My Japanese Dinner

2016-12-30 19:05:36 | 日記
30/12/2016 (evening) Today, my father went to pick up his harvest from his tiny field. This time, it is Japanese long radishes and oriental long onions. I cooked a pan full of miso-soup with shred radish and fried Tofu(ABURA-AGE), fermented soybeans called NATTO with grated radish, cut sticky taro-potato with red pickled salty plum (UMEBOSHI)and dried bonito frakes, cheese omelets and sweetened black beans,which were cooked by my mom) as a dessert with a cup of green tea. It was a wonderful dinner.
I like cooking, because I love eating delicious foods, the gifts from nature. I like meats, vegitables, fruits, sweets, etc. Our kichen is tiny and in winter it's cold too much. However, thinking of delicious foods, I get cheerful and start to enjoy cooking. Cooking is a wonderful process for the joyful aim. For me, important is taste, not appearance, contrary to DoDoMerdas.

They, DoDoMerdas, count appearance so much. They understand just surperficial beauty. Their sense of recognition is fairly weak and don't know really delicious foods. They are rich, but, formidablly they are not civilized in any means. In HASEGAWA Hospital, they disclosed their disastrous lack of ability as gourmands. During meals, they gave comments on the meals just "Hummmm...salty" or "Oh, it's too sweet. I dislike it!" or "I prefer Macdonald rather than it." and so on. It means that they had not accumlated experience of tongue. They were so forgettable.

One day, a youngster DoDoMerda said, "Oh, I want to try salty pickled plum! I've never tasted it in my life.", watching TV program on trip and foods. I was astonished. She was 19 years old and already suffered from serious brain disease related to forgetfulness, I wondered. And she was the most cleverest DoDoMerdas in the hospital!

UMEBOSHI is famous for it's distinctive sour taste. You know the esperience of Dog of Pavlof? The dog responds immediately drops saliva when he feels that his food is prepared, without the food itselt. The same thing happens when we people think of UMEBOSHI, because just imaging UMEBOSHI recalls us the sour taste.

When I was in Sao Paulo in 1989, I brought some tablets of UMEBOSHI extract. I made an order my friends to close their eyes and put the UMEBOSHI tablets on their tongue. Immediately they began to claim the sourest taste and I loughted at their frowned face. I tried this trick sevral times and always I succeeded in the game.

However, one day, I was revenged by my friend Deolinda BRISA. I was in her house, surrounded her family. Her father showed me a plate full of tiny picked piments and said to me. "These piments are tiny but extremely chilly. I think it's better to avoid tasting them. You are Japanese. You are not accostumed to eat them." When I had heard his words, I wanted to challenge the taste, with my ethnic pride as Japanese and said. "We Japanese people sometimes eat very chilly red peppers called "Howk's neils" (鷹の爪). I am sure I can eat the tiny piments like those. Give me one of them. I'll show you how we can put up with the chilly taste." He hesitated to offer it and said, "Miyuki, I repeat to say, that you would avoid the challenge." However, I bravely declared, "Don't worry! I will win!" Finally he gave me a tiny green piece. I put it in the mouse. He was seeing me, with a strange smile.
Soon I declared. "I could eat it....." Sevral seconds after, I felt fire on my mouse and cried, "Water! Water! Give me Water! Quick! My tongue is firing!!!" GRRRRR.... He brought me a vase of water and I drank it all. I felt my face was hot and red. I couldn't put up with the chilly taste. The piment is several times smaller than our red pepper "Howk's neil". However, ten times more chilly than our red pepper. I lost and became an aim of loughinf of all of Deolinda's family for a long time. I felt ashamed and regretted a lot. I should not gamble the pride of Japanese at that time.
Since them, I have taken care to eat peppers. Even with small size, they are sometimes much more chilly than our "Howk's neils". Maybe,even now, Deolinda's family remenber me as a fool that dared to eat the chilliest green piment and lost the game.

Sometimes Japanese show Mt.Fuji proudly, saying that this is the tallest mountain in our country. However, Mt.Fuji's hight is only 3,700m. There are lots of mountains higher than it in the world. Ethnic pride sometimes blocks the opportunity to know the real value. My case of a tiny green piment and Mt.Fuji's are good examples of this type of prejudice. I've learn a lot from that chilly taste.

