sexists's dominance in Japanese universities

2016-12-27 15:20:34 | 日記
27/12/2016 (afternoon) I sent my Corriculum Vitae to Leeds University. I plan to send it everyday to at least one university in the world. Some universities would be interessted in my career.
I emphasized sexcists' character in Japanese academism. I think I am sexually neutral in academic or professional meaning. However, Japanese academicians have treated me sometimes as a female and sometimes as a male, indifferent from my intention. I have been suffered from sexual descriminations in various universities.
At University of Tokyo, I was fired for the reason that I gave a birth to my son Alex as a single parent. He was born in april, 2001, in Sao Paulo, Brazil, when I was a visiting professor at Faculty of Law of University of Sao Paulo. At the faculty, everyone celebrated the birth of my kid. No one accused me for being a single parent.
However, in August of the year, suddenly, an e-mail was sent by Prof.Ichiro KITAMURA of Univ. of Tokyo, saying, "Dr.Masato NINOMIYA is upset, because you gave a birth in Brazil. Are you married or not? You should confess the fact, or, you shall be excluded by academic society! " For the first time, I was astonished at the e-mail, because I didn't understand why I needed to inform my privacy to him. Therefore, I replied so. However, he threatened me harder. So finally I had to write to him that I was not married. Then, he sent another e-mail, saying, "In this case, you should quit your job as a full-time lecturer at our University, or, you would be expulsed by all academic society in the world." I wanted to continue to work in a world of academism and didn't want to be excluded by it. He was "kind enough" to teach me how to write a letter of dismissal, in ironical sense, showing a model form. Thus, I was fired by Univ. of Tokyo in september, 2001, in effect. I had received public unemployment insurance for ten months from an agency controled under Ministry of Social Benefits and Labour in IKEBUKURO. The amount was US$900 per month.
After 18 months of unemployment, I got a new job at Univ. of Kyorin in april, 2003. During this period, I had a daughter Clare, in Auckland, New Zealand. I sent my Curriculum Vitae to almost 20 universities in Japan. However, everytime, they replied me with the same frases like, "We apoligise you that we can't be selected for our university because too many excelent candidates competed for the post." I found the job at Univ. of Kyorin by way of personal connection with prof.Kazuaki TEZUKA of Chiba Univ. and prof.Toshiaki AKUZAWA of Univ. of Kyorin.
Prof.TEZUKA was a professor of Labour Law and thought that females who had graduated from Univ. of Tokyo should be more used socially and professionally. Many graduate females of Univ. of Tokyo became domestic wives and lost their value as human resources in public, he considered. So he helped me to find a job.
University of Kyorin had two campuses, one in Mitaka and another in Hachioji. I have worked mainly for Hachioji division. I knew that this versity is out of fashion, mentally feudalistic and not so reputated well. However, I had no alternative. So I decided to work there immediately.
There at Univ. of Kyorin, I was a lecturer, assistant professor, associate professor and professor, nominally. However, in effect, I worked as a clerk, a guardperson, a butler, a editor, a weitress, a sweeper etc., in material meaning. Every year, the number of classes I should teach was increased. I have taught Constitutional Law, Administrative Law, Introduction to Jurisprudence, Human Rights Workshop, Special Lectures for Newcomers, Seminer for Constitutionalism etc. I thought that I was a academic researcher at first, so, I hardly managed spare time to do my mission.
Anyway, I barely could continue to be a researcher in spite of anti-academic current of the versity. In april, 2015, I became a professor at the univ.
I think that the value of each professor's opinion is equel. So, if a professor in a higher position says something wrong and others get to know it, the others should appoint it and correct it. Therefore, I behaved so in meetings in the campus.
Once in May, at the monthly meeting of professors, Dean of our faculty Prof.Masatoshi OKAWA, accused me for the reason of using word "KYABAKURA". I explain the context and strange attitude he took.
KYABAKURA is the word that literally came from "Cabaret" combined with "(night) Club". In essence, it is a kind of bar mainly for males, in which female bartenders serve alchool drinks with coquetish talks. In Japan, KYABAKURA is fairly popular among males and even in small local town there are some KYABAKURAs.
I used the word "KTABAKURA" as a metaphor. "I stand for assisting students' field works outside the campus. Because we've already expressed our position to promote students' attempts to know the real system of Japanese society. Our campus is located on an isolated hill in a county side, far from urbanized area. Therefore, it would be much better to bring students to study the real system. So, extremely saying, even to KYABAKURA, as a kind of sociological study, we should bring them."
Immedeately, the Dean got upset and interrupted my saying. I asked him the reason. He kept silent. I asked one more time. He said, "You don't know that?" So I replied, "Not at all. Explain the reason. You are a chairman and you are obliged to tell the reason of this abrupt interruption against my right to express my opinion." He couldn't exxplain anything and changed the topic. And he said to me, "If you can't understand, I will tell you later. So, now, shut up!"
I am an honest and simple person. So, when the meeting finished, I talked to him, "Please explain the reason now. We have 5 minutes until next meeting." However, he, prof.OKAWA, with a strange reddish face, ignored my polite request and turned away with disgust. I was impressed at his childish attitude.
Since then, I began to notice his disabiity to manage meetings as a chairman. He couldn't preside and did act just as a time-keeper, or rather, an alarm clock. So I wonderd, "why the rector employs him? His salary as a dean should be US$100000 per year. An alarm clock can be bought in a one dollar shop. Maybe the rector can't do mathematic caluculation."
He was a banker of Japan Central Bank, had no academic career at all. Everyone can see his personal history on an official site of Univ. of Kyorin in Japanese verson.
How brilliant professional career he has! Wow, he has been sdtuding in Harvard University! So of course he could speak English fluently! I thought. But, in a meeting in 2015, when an English professor called Prof.Malcom FIELD,gave his opinion in English, Dean OKAWA asked a collegue, Prof.KITAJIMA, whose major is HIV prevention in Thailand, to translate into Japanese for him. I was astonished!
Anyway, he is a mysterious figure for me and in the next article, I will describe in detail how I was attacked violently by him in Dean's room.

