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2022-06-15 14:15:48 | 偽ホワイトハウス POTUS

Archivists Unable to Verify Biden's Claim of Appointment to Naval Academy






「私たちのスタッフは、先週の大部分をこのプロジェクトに費やしました。我々は、関連する年から数十箱を運搬し、ソートし、我々が恐れていたように、針の穴を通すような提案であることが判明した "とチーフキュレーターリーRifenburgはポスト紙に語った。


Rifenburg氏によると、3人のDHSスタッフは、「箱ごと」検索した結果、1962年のBoggsのアカデミー推薦リストを見つけることができましたが、若いJoe Bidenはその特定のリストには載っていなかったそうです。



















例えば、月曜日、Barstool Sportsの政治記事は、バイデンの一見誤った主張を「盗まれた勇気」にたとえ、それをマディソン・コーソーン下院議員(ノースカロライナ州選出)の「海軍兵学校の夢は、交通事故により半身不随となり頓挫した」という誤解を招く主張と比較しています。




Archivists Unable to Verify Biden's Claim of Appointment to Naval Academy

President Joe Biden's recent claim of being appointed to the United States Naval Academy in 1965 by the late Sen. J. Caleb Boggs, R-Del., apparently has no archival evidence to back it up.

The president alluded to the supposed appointment/recommendation at the Naval Academy's graduation ceremony last month. However, according to the New York Post, a search of Senator Boggs' archives hasn't produced anything connecting Biden to the Academy in the early- to mid-'60s.

Citing the Post story, curators at the Delaware Historical Society were able to find records of Boggs' academy nomination for some years during the 1960s — but nothing covering 1961 or 1965.

"Our staff devoted a large chunk of last week to this project. We hauled and sorted through a few dozen boxes from the relevant years, which proved to be a needle-in-a-haystack proposition, as we feared," chief curator Leigh Rifenburg told The Post.

The most plausible years for Biden pursuing a Naval Academy recommendation would have come in 1961, 1962, or 1965.

According to Rifenburg, the three-person DHS staff was able to find a list of Boggs' academy picks for 1962 after a "box-by-box" search, but young Joe Biden wasn't on that particular list.

Biden graduated with a bachelor's degree from the University of Delaware in 1965, before attending law school at Syracuse University. But since the Naval Academy doesn't award graduate degrees, it's highly likely that Biden wouldn't have been pursuing an academy recommendation for that year.

That plausibly leaves researchers with 1961, a time when Biden — who has a birthday in November — was 18 for the majority of that year.

But without any archival proof from the DHS or Boggs' family, President Biden might be the only person alive to corroborate a claim that's potentially 61 years old.

"To be safe, we searched the full range of dates from 1960 to 1965. It does seem extraordinarily unlikely that an appointment would have been made in 1965, given President Biden's years of matriculation at the University of Delaware, but we wanted to be thorough," said Rifenburg.

"We were unable to find appointments for entry in 1961, 1963, 1964, or 1965," she said.

A congressional nomination is needed to attend the Naval Academy. However, it's unclear if Senator Boggs nominated candidates each year, Rifenburg added.

In fairness to President Biden, who will turn 80 in November, time passages have a way of clouding the recollection of certain stories for just about everyone.

Case in point: In 2010, while serving as vice president to President Barack Obama, Biden shared a slightly different version of the "Naval Academy appointment" story for that year's graduation ceremony.

Back then, speaker Biden said he was merely "considered" by Senator Boggs for a Naval Academy recommendation — in the year 1960.

The one problem with that: Boggs didn't get sworn-in as a U.S. senator until 1961.

"In 1960, I was a pretty good football player at the University of Delaware, and I was one of the guys that applied to come to this great academy," VP Biden recalled in 2010.

"And a fellow named J. Caleb Boggs considered me and I thought I was going to be a pretty good ballplayer. And then I found out you had two guys in the backfield back in those days ... and I realized I wasn't gonna get a chance to play at all. You had a guy named [Roger] Staubach and a guy named [Joe] Bellino. So I went to the University of Delaware."

Bellino and Staubach are the only two Navy midshipmen to win the Heisman Trophy, the most prestigious award in college football. Bellino won in 1960, while Staubach did so in 1963.

On Tuesday, a White House official told the Post, "The president has spoken about this in the past — including when he addressed the 2010 U.S. Naval Academy commencement. As he said in 2010, and recently, the president considered attending the Naval Academy but ultimately took his football talents to the University of Delaware."

It's worth noting: In 1988, then-candidate Biden ended his first presidential campaign prematurely, due to a scandal involving plagiarism of speeches and a law school paper, along with controversy over claims Biden made about his academic record.

Biden has been in the political arena for 50 years, which means he's been prone to embellishment with certain recollections.

As an isolated incident, the American public might be more forgiving of an autobiographical inaccuracy. But through the years, it's been a staple of Biden's storytelling; and therein lies the problem.

Especially when there's an apples-to-apples comparison between politicians from opposing parties.

For example, on Monday, a Barstool Sports political post likened Biden's seemingly erroneous claim to "stolen valor" and compared it to Rep. Madison Cawthorn, R-N.C.'s misleading claim that his Naval Academy dreams were derailed by the car accident that left him paralyzed.

