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トランプは、もうすぐ “清算=復讐 "の時が来ると言った 米国虚構新聞

2022-03-14 08:27:24 | カウンター・グレートリセット


Trump Promises a “RECKONING=清算、復讐”





トランプは、もうすぐ "清算 "の時が来ると言った。"清算 "とは、実際に何が起きているのか、そして米国内外のディープステートの陰謀に対してきっぱりと戦争を仕掛けるために彼がとった行動を国民が認識する時である。信じられないかもしれないが、彼はプーチンや習近平と一緒に、生物兵器研究所だけでなく、文字通り世界中にはびこる児童ペドリングも世界から排除するために働いているのだ。中国は、米国が台湾にもバイオラボを設置したと言っており、それが台湾奪還に関心を示した理由の一つだ」と、情報筋は語っている。





A Mar-a-Lago source speaking to Real Raw News under promise of anonymity said on Saturday that President Donald J. Trump has spent much time in private council with his most trusted advisors ever since Russian Vladimir Putin began sacking biolabs and freeing imprisoned children in Ukraine.

RRN was the first outlet to report a liaison between Trump and the Russian leader, a sentiment now echoed by many alternative news sites across the net.

Trump has privately applauded Putin’s resolve to cleanse the corrupt nation of bioweapon labs and child trafficking rings that appeared across the Ukrainian countryside at once after it declared independence from the USSR on 24 August 1991. Within months of the dissolution of the USSR, Western money squirted into Ukraine like water from a high-pressure hose. Millions of dollars from the U.S., Germany, and Israel poured into the private coffer of then-president of Ukraine Leonid Kravchuk who happily accepted American cash in exchange for allowing foreign powers to build bioweapon labs on foreign soil.

On Saturday evening, shortly after Trump concluded a “Save America” rally in Florence,  he told his inner circle that the United States would soon experience a “very big reckoning” similar to what is occurring in Ukraine.

“Trump said it was almost time for the reckoning, a time the nation will be made aware of what’s really going on and the actions he has taken to once and for all wage war against the Deep State cabal, both in the U.S. and abroad. While it may seem hard to believe, he’s been working alongside Putin and Xi Jinping to rid the world of not only the bioweapon labs but the infestation of child pedo rings that have literally swamped the world. China says that the U.S. has set up biolabs in Taiwan, too, and that’s one reason they’ve shown interest in retaking it,” our source said.

President Trump, he added, told his circle he has irrefutable proof Vladimir Putin had indeed blown to smithereens 11 Fauci-funded bioweapon labs in central Ukraine.

“Trust me, we’ll soon have an unbelievable reckoning here the likes of which no one has ever seen. It will be unbelievable, and the haters and loosers in the Lamestream Media will deny it, but the truth will be made public,” Trump reportedly said. “Don’t believe Fake News. I’ve never gone anywhere. I’m not coming back. I’ve been here all along.”

“Soon, very soon, the country will know the truth about what’s going in Russia and Ukraine, it will be tremendous, and the truth about 9/11 and so much more. Those tremendous frauds are nasty hells of catastrophe,” Trump continued.

Amazing things will soon replace the despair and despondency so many Americans have faced, our source said.

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