
WCC president for Asia meets with chief cabinet secretary(WCC議長内閣官房長官と会う)その2

2014年08月17日 | 英語生活ノおト
英語生活ノおト 第4巻> 直読・直解の試み(「線香読みのすすめ」続編)> WCC president for Asia meets with chief cabinet secretary(WCC議長内閣官房長官と会う)その2

Regarding(に関して) current moves(傾向) to re-interpret(再解釈) the Japanese constitution’s peace clause(平和条項) Chang(チャン氏は) noted(表明した), “We urge(強く要請する) the Japanese Government to(ことを) honour(讃える) and respect(敬う) both(両方を) the letter(文言と) and the spirit(精神) of Article 9. We make(行う) this request(要請を) bearing in mind(を心に置きながら) [the strong support](支援) for(への) Article 9 among(の間の) the Japanese people and [the deep appreciation(感謝)] for Article 9 in the countries of East Asia(東アジア).”

(チャン氏は) stressed(強調した) the cooperation(協力) between the WCC and Japanese churches. “Although(ですが) the Japanese churches(日本の教会) are a small(小さな) minority(少数派) in Japan, we believe(信じています) that their witness(証言、意見) on(に関する) critical(重要な) issue(課題、問題)s in Japanese society serves as(の働きをする) a [beacon of light](光の標識) and [hope] for the Japanese people. Therefore(従いまして), the WCC will continue to work(働き続ける) closely(緊密に) with the Japanese churches and Japanese people on(において) the pilgrimageルグリィミィジ:巡礼) of peace and justice(平和と正義),” she said.

Chief cabinet secretary Suga
(菅内閣官房長官) replied(返答した) that(次のように) [as(として) the only(唯一の) country(国家) to have suffer(の被害をこうむっ)ed(た) an atomic bombing] Japan(日本は) has “taken the responsibility(責任を果たしてきた) to address(訴える) the nuclear problem(核問題)”. He express(表明し)ed(た) his gratitude(感謝) to the WCC and the churches of Japan for(への) their various(様々な) support(支援) in response to(に応えて) the situation in Fukushima.

(に関して) Article 9, Suga said “The right of collective self-defense(集団的自衛権) is recognized(認められている) everywhere around the world and global(世界的な) condition(状況)s have change(変わっ)d(た) significantly(著しく) in recent times(近年). Thus(従って) we have come to(に至る) consider(検討する、考える) the right to collective self-defense within(の中で) the framework(枠組み) of Article 9 of the Constitution.”

(WCC中央委員) said, “Although(が) the response(返答) of chief cabinet secretary Suga was consistent(と変わらい) with previous(今までの) government(政府の) view(見解)s, this opportunity(機会) to convey(伝える) a message(メッセージ) from(からの) Christians around the world(世界中の) and in Japan to(へ) the chief cabinet secretary, essentially(事実上の) the second ranking official(ナンバー2) in charge in the Japanese government, was(であった) historic(歴史的) and carries(伴う) with it immeasurable(測り知れないほどの) significance(重要性).”