


2016-01-16 18:49:56 | 英字新聞

Jehovah’s Witnesses—Who Are We?

We come from hundreds of ethnic and language backgrounds, yet we are united by common goals.
エホバ の 証人 は 世界 中 に い て,人種 や 国籍 は 様々 です が,同じ 目的 で 結ば れ て い ます。

Above all, we want to honor Jehovah, the God of the Bible and the Creator of all things.
何 より も,すべて の もの を 創造 し た 聖書 の 神エホバを 賛美 し たい と 思っ て い ます。

We do our best to imitate Jesus Christ and are proud to be called Christians.
また,クリスチャンと し て,イエス・ キリスト に 倣お う と 励ん で い ます。

Each of us regularly spends time helping people learn about the Bible and God’s Kingdom.
聖書 や神 の 王国に つい て 学ぶ の を 助ける 活動 に,皆 が 参加 し て い ます。

Because we witness, or talk, about Jehovah God and his Kingdom, we are known as Jehovah’s Witnesses.
エホバ 神 と その 王国 に つい て 語る ゆえ に,エホバ の 証人と し て 知ら れ て い ます。

Explore our site. Read the Bible online. Learn more about us and our beliefs.
この サイト を ご覧 に なれ ば,エホバ の 証人 と その信じ て いる 事柄に つい て もっと 知っ て いただけ ます。


日韓慰安婦問題 合意履行に朴氏の責任は重い

2016-01-16 07:20:21 | 英字新聞

The Yomiuri Shimbun
Park bears heavy responsibility to implement ‘comfort women’ deal
日韓慰安婦問題 合意履行に朴氏の責任は重い

At a time when North Korea’s latest nuclear test has threatened the stability of the region, improving Japan’s relations with South Korea is an urgent task. The leadership of South Korean President Park Geun-hye will be tested on this issue.

During her New Year press conference, Park spoke about the deal Tokyo and Seoul reached late last year on the so-called comfort women issue. Park reiterated her position to seek public support for the deal, saying she would “do [her] best to ensure its content was acceptable.”

The deal is a breakthrough that improved the strained ties between Japan and South Korea. It is natural that Park will exert every possible effort to make sure the deal is smoothly implemented.

Public opinion surveys conducted in South Korea have revealed that many people are displeased with the deal. Their reasons include the view that “opinions of former comfort women were not listened to.” A support group for former comfort women blasted the deal and said it “betrayed” the South Korean people. Ripples created by this comment are spreading.

Park insisted the government had held talks with former comfort women and the support group 15 times before the deal was reached and had listened to their wishes. She emphasized that three important points — clarifying the involvement of the former Imperial Japanese Army; an official apology from the Japanese government; and compensation funded by the Japanese side — were all reflected in the deal.

Under the agreement, Prime Minister Shinzo Abe expressed an apology and the government recognized the involvement of military authorities at the time. The Japanese government will contribute about ¥1 billion as humanitarian support to a foundation the South Korean government will establish to assist former comfort women. Park’s explanation aims to deepen public understanding of the deal.

Worrying signs

It is questionable that, concerning the statue of a girl symbolizing comfort women in front of the Japanese Embassy in Seoul, Park said this was “not the kind of issue the government can give orders over.” The Japanese government has demanded the statue be removed, and South Korea promised it would strive to resolve this issue in an “appropriate” manner. The statue issue must not be left unaddressed.

Recently, the Seoul Eastern District Court ordered Prof. Park Yu Ha, author of “Teikoku no Ianfu” (Comfort women of the empire), to pay compensation to former comfort women who claimed the scholar’s book defamed them.

The ruling acknowledged that, based on the 1993 Kono Statement and other sources, the comfort women had been “forcibly mobilized” and “forced to live like sex slaves.” This ruling was one-sided in contradicting Japan’s position on this issue and went too far. It must not be allowed to negatively impact the implementation of the comfort women deal.

After launching her administration, Park devoted considerable effort to strengthening ties with China. However, since North Korea’s nuclear test, it is apparent Seoul and Beijing differ in their fervor in dealing with Pyongyang.

In her “remarks to the people” that Park made at the start of her press conference, she expressed dissatisfaction with China’s refusal to ease its reluctance to impose tougher sanctions on North Korea. Park also clearly stated she would “consider” the proposed deployment of a cutting-edge U.S. missile defense system in South Korea — a plan China opposes.

Park’s move to lessen her excessive leaning toward China, and her switch to attaching greater importance to cooperation among Japan, the United States and South Korea on security issues, will boost the deterrent against North Korea.

(From The Yomiuri Shimbun, Jan. 15, 2016)

オバマ演説 指導力回復へ全力尽くす時だ

2016-01-15 08:55:17 | 英字新聞

The Yomiuri Shimbun
United States must do everything possible to regain global leadership
オバマ演説 指導力回復へ全力尽くす時だ

It is hard to say that the United States is sufficiently exercising its leadership in dealing with North Korea’s nuclear development and the threat of terrorism by extremist groups. We hope the United States will proactively work to solve these issues.

In his final State of the Union address, U.S. President Barack Obama said, “Priority No. 1 is going after terrorist networks” and indicated his intention to go all out to destroy the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) extremist group.

Yet he fell short of unveiling any concrete measures to defeat ISIL. As things stand now, it will be difficult for him to make any significant achievements in his remaining year in office.

The modus operandi of limiting military operations and emphasizing international cooperation unless the United States and its allies face a direct threat is showing its limitations. Shouldn’t Washington consider sending out additional special forces?

It is also questionable that Obama declared the continuation of the half-measure strategy that “we keep America safe and lead the world without becoming its policeman.”

North Korea has conducted nuclear tests as many as three times while Obama has been in office, taking much of the luster from his comments about “a world without nuclear weapons,” which he advocated in a Prague speech shortly after he took office.

In his State of the Union address three years ago, the president pledged to take “firm action” in response to a nuclear test conducted by North Korea. This time, however, he made no reference to Pyongyang’s latest test.

N. Korea strategy at dead end?

This can be interpreted as Washington reaching a dead end in its strategy in dealing with North Korea. Vis a vis the state, it is important to explore ways to hold a dialogue depending on its behavior, while increasing pressure.

We also think Washington should have taken prompter, stronger action against China, as the country is turning the artificial islands it has built into military strongholds in the South China Sea. To prevent China from accelerating its attempts to change the status quo by force, it is also vital for U.S. military vessels to regularly sail near the artificial islands.

