Luxembourg Photo 欧州小国写真紀行

欧州の小国ルクセンブルクと周辺国を写真で紹介します。PHOTOS OF LUX AND SURROUNDING

第57回 Luxembourg Classic Transport Day 2

2007-10-19 01:26:52 | Lux-event

かっての路線バスold transport bus

バスの車内 inside of bus

かっての路面電車 old tramway

路面電車内部 inside of tramway


This time I show you the open day’s festival of Classic transport in the Bus and Tramway museum. The old transport bus was used as the navette from the center town. In Luxembourg city there was tramway formerly. But now there is a new plan of tramway using the latest low floor model. This tramway will also operate in the classic railway.

第56回 Luxembourg Classic Transport Day 1

2007-10-18 01:51:06 | Lux-event

ブランケンベルヒ急行 Blankenberge Express model 1604 classics

食堂車 restaurant wagon

一等席 first class

二等席 second class

ex-CFL 208

運転席 driver’s room

車内 inside of wagon


This time I show you the Luxembourg Classic Transport Day on Sept. 23, 2007. Old train and bus are operating again. The train among each opening place that was used to the train of . This express was only operated on Sunday during summer until Belgian coast Blankenberge. It was connected only a restaurant wagon in Luxembourg.

第55回 「ムーズ川の真珠」ナミュール Namur

2007-10-17 00:35:29 | Belgium

ナミュールの国鉄駅 railway station of Namur

ナミュールの中心部と朝市 center of Namur and open air market

ダム広場 Place d’Armes

城砦 La Citadelle

サンブル川 Sambre river

ムーズ川 Meuse river

大聖堂 Cathedral St Auban

大聖堂内部 Inside of Cathedral


Namur is called a pearl of Meuse river in the Belgian fortified city of Wallon region. The huge open air market is opening every Saturday morning including flesh food and clothes

第54回 トウルネーの要塞跡 Old fort of Tournai

2007-10-15 18:16:32 | Belgium

軍基地入口The entrance of military base

軍基地内施設 In side of military base

軍事博物館 The military museum

要塞跡入口The entrance of the old fort

要塞内部In side of the old fort

旧要塞の絵図The picture of the old fort

旧要塞の鳥瞰図The plan of the old fort


This time I introduce you the fort and military museum in the Belgian military base of Tournai. It was opened in heritage opening day of Belgian Wallon Region on Sept. 15 and 16m 2007. This fort was constructed by the French famous fort constructer Vauban.

第53回 ベルギーのかわいい町 Belgian pretty town - Antoing

2007-10-13 02:12:31 | Belgium

Town of Antoing from canal

The entrance of the castle of the Prince de Ligne

The castle of the Prince de Ligne

The entrance of the castle

Memorial of visit of De Gaulle

Center town

The battle field of Fontenoy

The celtic cross in the battle field


This time I introduce you a pretty town Antoing near Tournai of Belgium. It is very famous for lime kilns and it is called the capital of the White Land. In the center of town there is the castle of the Prince de Ligne that was built in 12th century. In the suburb there is a famous battle field of Fontenoy that French army got a victory against English and Austrian on May 11 , 1745 during Austrian succession war. The Irish, extremely against the English, took a great part in the battle beside the French troops. In that time Ireland was the English colony.
The celtic cross is the irish memorial.

第50回 ルクス市の森 Forest of Luxembourg City

2007-10-10 00:28:47 | Luxembourg

Luxembourg City is covered by green area and has many small forests. In the forest there is a fitness course and people can do the light physical exercise. This time I introduce you the small forest near the center (20 minutes by foot). We can see several animals like fox, squirrel and hedgehog.

第48回 ルクス路上美術市2 Art Market

2007-10-08 02:18:50 | Lux-event


The final Art Market of this year was held on October 6 in Grund of Luxembourg City. In that time there was a rugby world cup match of England against Australia and many people watched on TV in the cafes.