

民主党 独法資産活用へ法改正

2009-09-13 10:48:00 | OCNカフェ
2009年9月13日 02時30分

<民主党>独法資産活用へ法改正 24兆円精査の方針

(extracted from Mainichi Jp)




日航再建 外資導入で活路は開けるか

2009-09-13 09:19:00 | OCNカフェ
The Yomiuri Shimbun(Sep. 13, 2009)
Will foreign capital put JAL on road to recovery?
日航再建 外資導入で活路は開けるか(9月13日付・読売社説)

Japan Airlines, which is undergoing a restructuring program, has entered capital and business tie-up negotiations with major U.S. and European airlines.

JAL is considering receiving capital investments from the United States' Delta Air Lines--the world's largest airline--and Air France-KLM--Europe's largest airline--as well as code-sharing on international routes.

If JAL reaches such deals, it would be the first time for the nation's flagship carrier to receive assistance from foreign airlines.

The net loss for JAL's group in the April-June period this year reached 99 billion yen. Its performance has deteriorated because of a decline in passenger numbers stemming from the downturn in the economy since last autumn and the spread of the new strain of influenza.

The group's net loss for the current fiscal year is expected to total 63 billion yen.

In June, JAL managed to cover its capital shortfall through the receipt of 100 billion yen in bank loans, including a loan from the Development Bank of Japan. It was told, however, that it must undergo drastic restructuring if it were to become eligible for additional financing.


Tie-ups to boost financial base

JAL, which is restructuring under the supervision of the Construction and Transport Ministry, has been instructed to present an outline of its new management improvement plan by the end of this month. The envisaged capital and business tie-ups with the two foreign carriers form a major component of this plan.

By accepting foreign investment, JAL will be able to strengthen its financial footing and find it easier to secure additional loans.

JAL also will attempt to make flying more convenient for passengers by joining arms and code-sharing with Delta and Air France-KLM, which have route networks in the United States and Europe, respectively.

The Japanese airline also aims to slash costs by cutting unprofitable routes.

JAL probably determined a foreign capital tie-up would be an opportunity to help it shake off its dependence on the government--an attribute particular to the airline.

The Civil Aeronautics Law, however, restricts the ratio of investment by foreign companies in JAL to less than one-third. Because the amount the two foreign carriers would invest is unknown, it is unclear how much such deals would help shore up JAL's balance sheet.

JAL also appears to be seeking tie-up partners other than Delta and Air France-KLM. It is predicted that the negotiation process for such alliances could run into difficulties.

Cooperation from financial institutions is indispensable and JAL has to carry out further restructuring to receive such financial backing.

Starting in October, JAL plans to either abolish or reduce the number of flights on 16 domestic and international routes. It also will merge its unprofitable air cargo unit with NYK Line's unit. However, the effect of both measures in boosting profitability will be limited.


Uncertainty over pensions

The biggest issue now is uncertainty whether JAL will reduce the level of its corporate pension benefits.

JAL would not be able to make an estimated cost reduction of 88 billion yen without slashing benefits. JAL should speed up its efforts to win over beneficiaries who oppose such cuts in their pensions.

A proportion of loans extended to JAL is guaranteed by the government, and so if the airline fails with its restructuring program, it is taxpayers that will foot the bill.

The new Democratic Party of Japan-led administration, which is set to be inaugurated this week, has yet to clarify its stance on this issue. It must, however, tackle the reconstruction of JAL from the standpoint of protecting national interests.

(From The Yomiuri Shimbun, Sept. 13, 2009)
(2009年9月13日01時07分 読売新聞)


2009-09-13 08:49:00 | OCNカフェ
Wahington Post を購読(無料)すると毎日速報Breaking Newsがメールで配信されます。


09:18 PM EDT Friday, September 11, 2009

White House Slaps Tariffs on Chinese-Made Tires --


In one its first major decisions on trade policy, the Obama administration
imposes a levy of 35 percent on Chinese-made tires, less than the 55
percent recommended by a federal trade panel.

For more information, visit washingtonpost.com.


