Luxembourg Photo 欧州小国写真紀行

欧州の小国ルクセンブルクと周辺国を写真で紹介します。PHOTOS OF LUX AND SURROUNDING

第35回 メッス軍総督邸 Governor Palace in Metz

2007-09-22 02:21:53 | France

総督邸入口 entrance

総督邸玄関1 entrance hall

総督邸玄関2 entrance hall


総督邸内部2 inside

総督執務室1Governor working room

総督執務室 2 Governor working room

総督邸内部3 inside

庭 garden

庭から総督邸1 palace from garden

庭から総督邸2 palace from garden

地下壕1 underground road

地下壕2 underground road

地下壕入口-兵士の右 entrance of underground road – right side of solder


On Sept. 15 and 16 Governor Palace was opened in public as the heritage day. I introduce Governor Palace, garden and underground road. This road that has the entrance in the garden was connected until Moselle river. This palace was built by German Army as Greman Governor Palace during the German occupation period of 19th century. After WWI French military governor has worked here except WWII period.


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