江口昇次 名大名誉教授Shoji Eguchi, Nagoya Univ., Prof.em., Today!


Het. Commun., 21(5) as K. A. Watanabe Commemorial issue渡辺博士記念号

2015-10-18 | 学術誌
Heterocyclic Communications,Vol.21,Issue 5 (Oct 2015) has published on line as the late
Kyoichi A. Watanabe (渡辺恭一)Commemorative issue on 10/08/2015.This special issue has published as free access by the guest editor Dr. Steven E.Patterson of unicationsthe Universisity of Minessota,
'Kyo' Watanabe (1935-2015) formerly MSKCC, and Codon Pharmaceuticals and Pharmasset,Inc. Kyo earned his PhD in the Mizuno(水野)lab at Hokkaido University 1963. He was an eminent organic chemist who trained the careers of the numnerous scientists. Kyo's impact has been recognized several international awards including the Marie Sklodowska-Curie medal (1933) etc. Obituaries were published by the I3Na(http//www.is3na.org/IS3NA News Details.asp?id=54).
This special issue includes one revew,one preliminary commun.,and 8 research papers related on mainly nucleosides etc.but no contribution from Japan. For details please cf.
the web site (http://www.degruyter.com/view/j/hc.2015.21.issue-5/issue-files/hc.2015.21.issue-5.xml) of the Heterocyclic Communications in the DE GRUYTER.
