Luxembourg Photo 欧州小国写真紀行

欧州の小国ルクセンブルクと周辺国を写真で紹介します。PHOTOS OF LUX AND SURROUNDING

第5回 ブルージュ(Brugge)

2007-08-21 21:06:58 | Belgium

州政府庁舎( Provincial office)

鐘楼(Belfry tower)

マーケット広場(Markt Place)

運河から鐘楼(Belfry tower from canal)

ベギン会修道院入口(Entrance of Begijnhof)

ベギン会修道院(Begijnhof nunnery)

愛の湖と水門の家(Minnewater and house of water gate)

ウェインハールト広場の馬車馬用水飲み場(Wijngaardplaats and water for horse)

This time I introduce the most beautiful town in Belgium. There are many tourists who come from Japan. It is called the north of Venice where there are many canals. We can see many brick houses in the town.