
2016-12-29 20:32:55 | 日記
29/12/2016 (evening) Accoding to Prof.KAKISHIMA, the 3 victims above and I had the same character, that is, "Fundamentalists". Hummmmm. What the word means? Also according to her, "fundamentalist" means that a person who behaves as he expresses on himself. Maybe, honest people should be called as "fundamentalists" by Prof.KAKISHIMA.
In other words, in Faculty of Law at Univ. of Tokyo, it's common that a figure behaves totally against what he says. So, we, honest people are minority, and shall not survive. Hypocrats are their standard model, probably.
It reminds me the expression that Prof.Yoichi HIGUCHI used. He said to us, students of graduate school at that time, "In Europe, Judges in Constitutional Courts says that they don't separate their theory in University from practice in the courts. It was impressive for me. "
It signified that for prof.HIGUCHI, it's common that the attitude as a professor should be different from as a lawyer in practice. They declare something morally respectful, while they act vulgerly in effect. In a class room, they accuse rapists, while in a train, they themselves are allowed to turn to be a sexual attackers, we can say.
One of his pupil, ex-professor of Univ. of TOHOKU and actual professor of Tokyo Metropolitan University called prof.ARIKAWA of Constitutional Law, in fact, touched a lady's body without her will in the train, because she was his favorete type, when he was associate professor of Univ. of Tokyo. He was expulsed from Univ. of Tokyo, however, soon he was employed by Univ. of TOHOKU, one of the renoun university of Japan, from which Prof.HIGUCHI had graduated. How easily he was forgiven in academic society in Japan!
For male professors, touching female body is highly common and should be treated as most tolerant as possible. They want mom's bust always and it's a males' nature, they think, probably. They can't recognize difference between baby and adult. How weak their recognition ability is! With this weak recognition ability, how they can teach and how they can live, I wonder. Strange existences, their name is Japanese professors of Law.

Mysterious Detective Stories in Univ. of Tokyo II

2016-12-29 18:48:35 | 日記
29/12/2016 (evening) I continue the story of Ms.NOZAKI.
She was almost at my age. She died at her early 40s. I knew her is person, because I belonged to the Department of Fundamental Jurisprudence, to which Philosophy of Law belongs.

The successive deaths of these young scholors were not on the process of investigation, according to Prof.KAKISHIMA. She and her female collegue Prof.KATO, made every effort to stimulate to start the criminal investigation, because their deaths were too much mysterious. Therefore, she asked her father, who was a cheif of the Police, to start the process. He agreed that at least she had found enough proof to bigin the process. However, he stopped her to do so, with some concideration. The two female professors made a private commettee to investigate the cases, which was called "Commettee for Investigation for the Facts" or "Project for Spirits of the Deciesed Friends". Prof.KAKISHIMA suffered a lot of prejudice becausee of the activity of the project. So she exausted in body and soul entirely. Thus, she deserved a big rest. Therefore, now, she was away from any academic activities, for enjoying her rest. Now she was burned out. She contributed all her energy to the project, although it turned in vain. Anyone wanted to listen to her voice. So she decided to talk on the stories to us, that is, me and my son Alex.
This is her stories.

I could not believe all of her stories. However, at least, something strange had been happening in Faculty of Law at University of Tokyo, I understood. So I thought that I should transmit these stories in public as I've heard from Prof.KAKISHIMA. Maybe someone more cleverer than I would decide whether her stories were grounded on reality.

Several weeks after, I got to notice a queer point on these stories. I knew one of her pupil in the doctral course called Ms.YOKOYAMA. I participated in a seminor of American Feminism by Prof.KAKISHIMA, when I was in a graduate school. At that time, I was in doubt the value of feminism. Therefore, just for confirming non existence of the value, I participated. And I got assured that Japanese feminism was trash, without no value. Now I am totally against feminism. As a battle for sexual prejudice in male dominant world, feminism had a certain value, I recognize. However, Japanese feminism is just a protection of DoDoMerdic culture. People, indifferent from male or female, should be diligent workers. There is no difference among male and female. The doctrine that female has special values different from male isn't trastworthy in scientific meaning. It is the theory for dull jamheads' protection. We people, male and female, should fight against it and throw it away totally. We are just people. We don't need any clasification between male and female. Why we should confess our shape of intimate part when we are born in a public registration? Needless.
I myself was registerd sometimes as female and sometimese as male in the world. I gave a birth to my two kids, however, in some country, I was registered as a male officially, without my knowing.
So I can say that I am the first male officially in history that gave a birth.