In reality, Cawthorn had been turned down for admission before the accident took place.

Democrats subsequently hammered Cawthorn, 26, for his erroneous statement.

In fact, Rep. Eric Swalwell, D-Calif., tweeted last year that "the biggest lie a politician has ever told" was "[l]ying about getting into the Naval Academy."

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OPINION: この記事には筆者の意見を反映したコメントが含まれています。





「オバマとバイデンの政権では、アメリカのビジネスはすべて時間通りに行われていましたが、それは理にかなっていました。 何を作るにしても、それが完成するまでの間に、お金や時間を無駄にしないようにしたかったのです」と語りました。「そうすることで、お金を節約することができるのです。 半年前に材料を購入して、それを在庫にしておいて、それから動かすということはしなかった。予定通りだったのだ。"


"さて、それは大きな問題です。 あなたにはできません-人々はそれができないのです。 彼らは自分が優位に立ちたいのです。 私が最近行ったことは、人々はそれを成し遂げることができるかどうか疑っていました。 アメリカ西海岸に入ってくる製品の40%がロサンゼルスを経由していますが、私はここで何をしているのでしょうか」と言うと、クーパーはもうひとつの港、ロングビーチの名前を教えてくれた。


「はい、絶対に、絶対にそうします。 しかし、それに加えて、あなたがしなければならないのは、これらの船の入出港です」と述べた。






また、木曜日のタウンホールでは、バイデン氏は台湾について、米国の既存の法律や政策に完全に反する発言をしました。米国が台湾を守るかどうかを具体的に聞かれ、バイデンはこう答えた。"Yes. We have a commitment to that." と答えた。






White House Immediately Denies Big Claims Made by Biden During Town Hall

White House Immediately Denies Big Claims Made by Biden During Town Hall
Jonathan DavisOctober 22, 2021
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OPINION: This article contains commentary which reflects the author's opinion

White House officials had to walk back a couple of key statements President Joe Biden made during a CNN-sponsored town hall event Thursday evening including one that has direct implications for U.S.-Chinese relations.

At one point during the event, Biden was asked about the worsening supply chain crisis and whether he would consider using the National Guard to help augment a shortage of truck drivers, which is a large part of the supply chain bottleneck.

“We have a significant supply chain problem,” Biden said, going on to recall when he was serving as vice president to President Barack Obama.


“In the Obama-Biden administration, all of American business — and it made sense — it was just on time. You wanted to make sure that you didn’t waste any money and/or time between producing whatever you’re producing and having it done,” he told the audience. “You didn’t — so that’s how you saved money. You didn’t buy the material six months ahead of time and then keep it in your inventory and then move it. It was on time.”

As he continued, he had to pause for a moment before being prompted by host Anderson Cooper.

“Now, that’s a big problem. You can’t — people can’t do it. They want to get out ahead. What I’ve recently done — and people said — doubted we could get it done. I was able to go to the private por- — 40 percent of all products coming into the United States of America on the West Coast go through Los Angeles and — and — oh, what am I doing here?” he said, as Cooper told him the name of the other port, Long Beach.

Cooper then asked Biden specifically if he would deploy the Guard to help augment existing commercial truckers.

“Yes, absolutely, positively, I would do that. But in addition to that, what you got to do is you got to get these ships in and unloaded,” he said.

“So, are you — but you’re actually talking about having National Guardsmen and women driving trucks?” Cooper pressed.

“The answer is yes, if we can’t move the — increase the number of truckers, which we’re in the process of doing,” Biden answered.

But later, a White House official had to issue a clarification.

“Requesting the use of the National Guard at the state level is under the purview of governors and we are not actively pursuing the use of the National Guard on a federal level,” a White House official told CNN.


Also during Thursday’s town hall, Biden made a remark about Taiwan that was a complete contradiction of existing U.S. law and policy. When he was asked specifically if the U.S. would come to Taiwan’s defense, Biden responded: “Yes. We have a commitment to that.”

However, that statement differs substantially from official U.S. policy of “strategic ambiguity,” which calls for a peaceful resolution to the Taiwan-China dispute regarding Beijing’s claims that Taiwan is simply a renegade province of the mainland, with reunification the eventual objective.

“The U.S. defense relationship with Taiwan is guided by the Taiwan Relations Act,” said the spokesperson, according to DailyMail.com. “We will uphold our commitment under the act, we will continue to support Taiwan’s self-defense, and we will continue to oppose any unilateral changes to the status quo.”

Earlier Thursday, Zhang Jun, China’s ambassador to the United Nations, said his country is attempting to effect a “peaceful reunification” with Taiwan and was has only been responding to “separatist attempts” by the country’s ruling Democratic Progressive Party.

“We are not the troublemaker,” Zhang said.

“On the contrary, some countries – the U.S. in particular – is taking dangerous actions, leading the situation in Taiwan Strait into a dangerous direction,” the ambassador noted further, adding: “Dragging Taiwan into a war definitely is in nobody’s interest.”
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