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選挙に疑問を持つ者はテロリストだ(2020年以前の民主党を除く)タッカー・カールソン マイク・リンデル

2022-09-20 20:17:34 | カウンター・グレートリセット

Tucker Carlson: Mike Lindell, Anyone Who Questions Elections, Is a Terrorist (Except for Democrats Before 2020)

Published September 16, 2022 432 Views

タッカー・カールソン マイク・リンデル、選挙に疑問を持つ者はテロリストだ(2020年以前の民主党を除く)。







そのような人は不合理で危険です 罰せられます 当然です そして今、彼らは罰せられようとしています。昨日の午後 FBI捜査官は ミネソタのドライブスルーで マイケル・リンデルという男を逮捕し 彼の個人的な携帯電話を押収しました マイケルで商売をするとき、デルは指名手配犯ではありません。公職者でもない。

マイク・リンデルは知っての通り、枕を売っている特にこのチャンネルではね ではなぜFBIは武装していたのか?FBI捜査官はマイク・リンデルを逮捕した 彼は前回の選挙の結果に疑問を呈したからだ 彼は大嘘に参加した 彼は体制への脅威なのです それが今のワシントンの総意だ これは自由社会における非常に大きな変化です。

定義によれば、すべての質問が許される。その仕組みについて議論することが許されない限り、民主主義は成り立たないのです。言論の自由は民主主義システムの前提条件であることは明らかです。そしてごく最近まで、アメリカでは誰もが疑うことなく、反対意見は犯罪ではなく、愛国的行為であると理解しており、人々はそれを大規模に、特に民主党は実行しました。 2000年の選挙から4年、民主党はジョージWブッシュは正当な大統領ではなかったと主張しています。

今でもそう言っている人がいる。彼らはそれを信じているかもしれません。そして2016年、民主党全体が大統領選の結果を否定した。外国の力がドナルド・トランプを当選させた 民主党はそう言い、ドナルド・トランプの任期中は毎日それを言い続けています。そのことで彼を弾劾した。ロシアの影響力を調査することで、米国政府の行政府の足かせとなったが、結局は何も出てこなかった。






そのような質問を検閲することは決してありません。質問をした人を罰することもないでしょう かつて報道機関でさえ、このことを理解していました。少し前、トランプ時代にCNNはWe Watched Hackers Breakto Voting Machinesと題したビデオを公開しました。ああ、これは許された。それからCBSは「電子投票機はあなたの票をハックするかもしれない」と題したレポートを掲載した。




20. 今まで。今まで一度もなかった。見てください。この国は法の支配を信じる国です。我々はそれを否定しない 自由で公正な選挙を尊重する国である。私たちは、人々の意思を尊重します。私たちはそれを否定しない。

法の支配よ。そう法の支配。新法は黙ってろ 彼らは自由で公平な選挙だと言っていたそれについて議論は許されなかった ジョー・バイデンが勝者と認定された日、その直前の日です。いや、言い換えれば それがジョー・バイデンの新しい立場というわけだ。こちらも同じです。

そして 我々はそれを確認した これは同じジョー・バイデンです 少し薄暗くなったが、今日も同じ男だ。2019年に戻ってきた。彼は私の中では非合法な大統領です。それだ 彼は非合法です。そして私が一番恐れているのは、彼が親友のブラドの助けを借りて、また同じことをすることだ。このままでは6年間もこの男がのさばることになる。

それは恐ろしいことだ。恐ろしいことだ 副大統領候補になれるか?皆さん、全く同感です。ああ、選挙否定論者に直面し、法の支配と我々の神聖な規範を侵し、公衆の面前でカメラに映る。ジョー・バイデンは彼女を叱りません。彼はFBIにハーディーズとシーザーの個人的な通信機器を罠にかけるよう要求しない。冗談交じりに報酬を出すと言っただけです。

私たちは同じ考えを持っていて、一緒に走ることができます。でも 彼はその選挙否定論者と一緒に出馬しなかった 彼はこの選挙問題で出馬したのです。選挙に勝てば、ルールを決めることができる。ロシアの干渉でどうやって勝つんだ?それは我々が20、20で気にすることだ。でも正しくは、彼が違法な大統領だと思うから。それは本当に勝てなかった。







Tucker Carlson: Mike Lindell, Anyone Who Questions Elections, Is a Terrorist (Except for Democrats Before 2020)


"If the leader of one party who happens to be the president redefines the other party, not as a political party, but as a criminal organization, what is he doing? Well, of course, he is demanding a one party state. And that's what Biden is doing. And he's using federal law enforcement to make it happen. So the question is, how is he getting away with it?