Anyway, I participated in Prof.KAKISHIMA's seminar. There I met Ms.YOKOYAMA. Her major was legal feminism. She died at 40s by lung cancer.
However, Prof.KAKISHIMA didn't mention to her at all during our stay in her house. She looked that she couldn't remember even the existence of Ms.YOKOYAMA. Why? Ms.YOKOYAMA was her first pupil in the graduate school. Her early death should have been fairly impressive to Prof.KAKISHIMA. Why she didn't say anything at all on her first pupil's death and only talked about the deaths of above 3 members. I wondered.

These 4 members, including Ms.YOKOYAMA died all at 40s. They all belonged to Faculty of Law at Univ. of Tokyo. Their causes of death were said to be illiness in public. However, on most of them, another story is spoken regarding their death at least inside the faculty. About any of them didn't become an object of criminal investigation by the police, although there were many suspicious episodes.

It passed almost 16 years after I had been expulsed from Unv. of Tokyo as a victim of single parent matanity harasment. During the years, many promising young scholars deciesed there. All of them are my acquaintances. They were all people of common sense. I was kicked out from hell and they were killed there, ironically saying. People can't survive and only hypocrits live there, summing up.

Mysterious Detective Stories in Univ. of Tokyo

2016-12-29 16:33:26 | 日記
29/12/2016 (afternoon) Last year, in November, I have heard fairly strange stories regarding mysterious deaths of 3 members of Faculty of Law at Univ. of Tokyo, from Prof.Yoshiko KAKISHIMA.
After I suffered the Lynch in Kyorin Univ. Hospital, she invited me and my son to her house in NERIMA, Tokyo. There we two heard the stories just like nightmares.
After I had been expulsed from Univ. of Tokyo, at least 3 young members of the graduate school of our faculty deceased in sudden, mysteriously.
One is a associate professor FUKUDA, who's major was political studies. He was a assistant of Prof.Tsuyoshi SASAKI. When I was a graduate student, I participated in his semminor on "Human Condition" by Hannah Arendt. So I knew prof.Fukuda in person.
After sevral years I left the faculty by maternity harasment combined with prejudice against single parents, I got to know that he had died suddenly by heart attack. He was only 40s, at that time.

However, Prof.KAKISHIMA told me that he commited suicide in his house. He lived separated from his wife, who had studied in a renouon school for female students, altough she was grown un in a country town in SHIKOKU island, in a poor family. She presumed that she was assisted by some group for traditionally prejudiced class called "Buraku".
He was found in dead hunging from the ceiling. After his death, Prof.KOBA (Roman Law) editated a book for homage. Prof.Koba discovered a letter from Fukuda to his father written when Fukuda was 14 years old, in which he suggested the adration to suicide, and put it on the book.
Prof.KAKISHIMA suggested me that FUKUDA knew that Prof.KOBA couldn't understand Latin and that might be a cause to be hated by prof.Koba.

Hearing the story, I felt too strange.
1.The cause of his death was different from that I had gotten to know before.2.
2.For me, Prof.Fukuda was a totally common and normal, rather communicative person. However, he seemed to be highy negative and have a dark background.
3.Roman Law professer can teach Roman Law without knowing Latin language?
4.The letter written at one's 14 years old should be published after his death? Terrible! I have written a lot of letters to many people. Some of them are fairly personal. Even as a book for homage, I don't want to be published!

