

(2019.1.25) 英語論文執筆スキル強化週間:英語を母語としない人が間違えやすい論文英語の表現

2019-01-25 21:30:07 | イベント参加




●Subject-verb agreement
- in number
Ninty percent of the respondents "were" examined.
One hundred milliters of the drug "was" ...
A number of patients "were"...
The number of .. "was" ...

- That or which?

- Modifiers(修飾語句): Based on
Based on our results, we conclude that...
理由は、文法的に間違い。"Based on" は単独では存在できないから。
→Our results indicate that...
→"On the basis of"

- Modifieres: Using
Clinicians treated the patients using ant-hypertensives.
 →Clinicians used anti-hypertensives to treat the patients.
Using ELISA, patients were found to have ...
"Using" が後ろの文とどう関係しているか。
 → Using ELISA, we found that patients had...
 → ELISA showed that patients had...

- First-degree comparisons
Among adults younger than 50 years, men are 3.5 times as likely to die of sudden cardiac death compared with women.
→... men are 3.5 times as likely as women to die of sudden cardiac death.

- Second-degree comparisons
The ressponse in the treatment group was similar to the controls.
→ ...was similar to that in the controls.

The orchestra comprises woodwinds, brass, percussion, and strings.
The orchestra is composed of woodwinds, brass, percussion, and strings.

-Due to/becase of
Due to the small number of .., we could not perform subgroup analysis.
→Because of the small number of ..,

"Due to" means "caused by", not "because of"
"Due to" は「結果」ということ?? 「理由」でなく??

Thirteen cases reported...
→Thirteen patients reported...

もし参加者が研究に involved なら "participant(s)"

BMI was related to cardiovascular events in participants with diabetes.
→ BMI was associated with cardiovascular...
 "Association" is a statistical link.
"Relation" suggests a casual connection.
→ Smoking is related to lung cancer risk.

(OK) The efficacy of the drug was confirmed in a phase III trial.

The gender ratio (male/female) for suicide differs by ...
→ The sex ratio ...
"Sex" は分類
"Gender" は自己表現に関連

●Introduction to Punctuation(句読点)
The woman is ill. She has a fever and nausea.
The woman is ill; she has a fever and nausea.
The woman is ill: she has a fever and nausea.
The woman is ill-she has a fever and nausea.

-Close vs open punctuation
*) Open punctuation is better, but clarity is the most important.

-Uses of the comma

-Uses of the colon
The assessment comprised: ...
→The assessment ...



-The em dash, en dash, hyphen

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