2009-09-12 10:53:00 | OCNカフェ
本日カプラン ジャパン代表石渡 誠先生のブログに、
これら二つの演説がyou tube で掲載されていました。



カプラン ジャパン代表
Kaplan Japan President
石渡 誠 Makoto Ishiwata

南アラバマ大学 コミュニケーション学・英語学 学士号取得。
ジョージタウン大学院 英語教授法修士号 取得。
帰国後、松本亨高等英語専門学校を引き継ぎ、14年間のフィニックス英語学院の教務部長を経て、カプラン ジャパン代表就任。


石綿先生、ありがとうございます。 (感謝をこめて)

「H2B」1号機 打ち上げ成功で夢が膨らむ

2009-09-12 06:49:00 | OCNカフェ
The Yomiuri Shimbun(Sep. 12, 2009)
Dreams soar with debut of H-2B rocket
「H2B」1号機 打ち上げ成功で夢が膨らむ(9月12日付・読売社説)

The launch of the newly developed H-2B No. 1 rocket went so well that we can now dare to dream that people could one day travel into space aboard the vehicle.

The Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency on Friday successfully launched the domestically developed large rocket. Atop the rocket was an unmanned H-2 Transfer Vehicle (HTV) carrying supplies for the International Space Station; it was put into orbit successfully.

The HTV is expected to arrive at the ISS in a week after having its orbit gradually adjusted by remote operation from Earth. However, it is too soon to celebrate just yet, as many tricky and delicate tasks must be completed before the vehicle successfully docks at the ISS and unloads its cargo.

The H-2B is the largest domestically developed rocket, standing 56 meters tall and weighing 530 tons.

Jointly developed by JAXA and Mitsubishi Heavy Industries Ltd., the rocket is powered by two first-stage engines of the preceding H-2A model to provide more thrust than that model.

Tapping existing technology helped keep a lid on the development costs of the H-2B--its 42 billion yen price tag is less than half that of the H-2A. Development went smoothly without major trouble.


Solid track record

Friday's launch marked the nation's 10th straight success for large-size rockets, including H-2A rockets. This achievement proves that accumulating experience is crucial for such missions.

A H-2B rocket will blast off for the ISS once a year as long as the space station remains in operation. H-2A rockets also will be used to launch satellites and space probe vehicles. This will go a long way to helping the nation achieve its long-cherished dream of receiving orders to launch commercial satellites of other nations.

Going through data obtained in the latest launch with a fine-tooth comb will improve the credibility of Japanese rockets in the eyes of overseas observers.

Expectations for Japan's transfer vehicles also are growing.

The HTV--10 meters long and 4.4 meters in diameter--is large enough to hold a bus inside. It weighs 16.5 tons.

The vehicle this time is carrying food and daily necessities for astronauts staying on the ISS as well as laboratory equipment from Japan and the United States.


Ahead of the pack

U.S. space shuttles have played a central role in transporting supplies to the ISS. But the time for shuttles to retire is nearing, due to the huge maintenance costs needed to keep them spaceworthy.

Russia and Europe have developed similar transport vehicles, but Japan's HTV can carry the largest loads. Whether the vehicle could successfully carry its cargo to the ISS therefore had set tongues wagging around the world.

The HTV has been designed to be as safe as a manned spaceship because when it docks with the ISS, astronauts will move in and out of the vehicle. JAXA officials have said they intend to use HTV technology in the development of the nation's first manned spaceship.

The launch of the H-2B rocket has ushered Japan's space technology into a new stage. We hope the new administration led by the Democratic Party of Japan also will help lay the foundation for further space technology development.

(From The Yomiuri Shimbun, Sept. 12, 2009)
(2009年9月12日01時20分 読売新聞)

We are what we learn.

2009-09-11 13:10:00 | OCNカフェ
オバマ大統領の学生向けスピーチ 「We are what we learn」 より抜粋

Chainging がオバマ大統領の得意のフレイズです。



Don't be afraid to ask questions.

Don't be afraid to ask for help when you need it.

I do that every day.

Asking for help isn't a sign of weakness, it's a sign of strength because it shows you have the courage to admit when you don't know something, and that then allows you to learn something new.

So find an adult that you trust -- a parent, a grandparent or teacher, a coach or a counselor -- and ask them to help you stay on track to meet your goals.

