad, I had heard the remarks from many Brazilians. And the protection is the most important. Furthermore, Brazilian male drivers were too too arrogant at this point. The turned to be Ailton Sena, after sitting on the driver's seat. Usual accidents, everywhere. And the financial problems, they said.

  Deolinda and her actual husband and then fiance got into the traffic accident. Good. Saved, however, a kind of a big one.Escaped and she talkd on it in the small kitchen room in the NINOMIYA office.

  Oh, I remembered, that, NINOMIYA's Lawers' firm was used for only nominal use of Japanese public related and big private companies. No any member of the organization, however many important companies used the name of the office as their own site in Brazil.

  Oh, I was in the middle of "only nominal companies" cheating. Oh, MITSUBISHI Trading company also did the job. I met some the company related figures, and probably, ABE at HITOTSUBASHI Versity was one of them. Tall, smart like, a bold on the top, egg-like face one, among several colleagues. Not promissive type. Official worker type.

  And almost 5 years ago, I was asked to check his article to publish in the academic periodical magazine. I did it as a mission and got to know, that he didn't know the basic information to write on the legal system of Brazil. He didn't know how to refer to the names of the authors of the reference book.

 In Brazil, different from Spanish countries, there is a strict and easy rule at this point. The last name should be the surname and the first name is put before the surname, in case of reference.

  However, he didn't know that even kids in primary school do know type basic information, and wrote on a faked complex article for the academic society.

  Even formalism, he didn't get at all. MITSUBISHI related without formalism is ZERO. However, HITOTSUBASHI university chose him as Latin American Law's professor, instead of me. Only an official worker could be a professor of One of the important public Versity in Japan. This is the reality.

  And a gimmick. NINOMIYA was good to do this faking job. He couldn't write the paper. He always spoke loud in his office. And back stage mamas used him as a convenient reliable mate for their team of inhumanity called DDMic army.

  Miyuki didn't know it and entered under the wing of  him, and tickeled his armpit. And he couldn't put up the irritation and failed. You were thrown from his office.

  Repeatedly, Miyuki was denied from him, however, repeatedly she tried to take advantage of his weakpoints.

  First, Miyuki crashed with him by the salary description and kicked off from the law firm. Then she was criticised by her tiny bust. Miyuki tried to be ignorant of his remarks, however remembered his saying. "You are agonized by your tiny bust, aren't you?"

  MIYUKI was indifferent from others' critics on the matter, because she was really proud of her flat bust.

  Then, Donna Titta got upset of her disorder in her chamber, and she got thrown away from the society.

  And Donna Titta informed her laughing story to NINOMIYA and MARIKO was accused by her idolness. Miyuki joked that "MARIKO knows the pragmatic way to put away the disorganized NINOMIYA's files. Conceale from his eyes! Oh, a good idea!" amusing with MARIKO's pratical thinking.

  NINOMIYA was an example of BLA-BLA-BLA type. He always appeared with some important like figures sometimes in a week and dissapeared. All of the clerks were sighing after his leaving, "Good glierf. Our boss is too too requiring a lot for his inferiors' type.We are happy without him."

  And MARIKO explained the system, "DONA TITTA informs every trifle things you do in the house. Take care in front of her. I know that you behaved in front of her, just like in front of us, colleagues. However, she is different from us."

  And Miyuki continued to committed many errors and disliked her. And after one year of coexistance, Miyuki was kicked out from her aparment. And found another type of life.

  According to Mariko's instruction, she bought a second-hand trading only magazine called "Primeira-Mao" and searched the renting room. Kitchinet would be ideal for her, Andrea said. However, it was expensive for her. Thus, another economical way. Renting of a space. Found a liberal middle aged lady who has a small apartment near PARAISO station. Who allowed her to use of living room as a sleeping space. The model of actual life. In the sofa, I slept. Not so bad. And she liked to go out to watch theatrical plays. She presumably was one of an actress or so. Not to popular, however, she loved to be a stylish. Blue-graied eyes. She said Austorian descendent. Miyuki thought, Austorian in a part, manybe. However, she identified as an Austorian, that's OK for her. Smoky blond coloured hair. Not so bad. At that time, my lagguage was not so big, thus, I could do it. Minimum rule for coexistance. I paid and kept clean, at the minimum way. Just it. She was not so scolding type, and I had never her room at all. She said nothing on it, however, I rent only the space, thus, I don't want to invide the space. I don't want to be violated my privacy, thus, I don't violate other's privacy. Evenness at this point. And not any serious problem at all. I came back too too late from the amusing debate time with Robson, oftenly after 3:00 oclock in the morning. However, she never claimed at all!

  And she tald me that the imovil was made of rare purple wood, prohbitted to use at that time already. She invested her money for it, and went thrifty at her eating life. She offered me her lalangeira or diluted orange jouce with natural juice. Her preferance. A diluted but genuine fruit. Good. In Japan, limonade it called. Deluted one. I drank when I was an pretty infant. HARUSAN made it.

  And my favarite sweets combination is "Daughtnuts with Lemonade" made by her. Extremely sweet and extreemly sour! Impressive combination snack for me and I liked it. Both hand made ones.