coundn't buy squid

2016-12-27 13:46:10 | 日記
27/12/2016 (afternoon) I went shopping but there was no squid in the shelf at the supermarket. I was dissapointed and gave up to make salty pickled squid today. According to my mother, squids are sold after bad weather. It has been warm and fine these 3 days, so squid are not on the sale. She learned it from my grand mother, who was a daughter of a fishery and knew well on marine products. It's cold and wendy today. So, it will be good to buy cattle-fish, 'cos they usually live in deep ocean and after the storm fishemen catch them and they are sold at reasnable price at markets, said my mother. OK, I will eat grilled sardines tonight instead of SHIOKARA and I will try again to make it tomorrow.

fresh salty pickled squid

2016-12-27 09:45:25 | 日記
27/12/2016 (morning) Last night, my daughter Clare declared that she would visit her friends' houses in Hachioji. I called to moms of them, thanking their kindness and hospitality. It's good to make a trip alone at the distance of 200km. She would learn lots during a trip. I said to her friends' moms to send their daughters to our house. When I refered to this invitation to Clare, she got upset and said to me, "Why you invited my friends to our old messy house?!" I scolded her and said, "If you are not ready to invite your friends, you don't deserve to be invited. Our house is old, yes. However, you should not be ashamed of it. Important isn't its appearance, but is whether it is comfortable or not. If your friends come, you should treat them with hospitality in a cozy space. If you can't do that, you can't visit your friend's house." Unfortunately, for her, appearence weighs a lot. She is immature and should be glown up to know that the beauty of depth weighs much more that superficial values. Or, she would be a DoDoMerda, like many flamboyant girls in Tokyo. I hope she turn to be a person with consideration. In Hasegawa Hospital, I met various kinds of DoDoMerdas. I don't want my daughter to belong to their dirty and evil society. Clare, wake up! You should recognize the beauty in depth. Today, I have a plan to make "fresh salty pickled squid" or SHIOKARA in Japanese. This is my first try. I ecpect the squid mixed with its lever to be delicious, matching to rice with good flavour and alchool drink.