郵政民営化 利用者本位で問題点を改めよ

2009-09-11 08:37:00 | OCNカフェ
The Yomiuri Shimbun(Sep. 11, 2009)
Fix postal service flaws from users' standpoint
郵政民営化 利用者本位で問題点を改めよ(9月11日付・読売社説)

We hope members of the envisaged coalition government will find the best way to make post offices more convenient and dependable hubs of local communities, while taking advantage of the benefits of postal service privatization.

The Democratic Party of Japan, the Social Democratic Party and the People's New Party included a plan to drastically review privatization of postal services in the agreement they signed Wednesday to launch a coalition government next week.

The three parties have agreed to freeze sales of stocks of Japan Post Holdings Co. owned by the government, and of stocks of Japan Post Bank Co. and Japan Post Insurance Co. owned by Japan Post Holdings Co. Furthermore, the parties agreed to review the four-unit postal system under the holding company.

It is a fact that many people believe the privatization of postal services has made them rather inconvenient. In the past, you could ask a mail deliverer, who came to your home, to deposit money in your savings account at a post office. However, this has become impossible since privatization because postal and banking services are now provided by two different companies. No doubt some customers are left scratching their heads when they see the counters of Japan Post Network and Japan Post Service set side-by-side at some post offices.

Some people have complained they cannot collect registered mail at nearby post offices, which could not be delivered to their homes as they were out. Others insist they are waiting longer to be served at their post office since privatization.


Preserve beneficial aspects

Inconveniences caused by the breakup and privatization of postal services must be remedied. We hope members of the envisaged government will take up nuisances and issues that have surfaced in the two years since privatization and review them from the standpoint of the customer--including the question of whether the four-unit Japan Post system is the best for end users.

A main pillar of the postal privatization was to shift money at Japan Post's financial arms from the public sector to the private sector to revitalize the domestic economy. We think this endeavor should be fiercely protected.

Postal privatization is changing the long-time structure in which a massive amount of money that Japan Post's financial arms collect from the public by tapping the government's credibility is injected into companies and organizations where retired bureaucrats hold plum jobs.

However, the Japan Post group, which is fully sponsored by the government, still wields the power to collect funds with the implicit state guarantee.

It is essential to sell all the stock of Japan Post Bank Co. and Japan Post Insurance Co. for a complete privatization that will not allow a government-sponsored megabank and insurance company to remain intact and weigh on the business of private companies.


Lingering concerns

However, concerns linger that the management of these two companies after they are fully privatized might decide to terminate financial services in underpopulated communities.

We think it better not to require these companies to offer nationally unified financial services because that would restrict their freedom of management. But by the same token, some policy measures will be needed to prevent the emergence of communities where no financial services are provided.

Shortcomings in the postal service network also must be fixed.

After privatization, some post offices that were not directly operated by the government were temporarily closed.

Although the number of these post offices has been arrested with the hike in fees Japan Post pays to entrust its services to agricultural cooperatives and other organizations, about 300 post offices remain shuttered. Surely something more can be done to improve this situation.

DPJ President Yukio Hatoyama, prime minister in waiting, said he would continue to demand the resignation of Japan Post Holdings Co. President Yoshifumi Nishikawa, whose management responsibility has been brought into question over a series of scandals, including an aborted attempt to sell the Kampo no Yado resort inn network.

Disruptions to postal services caused by privatization--including its management system--must be ironed out.

(From The Yomiuri Shimbun, Sept. 11, 2009)
(2009年9月11日01時14分 読売新聞)

J.S. Bach

2009-09-10 18:18:00 | OCNカフェ
スラチャイ編曲のJ.S. Bach です。
欧米サイトのJ.S. Bach ファンのために公開したものです。


残念ながらwindows xp に標準添付のシンセサイザーではギターの音を正しく再現できません。
スラチャイは sound blaster 16 を音源として使用していますが、ほぼ完璧にギターの音が再現できています。


2009-09-10 14:02:00 | OCNカフェ




オバマ大統領:「行動すべき時期だ」 医療保険改革で演説
2009年9月10日 12時47分











2009-09-10 13:29:00 | OCNカフェ
Bangkok Post より



No credibility in peace offer

Published: 10/09/2009 at 12:00 AM
Newspaper section: News

It is not surprising that the peace overture made by convicted former prime minister Thaksin Shinawatra to PM Abhisit Vejjajiva has been rejected. There are at least two simple reasons. First, Thaksin's proposal is nothing new. Second, the man lacks credibility and cannot be taken seriously.