  Coffe and daughnut is good, I know. However, I was not allowed to drink coffee during my stay in Shirakawa. And as I said before, I got sick of cafeine after my first encounter with the tasty smell drink called Instant Coffee Nestle Cafe.

  YUKARI put coffee for Alex to get up at the right time. Miyuki was chilled at her coldness. Use medicine easily to get a good success. And did it again. And failed.

  Miyuki was upset, however, refrained from criticising it, because Alex should manage it. He was in wonder and failed and liked it. And asked her to serve it again. And failed again. Two days of sleepy time during the exam. Only in the exam days, she said.  It was worse for him. He got sick and vormitted. Like influenza situation. And said, "My aunt called YUKARI wanted me to fail the exam and forced me to take her strange drink called coffee, I would never drink before."

  Alex, you did it? Alex knows the flavour, however, only the smell. The same as Miyuki's case. A lot of suger, a good taste. With a bit, not at all. And the black water. Like a smelly black ditch.

  YUKARI asked him, "If you want, say me. I would borrow you, some of it. It is good for your health. I would be your friend again. " And wanted him to be addicted.

  Miyuki got to know that Alex is addicted type, like Miyuki. Sensitive against any inducing material, including poisoning.

  However, the medial staff of HASEGAWA Hospital put the medicine at the max. The strongest one. And Miyuki forgot to take it and recovered. Thus, YUKARI stopped her medicine and got violent. YUKARI used her violence stopping medicine in her real life. It is called output of her stressful life. And did it to her dearest friend, as her saying.

  MIYUKI is too too strong to bash, thus, Alex, that strange female-faking big boy. A good notice of seeming Alex. Far from figure looked like 5 years old, and nearer, a big fat boy type. Good to know. Figures liked to live him, however, he is in fact too too bigger than their imagination.

  Thus, his image was not good for the teachers in the school.Big boy, preteneded to be his own auntie, he was criticised. Too harsh to his type. Alex didn't want to be her Auntie. However, She wanted to imitate him as his big hips. Kinky faking jobs she did in the family. Imitation Gold. Like Momoe YAMAGUCHI. Once a year, there is a party. And they did a costume play. And became the heroine. Oh, SHOUGAKKAN's female comic writers' costume party. Alex liked it, oh, you know it? He read all of her ladies comics and thought. Gee, easy job! It would be! A comic writer or so!!!

  And did it. And Miyuki said, with income, OK, without it, no. Miyuki's preference is always financial safety. It is a base of our life. Oh, you understand? OK, then do it both or all of them.

  Miyuki is always happy. She is so positive. Thus, DDMs disliked her, and put her because of her hilarious condition. Terrible. Unhappiness is the best policy society. IDIOCRACY's predilection is unhappiness. Sobstory. Miyuki likes only comedy type.

  Thus, TOHOHO again. Miyuki liked TAKAFUMI character and ADACHI also. And TAKAFUMI failed again. Good girls, and lost again. Oh, lady killers. Popularity is the only one standard for them, thus, he was popular and no DDMs world, he was disliked by his kinky behaviour. Oh, the habit??? Stockings??? Both, black and white!!!

  Miyuki did her good job. Miyuki wore the white one when she was in a ceremony as a pretty girl. And looked beautiful. Miyuki was a promissive model at that time. Legs! Oh, our common point! Legs!!! Slender, or lean! Poor or rich?!!

  Miyuki likes to amuse such a happening like dancing and played the role of ballet. and did it. Turned like a professional ballelina! Good! She could. A slippy, however, she did!!!

  Miyuki is always for us! Cheapy life???? Rich life. Good sense of humour and did it! Type.

  IVANIZA got a good family. Japanese family. Her husband is calm and serious, contrary to her character. And her mother is law is proud of his son, who got a real Brazilian girl!!! My boy got it! Type. A cheerful positive type, contrary to his son. IVANIZA got it, Miyuki expressed, however, by her mother in law, "Gee, this shy boy could do it! Chicken, however, he could it! Now he is the real guy!!!! And her got a girl. And Miyuki visited their pretty cozy house. A sunny sunshine entering houes, with white face baby, rather than both. And her sister was there. Miyuki said, that I am pregnant now. And refused the foods because of the extreme discreet sense of protect her fetus. Sorry for IVANIZA's family, however, after long long attempt, I got a baby in my belly, so I kept away from any foods, except some cooked only by me. And cooked until to be a coucus. And ate it. Beef passed too much with a long long time of roasting process. Too too strange. It took a lot of time to be burned. Why, I didn't know. Just a spell. Miyuki didn't use the spell. Once a year, they could do the cast a spell job. One bu one, and YUKARI casted, "Be nasty among us"????

  Strange, however, she did and commited the suicide. Everyear, another one. Each day, now. Per minute type. Each cheapish request. And Alex failed to take a medicine. And did a good job. Anyway, he could write his name on the paper.

  Sleepy, however, he did his best and got a success. Your letter is so similar to your faked figure. Always, by any means, someone wrote for his sake, they said. Wrote another love letter,Oh, OODATE!

  Sorry, I would take a walk. And I will continue to write later!

  See you soon, my fiends.