And he's getting away with it by changing the terms. Can't just say openly, I want a one party state with me at the head. No, you have to make the other side unacceptable. So when Biden talks about Trump voters, he doesn't talk about voters or Americans. He describes an insurgency. He implies an armed rebellion, not unlike the Confederate Army.

Trump voters, Biden tell this aren't just wrong. They tried to overthrow the U.S. government. And you can't debate people like that. You have to crush them. Democratic leaders across the board appear to believe this. Tim Ryan is running for the Senate as a Democrat from Ohio. Just yesterday told Morning Joe on MSNBC, quote, We've got to kill and confront that movement, not defeat it.

Kill it. That's how dangerous populist Republicans are. According to the Biden White House, this is the language of totalitarianism. It's very obvious. And in a functioning system that wanted to remain Democratic, people in power would push back against it. The media business. Any responsible person would say, no, you can't do that. That's too much power. We can't vest all the power in one political party.

That's the road to something awful. But no one's pushing back. In fact, daily, the media reinforced the message. Daily, the media remind us that anyone who has questions about the outcome of the last election isn't a disgruntled voter. That person's a criminal. That person has embraced the big lie. You see it in every news story. The Big Lie.

People like that are irrational and dangerous, and they will be punished, and rightly so. And now they are being punished. Yesterday afternoon, FBI agents apprehended a man called Michael Lindell at a Hardee's drive thru in Minnesota, and they seized his personal cell phone. When he does business on Michael, Dell is not a wanted criminal. He's not even a public official.

Mike Lindell, as you likely know, sells pillows, especially in this channel. So why were the FBI armed? FBI agents be apprehending Mike Lindell because he questioned the outcome of the last election. He participated in the big lie. He's a threat to the system. That is the consensus view in Washington now. This is a very big change in a free society.

By definition, all questions are allowed. You can't have a democracy unless you are allowed to discuss its mechanics. Free speech is a prerequisite for a democratic system, obviously. And until very recently, everyone in America unquestioningly understood that dissent was not a crime, it was a patriotic act, and people committed it at scale, especially Democrats Four years after the 2000 election, Democrats claim that George W Bush was not the legitimate president.

Some still say it. They may believe it. And then in 2016, the entire Democratic Party rejected the outcome of the presidential election. A foreign power got Donald Trump elected Democrats said that and they continue to say it every single day of Donald Trump's term. The impeached him over it. They hamstrung the executive branch of the U.S. government with an investigation into Russian influence that in the end turned up nothing.

What would you call that? You call it Election Day. Now you call it the big lie, but no one was punished for it. No, Judge removed Adam Schiff from office for doubting the election results. The FBI didn't raid CNN's biggest advertisers. Everyone just moved on. You may have hated the Russia hoax, and we certainly did. But there was never any question that all American citizens have an absolute constitutionally protected right to question election outcomes.

And by the way, you weren't even allowed, maybe even encouraged to question the mechanics of voting. Why wouldn't you question them? Voting is the means by which huge amounts of money and power are transferred from one party to another. There is an awful lot at stake at the richest, most powerful country in the world. So of course, Americans have an absolute right to see proof, not suggestions, but proof that the system is on the level.

And when they are denied that right, maybe it's a sign the system isn't on the level. Once again, that used to be obvious was certainly obvious to Democrats. Here's a clip you may not have seen before. This is the current vice president of the United States, Kamala Harris speaking not so long ago, June 2018 about the integrity of electronic voting machines.

Kamala Harris was a senator then. Watch this. We recently also I actually held a demonstration for my colleagues here at the Capitol where we brought in folks who before our eyes hacked election machines. Those that are not those that are being used in many states but are not state of the art from our perspective. Oh, Kamala Harris publicly raising questions about the integrity of voting machines.