Right to Being Lean

2016-12-30 15:58:10 | 日記
30/12/2016 (afternoon) I am skinny and proud of it. I am satisfied with my lean body.
However here in Japan, I was violated this fundamental right to choose my own body like by the university.
I was forced to be internated as a lynch in 2016. After one week of torture, I was threateded to see versity hospital's doctor of Kyorin. I was internated in the name of melancholy. However, the doctor accused me of being lean and recommended to get fatter!!! A doctor of mental health intervaned my freedom of constructing body line. I was terrified by this evil remark.

This year, I was internated forcedly by Tokyo Metropolitan Office in HASEGAWA Hospital in Mitaka, and I've heard from my mate in the same chamber that this hospital was famous for the treatment for the pacients with dietary problem, which is treated as a kind of mental health problem.

What is the special treatment called HASEGAWA method? It's stupidly easy. They force the pacients to eat within 20-30 minutes, three times a day, until they get an ideal weight, hospitalizing them at least for one month. Averege period of hospital stay is 3 months, according to some nurses there.
Medical staff teach them that "being lean is a kind of gradual suicide. So you should get fatter."

A loughing theory, they speak. We can say the same theory to plump DoDoMerdas, "being fat is a kind of gradual suicide. So you should get leaner." They are so stupid that can't notice the strangeness of their doctorine.

There are uncountable number of this kind of hospitals all over Japan. They spread stupid kinky pseudo medical docrines like that. There are lots of DoDoMerdic believers, because they are much more stupid than these medical staff. They easily believe the speriors' remarks, even they are totally false scientifically. They have no sense of critical thinking.
Medical staff, especiall medical doctors come from DoDoMerdic families. They buy medical licence, ironically saying. Even idiot sons of the clinics can be medical doctors, if their family pay tutorial fee to Faculty of Medicine. The fee is considerably expensive, arround US$5,000,000 per year. In Japan, in common, versity students' parents pay US$7000 per year, in average. So rich family can produce medical doctors from their dullest kids with money.
In Japan, the number of medical doctors is excessively high. No necessary for people, so, DoDoMerdic hospitals make all their efforts to cathe pacients, and their preference is pacients who have reason to stay in the hospital for 3 months full. Medical hospitals are kind of industry in Tokyo. Their service is worst and anti-humanistic, but patients can't claim it, because they are under the control of God like existance called medical doctor.

I was hospitalized for 3 months full. I was doing nothing there. The nursed checked up my body temperature, blood pressure, asking "did you evacuate today?" in the morning and forced to take medicine at evening once after dinner. Just it. Just for it, I was imprisoned in the hospital. I was afraid to get dull. So everyday, I had continued to write my diary in detail. It was the only way to get rid of the totally monotonous and nasty DoDoMerdic life in the hospital.

However, as I told before, DoDoMerdic patients there were totally happy, being relieved from their daily domestic tasks and enjoying Dance therapy, Aroma thrapy, KARAOKE party etc, which HASEGAWA hospital provided for them as medical treatments. Each patient costs almost US$3000 per month in totall. However, DoDoMerdas don't care the value, because their family takes advantage of their hospitalization as tax economization and insurance income chance. They earn through their hospitalization, we can say.

Insurance is DoDoMerdic family's main income, actually. There, I have heard that a DoDoMerda told to the staff that her mother had died from a fire incidence and she recieved US$3000 as 1/16 of the total money paid by an Insurance Company, because her uncle made a contract with the company. She refered it with total coolness, as if it's common among them.

When I was in HASEGAWA Hospital, I was impressed the coolness of the DoDoMerdas, when they mentioned to their family member's death. One DoDoMerda said to another, "My parents in law treated me so well. They left me and my husband a condominium, from which we can earn US$2500 per month as rent." For her, her parents in law is so kind because they gave a real estate for her. All references to family members' kindness are related with financial benefits. That's DoDoMerdic Family Life.