Despite the front-page treatment given to his offer by two mass-circulation dailies, Thai Rath and Matichon, Thaksin's move failed to provoke any public excitement. He said he was open to talks with the current government - during a live broadcast interview on Sunday via a state-run radio station. Thaksin's proposal did not generate widespread public debate, either. The only person who appeared enthusiastic about it was the disbanded Chart Thai Party's former leader Banharn Silpa-archa, who urged Mr Abhisit not to reject the offer outright but to give it some consideration. Mr Banharn noted it would not hurt the government if talks could indeed be held with Thaksin.

As a veteran politician, Mr Banharn's advice makes sense. It also appears to have earned the receptive ear of the prime minister, who in his recent Twitter message, said he probably would hold talks with Thaksin - if he first returned home to face justice. After that, he might even be forgiven. In reply, Thaksin said he could wait to talk with Mr Abhisit, as the latter seemed to be having many problems to deal with at present.

Whether any talks between Mr Abhisit and Thaksin will ever take place remains to be seen. But what is evident and keenly felt by most people in this country is that the seemingly endless political conflict which has dragged on for years, has caused tremendous damage to the country and has divided the Thai populace as never before witnessed in recent history. In the World Economic Forum's Global Competitiveness Report 2009-2010, Thailand's competitiveness dropped to No. 36 from No. 34 last year. One of the two reasons cited was the country's protracted political instability.

Similarly, opinion polls conducted in recent years by various credible institutes also revealed the serious concern among the public in general and the business community in particular towards the political conflict, which they agreed has sapped their confidence and tarnished the image of the country.

It should be noted that the biggest problem about Thaksin is his tendency to flip-flop, which has made him untrustworthy in the eyes of the government and his detractors. This explains why his latest peace overture is seen by the Democrat Party as just another self-serving publicity feat to portray himself as a caring peace-lover. To prove his doubters wrong, Thaksin must match his words with deeds. At the very least, he should stop attacking the judiciary, the government and certain members of the Privy Council through his usual phone-in addresses to supporters back home and via other media outlets.

In the meantime, he must instruct his supporters, the United Front for Democracy against Dictatorship, to at least temporarily suspend their anti-government activities, including the mass protest planned for Sept 19. This shouldn't be too much to ask of a man who always claims to have the interests of the country and its people at heart.

Then he should come back to face justice. When that happens, only then can Thaksin proclaim that he is following in the footsteps of South Africa's Nelson Mandela - to whom he has likened himself as suffering from unjust treatment. Of course, one bravely spent more than two decades behind bars; the other continues to flee from a two-year sentence.


2009-09-10 10:11:00 | OCNカフェ
(Mainichi Japan) September 9, 2009
Sex crime victims' courage to speak out may have led to severe sentence by lay judges

Mika Kobayashi, who has publicly come out as a victim of a sex crime and told the public about her experience, recently sat in the gallery of the Aomori District Court to observe the first trial of a sex crime case in which lay judges participated.

One of the victims in the case that was being tried at the court expressed her opinions to professional judges as well as citizen judges from a separate room through a TV monitor. Her voice was quavering.

"It's tough because I've drawn attention from the public because lay judges are participating in my trial. But I dared to come to the courtroom because I wanted to communicate my pain to the public," the victim said in her statement.

Kobayashi was also weeping as she obviously remembered her experience.

"Would you like to leave?" I asked Kobayashi in a note I handed to her.

"The victim is also trying hard to endure it," Kobayashi replied in declining.

Some people involved in the trial questioned prosecutors' description of the sexual assault, pointing out it was "excessively detailed."

However, Kobayashi rejected the claim. "If you say such painful facts should not be described that far, then I can't help but have mixed feelings as a person who bears the burden of similar experiences. It'd make it increasingly difficult to talk about one's experience of falling victim to sex crimes," she said.

