Yassie Araiのメッセージ


朝日記211105 アレキシウス・マイノングと「非存在性対象」を考える意味と効用について~

2021-11-05 22:59:55 | 社会システム科学

朝日記211105 アレキシウス・マイノングと「非存在性対象」を考える意味と効用について~




システム思考における目的論理構造と社会倫理について XI

~ アレキシウス・マイノングと「非存在性対象」を


On System Thinking, Teleological Structure and Social Morality XI

―Alexius Meinong and his Concept on Non-existent Object―



Yasumasa Arai                                       荒井康全

E-mail: araraiypol1a@ozzio.jp                        Tel:042 795 3348


Abstract: General System Thinking is a theory of an object under concern to be taken as organized fundamental frame with objectives and constraints. This author looks into the meaning of decision making taken into account as "human free will" and "natural causality", so-called, that is to be said. He enquires into the concept of purpose in its human and social dimensions.

The author has paid his concern to Alexius Meinong(b.1853, d.1920,),who was Austrian Philosopher and Psychologist at the University of Graz.  He became primarily renowned for so called theory of objects, a kind of a priori ontological account that introduces and considers systematically not only existent but also non-existent objects. This paper gives readers Meinong’s academic profile in Japanese language translation from using  articles of Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy and  some analytic interpretation over key concepts wherein.

Keywords; Alexius Meinong, State of the Affairs, Non-existent object, Theory of Object, Value of Objectivism, Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy


本報は、オーストリーの哲学者であり心理学者であったアレクス・マイノング(b.1853, d.1920,)の哲学、就中、目的論の構造に焦点をあて、以下の視点からの解説と考察するものである;1.かれが人間のこころの意識の中身の意味の表現先を「対象」化したこと。


キーワード: アレキシウス・マイノング、物ごとの事態、非存在性対象、対象の理論、オブジェクティブ社会学、スタンフォード哲学百科


This translator’s Summary

This paper constitutes of 1.  The article “Alexius Meinong” translation in Japanese language and 2. this translator’s interpretive comments given in Japanese language.

As the Summary of “Alexius Meinong”, introduction is referred the following,


Regarding to Alexius Meinong[1]


Alexius Meinong Ritter von Handschuchsheim (b. 1853, d. 1920) was an Austrian philosopher and psychologist who worked at the University of Graz from 1882 until his death. He initiated experimental psychology in Austria-Hungary by founding the first psychological laboratory there in 1894. However, he became primarily renowned for the so called theory of objects ([Gegenstandstheorie], 1904), a kind of a priori ontological account that introduces and considers systematically not only existent but also non-existent objects. His approach is not only shaped by Franz Brentano’s descriptive psychology, a form of phenomenological philosophy, and its connected notion of intentionality (directedness of mind), but also by the British empiricists. Continuing and modifying Brentano’s philosophical teachings, Meinong provided important original contributions to quite a few philosophical disciplines, most notably to ontology and metaphysics, value theory, epistemology, philosophical psychology, and philosophy of language.

In this vein, for example, he tried to lay new foundations for the theory of value by going back to value-feelings (emotions) as its psychological basis. But although Meinong had constantly recognized the fundamental role of psychology in philosophy, he became more and more an opponent of psychologism. His switch to an objectivistic account of a theory of value (1912) and his distinction between the “psychological” (mental) content and the object of a mental act, introduced in 1899, became hallmarks of his anti-psychologism.

Meinong found a sympathetic reader in Bertrand Russell. However, Russell later rejected both Meinong’s object theory, with its conception of non-being, and his philosophical psychology, which conceives consciousness as a relation to objects via mental contents. Russell’s criticism was mainly responsible for Meinong’s international recognition. On the one hand, Russell made Meinong notorious. On the other hand, the controversy with Russell also became an incentive for the development of Meinongian versions of logic and semantics as a serious alternative to classical logic and semantics.


~ Regarding on Nonexisitenct objects[2];

Are there nonexistent objects, i.e., objects that do not exist?

 Some examples often cited are: Zeus, Pegasus, Sherlock Holmes, Vulcan (the hypothetical planet postulated by the 19th century astronomer Le Verrier), the perpetual motion machine, the golden mountain, the fountain of youth, the round square, etc.

 Some important philosophers have thought that the very concept of a nonexistent object is contradictory (Hume) or logically ill-formed (Kant, Frege), while others (Leibniz, Meinong, the Russell of Principles of Mathematics) have embraced it wholeheartedly.

One of the reasons why there are doubts about the concept of a nonexistent object is this: to be able to say truly of an object that it doesn’t exist, it seems that one has to presuppose that it exists, for doesn’t a thing have to exist if we are to make a true claim about it?

In the face of this puzzling situation, one has to be very careful when accepting or formulating the idea that there are nonexistent objects.

It turns out that Kant’s view that “exists” is not a “real” predicate and Frege’s view, that “exists” is not a predicate of individuals (i.e., a predicate that yields a well-formed sentence if one puts a singular term in front of it), has to be abandoned if one is to accept the claim that there are nonexistent objects.