It was appropriate that Obama called on Congress to swiftly approve the Trans-Pacific Partnership agreement, saying, “With TPP, China does not set the rules in that region; we do.” Washington should learn from its failed approach of prioritizing cooperation with China while turning a blind eye to human rights and other issues.

In his speech, Obama emphasized his achievements over the past seven years and the continuation of his policies, rather than concrete solutions for these problems.

The Obama administration deserves credit for weathering the financial crisis under way at the time it was inaugurated and for implementing its rebalancing policy, which focuses on Asia and has promoted the reinforcement of the Japan-U.S. alliance.

It was also reasonable for Obama to cite such achievements as the country’s normalizing diplomatic ties with Cuba, reaching a nuclear accord with Iran and inking the Paris accord on measures against climate change.

He spoke of his policies of promoting reform of the medical insurance system and immigration system, and pursuing gun control. U.S. citizens are divided on these issues, and the split in public opinion is becoming more serious.

Obama must take seriously the situation illustrated in recent public opinion polls, which have found that about 70 percent of people think the country is heading in the wrong direction.

(From The Yomiuri Shimbun, Jan. 14, 2016)

朝鮮半島緊張 北のさらなる挑発を許さない

2016-01-14 11:03:15 | 英字新聞

The Yomiuri Shimbun
World must refuse to tolerate further provocation by North Korea
朝鮮半島緊張 北のさらなる挑発を許さない

Triggered by North Korea’s latest nuclear test, tensions are running high on the Korean Peninsula. Further military provocation by that country absolutely cannot be tolerated.

The U.S. forces flew a B-52 strategic bomber over South Korea. “This was a demonstration of the ironclad U.S. commitment to our allies in South Korea and in Japan,” Adm. Harry Harris, commander of the U.S. Pacific Command, said in a statement.

It was greatly significant for the United States to take swift action to demonstrate its deterrent power in an effort to maintain regional stability.

The B-52 bomber, a plane that can carry nuclear bombs and cruise missiles, is said to be one of the U.S. weapons about which North Korea has the deepest concern. It also has a long flight range. In the latest flyover, the U.S. bomber took off from and returned to an air base in Guam.

It is essential for the United States to strongly and repeatedly warn North Korea that no act of military provocation, such as an artillery attack on the South, will be tolerated. U.S. military options under consideration for the immediate future include the deployment of a nuclear-powered aircraft carrier and a stealth fighter.

Two days after the North’s nuclear test, South Korea resumed loudspeaker propaganda broadcasts condemning its northern neighbor’s regime in the vicinity of the Demilitarized Zone. This was based on South Korea’s conclusion that the latest nuclear test constituted “an extraordinary situation” in which the country could restart propaganda broadcasts. In August, the South and the North had reached a deal under which anti-Pyongyang propaganda would not be resumed unless such a situation arose.

Bitterly antagonized by the South Korean action, the North has reportedly reinforced frontline troops. All this is giving rise to aggravating hostility between the North and South.

North Korean leader Kim Jong Un, first secretary of the Workers’ Party of Korea, is attempting to justify the nuclear test by calling it “a self-defensive measure to defend the sovereignty of the country and vital rights of the nation.” His statement is a self-righteous assertion that ignores international condemnation, and it is utterly unacceptable.

An array of sanctions

At the initiative of the United States, the U.N. Security Council is proceeding with work to draft a resolution aimed at imposing sanctions on North Korea. Attention is focused largely on such measures as restrictions on banking transactions involving North Korea and restraint on port calls by North Korean ships. The envisaged sanctions must be made effective enough to make North Korea pay the price for its nuclear testing.

What is important is for pertinent nations to take concerted action to reinforce sanctions against North Korea. China, a country that can exert influence on North Korea, must fully cooperate with other nations in adopting the resolution and strictly implementing it.

In video footage used in a recent program aired by Korean Central Television that focused on Kim, an image of Liu Yunshan — a member of the Chinese Communist Party’s Politburo Standing Committee — has been removed. The initial footage showed Liu attending a military parade in Pyongyang last October.

There is reason to believe the deletion of Liu’s image was intended to serve as a restraining influence on China, which has denounced the recent nuclear test and is joining talks over a resolution against the North Korea.

Japan, a nonpermanent member of the Security Council, should be proactively involved in promoting negotiations over the envisaged resolution. In commenting on anti-Pyongyang sanctions to be imposed by Japan on its own, Prime Minister Shinzo Abe has said, “Stern measures will be adopted.”

Japan, the United States and South Korea will hold a string of talks at the level of bureau chief and vice minister this week. It is important for the three nations to closely cooperate with each other to prevent North Korea from going out of control.

(From The Yomiuri Shimbun, Jan. 13, 2016)

香山リカのココロの万華鏡: 脳科学と人の心 /東京

2016-01-13 10:31:45 | 英字新聞

January 10, 2016 (Mainichi Japan)
Kaleidoscope of the Heart: Brain science and the human spirit
香山リカのココロの万華鏡: 脳科学と人の心 /東京

I wonder what kind of year this is going to be.

As a psychiatrist, this year is likely to be one wherein I will take a fresh look at the question of just what exactly is the human spirit.

The advances recently made in the field of brain science have been astounding.

Ohio State University announced last year that it had finally utilized pluripotent stem cells derived from human skin cells in order to culture an eraser-sized "miniature brain," which included nearly all of the genes of a 5-week-old fetus.

It seems clear, then, that it will become possible within a short time frame to reproduce a human brain.

On second thought, however, I'll bet that before this occurs, analyses of the brain's neural networks will proceed in a manner such that people will be able to replicate their own brain on a computer.

I remember a scene from a science fiction movie where a woman was able to converse with a computer that utilized the same pattern as the brain of her dead husband. Soon, this will actually become a reality.

Let's imagine that this does indeed occur.

A vendor providing a "replacement brain" service comes to your house, picks up skin and hair samples of your dead family member from off the floor, and takes them away.

You later receive notification that the artificial brain is ready, and it is delivered to your home along with an attached apparatus that allows you to converse with it.

You flip the switch, and the nostalgic voice of your relative says, "It's been a long time! Are you studying like you should be?
I know you don't like English!" Naturally, you are also able to hold conversations with the device -- meaning that you can laugh and fight with your family member just like you always did before.
スイッチを入れると「久しぶり。ちゃんと勉強してる? あなたは英語が苦手だから」となつかしい家族の声が聞こえてくる。もちろん対話も可能。昔と同じように笑い合ったりケンカしたりすることもできる……。

Some people are likely to think, "This is amazing! I hope this will become a reality as soon as possible!"

