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FBI声明 ジョー・バイデン氏が外国人贈収賄に関与した証拠を入手

2023-05-04 05:15:00 | 偽ホワイトハウス POTUS

BREAKING: James Comer and Chuck Grassley have just released a statement claiming the FBI has proof showing then-Vice President Joe Biden committed bribery in exchange for policy decisions with a foreign national.
"We have received legally protected and highly credible unclassified whistleblower disclosures. Based on those disclosures, it has come to our attention that the Department of Justice (DOJ) and the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI possess an unclassified FD-1023 form that describes an alleged criminal scheme involving then-Vice President Biden and a foreign national relating to the exchange of money for policy decisions. It has been alleged that the document includes a precise description of how the alleged criminal scheme was employed as well as its purpose."


Key Hunter Biden Associate Cooperating With House Republicans

OPINION: この記事には、著者の意見を反映したコメントが含まれている場合があります。







"我々は個人を知っており、多くは現在我々に協力しているが、他の人はそうでもない "と彼は言った。「私たちは、民間企業の人々を召喚し、金融機関を召喚し、情報を提供してもらうつもりです。そして、そこから出発するのです」。


"彼は今、下院監視委員会の前に出てきて、自分の名誉を守ることができる "とコマーは言った。「彼のノートパソコンから得た情報、彼自身の言葉で書かれたすべての電子メール、彼自身の声で書かれたすべての音声、もし何らかの理由で私たちがそれを誤って解釈しているならば、彼は私たちを悪者にすることができます。







"下院監視委員会共和党が、バイデン家のメンバーが2017年にウォーカーと中国のビジネスベンチャーに関連する口座から100万ドル以上の支払いを受けたことを示す記録を入手したと述べたことから、ウォーカーの名前が数週間前に再浮上したとFox Newsは報じた。

"同委員会のジェームズ・コマー委員長(共和)は、バンク・オブ・アメリカを召喚して記録を入手し、少なくとも3人の家族が、ハンター、バイデン大統領の弟ジム、彼らの仕事仲間のジェームズ・ギリア、トニー・ボブリンシとともに、シノホーク・ホールディングスという失敗した共同事業で働いたウォーカーの銀行口座から有利な支払いを受けたことが判明した。"と同アウトレットは付け加えた。" 中国共産党関連の今は破綻したエネルギー企業CEFCとの提携を意図していた。


OPINION: This article may contain commentary which reflects the author's opinion.

A key business associate of Hunter Biden has been cooperating with House Republicans as they continue to investigate deals involving him and his father, President Joe Biden, regarding business deals with members of the Biden family and foreign entities.

Eric Schwerin, who is not only an associate of Hunter Biden but also had dealings with Joe Biden’s business and tax affairs, is “cooperating” with a key House committee’s investigation.

“He is cooperating with us,” House Oversight and Accountability Committee Chairman James Comer said. “His attorneys and my counsel are communicating on a regular basis. Now, I feel confident that he’s going to work with us and provide us with the information that we have requested. I think that Schwerwin is going to be a very valuable witness for us in this investigation.”


The committee recently received information that Hunter Biden and his uncle, James Biden, who is the brother of the President, are not planning to disclose all the information that Comer’s committee has requested regarding the Biden family’s foreign business transactions, which earned millions of dollars from China to Ukraine.

As a result, Comer has announced that his committee will not delay any further and will begin issuing subpoenas right away, Just the News noted.

“We know individuals, many are cooperating with us now, but others, not so much,” he said. “We’re going to start subpoenaing people in the private sector, we’re going to start subpoenaing financial institutions to get us the information. And then we’ll go from there.”

Comer also noted that refusing to assist in the investigation undercuts Hunter Biden’s claims that he doesn’t have anything to hide.

“He could come in front of the House Oversight Committee right now and defend his good name,” Comer said. “He would have 20 Democrats that would definitely support him, and he could make 26 Republicans look bad if all this information we have from his laptop, all the emails that were in his own words, all the audio that are in his own voice, if for some reason we’re misinterpreting that, then he could make us look bad.

“But we all know that this family was involved in influence peddling. And this administration is doing everything in its ability to try to block oversight,” he continued.

Although both Joe Biden and Hunter Biden have refuted any wrongdoing by the Biden family, Hunter Biden is being investigated by federal authorities for tax-related matters.

According to emails found on a laptop belonging to Hunter Biden, which was turned over to the FBI in 2019, Schwerin, a business executive at Hunter Biden’s Rosemont Seneca investment firm, had a close relationship with both Hunter and Joe Biden during the majority of the elder Biden’s tenure as Vice President and his son was involved in international business deals, the outlet noted.

One such instance involved Schwerin’s involvement in reviewing and facilitating Hunter Biden’s business transactions with the Chinese energy company CEFC.

This relationship has raised questions about whether the Biden family has been compromised by communist China, as the emails indicate that they received an expensive diamond and a multimillion-dollar, no-interest, forgivable loan.

Another report this week exposed that John Robinson “Rob” Walker — another controversial Hunter Biden business associate — appears to have visited the White House at least 16 times when Joe Biden was vice president.

“Walker’s name resurfaced a couple of weeks ago when House Oversight Committee Republicans said they obtained records showing members of the Biden family received more than $1 million in payments from accounts related to Walker and their Chinese business ventures in 2017,” Fox News reported.

“Committee Chairman James Comer, R-Ky., obtained the records after subpoenaing Bank of America, which revealed that at least three family members received lucrative payments from a bank account belonging to Walker, who worked with Hunter, President Biden’s brother Jim, their business associate James Gilliar and Tony Bobulinksi in a failed joint-venture called Sinohawk Holdings, which was meant to be a partnership with now-bankrupt energy firm CEFC, a Chinese Communist Party-linked company,” the outlet added.

According to a committee memo, “Biden family members and their companies began receiving incremental payments over a period of approximately three months” from Walker.


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