The two victims in the Aomori case still fear that their colleagues might find out that they fell victim to sex crimes. A society in which people fear that those surrounding them may discover that they are the victims in the cases and hesitate to report the incidents to police could be seen as only encouraging such crimes.

The defendant in the Aomori case was sentenced to 15 years in prison, as demanded by prosecutors, apparently because the victims' courage to speak out about the incident appealed to the lay judges.

One of the citizen judges told reporters after the ruling, "Rulings on past similar cases appeared too lenient in my view."

The lay judges' sincere attitude toward the trial could raise questions about whether judicial authorities had previously underestimated the graveness of sex crimes. (By Yumi Isozaki, Lifestyle News Department)

毎日新聞 2009年9月9日 東京朝刊


2009-09-10 08:56:00 | OCNカフェ
Japan Times より



Wednesday, Sept. 9, 2009

Toyota to hire 800 contract workers

The Associated Press

Toyota said Tuesday it is hiring 800 short-term contract workers in its first such job increase in more than a year to keep up with brisk Prius sales. Former workers will have preference.

Most will start working next month at Toyota Motor Corp.'s Tsutsumi plant in Aichi Prefecture, which makes the Prius hybrid and other models for the domestic market.

Toyota now employs 1,300 contract workers, down from a peak of 11,600 in June 2005, when auto sales were booming. They are hired for limited periods, unlike the company's 70,000 full-time workers, who are guaranteed "lifetime employment."

Toyota reduced its contract workers amid the global slump in auto sales by not renewing their contracts or promoting them to full time. The automaker employs more than 300,000 workers worldwide.

The company has been struggling since global sales plunged last year. It stopped hiring contract workers in Japan in June last year.

Toyota racked up its worst loss ever of \436.9 billion for the fiscal year ended March 31. It has projected an even worse business year through next March, although analysts are expecting that to be revised to a better forecast now that there are signs sales may be picking up.

Toyota has been reducing workers in other nations to cut costs.

Last month, it said it is shutting the California factory it ran with General Motors for 25 years ? its first closure of a major auto plant.

The Fremont, Calif.-based New United Motor Manufacturing Inc., or NUMMI, which employs about 4,600 workers, is set to be closed next March unless another company steps in to keep it going. Toyota said it will move production to its other plants in the U.S., Canada and Japan.

Toyota said the latest hiring will replace the overtime workers in Japan have had to do to keep up with demand. Recruitment will favor former employees, it said in a statement.

"The decision to hire the contract employees reflects gradually recovering global auto sales," company spokesman Paul Nolasco announced. "We want to be prepared."

The Prius was Japan's best-selling car for the fourth straight month in August. Government incentives and tax breaks helped boost the cars popularity.

We welcome your opinions. Click to send a message to the editor.

The Japan Times
(C) All rights reservedArticle 1 of 8 in Business news

3党連立合意 日米同盟の火種とならないか

2009-09-10 06:01:00 | OCNカフェ
The Yomiuri Shimbun(Sep. 10, 2009)
Coalition deal could shake alliance with U.S.
3党連立合意 日米同盟の火種とならないか(9月10日付・読売社説)

A major hurdle has finally been cleared for the launching of a new coalition cabinet under Democratic Party of Japan President Yukio Hatoyama, as the DPJ, the Social Democratic Party and People's New Party on Wednesday reached an agreement to form a coalition.

Their policy agreement comprises 10 items, including a freeze on the consumption tax rate and a drastic review of postal-related services.

Regarding diplomatic and security issues, which were sticking points in talks for forming the coalition, the agreed document includes a review of the planned realignment of U.S. forces in Japan and the role of U.S. bases in Japan, as well as a proposal to revise the Japan-U.S. Status of Forces Agreement, all of which were requests by the SDP. The DPJ had been reticent about including these pledges in the agreement, but it ended up conceding after the PNP sided with the SDP.

The new administration, however, could find itself tied to the specific wording of the document, and could hamper its relations with the United States. This could cause problems in the future.


