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Officials have found a loophole in the law passed by rebel MPs to block No Deal

2019-09-16 17:39:15 | 捨て置けないニュース
❶Officials have found a loophole in the law passed by rebel MPs to block No Deal
❷The information is so sensitive that even members of Mr Johnson’s inner circle have not been briefed on it
❸The identities of the advisers are unknown, but may include Dominic Cummings

Daily mail の情報だから信用して引用しているわけではない。

Amid Brexit chaos, the British Parliament was prorogued on 10 September, after Boris Johnson's bid to hold early parliamentary elections was rejected. Earlier, royal assent was given to a bill blocking a no-deal Brexit

Officials are believed to have discovered a loophole in the law recently passed by rebel MPs to block a No Deal Brexit, with just three key advisers aware of this sensitive information, reports the Daily Mail.

The identities of the advisers are under wraps, but it is thought they might include PM Boris Johnson’s right-hand man Dominic Cummings, Brexit Secretary Steve Barclay and the Attorney General Geoffrey Cox.

There has not been any official comment from the government regarding the report.

Anti-Brexit barrister Jolyon Maugham, who has been involved in a number of legal actions pertaining to the UK’s divorce proceeding with the EU, appeared to give credence to the idea that there might be a way around the No Deal law.

He reportedly wrote that if MPs voted for a deal the first time around, the anti-No Deal legislation would no longer force Johnson to beg Brussels for an extension.

MPs could then swivel around and oppose the deal before it was made law, leaving the Government free to pursue No Deal.

This also comes ahead of a legal case over whether Boris Johnson was acting within the law by suspending Parliament for five weeks, slated to be heard at the Supreme Court Tuesday.
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