03/03/2017 (afternoon) I took a walk in the rural area in Shirakawa and watched the last stage of the area. Already dead. Probably, the scene of Stone Henge in Tess, if the nasty newly build houses were not there. DDMs damaged our beautiful rural scene. A big damage.
On the way, I took a talking chat in the house of my aunt. She was in prefecture to make a tax declaration. She is over 70, however, she is obliged to declare her small income.
While she was absent, I talked with my uncle of law, Shou HAYASHI. He liked biomicroexistances and made AMAZAKE for me.
For several years, I have not drunk AMAZAKE and on the day of DARUMA-ICHI, I found the price of US$2 or US$1 in the front of liqour shop. And decided to not buy.
Now, he provided me his own made AMAZAKE and we talked on the same experience on alchool making. A biolocical schience applicator, he is, and I, also.
I tried to make wines, and he did. Both failed. I was interested in DOBUROKU making and bought a book on "Let's make DOBUROKU" published from Association of Literature and Agriculture.
The author was caught because of his small amount of licour making activitiy and the judges declared guilty. A long long time consuming story. I want to yell him and bought it, when I was in a primary school or junior high. I didn't make DOBUROKU, because it didn't look so attractive.
However, I am now interested in it. We also was a micro bio creature's scholar, in a certain mean. In his case, more productive. He had made fermented beans and Miso paste. He gave us, when I was in high school. Good. Not different from commecialized and industrialized ones.
In my case, a more scientific object. As a primary school pupil, I had to write a report, finding some interesting theme during a summer vacation.
I decided to study molds. I collected various foods and put some bit in a vacant bottle each. I made 10 pieces of bottles and kept them in the second drower of my desk.
Then, I forgot completely. After the vacation, I was forced to offer the report and remembered that I put some bottles in the drower of the desk. OK, I have to observe them and drew the part.
Ohhhhhhhhh!!!! A mount of colourful molds! Real forest! Oh, smelly! Oh, moldes, you did the work!!!
Anyway, I had to do my jobs. First, I observed and recognized that my predict was right. I thought that each food has its own mold especially for you, different smell and colour, and the colours varies so much, and after 1 month of preservation, they developped beyond of my imagination up to get out of the concealed screwed bottle.
I painted with coloured pencil on the repport and offered next morning.
And I had to clean up the drower, afraid of my mother's recognition.
I wiped and wiped, however, I got to know that even artifieially mixed wood chip got its own mold. It was the taughest type. I could take a part, and the white stain remained in the drower.
I was in wonder, why the mold got out from the concealed bottles??? The seed of mold was too too tiny than I emagined. And the bottle was not totally shut, even I closed the screwed the tap hard. Oxgen can go through the spare spare of the screwed tap.
I was so so astonished and next day, as soon as possible, I informed the fact to my closed friends, IZUMI-san and MAKIKO. They laughed at the episode, and I too. You look so comic type. Thus, IZIMI-san called me a kind of "RAMPOU", not "RAMBO".
We want to behave coolish, however, often failed. The most funny kinky type was me. Why my experience is so??? I am lucky, however, at this point, I am always caught in a trouble. Why???
And my uncle talked also a recent awful experience, inhuman and unconstitutional to me.
He was in the station of SHIRAKAWA. There situation is similar to YABUKI. Automatic vending machines, no check of entering and getting out to take a ride or get off the train. Why clerks are needed, is always my question.
It was a cold morning. There is no heater at all. He shut the door, when he entered in the reception hall in front of the machines, of course. Then, a clerk came from the well heated office to him and said, "You shouldn't shut the door!" So my uncle asked, "Why not? Here is so cold to wait the train. I need to wait my train. Explain me!"
The clerk declared, "We should keep open the door, anyway." And he turned to the office, as he had finished his task.
This is not an explanation, my uncle thought, and patted his shoulder in a soft touch of fingers to call the attention. Then, he apruptly responded in a violent voice, "You touched me! You touched me!!! You are a wrongdoer! I will call the police!!!"
Oh, my god!!! My uncle anyway escaped from the police catch, however, he thought that I would have caught like that and gotten in custody.
