Will You Train Us

Live gig reports from New York City.

Gig 9: Okkervil River @ Northsix 11/12/05

2005-11-21 06:03:42 | Live Gig

第九弾: Okkervil River ライブ @ Northsix

It took some effort to see this gig. First off, I invited some friends to go see Okkervil River on the night of the 11th at the Knitting Factory (where I saw Velvet Teen live). I was pretty sure there was no need to buy tickets in advance online, so we decided to buy the tickets at the door. It turned out the tickets were sold out 3 hours before we got there. So we lingered around and sneaked inside the venue, and got kicked out. The guy at the door was pissed to see us coming out of the venue when he told us 30 min before that we weren't allowed in. Who cares, he was being a total jackass anyways. And then I found out Okk was playing the next day as well, just at Brooklyn. So I dragged my ass across the bridge into the heart of darkness to see the damn show. And it was worth it.

11日の夜に友達とOkkervil Riverを見に行った(ちなみに場所はvelvet teenのライブで行ったクラブKnitting Factory)のだが、その場でチケット買おうとしたらまさかの売り切れ。衛兵が注意を逸らしてる間に潜入ミッションを試みたけどあえなく発見され叩きだされてしまった。中から出てきた時のドアマンの 「 ! 」なリアクションは言うまでもない。「テメーら二度とチケット買いわすれんじゃねーぞkf#%jはういお332あぎゃーふじこ」って叫んでたし。それで次の夜わざわざ橋を越えブルックリンでのライブを見にいきましたとさ。

Charles Bissel (of the Wrens) was the first of two opening act bands to play that night. Interesting guy, though I couldn't hear a single thing he said even through the mic because he spoke oh so softly. He does the real-time-layering technique where he layers guitar tracks right in front of the audience. It was pretty cool he covered Okkervil River's "It Ends With a Fall".

And then came MAN MAN. These obnoxious boys totally rocked the house. Call them wild boyz. Crazy dudes, danger high voltage material, funny as hell. The picture above is of them.

Charles Bisselのソロが最初の前座ショー。マイク通しても声が聞こえないほど静かに喋る人。生レイヤーテク:リアルタイムで次から次へと自分で演奏した音に更に音を重ねていくテク、を駆使したプレイ。Okkervil Riverの"It Ends With a Fall"をカバーしてたのが印象的。

そして今回のダークホース、Man Man登場。こいつらイ・カ・レ・テ・ル!!!いやホント、おもわぬ笑いっつーか狂バンドっつーか。鎮火気味だった会場の熱気も一気にハイボルテージに。

Horns and an accordion. Can't really see the horns.


The place was completely over-popluated, swamped with people. I understood instantly how they managed to sell out the tickets the night before.


Number of injuries among the band members. The frontman just recovered from hurting his vocalchords and the drummer still has a fractured wrist bone. Yet they played an extensive setlist of 22 songs with hyper-energetic, intensive buoyancy.


Apparently, the Brooklyn gig had one the best setlists, and was one of the best live performances by Okkervil. I could agree though, that was some awesome gig. They should play at larger venues to accomodate the large number of fans they have acquired.


01 - Velocity of Saul
02 - Down the River of Golden Dreams
03 - It Ends With a Fall
04 - Red
05 - A King and a Queen
06 - The War Criminal Rises and Speaks
07 - The Latest Toughs
08 - A Stone
09 - Song of Our So-Called Friend
10 - Seas Too Far To Reach
11 - Blanket and Crib
12 - Some Weird Sin
13 - Black
14 - No Key, No Plan
15 - For Real
16 - So Come Back, I'm Waiting
17 - Westfall
18 - Missing Children
19 - Listening to Otis Redding at Home During Christmas
20 - Lady Liberty
21 - A Favor
22 - Okkervil River Song