They obey their superiors as far as they provide benefits to them. The superiors can make an order to them to get lean, following their ideal body line, and the DoDoMerdas make their body like as the male counterparts like. They don't think of uniqueness of each one's body. The male orders, the female obeys. It's DoDoMerdic world.
In summing up, DoDoMerdic life is similar to Domestic animals' one. They look like sheep. If the leader were an idiot, all sheep would lose their way and die with coldness. They are dependent like parasites. Dirty worms, parasites, domestic animals. They have no uniqueness. They behave as a group, not as an individual. So I could say that they are totalitarians, which are against individualism, that Japanese Constitution adopts literally. However, Japanese society's main stream is based on this idiocratic totalitarianism. How hypocratical, it is!

I continue to insist on being lean. It's my fundamental right as an individual.

Natural Born Totalitarians - DoDoMerdas' Miserable Family Life

2016-12-30 15:00:52 | 日記
30/12/2016 (afternoon) I went shopping and compared the orice of oysters. In there several days, it continuouslly has increaced. On one day before yesterday, it was US$3. Yesterday, it was US$4. Today, it is US$5. I forgave my plan to cook "Arroz com Ostras", a modified dish of yesterday's Portuguese pilaf.

Returning to DoDoMerdic Totaliarian Life, DoDoMerdas were born as DoDoMerdas from their birth. Of course, there are lots of figures who turned to be DoDoMerdas after being Pets or domestic animals of DoDoMerdic superiors. However, genuine DoDoMerdas come from their DoDoMerdic Families, whose character is financial relationship through marriage.

For DoDoMerdas, or, idiot power holders related, the most important value is financial safety. They think that money weighs much more than love or human affection. Their family life is oriented by financial relation. Family is for keeping money, not for enjoying their lives.

In Japan, adoption is the system for maitaining family. Therefore, it's common that male adult relatives are adopted by there closest relative just for maintaining Family name. Contrary to that, there are few cases that a couple adopts a baby or infant to satisfy their family life and enjoys bringing up the kid.
In Japan, family means economic resourse. Not basic nest to cultivate each one's personality, according to DoDoMerdas' real life.

Therefore, marriage is so important for them. Ideal is, female DoDoMerdas should get married until at 25 years old. So there is an expression that "After Christmas day, the price of the Christmas cake drops drastically." It means that over 25, single female DoDoMerdas lose their chance to get a husband so swiftly. For them, marriage means the change of family that they are parasitic on.

DoDoMerdas are similar to paracites. Or rather, they are a spiesies of paracites. They are paracitic on us people. They don't work, just do pretend to work, rely on our tax, as a class. As a figure, female DoDoMerdas depend on their male superiors in the family. Female DoDoMerdas should be obedient to their male chieves, and they get their protection and financial benefits.

Male DoDoMesdas love mom's bust, so they require a big bust for their female family members, both their wives and daughters. Vomitting! But it's the fact. I know that this kind of DoDoMerdic fathers put their lean daughters in hospitals to get weights. The hospitals respond to their require by diagnosing "dietary problem" for the sake of internation charge, 70% of which are provided by tax. Therefore, we people pay tax for sustaining male DoDoMerdic fathers sexual increnation to plump body with big bust. Kinky and morally degraded. However, Ministry of Social Benefits and Labour allows this strange practice performed by DoDoMerdic hospitals.

We people don't need DoDoMerdas. They are just evil paracites. They should not have had been born. They should vanish immediately from our beautiful universe. Why they exist and give us lots of troubles? we always wonder. They just like dirty worms. We should exterminate them.

There are uncountable numbers of DoDoMerdic systems in Japanese Society. They are harmful but versity professors and DoDoMerdic public servants protect them, legitimating them through the doctorine of "Legal Stability". It's the easiest way. Always they use this theory, as a stereo-typical mentioning. So the theory is highly respected in Japanese jurisprudence, as I descrived before.

DoDoMerdic way of thinking is totally monotonous. They love patternized repetition, like old ladies with more than 100 years old. We people feel it dull and boresome, while they feel safe and relieved. For them, the most adorable is "doing nothing". The second is "doing the easiest task". Thus, they get worse intelectually and morally day by day, year by year. Now we people are in the middle of totalitarian idiocracy, because of their inclination to be duller.