Only a soft touch to call an attention for the necessary explanation of railway clerk is a crime? What kind of crime? Probably "violence" he thought, while I said, "Maybe also ripe!" Man to man raping is now punished so hard, after the newly legislative reform.
Anyway, SHIRAKAWA, you too!!!
There is a complex of informants, the police and the clinics.
In Shirakawa station, there are 4 or 5 figures waiting for the train, in the first floor. In the second floor, there is another waiting room, concealed, and with a stove.
Why so many figures are waiting for the train in the 1st floor? Probably, they are waiting for witness moment. Why would be get some money or benefit from the dirty job.
They are so rotten. Informants system, at all. They wait the chance of the common people's slightest falures. Patting is violence or rape for them, non ticket riding is stealing for them, etc. Any kind of attitude is OK as an excuse of putting someone into the custody.
This is the reason of collecting tax. Just for wrongdoing, we had to pay the heavy burden.
And in the family, there is some informant also. Broken Robots are easily used for the object. Highly easy. Write your family's kinky conducts on the paper and offer us in a certain period. On month or so. We should meet in the cafe near the station and eat together. Report on the persons' kinkiest activities as many as possible. OK, now I would pay you.
This is the system. Cuban type soft one, on which we could see in the film "Strawberry and Chocolate", started for the first time. And now, in the extremest phase. The participants sold common people in the cheapest money and common people lost most valuable things, for ever.
At least, common people thought that life is the most precious thing and the other, secondty, thirdly, or nothing, or so. At least, we escaped from the vanishing, or the punishment of Gods of Justice.
We are not so poor in figure, however, in material and essential meaning, we are rich. DDMs not. They are too too rotten and messy and miserable, by any means.
My uncle said, this rotten DDMic society is greedy to sell the lives of human beings, and I totally agreed, and I picked up lots of example on the matter.
My aunt came back from the municipality and entered into our conversation.
She said, "Miyuki, you! I thought TV talker had shouted loud! Oh, if you were a male, you would have gotten great successes!"
OK, Auntie, my voice is half low and sometimes figures mistakenly confuse it as males' one.
She asked me on the pimp constitutionalist calld Sota KIMURA, "He seems to behave good, resisting the government. How do you think on his performance?"
I replied, "He is really a pimp. He looks nice to DDMs, however, he is the real Testacles Pet. I read his article on a magazin "Foresight" and Got to know that he couldn't criticise any his colleagues, especially Tokyo University related. It means that he is doing a job to fake "a lonely wold type guy against the government, under the total control of Tokyo Univ.related. A kinky pimp! Testacles pet's Testacles pet!!! The dogs feed the smaller dogs!!! "Like Yukari and Alex.
Just pretending a lonely wolf, is not new to me. In versity version of DDMic world, there are some Trick Stars type figures. In Administrative Law world, it was male OHTA, and after, ITAGAKI, as male verison, and OBATA, as female version. At the faculty of social sciences of Kyorin Univ., NAITO, as a male version, and KIMURA, as a female version.
Probably, in my seminar, TAKAHARA wanted to play the role of the lonely wolf.
Oh, sorry, pretenders, you know, I am the genuine lonely wolf type and I am accustomed to manage the "only one fair person in the world" situation.
Pretenders fail when they encounter with the real above situation.
"Mirror, mirror, on the wall, who is the fairest of us all?" They ask.
"Of course, you, you are the fairest of us all, my sir or my ma'dam!" their pets replies.
The trick stars were treated as superiors among the fellows in the same rank, and as pets by the superiors. Thus, good position to satisfy their arrogance and get feeded by the others. And sometimes, they pretend so well to deceipt common people, including me.
I escaped from TAKAHARA's trap and he was caught by being trapped by me. Nice try, TAKAHARA team!!! You did really well and I almost thought as if you were the nice fellow.
Common people should know, all university graduates are pratically DDMs. Your kids, presumably. Only once, they thought. When they fail once, never again!, they thought.
Not at all! They are forgetful, just it. "I don't remember at all, thus, I didn't commit the error at all." is YUKARI's usual excuse. She grounded the escuse on the base of her good memory.