The second story is concerning Ms.NOMURA. She entered to Graduate School in 1991 like as me. She specialized Japanese Political History and was interested in State Security. She died by lung cancer when she was in doctoral course, I had heard.

However, Prof.KAKISHIMA told us differently. She was found as a mummy in ZEN style after intentional hunger in her house alone.

I was asotonished at her story. NOMURA was also a common person for me. She liked eating Japanese gross noolde called UDON with a rare egg. I like to eat this dish in my style, that is, eating noodle mixed with egg, while she liked to eat the egg after finishing noodles, without break the form of rare egg. Anyway, she was a normal student, as far as I knew. However, with Prof.KAKISHIMA's description, she seemed to have been just like a YOGA master.

The third story is about Ms.NOZAKI, who's major was Philosophy of Law. She worked as a practical lawer, too. She was also a totally normal person for me. I have heard that she died by some disease abruptly.

However, Prof.KAKISHIMA said to us that she had been found in a tiny space between two buildings, in one of them she had stayed for a academic trip. She might have fallen from the window. According to Prof.KAKISHIMA's talk, she also commited a suicide.

Holiday Price

2016-12-29 15:21:07 | 日記
29/12/2016 (agternoon) I went shopping to buy some products that my mom requested and the squid for SHIOKARA. I walked all along 5km or so. I like walking, watching streets and shops. Always I find something interesting during walking.
Now we are in Christmas-New Year Holidays vacation. That means that the prices of commodities in local towns like our old town Shirakawa increaces, because many young and middle aged generations come back home to pass this period with their families. The population of the town gets up provisionally and the prices, too. Therefore, I had to give up to buy squid. Usually one rare squid costs only US$1. But today, it costs US$4!!!
I got to know that squid is the most popular and consumed by people in Japan, according to a TV quiz program. I imagined that sardine were the most popular at people's table. However, the program said that squid is cheap and the most popular. $4 squid is not worthy to me. I, as one of common people, prefer cheaper food. I don't know the producer of the program made a sufficient research that deserved to broadcast on TV.
Anyway, I assured that the holiday price is much more higher than usually in Shirakawa.

I found a package of duck meat at US$1.5. The quantity is enough to cook "Aroz com Pato" or Duck Rice in Portuguese Style. I bought it and now am cooking the dish.
At First I ate the dish in a Portuguese Restaurant called "Santos" in Macao. This restaurant is famouse and Pop Star Mick Jaguar (Congratulations to your new born son, Mick!)visited it. The chef and owner Mr.Santos showed me a photo taken with Mick.
I liked the dish and decided to make it in my house. And I did it. I also invented the easier way to cook the Arroz com Pato. I've already tried and got a success. Now I hope my parents taste the Portuguese dish.

Peking Duck is also delicious. However, it is expensive. So I think I will cook chiken legs in Peking Duck's way. That means that 1.Roast the chiken in oven until the peel of skin turns crispy. 2.Shred a long oriental onion into a bunch of thread. 3.Eat 1 and 2 toghetner.