Many others, however, probably feel that no matter how much a particular response pattern is able to be duplicated, it could never take the place of their beloved kin.

And even if one's own brain were able to be simulated via this type of service, few are those who would feel as if they had actually attained the ability to live forever.

If this is the case, then, what does it mean to exist as a particular human being?

Is it the act of possessing a body?

This is clearly not so, since the relatives or lover of someone whose face or other bodily features had become greatly disfigured in an accident would be unlikely to conclude that the individual had suddenly become a different person.

This being the case, then, it is clear that there is a deep connection between existing as an individual being human being and the fact that we have only one life -- even though no one yet possesses a definitive answer with respect to this matter.

Every single individual who sits with lowered eyes and sheds tears while sitting in my office possesses their own unique spirit, and is living their one unique life -- a fact in and of itself that explains the reason why we all get hurt and suffer.

This year, then, I would like to continue probing and agonizing together with all of you with respect to the following questions: What does it mean to be human? And just what is the human spirit?

(By Rika Kayama, psychiatrist)

中東と日本 傍観者でいられない

2016-01-12 09:00:53 | 英字新聞

--The Asahi Shimbun, Jan. 10
EDITORIAL: Japan should not be passive bystander as tensions rise in Middle East
(社説)中東と日本 傍観者でいられない

Tensions are rising in the Middle East as Saudi Arabia and Iran are at loggerheads with each other.

By no means should Japan just be looking on at a time when the Middle East is standing at a doorway to further turbulence.

During his New Year news conference, Prime Minister Shinzo Abe evoked the fact that Japan will assume the presidency at the Group of Seven summit this year and that Japan has become a nonpermanent member of the U.N. Security Council.

“(The year 2016) will be a year in which Japan’s diplomacy will lead the world,” Abe emphasized in that context. “I intend for Japan to lead the world by looking squarely at the future with a global perspective and laying out the most appropriate road map in order to foster peace and prosperity in the region and around the world.”

We sincerely hope that those words will be fulfilled. And there is one thing we want Abe to do exactly for that reason.

We want him to make sure that Japan will exercise its diplomatic potential in averting a conflict between Saudi Arabia and Iran, just as it will respond to the recent nuclear test by North Korea.

During last year’s Diet deliberations on the security legislation, Abe cited potential deployment of the Self-Defense Forces to minesweeping operations in the Strait of Hormuz as a concrete example of the ways Japan will be exercising its right to collective self-defense.

But minesweeping operations will only become necessary after a conflict has erupted.

Diplomatic efforts to prevent the breakout of a conflict are the most needed at present to face the crisis that is unfolding before our eyes.

Along with supporting the arbitration efforts by the United States, European nations and other parties, Japan should also work with the global community in trying to find out what could be done at this moment.

Japan possesses a diplomatic asset, which allows it to hold a dialogue, under a certain level of mutual trust, with Saudi Arabia and other Arab states, Israel and Iran, despite the historically entangled relations between the three parties.

Unlike the United States and European nations, Japan has so far applied the brakes on using force overseas. We could now make the most of the confidence in Japan, which has played an original role in nonmilitary, humanitarian aid that is intended to stabilize the livelihood of Middle Eastern people.

We should not forget that participation of the SDF in logistical support operations for foreign troops, which will become feasible under the new security legislation, could rather undermine Japan’s moral high ground.

Military strength and geographical distance matter in military action. But nonmilitary diplomacy of arbitration is feasible even without strong military power or in far-flung areas.

Seeking a way to avert a conflict in a peaceful manner on the basis of the diplomatic asset that Japan has accumulated over the postwar years would be the best way for Abe to live up to the promises of “diplomacy that takes a panoramic perspective of the globe” and “proactive pacifism”--both being the prime minister’s pet slogans--in the real sense of those terms.

Seldom do we believe there is any easy approach to doing so. But that is the sort of diplomacy that Japan should be seeking as a pacifist nation.

北朝鮮核問題 問われる中国の行動

2016-01-11 09:19:26 | 英字新聞

--The Asahi Shimbun, Jan. 9
EDITORIAL: China crucial to moves to rein in North Korea
(社説)北朝鮮核問題 問われる中国の行動

In response to Pyongyang’s fourth nuclear test, the U.N. Security Council will soon start discussions on a new resolution to impose additional sanctions on North Korea.

After North Korea’s third nuclear test three years ago, the Security Council issued a resolution warning that “further significant measures” will be taken if the country conducts another nuclear test.

There is a compelling case for stronger international actions to punish North Korea.

Members of the Security Council should unite and adopt a new resolution swiftly to make North Korea realize the serious consequences of its outrageous act.

However, it should be noted that the Security Council’s warnings and sanctions included in its past resolutions concerning North Korea’s nuclear and missile programs have been ineffective.

The primary reason for this failure is a large hole in the international coalition to put pressure on North Korea. That hole is China, on which the secluded and isolated country has been heavily dependent both politically and economically.

Traditionally, the relationship between China and North Korea has been described as ties bound by a blood pledge because China fought for the North during the Korean War (1950-1953).

During the Cold War era, China and North Korea confronted the United States together as members of the communist bloc.

But China’s position in the world has changed since those days. It is now a leading power that has as much responsibility for international affairs as the United States and major European countries.

Beijing should now act in a way that does not allow North Korea to commit any more reckless acts that threaten global security.

In order to stop Pyongyang’s nuclear and missile programs from repeating and accelerating, China needs to take an action against its neighbor that represents a clear departure from its past pattern.

For years, China has continued providing support to North Korea, even though it has often been annoyed by Pyongyang’s behavior.

That is mainly because China is intent on preventing any situation that could lead to the collapse of North Korea, which could pose a serious threat to its own security.

Moreover, China’s three northeastern provinces near the border with North Korea have strong interdependent economic ties with the country. This makes it even more difficult for Beijing to impose effective sanctions against the North.

A disorderly collapse of North Korea would also have dire consequences for other neighboring countries, including Japan and South Korea. One big worry is a possible large-scale refugee crisis.

Even so, if China continues to support North Korea, the regime of Kim Jong Un will keep making the same mistakes. China should take the initiative in ratcheting up pressure on the regime.

At the same time, a fundamental solution to the North Korea problem requires active involvement by Washington.

What North Korean leaders want the most is a fresh round of talks with the United States for a peace treaty.