Irresponsible Toralitarianism so called Japanese Idiocrary

2016-12-30 11:31:08 | 日記
30/12/2016 (morning) I cooked "Arroz com Pato" last evening. The dish got a success in my family, because the dish vanished entirely during a night. I don't know who ate it.
Japanese society prefer vague expression in every field. Even in the discriptions on relation in a organ or a woking place, the inclination is evident. Why they love vague expressions? Because they think that they would be escape from responsibility in case of being accused. Even with high status, they make every their effort to escape from responsibility. They like to intervene others' privacy, with their peeping Tom like curiosity. However, they want to be accused for the reason of violation of privacy. Thus, they legitimate their scandalous activity, taking advantage of the expression "protection for people". They pretend to be protectionists. But, in effect, they are just totalitarians. They always think their own interest, not others' one.
We people call it "OTAME-GOKASHI" in Japanese. "OTAME" means "For the sake of others" and "Gokashi" is faking or masqherading.

In Japan, two species exist, that is, people like us, and DoDoMerdas. We, people, are poor and honest, who know how to enjoy our life, even though we are economically modests. Contrary to us, DoDoMerdas are considerably rich and live a flamboyant life with supeficial vanity. We, people, always make a fool of DoDoMerdic Lyfestyle, because there is nothing to give a glance. Rich but miserable and messy. That is DoDoMerdic Life.

One of typical examples is that of Prof.Shozo OHTA, of Univ. of Tokyo. In May, 2015, at CANOAS, Brazil, he confessed me that he had fallen love with an American female researcher, when he had been studying in USA. But, he prefered to leave USA without her. After the affair, she got married with an American and got kids. Once she wanted to visit Japan and made contact with Prof.OHTA. However, soon before visiting Japan, she commited suicide. The reason was unknown. I was so shocked at the episode.
Prof.OHTA continued his story. When he was in USA, my friend of versity period called Ms.Sayumi HIGASHI,visited him abroad. But he refused her kind offer. I got upset totally. Sayumi is a beautiful, intelligent, peaceful but cheeful, thoughtful person. She is much more valuable than Prof.OHTA.
Finally, prof.OHTA said to me, "However, I am happy with getting married with my wife.", in a melancholic unhappy tone. "Is he crazy?", I wonder. I asked about his kids. He replied awkardly, as if it were a disgusting topic. He seemed to be extremely unhappy for me. I couldn't put up with his choice of life and scolded him in a loud voice, "BAKAYAROOOOOO!!!!". "BAKA" means "stupid" and "YARO" means "fellow" in Japanese.

As you know above, DoDoMerdic happiness means unhappiness for people. Prof.OHTA got rid of chance to be happy twice. He is a complete loser. He doesn't deserve these wonderful ladies at all. He got married with a plain obedient flamboyant female of a rich family without love but with financial interest and had plain unattractive kids with this DoDoMerdic wife, I supposed. That is the good example of Japanese lifestyl of the side of Power Holders. We call him a stupid fellow, while they call him a respectful professor of Univ. of Tokyo. We and they don't have any common value.

They, DoDoMerdas are totalitarians. They are evil enough at this point already. However, they are also dull, idol and stupid, in summing up, they are idiots. Thus, we people suffer TOTALITARIAN IDIOCRACY. The worst system in the world in history. Sigh...
DoDoMerdas don't know how to work. All they know is disguising as they work. It's impossible for them in academic field nor in professional one. They don't know contextual approach. DoDoMerdic lawyers don't know systematic interpretation. They just read a law literally. They look so stupid, from our people's point of view. However, they don't care of it. They think that they were superior to us, people. So their attitude is so arrogant. They are stupid, while they are arrogant. We people are modest and talented, in material meaning. As a result, DoDoMerdas established the system that excludes us people from their reign.
It is called "Superior Education" or "University". DoDoMerdas buy bachelor digree for their idiot kids with their money or financial interest. Thus, I am sure that, in universities in Tokyo, only stupid students enter and get digree nowadays.
In local towns, there are lots of bright young workers who only graduated from high school. Their parents don't have much money to make their kids enter into superior educational organs. DoDoMerdic power holders established the policy of income that figures with bachelor degree earn money sevral times much more than people with high school degree. The system is skew and against equity. But DoDoMerdas insist to mainain this unfair income policy.