Relocation plan already set

The U.S. government has said it will not renegotiate with Japan over a plan, agreed by both governments, to relocate the U.S. Marine Corps' Futenma Air Station within Okinawa Prefecture. Though the prefectural government is calling for minor amendments, it has accepted the relocation plan within the prefecture as it has placed priority on an early return of the U.S. air base to Japan.

Is it really responsible for the government to call for a review of the relocation plan, which both the United States and local governments already have accepted, without offering any realistic alternatives? This also could damage the relationship of trust underlying the Japan-U.S. security alliance.

Such important issues as foreign and security policy affect the very foundation of the nation, and the DPJ must not concede these points so easily to the SDP out of concerns that not conceding could affect the cohesion of the coalition government.

On the Maritime Self-Defense Force's refueling activities in the Indian Ocean, the SDP dropped its demand for the immediate withdrawal of the mission. But the DPJ still has no intention to extend the mission beyond its expiration in mid-January.

As alternatives to the refueling mission, the DPJ is considering such measures as increased humanitarian and reconstruction aid to Afghanistan.

But physical support in the form of MSDF personnel and financial support to Afghanistan should be seen as "two wheels on the same cart." Putting an end to physical support would be a big step backwards for Japan's international cooperation activities. The DPJ should reconsider the planned end of the MSDF mission.


Unbalanced influence?

During talks for forming the coalition, the three parties agreed to set up a consultation body of party leader-level cabinet members rather than a policy consultation body of the ruling parties as proposed by the SDP.

The agreement is a compromise between the SDP, which wants to secure a say in the administration, and the DPJ, which intends to establish a system to unify decision-making functions in the cabinet without the involvement of ruling parties.

The worry is that the SDP and PNP might choose to stick to their guns on certain issues just to make their presence felt. This would certainly shake the DPJ-led administration. Indeed, there have been a number of coalition governments in the past in which junior partners have exerted control over the main coalition partner.

The SDP has emphasized an "equal" partnership among the three parties. But this concept lacks merit, given that the DPJ won 308 seats in the House of Representatives election compared with seven for the SDP and three for the PNP.

(From The Yomiuri Shimbun, Sept. 10, 2009)
(2009年9月10日01時08分 読売新聞)


2009-09-09 18:31:00 | OCNカフェ
--The Asahi Shimbun, Sept. 8(IHT/Asahi: September 9,2009)
EDITORIAL: Emission cut target

Yukio Hatoyama, president of the Democratic Party of Japan who will become the next prime minister, pledged Monday his new administration's commitment to combating global warming at the Asahi World Environment Forum 2009, hosted by The Asahi Shimbun.
"I would like to hear people say that a regime change in Japan transformed the nation's policy on climate change and contributed to the future of humanity," he said.

The regime change is taking place amid the global attempt to create a new international framework that would replace the Kyoto Protocol on climate change. International negotiations will climax with the 15th Conference of the Parties (COP 15) to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change in December.

The toughest challenge is to overcome the huge gap that still lies between the world's advanced nations and newly emerging or developing nations. The advanced nations are under considerable pressure to carry the ball with bold action.

It is of great significance that Hatoyama responded to the challenge by explicitly stating that Japan would aim to cut greenhouse gas emissions by 25 percent from the 1990 level by 2020. This is a far more ambitious target than the 15-percent reduction from the 2005 level indicated three months ago by Prime Minister Taro Aso.

Hatoyama told the Asahi forum that once his administration is in place, he would announce a "Hatoyama initiative" for providing technical and financial aid to developing nations.

He also noted that the initiative will include assistance plans to reduce damage from global warming. This should greatly help Japan in its attempt to persuade newly emerging and developing nations to compromise so that a global accord can be forged.

The message from Japan's next prime minister has made the world sense that Japan is about to seriously revise its approach to climate change.

Japan is now basically falling in step with European nations. This should prompt the developed world to unite and aim for higher goals.

This, in turn, could provide a needed tail wind for U.S. President Barack Obama, who is trying to persuade a cautious Congress.

Once advanced nations start acting with purpose, China will no longer be able to keep dragging its feet. China and the United States together account for about 40 percent of the world's greenhouse gas emissions. The next climate change framework will be viable only if these two giants are fully on board.

