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2022-07-14 18:38:00 | 偽ホワイトハウス POTUS















Civiqs の世論調査の第四の人種・民族カテゴリーは、「その他のアメリカ人」であり、おそらくアジア系アメリカ人、ネイティブアメリカン、多民族・多民族のアメリカ人が含まれていると思われる。不支持51%、支持36%である。
















daily polling reports that on July 12 a whopping 58% of registered voters disapprove of President Joe Biden's job performance, while only 29% approve and 12% have no opinion.

Incredibly, "Titanic Joe" is underwater with voters in 49 states, and he is furiously treading water in Hawaii, 42% disapproving and 44% approving.

But Hawaii's population of 1.4 million accounts for a minuscule four-tenths of 1% of America's great 332 million people.

By contrast, Biden's support in America's four mega-populated states has collapsed, and their combined 110 million people account for one-third of the nation's population. His disapproval/approval percentages are: Texas, 64%/24%; Florida, 60%/30%; New York, 51%/35%; and California, 49%/36%.

Remarkably, 62% of American voters ages 18 through 34 disapprove of Biden's performance in the White House, and only 19% approve. During the 2021 college football season, the profane stadium chant against Biden — euphemistically "Let's Go Brandon" — was an omen of the president's steep, irreversible decline in 2022.

In a perplexing contrast to America's youngest voters, Medicare voters are at 55% disapprove, and an anomalous 38% approve.

While only 7% of my 65-years-of-age-and-older cohort have no opinion on Biden's presidency, 19% among the youngest demographic think likewise. If half of these noncommittal millennials and Generation Zers are added to his 62% disapproval rating, an astonishing 72% judge him unfavorably.

Among Americans between 35 and 49 years of age, 60% disapprove and 26% approve. In the 50-64 cohort, 58% disapprove and 33% approve.

The most spectacular result from the daily Civiqs poll is that 97% of Republicans disapprove of "Sleepy Joe's" performance and only 1% approve. Obviously, it won't be long before Rep. Liz Cheney, W-Wyo., Sen. Lisa Murkowski, R-Alaska, Adam Kinzinger, R-Ill., journalist William Kristol, lawyer George Conway III and other anti-Trumpers," are ignored in the nation's public square.

In contrast to Republicans' unanimous disapproval of Biden's presidency, an astounding 62% of Democrats approve of Biden's performance, while only 18% disapprove, and a highly anomalous 20% are noncommittal.

Among independents, 68% disapprove and only 18% approve.

Since a June 2022 Gallup poll reports that 43% of American voters are independents, and 27% each are either Republican or Democrats, Biden's presidency is undoubtedly kaput. The 62% of Democratic "Bitter Clingers" who approve of Biden's presidency account for only 17% of the entire electorate.

Among America's four major racial or ethnic groups, white individuals are at 67% disapprove, and 23% approve.

Black voters are extreme outliers, as only 24% disapprove, 55% approve, but a very high 22% have no opinion.

Hispanic voters, America's second most populous racial or ethnic group (63 million of all ages) after white people (197 million), are at 49% disapprove, and only 36% approve of Biden's job performance.

The fourth racial or ethnic category in the Civiqs poll is "Other Americans," which probably covers Asian Americans, Native Americans, and multiracial or multiethnic Americans. They are at 51% disapprove and 36% approve.

Among registered male voters, 66% disapprove and only 24% approve.

Among female voters, 51% disapprove and 33% approve. Many formerly staunch Democratic mothers have turned against Biden, and against many Democratic governors and mayors, for an unending cascade of catastrophes.

They include: unnecessary COVID closings of schools and businesses; mandatory vaccinations; sky-high inflation; stock-market losses; the abominable indoctrination of public-school students with Radical Left critical race and transgender ideologies; and rampant crime in most Democratic-run cities.

Finally, a comparison of six major demographic groups, who heavily voted for Biden over Donald Trump in 2020, with their current cratering support for the president, highlights the colossal voters' remorse that has erupted in a mere 20 months.

Among independents, 54% voted for Biden, but only 18% currently have a favorable view of his presidency.

Among the youngest American voters, between 18 and 29 years of age, 60% voted for Biden 20 months ago. Today, in the slightly larger 18-to-34 age cohort, only 19% approve of Biden's performance.

Women's support for the president has plunged from 57% in the Nov. 2020 election to 33% on July 12, 2022.

Black Americans, who gave 87% of their votes to Biden, are currently at a 55% positive rating.

Similarly, Biden received 94% of Democrats' votes in Nov. 2020, but now 62% rate his presidency positively.

Hispanic Americans' support for Biden has nearly halved, from 65% to 36%.

Biden's sole perverse consolation is that, according to a July 5, 2022 Gallup poll, the Democratic-controlled Congress has a 7% approval rating, the lowest among 16 key American institutions. Not surprisingly, the next lowest, at 11%, is television news.

Predictions about the upcoming November elections include that Republicans will recapture both houses of Congress, and Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., will no longer be House speaker, and Chuck Schumer, D-N.Y. will be replaced as Senate majority leader.

Many Americans will also celebrate the involuntary retirement of many congressional lifers, Democrats and Republicans.

Mark Schulte is a retired New York City schoolteacher and mathematician who has written extensively about science and the history of science. Read Mark Schulte's Reports

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