U.S. President Barack Obama has been sticking to a policy of refusing to start serious talks with North Korea unless the country takes concrete and convincing actions toward abandoning its nuclear arms program.

But this policy has failed to work.

The Obama administration may be responsible for the fact that it has allowed North Korea to conduct three nuclear tests during its tenure.

The United States needs to work with Japan, South Korea, China and Russia to figure out a new strategy for dealing with North Korea under the leadership of Kim Jong Un.

Starting dialogue with Pyongyang under the framework of the six-nation talks on its nuclear ambitions, for instance, would not necessarily mean making a concession to the country.

All the countries concerned are facing tough challenges in dealing with North Korea, but have no choice but to start making serious efforts to work out ways of playing more active roles through a combination of a hard and a soft approach toward Pyongyang.

中国ロケット軍 米への挑戦示した核部隊強化

2016-01-10 06:47:41 | 英字新聞

The Yomiuri Shimbun
China’s conspicuous nuclear unit build-up poses challenge to U.S.
中国ロケット軍 米への挑戦示した核部隊強化

The hard-line stance of China, which is trying to drive the United States out of the Asian order and establish its own hegemony, is becoming increasingly conspicuous.

Chinese President Xi Jinping’s government announced that an airfield has been completed on one of its artificial islands in the South China Sea and that a “civilian plane” test-landed there.

China is apparently trying to make its effective control of the South China Sea a fait accompli while covering up its true intention of turning the artificial islands into military strongholds.

After the first test, Beijing ignored criticism from the international community and repeated test operations of the airstrip. This defiant attitude could increase tensions in the region and cannot be tolerated.

It is essential to restrict China’s actions constantly through continued navigation by U.S. naval vessels around the artificial islands in the South China Sea and other means. Japan and the United States must enhance their partnerships with relevant countries, including India, Australia and Southeast Asian nations, to deal with the situation.

Efforts by Xi’s government to make China a “maritime power” and acceleration of its “strong army policy” are sources of concern.

China recently disclosed that it is building its second aircraft carrier — the first to be built entirely with domestic technology. Beijing already possesses one aircraft carrier but its hull was built in Ukraine and the ship was refitted in China.

China’s alleged aim of forming three carrier fighting groups by 2020 is becoming more and more likely.

Military modernization

The organizational reform of Chinese forces, to develop the capability to react quickly for modern warfare, is also becoming concrete.

China upgraded its Second Artillery Corps to a “Rocket Force,” apparently aiming to enhance the nation’s nuclear capability and its joint operations with ground, sea and air forces.

Moreover, a “strategic support force” believed to be in charge of cyber-attacks and military use of space has also been created. This makes clear Beijing’s intention to vie with the United States.

Xi’s administration is proceeding in a full-fledged manner with the “One Belt, One Road” initiative, which aims to build a huge economic bloc. It reportedly plans to connect Asia and Europe with land-based and oceanic “Silk Roads” and develop infrastructure such as roads and ports in countries located along them.

The initiative apparently not only aims to expand Beijing’s economic influence in connection with the China-led Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank. It also must be noted that the initiative is the other side of a military strategy akin to a “string of pearls” that aims to build a network of strongholds for the Chinese Navy when it operates across open oceans.

It is also increasingly of concern that the dogmatic stance of Xi’s government might cause tense relations with Taiwan.

In Taiwan, a survey regarding its presidential election scheduled for Jan. 16 shows that a candidate from the Democratic Progressive Party, the independence-oriented largest opposition party, has a wide lead over her rival of the ruling Kuomintang (KMT), which has been taking a conciliatory approach toward Beijing. A change of government is likely to happen there for the first time in eight years.

If the DPP takes office, China should seek dialogue with the new government instead of heading for a collision. This is the responsibility of a major power that has a strong influence on the stability of the Taiwan Strait.

(From The Yomiuri Shimbun, Jan. 9, 2016)

サウジVSイラン 断交は中東の混迷深めないか

2016-01-09 07:52:31 | 英字新聞

The Yomiuri Shimbun
Middle East troubles deepen as rift between Saudi Arabia, Iran grows
サウジVSイラン 断交は中東の混迷深めないか

The action poured cold water on the efforts of the international community to end the Syrian civil war.

Saudi Arabia, leader of the Sunni Muslim world, broke off diplomatic relations with Iran, a major Shiite power. Bahrain and Sudan followed Saudi Arabia in severing diplomatic ties with Iran, and Kuwait and other countries recalled their ambassadors from Tehran.

The Yemeni civil war also has been turned into a proxy war between the administration of Sunni President Abed-Rabbo Mansour Hadi, which is backed by Saudi Arabia, and pro-Iranian Shiite armed forces. Iran lambasted Saudi Arabia, saying its embassy in Yemen had suffered damage in Saudi airstrikes.

If hostility deepens between Saudi Arabia and Iran, both of which are major oil-producing countries in the world, it is feared that their deteriorating relationship could influence the crude oil market and global economy. Both countries must restrain themselves and swiftly attempt to calm the situation.

Peace negotiations aimed at bringing about a ceasefire and transfer of power in Syria are expected to be held in late January. A situation should be avoided in which Iran, which supports the administration of Syrian President Bashar Assad, and Saudi Arabia, which demands Assad’s resignation, intensify their invective, with the result that the negotiations merely spin around in circles.

The deepening of the Sunni-Shiite sectarian conflict is causing further disarray in the Middle East. This is a serious situation.

If the Syrian civil war is prolonged, the sweeping operation to eliminate the Sunni extremist group Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) will be delayed and the outflow of refugees to Europe will continue.

Execution of cleric

Saudi Arabia cut its diplomatic relations with Iran because the Saudi Embassy in Tehran was attacked by rioting Iranians.

Ensuring the safety of foreign diplomatic missions is an obligation under international law. Iran’s security system, which could be regarded as conniving at the rioters’ intrusion into the embassy’s premises, is problematic.

However, the conflict was triggered by Saudi Arabia’s execution of a noted Shiite cleric for leading demonstrations criticizing the Saudi royal family.

Iran called for the cleric to be pardoned by Saudi Arabia and the United States also opposed the execution on humanitarian grounds, as it feared the situation would be aggravated. Saudi Arabia bears very heavy responsibility for executing the cleric in spite of these moves.

Saudi King Salman does not follow the traditional moderate line of the royal family but instead aggressively intervenes in conflicts. Behind this may be distrust toward the United States’ Middle East strategy, as the administration of U.S. President Barack Obama shifts its focus toward improving relations with Iran and downgrading the U.S.-Saudi relationship.