I was teaching in the 3rd class university called KYORIN. Almost all of my pupils were interested in sports, not study. However, I dare say, it was lucky for me, because, they were at least not stupid. Athlete type students think in much quicker way than stupid dull students in the 1st class university. If I had had been in Univ. of Tokyo, my brain had been damaged with its monotonous slow DoDoMerdic lifestyle with unattractive dull students. I was forced to get away from the versity, so called "The Best Versity of Japan", unfortunatelly, by been harassed sexually. However, considering the bad influence of DoDoMerdic Lifestyle, it worked me much better than I imagined. At least, I can keep my mind sane, that is, I belong to people's side, not DoDoMerdic one.

DoDoMerdic power holders are dull jamheads and they love to show them up as important. It means that they love to exercise ther power as they like appearently. Therefore, they needlessly show their power to punish protestants. They can't know logical thinking, so they just make an order as their groundless flamboyant discretion without reasoning, and their pets follows without reason. Japan is a reasonless society. Always it works without reason, or, out of reason. Almost all of superiors in Japan can't explain the necessity of their order. The pets don't ask its reason. Just "Legal Stability" weighs.

In the most sold book on Introduction to Contemporary Law "現代法学入門" in Japan, we find the frase that "Legal Stability is more valuable rather than Justice". Wow, then, the the status-quo Injustice should be protected against Justice, according to the authors, almost all of them are composed of Univ. of Tokyo related. The book recommends to be unfair for young versity students. Wow, how evil county we live in! In other words, it's a bible of legal totalitarianism. "You should obey illogical old idiot superiors, because we are accostumed to do that. Get rid of your sense of Justice. "

Requisite for Versity Female Professor in Japan

2016-12-30 10:25:32 | 日記
30/12/2016 (morning) What is required as a professor in Japan for female? Just matenity. GRRRR.....!!! Abominable!!! However, it's the fact.
I stand at the position that maternity is artificial conception by male and female DoDoMerdas, not existes in a essentialmeal meaning. Or rather, it's a pre-modern, out-of-date conseption based on sexism. We are all people, not male nor female, socially. Just some parts of body differ. The difference is so minor that we can ignore it.
However, Japanese Society refuses to progress and prefers to maintain the conception of maternity, as a result of immature affection to mothers by male DoDoMerdas. They, Japanese male DoDoMerdas, are suffering from Great Mother Complex, I dare say. Thus, they require maternity to their female collegues. They want to be treated like babies, served tea of coffee by female collegues, in an obedient manner, without any objection. Mother, they want to be hugged by, even in their office. They prefer mother-like apprearance than mannish one, so they allow female DoDoMerdic professors to wear highly DoDoMerdis, loose, blousing, long dress made of soft materials. They feel safe with this mother-like appearance in Versity.
Everywhere, they need mother-like DoDoMerdas arround. The female DoDoMerdas have no capacity nor ability enough to work. Nevertheless, male professors want to work with DoDoMerdas, or rather, with their substitutes in their professional areas. Mother, Mother, I love you! I love your bust rather than your personality! That is the real voice of male versity professors in Japan.
I worked as a male and was hated by male professors by my mannish appearance. I was proud of it! I hate female DoDoMerdas to be the substitutes of mothers of male professors for the sake of promotion. They, male and female DoDoMerdas, are morally degraded. They should be punished by Gods of Academism, severely.
In Japan, versities are just factories of monky business. Most versities in Tokyo earn money provided by the students' local parents. In Tokyo, almost all productive economic activities closed. Some of exception are, schools, including versities, clinics, and esthetic services. Even now, many flamboyant girls want to study in Fuculty of Nursing, dreaming a wife of a rich medical doctor, though there is no necessity of versity graduated nurses. The Fuculty of Nursing attract the girls of this type by selling the small possibility of realizing their dream, which is, nightmare for people.
Nurse is another object of sexual dream of Japanese male, beside mother. The both have common point - care someone weak. Japanese male want to be treated as weakened figures, with much care and affection, like wounded little boys. They want to continue to me irresponsible as dependents of their families. They don't know the conceptions of responsibility and decision. All they know is discretion. They don't want be responsible, however, at the same time, they want others to follow their disretional flamboyant orders. So they love obedient domestic-animal like inferiors. The superior can make an order to the inferior, without any reasoning nor logics. That's the reality of Japan. No one could protest against stupid power holders's discretional orders in Japan, or, he or she would be lynched severely like me. Thus, Japan turned to be an extreme example of IDIOCRACY, that is, ruling system by idiots.