But we cannot stress enough that Japan's target of a 25-percent reduction from the 1990 level will be difficult to attain. Stiff resistance from industry will be inevitable, as well as objections from people to various increased burdens that are expected.

It was probably for this very reason that Hatoyama stated, "We aim to achieve that goal through political will, by mobilizing all policy steps required."

The new administration needs to swiftly formulate specific plans, such as those pertaining to the domestic emission credit trading market and climate change tax. It should prepare a clear road map for implementing each measure to reach the goal.

We also remind the Hatoyama administration to have the wisdom to review some of its policies that could prove counterproductive to emission reductions--namely, the promised abolition of the temporary surcharge on gasoline and other taxes and the elimination of expressway tolls.

A U.N. climate change summit is scheduled for later this month, and Hatoyama reportedly intends to bring ambitious proposals to the table. But what he needs most is the sort of leadership that will enable him to persuade the Japanese people and build up a national consensus.


2009-09-09 18:16:00 | OCNカフェ
--The Asahi Shimbun, Sept. 8(IHT/Asahi: September 9,2009)
EDITORIAL: The G-20 summit

Almost a year has passed since the collapse of U.S. investment bank Lehman Brothers, a development which threw the world economy into a "once-in-a-century" crisis. While the global recession is not yet over, signs of recovery are gaining momentum.

In a meeting in London last week, finance ministers and central bank governors of the Group of 20 major economies stressed the effects of the actions their governments have taken in response to the crisis--fiscal stimulus packages worth 500 trillion yen in total and measures to support financial systems.

"Our unprecedented, decisive and concerted policy action has helped to arrest the decline and boost global demand," the members said in a joint statement. The declaration reflects their confidence based on the fact that this new framework of international cooperation, which involves China and other emerging economies, succeeded in averting a replay of the Great Depression.

Leaders of the G-20 nations are slated to gather in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, later this month for a financial summit. Yukio Hatoyama, president of the Democratic Party of Japan, will attend the meeting as Japan's new prime minister. The London meeting offered some clues as to what Hatoyama should do at the Pittsburgh summit.

The communique, while claiming the global economy is improving, nevertheless said, "We will continue to implement decisively our necessary financial support measures and expansionary monetary and fiscal policies... ." That is precisely what the countries need to do, given the rising unemployment rate in the United States, Europe and Japan and the possibility that major economies could stall again if policy efforts are relaxed now.

Hatoyama needs to express his commitment to supporting policy cooperation among the G-20 nations and make a convincing explanation about how his party's election promises will stoke Japan's economic growth by expanding domestic demand.

One defining theme of the Hatoyama government is structural reform of the state budget, as symbolized by the DPJ's pledge to cut public works spending to finance a new child allowance program. The DPJ claims its policy agenda as a whole is economically "neutral." But the initial effect could be fiscal tightening. Hatoyama should promise to the world that his priority will be on economic recovery.

In addition to promising cooperation with the rest of the world in overcoming the global recession, Hatoyama should also make constructive proposals for preventing a similar crisis in the future.

Especially important is reining in the compensation of the CEOs of financial institutions. Blinded by the hefty bonuses offered as rewards for big profits, top executives of many financial institutions recklessly sold risky financial instruments. When their companies incurred heavy losses due to the financial collapse, they then turned to their governments for tax-funded bailouts. To ensure this won't happen again, nations need to effectively tighten financial regulations.

In this regard, another key issue is how to bolster the capital bases of financial firms after the economy regains strength. There are detailed rules on the capital adequacy of banks. But the shadow banking system, which involves investment banks and other non-bank financial institutions, has not been subject to any effective regulations concerning their capital health. There are good reasons for imposing capital requirements on these institutions.

Hatoyama will be in a position to make a meaningful contribution to international efforts to put the world economy back on track and establish a system to prevent a similar crisis from flaring. He can do so by speaking about Japan's experiences in dealing with the bad debt mess left by the collapse of its own bubble economy and about the process of restoring confidence in its financial system.

Reform of the International Monetary Fund and the World Bank is also important for enhancing international cooperation for overcoming the current crisis and preventing a new one.

One major challenge is to give a bigger say to emerging and developing countries. Hatoyama should voice strong support to the idea at the Pittsburgh summit.