Lifting of sanctions against Iran by the United States and European countries, based on the nuclear agreement, is expected to start as early as this month. Saudi Arabia’s hard-line policy is the result of urgent concern that if Iran resumes exporting crude oil, the current low oil prices could sink further and the deterioration of Saudi Arabia’s fiscal condition would accelerate.

The United States, which plays a role in maintaining stability in the Middle East, can only exert a limited influence on Saudi Arabia and Iran. Under the circumstances, will Russia, which is prepared to act as an intermediary in the Saudi-Iran conflict, be the only player to boost its presence in the region?

(From The Yomiuri Shimbun, Jan. 8, 2016)

北朝鮮核実験 脅威の深刻化に迅速対応せよ

2016-01-07 23:59:50 | 英字新聞

The Yomiuri Shimbun
Intl community must address N. Korea nuclear threat swiftly / Regime’s unpredictable moves fuel instability
北朝鮮核実験 脅威の深刻化に迅速対応せよ


The nuclear threat posed by North Korea has entered a new stage. The international community must unite and take all possible steps to maintain the peace and stability in Asia.

North Korea has conducted its fourth nuclear test. Via a news broadcast on Korean Central Television, Pyongyang announced that it had successfully tested “its first hydrogen bomb.” It also said that with the success, the country had “joined the advanced ranks of nuclear weapons states that possess even hydrogen bombs.”

It was the second nuclear test conducted by the regime under its current leader, Kim Jong Un, following the one carried out in 2013.

In May, the country is scheduled to hold a Congress of the Workers’ Party of Korea for the first time in 36 years. Kim, the first secretary of the party, may have intended to demonstrate his clout both at home and abroad by achieving the possession of a “hydrogen bomb.”

Outrageous act

We can never tolerate such an outrageous act by North Korea, which violates a number of resolutions by the U.N. Security Council that impose sanctions and call for the country to refrain from conducting nuclear tests and to abandon its nuclear ambitions.

As the seismic energy observed following the test was smaller than that observed in the previous test, most experts are skeptical that the latest test was of a hydrogen bomb. Some experts have said that it may have been a test of a “boosted fission bomb.” To begin with, it is uncertain whether the test was successful or not.

Even so, it is worrisome that a series of nuclear tests makes it more likely that the country will be able to develop smaller and more powerful nuclear weapons.

North Korea is said to have deployed a large number of Rodong ballistic missiles that can reach Japan. Should North Korea become able to mount nuclear warheads on such missiles, Japan’s security environment will dramatically deteriorate.

It is only reasonable for Prime Minister Shinzo Abe to have said that the latest nuclear test is a “serious threat to the security of our nation,” adding, “I strongly condemn this.”

The Kim regime has been trying to improve the country’s relations with China recently.

Liu Yunshan, a member of the Politburo Standing Committee of the Communist Party of China, who ranks fifth in the party hierarchy, took part in a commemorative event held in October to mark the 70th anniversary of North Korea’s Workers’ Party. Liu urged North Korea to refrain from conducting such acts as a nuclear test.

Kim hinted in December that his country “possesses a hydrogen bomb.” But he made no reference to “nuclear” in his New Year’s address.

As North Korea did not give advance notice either to China or to the United States this time and there were hardly any indications that such a test was imminent, the latest test was a complete surprise. Making any rational predictions regarding the Kim regime has become ever more difficult.

Pass resolution

North Korea’s latest move may be an indication that Kim, who is trying to maintain his clout with a “reign of terror” by purging senior members of the ruling party one after another, is increasingly acting arbitrarily on his own authority.

The latest statement asserted that North Korea would not suspend or abandon its development of nuclear weapons “unless the United States has rolled back its hostile policy toward [North Korea].” Some perceive the latest nuclear test as having been aimed at resuming dialogue with the United States.

In October, however, U.S. President Barack Obama clearly stated that his administration would respond to North Korean nuclear testing with reinforced sanctions. North Korea’s latest move will only serve to internationally isolate the country even further.

The U.N. Security Council is set to convene an emergency session and discuss how to deal with the latest nuclear test. It is important to adopt a resolution to effectively strengthen sanctions on North Korea as soon as possible, thereby clarifying the council’s resolve to press the country to abandon its nuclear weapons program.

The latest provocation comes as Japan regained a nonpermanent seat on the security council this month. Japan should join hands with the United States and other pertinent countries to become proactively involved in adopting a sanctions resolution against North Korea.

The government has convened a meeting of four relevant Cabinet members of the National Security Council. They have analyzed information about North Korea’s action and discussed ways to deal with the situation. The government is considering the idea of reinstating some of the sanctions it lifted in July 2014, including one aimed at basically banning North Koreans from entering Japan.

North Korea has also continued to put off reporting to Japan the results of its renewed investigation into the fate of Japanese nationals abducted by that country. We believe the government must take stern action against North Korea.

It is important for the government to persistently seek action from North Korea while adhering to the fundamental principle regarding efforts to comprehensively resolve issues related to that nation, including the abduction problem and its nuclear weapons and missiles programs.

It is also important to increase cooperative ties between the Self-Defense Forces and U.S. forces, based on the Japan-U.S. alliance. The security-related laws established in autumn last year have made it possible for our nation to take such measures as defending U.S. vessels engaged in keeping guard against any attempt to launch a ballistic missile. Efforts should be made to expand joint Japan-U.S. vigilance and surveillance activities in areas surrounding Japan, thereby increasing deterrence.

It is also indispensable to facilitate close cooperation with South Korea. South Korean President Park Geun-hye has emphasized the importance of forcing North Korea to “pay the right price” for its latest provocation.

China pressure vital

Late last year, the Japanese and South Korean governments reached a deal on the issue of so-called comfort women. The momentum generated for improving Japan-South Korea relations should be efficiently used to deepen bilateral cooperation.

The key to dealing with North Korea from the standpoint of increased pressure on that country is China.

The Chinese Foreign Ministry has expressed “resolute opposition” to North Korea’s nuclear test, urging Pyongyang to honor its pledge of denuclearization.

China was previously hesitant to impose tough sanctions that could destabilize the North Korean regime, despite championing efforts to make the Korean Peninsula nuclear-free. There is no doubt that China’s lenient stance has allowed North Korea to develop nuclear weapons.

North Korea relies on China for most of its petroleum. North Koreans cannot live without commodities from China.