I use a rice cooker when I cook pilafs. The easiest way, I think. After cooking in the electric rice cooker, I put the content in the oven to dry up and make it crispy.
In Japan, almost all of family have a rice cooker. I am not a rice eater as a ordinary Japanese. But I appreciate the tasete of rice with high quality. Fortunately, in my house, my father get delicious rice from his acquaintance in GOKA village and our family can appreciate the delicious taste of rice.
We Japanese people have tongue to recognize the taste of various rices and categorize them in adequate classes. People living in local areas usually have this recognition ability. However, DoDoMerdas in the residential areas in Tokyo have no sense of this ability at all. For them, old rice produced more than 3 years ago is equal to rice of this year. Terrible. I couldn't eat rice in HASEGAWA Hospital at all, because it smelled bad, while DoDoMerdas intentionally internated there appreciated the bad-taste old rice. GRRRRRR.....!!!! The meals there were horrible in any means. I hated it. I got leaner and leaner day by day, until I looked like a perfect skelton or a victim of a concentrated camp in Horocost. Even IZUMI-san said to me that I had gotten skinny.
I love eating and cooking. I couldn't cooking in HASEGAWA Hospital and was frustrated. However, DoDoMerdas always talked that they were happy there in the hospital because they were relieved from all of ther domestic jobs, including cooking. They hated cooking. DoDoMerdas, who have no ability to work outside the house, hate domestic tasks! Wow! How idol they are! I was astonished. DoDoMerdas were accustomed to watch TV from 6:00 in the morning until 21:00 in the evening in a space just like a big living room. Their favorite programs were "Gossips of famous artists", "Gourmants' Trips", "Dramas in which handsome actors appear". They watched them in total silence like dumbs. They loved to talk about their favorite actors just like their closest friends. How unproductive and messy life they live!, I was impressed.
No one was interesting in HASEGAWA Hospital. All of them were flamboyant dull jamheads DoDoMerdas. Even now, I can't beleive that they belong to the high society in Japan. For me, they are rubbish, which should be thrown away into the bin. However, for Japanese power holders, they are the objects, that deserve protection. Japanese Conservative politicians say, "DoDoMerdic life style should be protected as our traditional culture." They require us people to pay tax for the DoDoMerdic dull culture. Strange coutry called Japan, with full of contradiciton, faked under IDIOCRACY. I don't waste time here in this kinky country. Give me a job outside the crazy country called Japan!


2016-12-29 11:37:06 | 日記
29/12/2016 (morning) Last night there happened earthquakes over the Magnitude 6. Fortunately, there was no wounded person at all.
Yesterday, it was snowy cloudy. After the Eathquakes, the wether chaged. It's beautifully fine today.
We, people living around here in Fukushima, know that after earthquake the weather changes, in common. Hoever, I've never heard this common knowledge in schools and versity. Any weather reporter doesn't refer to this fenomenon at all. Why? I, my mother, my friends etc. all know it. But schience keeps silent on it. Why?
As a versity professor, I often encounter with this type of divergence between People's common knowledge and experts' one. Sometimes people's knowledge lacks its scientific ground, I agree. However, regarding my major, that is Judicial Science, Almost all of people's common sense is correct and so called experts' doctorines are false in Japan. In other words, lawyers just take advantage of their knowledge to fake honest ammature people. This year, I've met a lot of this type of figures.
Remembring my acquaintences in Univ. of Tokyo, they have worked for camoflauging unconstitutional situations in Japanese Society. They have pretended to be a "knights battling against evil existances", although, in fact, they have always fighted for unconstitutional situations. I didn't know this black side of lawyers related with Faculty of Law at Univ. of Tokyo, so I believed their hypocritical doctrines as if they were contributing for Justice. I have been deceived for more than 30 years!!!
I believed that Constitutional Justice exsist in Japan. However, after repeated attempts in 2015 and 2016, now I am sure that in this country, there is no constitutional justice. They call it "Justice", while we call it "Injustice". I really know this fact from the bottom of my heart. Japan is an anti-constitutional, anti-humanistic country. So I want to get away from here as sonn as possible.
Worse is, so called "constitutionalists" in Japanese famous universities are liars. They should be called "anti-constitutionalists" or at least "unconstitutionalists" according to their daily behaviour. In versity they speak some "righteous" words on the alter, while in effect they act as totalitarians in everyday life. They legitimate this double standard, ironically saying, "we all are Crains with Red stain on the top of our head"(丹頂鶴). They deliver speech, without doubt or pain of consciousness, against their daily pratice. We should call them "Hypocrats" according to the correct usage of the word.
Almost all of professors of Law in Japan are hypocrats. I want to recommend to foreigners to watch out their hypocracy. They don't feel any contradiction at this point, because they don't have heart or mind. They are so cold and heartless. We people just call it "Shameless".
I want to get out of this hypocratical society and enjoy the plesure of intelectuall curiosity in professional life and private life. I am in the state of entire no-satisfaction. Japanese jurists like monotonous faked hypocratical life, that is the most abominable one for me.