Will You Train Us

Live gig reports from New York City.

Gig 12: Broken Social Scene@Webster Hall 01/27/06

2006-02-13 06:59:11 | Live Gig
第十二弾: Broken Social Scene ライブ @ Webster Hall

Im Gonna Open A Can of Whupass On You =)

Two words. Kick and Ass. Incredible performance by our fellow Canadian band. They played for three nights and all three nights were sold out as soon as the tickets were on sale. The place was packed like fermented sardines in a crushed tin box. Come to think of it, I ended last year's series of gigs at Webster Hall and I'm initiating it again from Web Hall. The place is probably the largest venue for indie bands. At a time when semi-major indie bands who have many fans but aren't quite famous enough to play at big venues flourish, this type of gighouse rules. Enough with the turd-talk I'll continue with the report.



What makes this band so narly and special at live performances is the fact that they change their performing members depending on what bands are playing near them during their tour. They invite members from bands like Metric, Do May Say Think, Stars, By Divine Right, The Weakerthans, and The Dears.

ライブツアー中その場所その場所で近くにいる知り合いバンドからメンバーを招いて一時的に16人近くまでバンドサイズを膨れ上がらせる伏兵戦法で攻めるのがBSSスタイル。Metric, Do May Say Think, Stars, By Divine Right, The Weakerthans, The Dearsなどのバンドから人を集めたりする。コネだよ、コネ。

For this particular gig they got hold of former Reverie Sound Revue member Lisa Lobsinger, Emily Haines of Metric, a few Do Make Say Think members and also some help from The Weakerthans.

このギグでは元Reverie Sound RevueメンバーであるLisa Lobsinger, MetricのEmily Haines, 更にDo Make Say ThinkとThe Weakerthansからもメンバーが参加してた。実に豪華。

Btw, most of the pics used for this blog entry are taken from various exernal sources like other music blogs. Its easier that way. Ofcourse, some of these pics were taken by me - the shitty ones.


Although Feist could not make it to this live, both Lisa Lobsinger and Emily Haines did a great job at singing her parts.

残念ながらFeistは来れなかったけど、彼女の代わりにLisa LobsingerとEmily HainesがFeistパートを見事に歌い上げてた。マッシブグッジョブ。

They introduced producer David Newfeld about three times as "the man who made it possible for us to play in NY again", although I think I heard that he was the one who was caught by the NYPD in Central Park for attempting to purchase some nice weedy goods.

途中三回ぐらい「またニューヨークで演奏することを可能にした男」としてプロデューサーのDavid Newfeldを紹介してたけど、元はといえばこのエキセントリックボーイがセントラルパークでドラッグディーラーとよろしくやっていたのをうっかりニューヨーク市警の犬共に見つかってしょっ引かれたのが原因だと聞いた気がするんだが…

The New York Times did a review on this gig. Sounds grand and narly doesn't it? Here's the introductory paragraph:

"Though its arena-rock swell mostly inclines toward the anthemic sound of its fellow Canadians Arcade Fire or even U2, this Toronto collective's psychedelia, obscured pop melodies, bright guitar noodling, feedback swirl and cryptic lyrical aphorisms also make plain its allegiance to quirkier bands like Pavement and Yo La Tengo. One thing setting the group apart is its desire to bring an everyday candor to the aloof arena-rock milieu."

.....donkey testicles.

ニューヨークタイムズ紙がこのライブを記事にした…というと随分ご大層な事のように聞こえるけど、最初の数行で「…彼等の大衆を魅了する音楽はArcade FireU2などのカナダバンドと通じるものがあり…」とか「…PavementYo La Tengoとかのクセのあるバンドにも似ており…」などの迷言を撒き餌のごとく撒き散らす始末。他に言うことあるだろ…

During "Lover's Spit", the band's frontman, Kevin Drew jumped down into the huge mob of audience and started a hug tour, embracing everyone in sight. He didn't come around where I was, but here are a few pics taken by those who were near him.

Summary of MC before song - "anyone broke up with their lover lately? Tough times. It's not your fault. It's your government's fault ladies and gentlemen. They're fucking with your heart. So we're going to sing this one to the downhill administration that won't go see Brokeback Mountain cause they fear it's unsuitable material"

Even if the government made it mandatory for people to see it, I probably won't watch it. Sorry dude.

"Lover's Spit"演奏中、バンドのフロントマンであるKevin Drewが群集の中に突如乱入してハグ・ツアーを始めた。客を片っ端から抱いて回るDrewの姿を写真に収めた人の写真を勝手に掲載。



The songs from the new album were absolutely spanktastic live. Made me realize that songs like "Fire Eye'd Boy", "Handjobs for the Holidays" and "Major Kabel Debut" were actually grade A material. I never thought they would sound so awesome in a live situation (except for "It's All Gonna Break" ofcourse, I knew that was going to be the fuckin-grand finale). But then again, nothing quite comes close to the beats from the legendary "You Forgot It In People" - K.C Accidental was played as the stunning opener after "Jimmy..." (btw, apparently we were lucky to be able to hear "Jimmy and the Photocall") followed by my second favorite, "Cause=Time"....But in the end, the highest point of the gig where you go nuts like a crack addict is ofcourse the "♪aaaalmoooost criiiiiiiiimes!!!!!!!!!" bit. Just totally lose it.

新アルバムの曲がメチャクチャいいんですけど。予想外だったなー、まさかライブでこんなに化けるとは…もちろん"It's All Gonna Break"は最高のフィナーレを飾るために用意されてることは知っていたけど、その他の曲もかなり良かった。でもやっぱり盛り上がるのは"You Forgot It In People"のナンバー。"K.C. Accidental"とか鳥肌モンだったし。その中でも"Almost Crimes"は別格。

01 - Jimmy and the Photocall
02 - K.C. Accidental
03 - Cause=Time
04 - 7-4 (Shoreline) (Lisa Lobsinger)
05 - Fire Eye'd Boy
06 - Major Kabel Debut
07 - Stars and Sons
08 - Handjobs for the Holidays
09 - Superconnected
10 - Anthems for a Seventeen Year-Old Girl (Emily Haines)
11 - Ibi Dreams of Pavement (A Better Day)
12 - Almost Crimes (Emily Haines)
13 - Major Kabel Debut (fast)
14 - Bandwitch
15 - Swimmers
16 - Hotel (Emily Haines)
17 - (weird country music)
18 - Lover's Spit
19 - Looks Just Like the Sun
20 - Where's Your Heart
21 - It's All Gonna Break
