


クルアーンと科学 2

2011-04-17 05:16:38 | 宇宙・科学

クルアーンと科学 からの続き


ユーヌス  次は、聖クルアーンが星と惑星を正確に区別していることについてです。 








ボブ      うーん・・・ 



ユーヌス   アラブ人が天文学において進んでいたというのは、たしかにそうですが、


ボブ      どういうことですか。

ユーヌス   思い出してください。 聖クルアーンが啓示されたのは、アラブ人が天文学分野の発展を見るよりも、何世紀も前のことです。






         地形の話題といえば、「褶曲」 という語が何を意味するのかはご存知ですね。

                訳者注: 褶曲(しゅうきょく) ・・・ 地層に大きな力が加わり、曲がりくねること

ボブ      ええ。 地球の地殻は比較的薄く、褶曲現象によって山々が形成され、


ユーヌス   聖クルアーン78章6-7節には、正にその現象と同じことが印されています。



         ここにある語 「杭とする」 は、大地を正しい位置に留めるために、「打ち付ける」 というのと同意の言葉です。


         ここで 「広々とする」 と訳されている "expanse" は、「広々とした空」 のように使われる語で、









ボブ       それは正しいですね。その現象は複数の場所で見られていますから。 



ユーヌス     25章53節にこうあります。







ボブ       アラブ人の中に、海にもぐったり泳いだりしながら、その様子を観察した人がいるのかもしれないですね。

ユーヌス     それはありそうもないことです。 


ボブ       そうですか・・・。


         これについて、あなたのいうクルアーンには何と書かれていますか。 何かありますか。

ユーヌス     はい。ではまず、進化論がなぜそういう結論になっているのか、話していただけますか。


ボブ       理由の一つは、人間や動物の構成物質が、主に水であるためです。実際、50-90%が水です。

ユーヌス     既出の21章30節には、こうも書かれています。




ボブ       細胞の主な構成要素である細胞質は、約80%が水から成っていて、


ユーヌス     こういう事実を1400年以上も前に誰がクルアーンに言及することができたでしょうか。



ボブ       はい。それぞれの大陸はかつて一つの陸の塊でした。



ユーヌス     同じようなことが聖クルアーン79章30節にあります。




ボブ       クルアーンを証明するために科学の知識を使っているのですか。

ユーヌス     いいえ。クルアーンは科学の本ではなく、印の本です。

                        クルアーンには6000もの印 (節) があります。そのうち1000が、科学に関するものです。








ボブ       続けてください。

ユーヌス     クルアーン20章53節

           (神は) また天から雨を降らせられる。それによって、それぞれの異なった雌雄の植物を生長させる。






ユーヌス    近頃、動物学のある分野では、動物界においてはさまざまな社会的力関係が存在することが指摘されています。

        聖クルアーン6章38節 も同じように、動物や鳥は社会の中で生活していると言っています。



ユーヌス    もし私が、「聖クルアーンはアリたちが互いに話をしていると言っている」と言ったら、あなたはたぶん笑うでしょう。


        (聖クルアーン27章18節にあるように、)  たいへん「発達した」コミュニケーション・システムを持っていることはさておき、死骸を埋葬することや、市場のようなものも持つことができます。

ボブ     あなたの預言者は、メモをよくとって、観察力のある人だったのですね。

ユーヌス   イスラームの預言者が、正式な学校教育は受けておらず、読み書きはできず、文盲であったことは、








ボブ     ロシアの兵士たちが傷に蜂蜜を塗っていたのも不思議はないですね。 そう、その結果、傷跡はほとんど残らなかったんです。


クルアーンと科学 3 へ 続く




Yunus: This is the exact distinction that the Holy Quraan makes between stars and planets. In chapter 86, verse 1-3, "By the sky and the night visitor, who will tell you what the night visitor is, the star of piercing brightness", which obviously refer to the stars. The planets are described as ornaments in chapter  37, verse 6, as it reads, "We have indeed adorned the lowest heaven with ornaments, the planets".

Bob: ...............................  Hmmmmmm.........................It is no secret that the Arabs were advanced in the field of astronomy, and perhaps it was these learned astronomers that passed their findings to the Prophet _____________.

Yunus: I do agree that the Arabs were advanced in astronomy, but I'm afraid that you have the order or sequence of events incorrect.

Bob: What do you mean?!

Yunus: Let me remind you that the Holy Quraan was revealed centuries before the Arabs became  advanced in this field of astronomy, so it was the Arabs who learnt about astronomy from the Quraan and most definitely not vice versa.

The Holy Quraan in chapter 30, verse 48 mentions that, "God is the one who sends forth the winds which raised up the clouds. He spreads them in the sky as he wills and breaks them into fragments. Then you  see rain drops issuing from within them.....". While on the topic of Geography, I am sure you understand what is meant by the term "Folding".

Bob: Yes, you see.... the crust of the earth is relatively thin and mountain ranges due to the phenomenon of folding provides stability for the earth.

Yunus: The Holy Quraan in chapter 78, verse 6-7 gives us an indication of the very same phenomenon as it says, "Have we not made the earth an expanse and the mountains stakes".

Here the word "stakes" is synonymous with the word pegs as in holding the earth in place. Further the first part of this verse shows us that the earth is not flat for it is an expanse ..... meaning that you can walk and walk without falling off.