This is at last the time when the administration of Chinese President Xi Jinping, which can make or break North Korea, must go all out to exert pressure on Pyongyang, thereby forcing North Korea to abandon its nuclear weapons.

(From The Yomiuri Shimbun, Jan. 7, 2016)

サウジとイラン 中東安定に向け和解を

2016-01-07 10:31:47 | 英字新聞

--The Asahi Shimbun, Jan. 6
EDITORIAL: Saudi Arabia-Iran reconciliation needed to prevent further Mideast turmoil
(社説)サウジとイラン 中東安定に向け和解を

This year also began with chaos in the Middle East dominating international news. Conflict is deepening between Saudi Arabia and Iran, the two major players in the region.

With war and unrest continuing in various parts of the Middle East, these nations ought to be living up to their heavy responsibilities. Their commitment and collaboration are especially indispensable to breaking the deadlock in the situations in Syria and Iraq.

Saudi Arabia and Iran should be exploring means of compromise now. Further escalation of conflict will seriously affect Mideast peace, refugee and anti-terrorism policies, the crude oil market and all other issues of global concern. The international community must hasten to mediate and urge the two countries to meet halfway, with the United States in the lead.

Saudi Arabia and Iran have a long history of enmity. The former considers itself the leader of the Islamic majority Sunnis, while the latter is the leading nation representing the minority Shias.

The current feud was triggered by Saudi Arabia’s execution of a Shiite cleric for staging a street demonstration. In Tehran, a mob attacked the Saudi Embassy and set it on fire. Riyadh cut diplomatic relations with Tehran, and Bahrain and Sudan followed suit.

Even before this latest falling-out, Saudi Arabia and Iran were sworn rivals vying for regional supremacy. And the Iraq War became a turning point. After the war, the Iraqi regime switched from Sunni to Shiite and Iran’s influence in the region grew dramatically, much to Saudi Arabia’s alarm.

The civil wars in Syria and Yemen have an element of surrogate wars between Saudi Arabia and Iran, both of whom are continuing to back their respective “friends” in various parts of the Middle East. The Sunni-Shia religious feud has now become one of the biggest risks for the region.

Should the current conflict spill into Iraq and Bahrain where tensions already run high between the feuding sects, the entire Middle East will become destabilized. And Saudi Arabia itself would have to worry about its internal stability, since 15 percent of its population are Shias.

These problems began to emerge with the waning of America’s influence in the region. Saudi Arabia used to boast close relations with the United States, but the latter’s increased dialogue with Iran in recent years and the conclusion of a nuclear deal have added to Riyadh’s growing dissatisfaction and frustration with Washington.

Given this background, the United States bears no small responsibility. The same could be said of the Jewish state of Israel, which is increasingly mistrustful of Iran. It is definitely the job of the United States to take the lead in urging Saudi Arabia and Israel to practice restraint.

Russia has offered to mediate. But right now, the entire international community should stand together and deal with the situation as one. The United States, Russia and European nations need to discuss concerted action at the United Nations Security Council. And the rest of the international community, including Japan, should support such efforts.

通常国会開幕 「戦後の岐路」問う論戦を

2016-01-06 09:49:57 | 英字新聞

--The Asahi Shimbun, Jan. 5
EDITORIAL: Lawmakers can't be allowed to obscure issues on Japan’s future course
(社説)通常国会開幕 「戦後の岐路」問う論戦を

This year’s ordinary Diet session convened on Jan. 4, immediately after the traditional three New Year holidays, an unusually early start of the national legislature’s work.

This is an extremely important Diet session.

The administration of Prime Minister Shinzo Abe wants to initiate an amendment to the Constitution after the Upper House election slated for this summer.

The unusually early summoning of the Diet is a move to push ahead with a constitutional amendment.

The early beginning of the regular Diet session also makes it possible to hold simultaneous elections for both houses.

Although it is unclear if Abe will actually adopt this electoral tactic, simply having this option makes it easier for the ruling camp to create a division within the opposition bloc.

The ruling coalition of the Liberal Democratic Party and its junior partner, Komeito, already controls more than a two-thirds majority in the Lower House. The Abe administration is aiming to secure a two-thirds majority also in the Upper House to rewrite the Constitution. Such a presence in both chambers is needed to initiate any constitutional amendment process.


At the Upper House election, Japanese voters will have to decide on whether to give Abe a clear and lopsided mandate to pursue his political agenda. The election could shape up as a major turning point for postwar Japan.

This Diet session will offer an important opportunity for the public to think about the nation’s future course before the Upper House election. We urge both the ruling and opposition camps to hold in-depth debates on key policy issues to give the voting public a well-founded basis for their decisions at the polls.

In his New Year news conference on Jan. 4, Abe said he wants to start tackling “new challenges for building a new future for the nation” in 2016, stressing his policy efforts to create “a society where 100 million people will play active roles,” his vision for Japan’s future.

But we cannot take these words at face value. The Abe administration has a history of emphasizing economic issues before elections and then forcing through its favorite policy initiatives by using the power of numbers after winning the polls. The administration has often used this political ploy on the strength won through an election.

This was the case after the 2013 Upper House election, when the administration successfully sought the enactment of the state secrets protection law, and also after the 2014 Lower House election, when it pursued, again successfully, the passage of new national security legislation.

Lawmakers of both the ruling and opposition camps now believe that Abe’s next political goal is a constitutional revision.

In a late November meeting of a group of conservative politicians he himself leads, Abe made the following remark: “We need to recall the original political goal adopted (by the LDP) at its foundation, which was to change the various systems created during the period of occupation (of Japan by the Allied Powers), including amending the Constitution.”

If the ruling coalition wins in simultaneous elections for both Diet houses, the administration will have three years to pursue its policy agenda without having to face any national poll. Even if Abe does not opt to dissolve the Lower House for simultaneous elections, a victory in the upper chamber will give the coalition more than two election-free years.

That will create a political environment that allows the Abe administration to make even bolder political moves than those it has already taken, including initiating a constitutional amendment.


The Abe administration has shown a clear tendency to change its policy narrative after elections in various areas, including the economy.

One typical approach used by the administration involves talking only about “benefits” for voters before elections, delaying any reference to a painful increase in the burden on taxpayers until after the polls.

The draft supplementary budget for the current fiscal year, for instance, contains 330 billion yen ($2.77 billion) of spending to pay 30,000 yen each to old people with small pension pots.

This spending will put a heavy financial burden on future generations while its beneficiaries include many people with ample assets.