This entry is an examination of the many questions which arise in connection with the view that there are nonexistent objects. The following are particularly salient: What reasons are there (if any) for thinking that there are nonexistent objects? If there are nonexistent objects, then what kind of objects are they? How can they be characterized? Is it possible to provide a consistent theory of nonexistent objects? What is the explanatory force of a consistent theory of nonexistent objects (if such a thing is possible)? 




本報は、オーストリーの哲学者であり心理学者であったアレクス・マイノング(b.1853, d.1920,)の哲学、就中、目的論の構造に焦点をあて、以下の視点からの解説と考察するものである;



キーワード: アレキシウス・マイノング、物ごとの事態、非存在性対象、対象の理論、オブジェクティブ社会学、スタンフォード哲学百科

Keywords; Alexius Meinong, State of the Affairs, Non-existent object, Theory of Object, Value of Objectivism, Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy






  • 原論文の章節から

標題:  翻訳 Alexius Meinong アレクセイ・マイノング 

 スタンフォード哲学百科 Alexius Meinong

First published Mon Dec 8, 2008; substantive revision Tue Feb 26, 2019



The author has paid his concern to Alexius Meinong(b.1853, d.1920,),who was Austrian Philosopher and Psychologist at the University of Graz.  He became primarily renowned for so called theory of objects, a kind of a priori ontological account that introduces and considers systematically not only existent but also non-existent objects. This paper gives readers Meinong’s academic profile in Japanese language translation from using  articles of Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy and  some analytic interpretation over key concepts wherein.


Keywords; Alexius Meinong, State of the Affairs, Non-existent object, Theory of Object, Value of Objectivism, Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy



Alexius Meinong Ritter von Handschuchsheim (b. 1853, d. 1920)はオーストリアの哲学者および心理学者であり、グラーツ大学 the University of Grazに1882年から生涯奉職した。彼は、オーストリア・ハンガリーにおいて実験心理学を先導し、最初の心理学研究所を1894年に設立した。しかし、彼は主として、「対象の理論」theory of objects ([Gegenstandstheorie]の学者として知られれている。これは 先見的存在論の立場[3]から存在的対象[4]にとどまらず非存在的対象[5]を導入し、これを系統的に思考したのであった。

彼のアプローチはFranz Brentanoの記述心理学[6]に、現象論的哲学[7]を形成し、さらにそれらを結合し、意志性(心的方向性)[8]を意味喚起したものであり、同時に英国経験主義者[9]の影響のもとにあったことを留意するものでもあった。師Brentanoの哲学的指導を継承し、 これを変容しつつ、Meinongはそれまで全く希少な哲学領域へ重要にしてオリジナルな貢献を成したのであった。その領域とは、存在論ontologyと形而上学metaphysics、価値理論value theory、認識論epistemology、哲学的心理学philosophical psychology、および言語哲学philosophy of languageである。

この筋道において、例えば 彼は価値の理論においてあたらしい基礎を据えることを試みたのである。これは心理学の基底として価値-感覚(感情)[10]へ立ち帰ることによってなされたのである。Meinongは哲学における心理学の基本的な役割を常に意識していたにも関わらず、徐々に心理主義[11]への反対者へと衣替えしていったのある。

彼の転換は、価値理論の目的論的位置づけ[12] (1912)および心理学的(心的)内容contentsと心的行為対象objectsとの間の区別[13]の導入(1899)にあり、かれの反-心理主義は決定的となったのである。

MeinongはBertrand Russellの関心をひくことになった。しかしながら、RussellはMeinnongの対象理論object theoryをその後、受け入れなかった。それは非実在non-beingの概念および彼の哲学的心理学がこころのコンテンツmental contentsを経由した対象objectとの関係として意識consciousnessを理解することに対する拒絶であった。 


キーワード: アレキシウス・マイノング、物ごとの事態、非存在性対象、対象の理論、オブジェクティブ社会学、スタンフォード哲学百科

Keywords; Alexius Meinong, State of the Affairs, Non-existent object, Theory of Object, Value of Objectivism, Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy


(第二部)原論文の目次および本文は ⇒ 原論文翻訳



(第三部) 目次

朝日記11105 continued 1)

2.   本稿著者の解説と考察





2.1.1 「丸い四角は、まるいか」、マイノングの対象の哲学について



2.1.4. ある固有の者(モノ)が存在しないという文章からくる問題

Negative Singular Existence Statement

2.1.5 . So being と Being

2.1.6.「非存在性対象」Non Existent Object

2.1.7. 対象の二つの解釈の併存

2.1.8. .マイノング vs. ラッセル 論争

2.1.9. その論争後の大陸哲学界


2.2. Value Objectivism マイノングの理論― 価値の共有化に関する

2.2.1.初期;Value Subjectivsm価値の主観・主体主義

2.2.2.後期;Value Objectivism価値の目的論(客観・客体)主義とDisposition概念


2.3.  研究メモ



2.3.1 「言説のDisposition(晒し)」ということについて(その1)

2.3.2 マイノングの理論とミッシェル・フーコーの理論


  On theories of Value:of Alexius Meinong and of Michell Foucault ;

2.3.3 「言説のDisposition(晒し)」ということについて(その2)

(朝日記11105 continued 1)へ


(朝日記211105 continued 2

3 本論文のまとめとして



(朝日記211105 continued 2 )へ

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