My mother lied, as if she weren't recognize her failures and pretended any strange things happened among our family. Just a fake. I know how she is harsh and likes to criticise others. She is a kind of perfectionist. She easily goes to the extreme point. My type is also.
However, our rankings of the values and the interests are totally different. Thus, we crash easily, and we learn that Business like cold talking is enough for us.
She also wondered why YUKARI was so persistent to collect the dirty clothings of the kids and prepared all of intimate wears so enthusiastically.
Miyuki was right. Her mother did a good job. A pretending face, they call. Miyuki does os sometimes, more professional and comical way, with a French elegance!
Miyuki behaves to be Miyuki and was scolded many times and accepted only when she thought she was right to criticise Miyuki. Miyuki is an only one personality type, she thought.
Any OK type, YUKARI is. Too harsh to recognize YUKARI's early recognition problem. Oh, sobstory like, she thought. A baby, she would be. Thus, we should treat her as her own way. Just treat her like a baby! Then the family kept the secret perfectly.
However, YUKARI did beyond the limit. The voice talked by her was really harsh to others. Machine-gun talking, they said. Thus, Alex tried to immitate her and wanted to win the machingun talk commpetition with Miyuki. He regrets sincerely, that Miyuki is super kind to him to give a chance to forgive others. Miyuki said, "Your sincere confession really works. Only it. No other talks. If you lie, I stop talking. It is a time consuming chatting, not a debate."
Sincere is the key point. Don't fake, nor pretend. Just honest truth. A bit of exeggeration is not bad. Just be honest to yourself and to Gods of Justice.
And he confessed his crimes to his teacher responsible and got a confidence. He said, "I am wrongdoer. YUKARI, my auntie, was bad. However, I really wanted both. My mother is always right and she won. However, YUKARI is feeble-minded and I can win her easily. Thus, I should choose one of them, everytime, each trial. An Inferno. Feeble-minded Auntie's pet position is so easy to do so, while Miyuki's is also easy, however the punishment is so harsh. Thus, I always went to the easiest way. And how do you think, which is right? My Gods of Justice said, "As you like", thus, I chose KOUNAN. I said to you, however, you would be right, teacher, I was wrong. I am an easy going type. And Miyuki is not so feeble-minded. Only feeble-minded can do such an easiest choice. My grand mother said, that Miyuki was so right and she does as she said. It causes total confusion to YUKARI. YUKARI wants to talk to MIYUKI, while MIYUKI refuses her talking. Only lies type, she is, MIYUKI labred it. And Miyuki economises a lot of time to avoid nasty feeling and nasty talking.
YUKARI's machinegun talking is just for her amusing or pleasure. YUKARI was good at talking, so, only one merit should be recpected, and she conducted as YUKARI said.
My last word should be, "I wanted to be a good girl and I failed.", YUKARI recognized it.
She was told that she suffered from Alzheimer disease. And she accepted. However, she didn't want to be revealed by Miyuki. Only Miyuki, OK. Others, already did know.
Thus, Miyuki was concealed from the fact and should find the fact by her own way.
Every evil figures yelled YUKARI, and every good fellows followed Miyuki's way.
Miyuki was really kept in secret in your Auntie's house. You felt tensed atomosphare there. Your words were stolen and sold in a voice recorder. This system was established with your pupils' office and got a success, at the first time. And you really trapped TAKAHARAs!!!
They liked to play with you, in a kind of affection begging ones. However, Miyuki disliked beggers at all! Sobstories, entirely not!!! She dared to say them, "I really want to go out with some good fellows. Not nasty type, with a good mood. Don't worry, I don't attack you, good fellows. However, if you are bad fellows, the story would be different. Both stratigies were established perfectly, in logical meanings. If TAKAHARA is a good fellow, he should be treated as my friend. If he is an evil fellow, he should be treated as pusnishable DDM.
Always Miyuki thinks like that. Thus, many ignorant good fellows is on the cooking board on her, waiting for her harsh critics. However, Miyuki knows, that really good fellows are tolerant and forgive her misunderstandings and confusions, and would amuse her errors on the matter.