As for the proposed food exemptions from the scheduled consumption tax rate hike in April 2017, the administration has postponed its decision on how to finance the 1 trillion yen needed for the measure.

The administration has also shown a habit of changing its political tune in the area of national security.

Although the security legislation that passed the Diet last year is slated to come into force in March, the administration has decided to put off, until after the Upper House election, the addition of one important task to the list of new missions the Self-Defense Forces is expected to perform in United Nations peacekeeping operations under the laws.
The task is to rescue foreign forces or other organizations that have come under attack in areas away from the zone where the SDF is engaged in PKO activities.

The administration has also postponed submitting a bill to the Diet that would revise Japan’s Acquisition and Cross-Servicing Agreement (ACSA) with the United States to expand the scope of the SDF’s logistic support for U.S. forces. The revision would allow the SDF to provide ammunition to U.S. forces, for example.

Public opinion is sharply and equally divided over the security legislation. The administration apparently wants to avoid stirring up fresh public opposition to the legislation before the vital election.

The opposition parties have the heavy responsibility to prevent the ruling camp from obscuring key policy issues during the last Diet session before the election and ensure in-depth discussions on these topics.


What kind of role should the opposition parties perform to counter the Abe administration’s dominant power?

First and foremost, they should offer a realistic alternative to Abe’s government through effective maneuverings at the Diet, electoral cooperation and joint policymaking.

Calls for repealing the security legislation, which is strongly suspected to be unconstitutional, and protecting constitutionalism, which the Abe administration has failed to respect, can galvanize opposition parties into joining forces against the powerful ruling coalition.

As long as the opposition camp remains fragmented, there will be no political force that can effectively represent people concerned about the direction in which the government is trying to lead the nation.

More than anything else, opposition parties need to seek cooperation with a broad spectrum of people by responding sympathetically to their wishes and concerns.

Last year, the government’s initiative to enact the security legislation provoked various civil actions against the move, including demonstrations in front of the Diet building.

What opposition parties should recall now is the fact that decisions on the future of the nation are, after all, up to the people with whom sovereign power resides.

The Diet can initiate constitutional amendments, but they must be approved by the people with a majority vote in a special referendum.

The vital choice facing the nation is between politics simply driven by the power of a majority won through an election and politics more based on broad consensus built through sympathy and solidaity with the public.

This choice offers hope for new politics.

The voting age will be lowered to 18 from the current 20, starting with the Upper House election.

The Diet has a duty to debate key policy issues from a long-term perspective that encompasses not only the present but also the future when the new young voters will play leading roles in society.

分断される世界 連帯の再生に向き合う年

2016-01-05 10:02:51 | 英字新聞

-- The Asahi Shimbun, Jan. 1
EDITORIAL: We must heal dangerous divisions in the world
(社説)分断される世界 連帯の再生に向き合う年

A new year has arrived, with the world remaining to be plagued by deep and dangerous divisions.

Our world today is full of divisions due to racial, religious, economic, generational and various other factors.

Globalization is supposed to create a world where national borders become increasingly permeable and irrelevant, but, ironically, the world as we see it is crisscrossed with dividing lines.

To heal these divisions, world leaders should be striving to build a society where people can live with a sense of security by promoting reconciliation and removing inequalities.

Regrettably, however, there are many political, religious and opinion leaders across the globe who try to promote their agendas by taking advantage of divisions in society. And such people often earn plaudits by doing so.

But there have also been some notable efforts to heal rifts and explore new forms of global consolidation. The 2015 United Nations climate change conference (COP21), held in Paris late last year, for instance, produced a landmark agreement on a new international framework for reducing planet-warming greenhouse gas emissions in the years after 2020. The breakthrough was made possible as countries united for a real solution to the challenge of stemming global warming, which transcends their parochial interests.

The world needs to start its efforts in the new year to tackle the formidable challenges it faces today by confronting, one by one, the crises of solidarity and empathy threatening its future.


The Islamic State (IS) is an extremist organization that tries to divide people by promoting its fanatic dogma.

The IS not only enslaves and kills people who refuse to obey it in areas it controls. The group is also working to create a deep rift between Muslims and the rest of the world by inciting hatred among Muslims toward other religions and cultures.

How are people and countries who have become targets of terror attacks by the IS responding to the threat?

In Europe, a wary attitude toward refugees from the Middle East and Muslim immigrants in the region has intensified sharply. In France and some other European countries, there is strong public support to xenophobic rightist parties.

In the United States, Donald Trump, the leading contender to become the Republican Party’s presidential nominee, has called for a “total and complete shutdown” of the country’s borders to Muslims and made some other outrageous proposals. He remains very popular.

People such as Trump call for measures that create divisions to fight the efforts to create divisions by people like Muslim extremists. Their approaches are strangely similar to those of their supposed enemies in that they are designed to divide the world.

Social rifts due to widening economic inequality are also becoming increasingly serious in many parts of the world.

According to a report released last year by the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development, in 2013 income gaps were the largest in the past 30 years in most of its 34 member countries. Assets are even more concentrated in the hands of the wealthy few than income, according to the OECD.

In his best-selling book “Capital in the Twenty-First Century,” which has attracted global attention, French economist Thomas Piketty points out that inequality can lead to serious social divisions. In a society with extreme levels of wealth concentration, Piketty maintains, people’s discontent triggers a revolution unless it is suppressed with an iron fist.


Japan is not free from the various divisions plaguing the world, either.

Japan cannot be described as a country eager to accept refugees, who number in the tens of millions in the world. Japan’s refugee policy doesn’t reflect any keen awareness of the unfolding crisis of solidarity.

Japan is no exception, either, to the global trend toward greater economic inequality.

In fact, income equality in this nation has widened to a level even higher than the average among the OECD countries.

The ratio of poverty among children and the percentage of non-regular workers in the overall workforce in Japan are both on the rise.

Japan is now a mere shadow of the country of equality it used to be.

Despite growing inequities, the proposed integrated tax and social security reform to improve the situation has been making little headway. Social solidarity in this nation is only weakening.

The issue of the heavy concentration of U.S. military bases in Okinawa Prefecture is also causing a division in Japan. What many of the people in Okinawa are asking the mainland to do is to share the burden of hosting so many U.S. bases, which is simply too heavy for just one prefecture to keep bearing.

They are asking for help from their fellow countrymen.

But the mainland has been making rather cool responses to Okinawa’s request for support. Political leaders in Tokyo have cast the issue as a partisan battle over security policy.

