Takahiko Shirai Blog



2005-06-14 13:28:39 | 国際
Saddam questioned by special tribunal
www.chinaview.cn 2005-06-14 07:44:54

(Photo)Former Iraqi president Saddam Hussein appears in this TV grab released on June 13, 2006. The Iraqi Special Tribunal said Monday it had questioned the toppled president about the killing of dozens of men in a Shi'ite town where he survived an assassination attempt in 1982.

(Photo)The Iraqi Special Tribunal said Monday it had questioned the toppled president about the killing of dozens of men in a Shi'ite town where he survived an assassination attempt in 1982.

BAGHDAD, June 13 (Xinhuanet) -- The Iraqi Special Tribunal charged with trying Saddam Hussein said Monday it had questioned the toppled president about the killing of dozens of men in a Shi'ite town where he survived an assassination attempt in 1982.

"The defendant Saddam Hussein has been questioned by judges of the Special Tribunal over the crimes that took place in Dujail, 60km north of Baghdad, in July 1982 after his convoy was attacked in the town," the tribunal said in a statement.

The tribunal also released a film showing Saddam being questioned by the judge Raed Jouhi along with his lawyer Khalil al-Dulaimi. The questioning was said to be conducted on Sunday.

The former Iraqi leader, who is due to face trial on charges ofcrimes against humanity, wore a dark suit with an open shirt as he answered questions.

The new footage is believed to be the first time he has been seen in front of judges since appearing in court in July last year.

Saddam has been in US custody near Baghdad since he was arrestedin Iraq in December 2003.

Saddam Hussein is likely to be tried within two months on 12charges out of 500, including alleged use of chemical weapons against the Kurds in 1980s, Laith Kuba, spokesman for prime minister Ibrahim al-Jaafari, told reporters earlier this month. Enditem