Anyway, she should be harsh to others. She is now an independent OMBUSMAN, a good system beyond the sterotypical three powers separation structure.
Miyuki got to know her merits and demerits, when she was too too young. Oh, I am not good at memory!!! Yes, formidable level, however, she always got high points. Many people were astonished at her forgetfulness, however, she was always forgetful. Not nasty illed one. More cheerful one. She has the custom to learn fast, and omits the trifles. Thus, quick and good for quizes. Oh, Oydipus and Odesseus Type. They dislike to be called forgetful, however, a bit of forgetful is an amusing and good for her exercise. Perfectionist, as always, horever, not so formal.. More functional. Material and essencial. Minimus is always best, and she got to know it, she wants to go foward. A busy like person. Slow in my mind, sometimes, when she is sleepy. And erroneous, when she is sleepy. A plenty of excuses, "howeve, however, however," However, she likes to amuse the principle and the exemtion rule. Which is which, is the most important for getting the answer is the quickness combined wirh logical sense. An instinct type. However, for persuading others, frases thinking is important. This is the good point for DDMs, like YUKARI.
MIYUKI was also good at talking and machinegun talker. However, in Shirakawa, there is no evil fellow except some kinky figures, like Kouichi YOSHIDA and Fumiko INOUE, an old teacher of Traditional Japanese Language.
Thus, Miyuki should not talk to persuade them. They understood before she explained a lot.
Thus, her talking was useless here. And Kyorin, she should be a machinegun talker to protect her and her family. Persuasion is the best way to obtain the result. She tried to do things quicker as much as she could and tried to speak faster. It would be a good exercise for everyone. Quicker talking version of Miyuki was made. It is necessary to express the real sound and voice of the victims. Only listening to them is not enough. Writing and oral expression are also important for her. Then she tried to do concentrated camp type training. It was not so hard, because she was really in custody in Hasegawa Hospital and is now practically in Shirakawa.
She really got to notice that presumably wifi system is the method used for DDMs. They sometimes appear in the face of PC and showed a strange shaking hands message with a pointers. Miyuki thought that the figure using the pointer was a feeble-minded, indecisive, old, muscleless weak one, absolutely. Who it is? Always shaking like an Alzheimer patient. She wants to know the figure. Interesting one, maybe. A kind of surprising. And not good at IT, however, enough to deal with the pointer type. Slow, anyway. And always looking for some right place to appoint. The same habit from on the right top toward the left bottom.
Who is this recognition problem holder???
The similar thing happened in TSUDA college. In this case, Mariko TAKEDA related, without saying. She gave a sigh to me, when she felt right, and shut the PC abruptly, when she got upset, in the middle of the work. I was forced to waste a lot of time of this nasty repeated attack.
At Kyorin University, the same thing happened. When I was writing a letter to my friends, in the final line, they shut PC abruptly and I was forced to write the same letter from the first. Again and again. How many times I had to write the same letter to the same adressees? Consumtion. Each professor had been monitored by some evil fellow at that period. Monitoring system. Only once they could fail. In the second, they should vanish immediately.
Strange fenomenum, in fact. However, I have seen a lot of example arround me. I watced several bodies in front of me. Drunken, I thought. However, they died, on the pedestrian deck near my house, in the telephone booth in Marunouchi area, in the bench near IP tower, in a sofa of 6th floor of the same tower. Strange. I felt nothing, when I watched the scene. Comletely nothing. Just like, vanish, before smelling. I thought always.
Oh, killed one. In a wheel cheer, near KICHIJOJI station, surrounded by 6 squad at the platform.
Only efemerous fenomenum. They vanish, easily. Not take so much type. Some type harded before the death. I had seen the scenes also. TAKAHARA is also this type. He failed in June, 2015. In the exctly saying, after leaving the cafe, he wanted to beg moratorium or the 3rd chance for him, in the entrance of the station, with the pose of evacuation, as Japanese Yankees often did so.
When I passed in front of his statute like pose, I thought. Oh, TAKAHARA, you failed. Now, your skin bag would vanish soon. Bye! An amusing experience, anyway. I don't remember you, for ever! My first prize!