My first application

2016-12-25 14:11:21 | 日記
25/12/2016 Drs.Andre & Alexandre Pereiras of Coimbra suggested me to aply to University of Macao. Oh, that's it! I sent my CV and filled out the form. I have been in Macao twice. I liked the city, with Portuguese Scienes and History. At the same time, I was impressed by the vitality of newcomers. They run restaurants, small shopes etc. and work diligently. The price of food is reasonable and delicious. I hope I find a good and interesting job there. I must continue to criticise Japanese Society, anti-humanistic and morally degraded. I need a place to do so without any restriction on expression. Japanese constitutional freedoms are just like illusion. Well described but not beyond dream. Japanese power holders don't want realize Constitution at all. Dr.Yoichi HIGUCHI pointed it ironiously. So I thought that at least he would have helped me, knowing my case in october, 2015. I wrote to him, asking help. But it fell in vain. Even a famous comparativist of law couldn't extend his hands to help his academic collegue, who was violated her fundamental rights expressively. I was so dissapointed at that time and thought that, "OK, he belongs to the society that he himself criticises. He is different from me. He would be panished by Goddes of Justice, because he himself is agaist Justice and universal constitutional values.He is just a nationalist and a advocate of japanese totalitarianism, with a mask of cosmopolitan. Gooby, Dr.Higuchi. You are our enemy." I received a letter that informed a death of Dr.Akio SATO, ex-professor of University of Niigata. He was one of my professor of Latin American Law. His words were straight and he disliked to fake anything. He wrote a thesis on Argentine Civil Law. Once in his office of the University, he said to me, "My son does't like studying. Then, why he should go to University? It's better for him to work in Chinese restaurant!" I feel the same to my son Alex. He does'nt like to study. I prefer offering my money for pupils who really want to study and have ability to do so, to sponsering Alex to go to university. I don't waste my money. If Alex wants to go to university, he himself should prove his intention and ability. Now he is a pupil of a junior high and wants to go to high school. 3 years of consideration, he has. I have already declared to him that "you should go to university by yourself, if you want to go there. I would not assist you financially."