The former idea is clarified in chapter 21, verse 31....."We placed the ground (mountains) standing firm so that it does not shake with them". Here we are told that mountains allow for the maintenance of the earths stability by preventing the earth's shape to change in such a way so as to cause it to move out of its orbit. Permit me to go on ........scientists pointed out recently that salt water and fresh water do not mix.......is that correct ?

Bob: That is correct.....this phenomenon is observed at various locations......for example the region where the Nile river meets with the Mediterranean sea and more especially in the Gulf stream where these two bodies of water flow together for thousands of kilometres.

Yunus: In chapter 25, verse 53 it reads, ....... "God is the one that has let free two seas, one is sweet and palatable and the other is salty and bitter. He placed an unseen barrier between them, a partition that is forbidden to pass". A similar message is given in  chapter 55, verses 19 and 20, "He has loosed the two seas. They meet together. Between them there is an unseen barrier which they do not transgress........"

Bob: Maybe some Arabs whist diving or swimming made such an observation.

Yunus: Unlikely, what you fail to realize is that the Holy Quraan too testifies that it is an unseen barrier and therefore it could not and still cannot be observed.

Bob: I see..... according to Darwinism and the theory of evolution, it is claimed that all life began in the sea or oceans.........can you tell me what does your Quraan say about this.....if anything at all.

Yunus: Yes, but first tell me just why does this theory have such a conclusion.....that life began in the  Oceans....

Bob: Well, one of the reasons is that the chemical make-up or composition of human and animal life shows that water is the chief constituent. In fact between 50 and 90 %.

Yunus: In chapter 21, verse 30, it also says.............."And We made every living thing from water. Will they still not believe". Can you imagine that in the deserts of Arabia, where there is obviously a scarcity of water, who would have guessed that not only man but every living thing is made from

Bob: I am aware that Cytoplasm, the main constituent of the cell is composed of approximately eighty percent water and that every living creature is of fifty or ninety percent water.

Yunus: Who could have mentioned these facts in the Quraan over 1400 years ago ?...there are over hundreds of facts in the Holy Quraan that modern science cannot find fault with today. On the topic of theories .......Can you explain to me just what is meant by the theory of drifting continents.

Bob: Sure, all our continents were at one time parts of one consolidated land mass, then following an explosion, they were scattered or rather pushed away all over the surface of the earth. Therefore if you look carefully at the world map, you would see for example that the East coast of South America would fit neatly against the West coast of Africa.

Yunus: A similar idea is reflected in the Holy Quraan in the chapter 79, verse 30, "and the earth He extended after that and then drew from it water and pastures". It says that the Earth passed through a stage when God had caused the land masses to drift apart.

Bob: Are you using scientific knowledge to prove the Quraan ?

Yunus: No, the Quraan is not a book of science but rather a book of signs. In fact, it has over 6000 signs (verses) out of which 1000 of these deal with scientific knowledge. I am not using science to prove something correct, you need a yardstick or knowledge that is absolute, something ultimate.....

Yunus: To the educated men like yourself, those that do not believe in God, science is generally your yardstick.....but to the Muslim, the Holy Quraan is our ultimate yardstick....the Quraan is also referred to as the "Furqaan" which is the arabic word meaning, the criterion between that which is right and that which is wrong. Therefore I am using your yardstick 'science' to prove to you what is said in the Holy Quraan. What your yardstick has said in relatively recent times ...... mine has said 14 centuries ago. Can we agree,  therefore, that the Quraan is superior to science and that the Quraan is the ultimate yardstick.

Bob: Tell me more.

Yunus: The Quraan says in chapter 20, verse 53, "(God is the one) who sent down rain from the sky and with it brought forth a variety of plants in pairs". Here the Holy Quraan mentions a scientific fact which was discovered much later in history ..... that is .......the plant kingdom too has male and female types. This is also echoed in chapter 13, verse 3, "...........and of all fruits (God) placed on the earth two pairs ......."

Yunus: A branch of the field of Zoology has recently pointed out that there exists various social dynamics in the animal world. The Holy Quraan tells us the same, that the animals and birds live in communities in chapter 6, verse 38, "There is no animal on earth, no bird which flies on wings, that (does not belong to) communities like you .....".

Yunus: If I tell you that the Holy Quraan tells us of ants talking to one another, you will probably laugh, but the branch of Zoology that I am telling you about, has found the animal or insect which closely resembles the dynamics of the human, is the ant ....... for apart from an extremely 'advanced' system of communication (as is mentioned in the Holy Quraan, chapter 27, verse 18), They ..... the ants bury the dead and can have what can be said to be an equivalent of a market place.

Bob: Perhaps your Prophet _____________ was a very observant man who made notes of them.

Yunus: First I would like to inform you that history years witness that the Prophet _____________ of Islam was an illiterate man in that he had no formal schooling and therefore could not read nor write. In fact at that time a great majority of Arabs were illiterate with only a negligible number who were literate. Nonetheless, it is also mentioned that it is the female bee that collects honey ........ Do you think that anybody could be so observant as to pick this up? You have just reminded me about something even more significant; in chapter 16, verse 69, it reads, "...... from their (bees) bodies comes a liquor of different colours wherein is a remedy for men." Today the medical scientist tell us that there are antiseptic qualities and applications of honey. Furthermore, I believe that it is used in the treatment of various allergies.

Bob: No wonder the Russian soldiers used to apply honey on their wounds. Yes, and as a result, the wounds left very little scar tissue.