This attitude gives no hint of true nationalism, which creates empathy for and solidarity with fellow countrymen.

The kind of narrow-minded nationalism that tilts toward exclusion instead of embrace, like populism, causes society to become divided rather than united.


What is needed for the world to overcome the trend toward becoming more and more divided?

The agreement reached in the COP21 conference seems to be a result of a globally shared pragmatic recognition of the reality that countries cannot find a true solution to this challenge as long as they focus on trying to avoid bearing their fair share of the burden for the time being.

Eisaku Ide, an economics professor at Keio University who has received the “Osaragi Jiro Prize for Commentary” for his book “Keizai no jidai no shuen” (End of the age of economy), stresses the importance of pragmatic thinking.

Ide, who studied social divisions from the economic viewpoint in the book, says in Japan a deep rift has emerged between high- and middle-income groups on the one hand and the low-income class on the other, rapidly eroding empathy among people for other members of society.

What is crucial for fixing this problem, Ide argues, is not any ideology or doctrine but the pragmatic recognition that people gain from mutual help by becoming beneficiaries and happy people themselves.

The effectiveness of promoting people’s understanding of the benefits of pursuing practical solutions rather than doctrines and ideologies offers an important insight into the efforts to revive solidarity and empathy in society.

Social divisions pose a serious threat to democracy. People stop respecting political decisions unless they feel that they have been involved in making the decisions.

This situation then causes society to be divided further into smaller groups in a vicious cycle.

We must confront our society’s illness of becoming more and more divided and make effective efforts to enhance policies and opinions that refuse to take advantage of such divisions.

We must do so before the problem becomes so serious as to ruin democracy.

脅威増す世界 対「イスラム国」で結束強めよ

2016-01-04 09:38:47 | 英字新聞

The Yomiuri Shimbun
International community must solidify its unity against ISIL
脅威増す世界 対「イスラム国」で結束強めよ


The threat of terrorism stemming from extremism is shaking the U.S.-led international order based on law and democracy.

About 25,000 foreign fighters from over 100 countries have joined the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL), an extremist group based in Syria and Iraq. There has also been a stream of so-called “homegrown terrorism,” with young people who were raised in the United States or Europe, and influenced by radical beliefs, committing violent acts within their native countries.

Terrorism is an issue that is not exclusive to such regions as the Middle East or Europe. It is a challenge that must be addressed by the whole world. The international community must stand together, with the United States taking the lead, to continue fighting a protracted battle.

President must lead

In the November U.S. presidential election, major points of contention will include Washington’s measures to fight the ISIL, its policy on the Trans-Pacific Partnership trade agreement and its rebalancing to Asia policy. We hope in-depth discussions will be conducted through the election campaigns in a direction that will encourage the United States to take a more leading role.

Former U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, the front-runner for the Democratic nomination, has emphasized that “if the United States does not lead, there is not another leader, there is a vacuum and we have to lead.” Her remarks likely express her desire for more U.S. involvement on the diplomatic front.

If the United States falls into isolationism, there will be a power vacuum in various parts of the world, as Clinton has asserted, and turmoil will spread around the globe.

It is a matter of concern that Donald Trump, a real estate giant who aims to win the Republican presidential nomination, has been gaining popularity with his extreme remarks, including a call for banning all Muslims from entering the United States.

Trump may run out of steam as the presidential race gets into full swing. But the fact that he has so far retained strong support, despite his extreme remarks, may indicate U.S. citizens’ dissatisfaction with the administration of U.S. President Barack Obama.

From the bitter lessons learned from the fatalities of U.S. soldiers and increased anti-American sentiment due to the Iraq war, Obama has maintained a policy of not sending large numbers of ground combat troops to areas of conflict. We can understand his belief that long-lasting stability cannot be built in the Middle East just through the power of U.S. forces.

Ease sectarian strife

Yet his administration’s measures for wiping out the ISIL have been one step behind. It is questionable that Obama has been deciding to increase U.S. airstrikes and inject special forces every time local situations deteriorate. Washington must build a solid strategy.

Many countries in the Middle East have seen their turmoil deepen with civil war and sectarian struggles.

In Syria, it is important to create an environment in which Syrian President Bashar Assad’s government and anti-regime groups reach a truce so the United States, Europe and Russia can concentrate on fighting against ISIL.

The international agreement that established a road map for a truce and a transition of power should be steadily implemented.

ISIL is nothing but a terrorist organization that has borrowed the name of a religion. Decisive action must be taken against its propaganda war, which fans the flames of hatred against Western society through the Internet. ISIL cannot be eradicated without the support of moderate Muslims for the United States and Europe.

Iraq, Libya and Yemen share the same problem with Syria — the absence of a government that can control a whole country and unite various religious and ethnic groups allows the emergence of radicals. The international community must help change these situations with diplomatic arbitrations and financial support.

The United States and Europe will begin to lift economic sanctions against Iran as early as in January, based on their agreement with Tehran on its nuclear development. Iran has influence over Syria and other places, and should be involved in the process of stabilizing the Middle East. Countries concerned should also keep an eye on Iran so Tehran will not violate the nuclear accord.

Russia is supporting the Assad government and heightening its military intervention in Syria. Russia is still at odds with Turkey, which shot down a Russian military plane.

Moscow is increasingly making its annexation of Crimea a fait accompli, and the ceasefire agreement between Ukrainian forces and pro-Russia militants in the eastern part of Ukraine is not being observed.

Despite economic sanctions by the United States and Europe on Russia, President Vladimir Putin maintains his tough stance. He probably aims to challenge the U.S.-led international order. His attempt to change the status quo with military power should not be tolerated any longer.

Measures for refugees

The European Union is facing a challenge. The number of refugees and immigrants flowing into that region from Africa and the Middle East has exceeded 1 million. Some of the perpetrators of the terrorist attacks in Paris have disguised themselves as refugees to enter Europe.

Opposition to accepting refugees is spreading in East European and other countries. How can the EU strike a balance between its ideal of European integration and maintaining security? The refugee issue presents an enormous challenge to the EU.

The EU is discussing with other entities the creation of an organization to guard its borders with countries outside the EU. It is urgent for the EU to regain the public’s trust regarding security maintenance, with thorough enforcement of border controls with countries outside the region.

A huge number of refugees is expected to flow into Europe this year as well, so the support of the international community in that regard is essential. Japan should keep making contributions such as humanitarian assistance to Europe.

(From The Yomiuri Shimbun, Jan. 3, 2016)