Well, you know what didn't happen next? The FBI did not trap Kamala Harris at a Hardees to seize her cell phone. No one in the media culture an insurrectionist. And honestly, whatever you think of Kamala Harris, why wouldn't they if you actually cared about democracy and the trust in the system, that is a prerequisite for democracy, you would encourage all questions from U.S. citizens about how your democracy was administered.

You would never censor those questions. You would never punish the people who asked those questions ever Even news organizations once understood this. Not so long ago, during the Trump years, CNN published a video entitled We Watched Hackers Break Into Voting Machines. Oh, that was allowed. Then CBS ran a report entitled How Electronic Voting Machines Could Hack Your Vote.

Oh, really? Did the FBI come after you at Hardee's? Now, they didn't. That's what news organizations used to do. Ask obvious questions, make sure everything works. If there's corruption, we'll sniff it out. We're going to reassure you that your vote counts. You have to be reassured across a system collapse. You can't just tell people to shut up. Ban them from Twitter and arrest them.

And once again, even Democrats understood that in 2019, a couple of them, Elizabeth Warren, Mark Warner of Virginia, wrote to the makers of election systems complaining about potential security vulnerabilities. Quote, There has been a lack of meaningful innovation in the election vendor industry and our democracy is paying the price and, quote, Is that true? Honestly, we have no idea.

We're not endorsing that view then or now. We're merely saying it is not a crime to ask. In fact, it is a prerequisite if you want to have a healthy system that people are allowed to ask. And the people who are asked are required to show proof, to reassure them, of course. But now Democrats in the media who serve them are pretending that no one ever asked questions like this until 20.

20. Ever. Never happened before. Watch. This is a nation that believes in the rule of law. We do not repudiate it. This is a nation that respects free and fair elections. We honor the will of the people. We do not deny it.

O the rule of law. So the rule of law. The new law is shut up. Right They were telling you it was a, quote, free and fair election about which no debate was allowed. The day Joe Biden was certified the winner, the day right before they could. No. In other words. So that's Joe Biden's new position. Here's the same.

And we checked it. This is the same Joe Biden. A little dimmer, but still the same guy today. Back in 2019. He is an illegitimate president in my mind. That's it. He's illegitimate. And my biggest fear is that he's going to do it again with the help of Vlad, his best pal. And we're going to be stuck for six more years of this guy.

And that is terrifying. It's terrifying. Would you be my vice presidential candidate? Folks, look, I absolutely agree. Oh, faced with an election denier who violates the rule of law and our sacred norms in public on camera. Joe Biden doesn't scold her. He doesn't call for the FBI to trap at Hardee's and Caesar personal communications device. He jokingly offers to reward her.

We're so on the same page, we could run together. But he didn't run with that election denier. He ran with this one Elections matter. When you win an election, you get to set the rules. How can you win with Russian interference, though? That's we care about in 20, 20. But rightly because I think he's an illegitimate president. That didn't really win.

So how do you, you know, fight against that in 20, 20? You are absolutely right. So again, as a member of the Senate Intelligence Committee, I will tell you that we should believe exactly what the intelligence community has told us, which is Russia did interfere in the election of the President United States in 2016. So that clip is from three years ago.

This is how insane the conversation we're having is right now. No one seems to remember that. It was just Sunday. It's Wednesday. This Sunday. Like three days ago that that same person Kamala Harris, did a taped interview with NBC News and Chuck Todd, the Comb-Over guy, to explain that Republicans who have the same questions about the last election that she had about the election before, that should not be allowed to hold office.

It's a threat to the Republic that they are running for office. In other words, democracy is a threat to democracy. This is the currency of the Democratic Party and has been for years. Lose the election immediately. Question the election. Stacey Abrams, any one we can show you dozens and dozens and dozens of clips like this, not from small time people, from Kamala Harris, from Hillary Clinton, from Kareen jump.

You get the point. This is crazy.

But under Joe Biden, the Department of Justice appears to be doing everything it can to criminalize questions about the last election complaint about election fraud. The FBI might show up."

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