flagburner's blog(仮)


Vidal Armadores:¿otra vez?(Mar 23, 2015)

2015-03-23 21:23:27 | 時事ネタ(海外)

・Minister - Thailand detains illegal fishing vessel(2015年3月17日 minister.immi.gov.au)

とりあえず、2015年3月17日分 minister.immi.gov.au『Thailand detains~』から前半部分を(略)

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Thai officials in Phuket have ​detained the Illegal, Unreported and Unregulated (IUU) listed fishing vessel Kunlun for investigation.

The Minister for Immigration and Border Protection Peter Dutton and the Parliamentary Secretary to the Minister for Agriculture Senator Richard Colbeck both welcomed the decision by Thai officials and said Australia fully supports the on-going investigation.

The Kunlun was intercepted by the Royal New Zealand Navy in the Southern Ocean in January and the vessel was boarded and inspected in the Indian Ocean on its way north by officers from the Australian Customs and Border Protection Service (ACBPS) to verify the flag State of the vessel in February.

The vessel has a long history of IUU fishing in the Southern Ocean and is the subject of an INTERPOL Purple Notice seeking information on the individuals and networks that own, operate and profit from the actions of the vessel.

The Kunlun attempted to avoid detection by entering the Thai port under the name Taishan and claiming to be flagged to Indonesia.

Mr Dutton said Australia works with international partners, including through the Regional Plan of Action with south-east Asian countries, to combat IUU fishing.

"I would like to commend the officers from ACBPS who boarded the vessel and gathered information which has led to the ship being detained," Mr Dutton said.

"Australia was able to alert south-east Asian nations to the potential arrival of Kunlun into their ports.

"It is now being detained and Thai officials are gathering information as part of an investigation into the vessel's nationality and activities in the region.

"This is an excellent example of interagency and international cooperation achieving tangible results."
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この"Kunlun"という船に関しては、Sea Shepherdによる「調査捕鯨」団が「調査捕鯨」を再開するまでの暇つぶし代わりの監視活動の際に目撃されている。
当然、Sea Shepherdはこの件について声明を出していた。
・Poaching Vessel, Kunlun, is Detained in Thailand(2015年3月17日 seashepherd.org.au)

ちうわけで、2015年3月17日分 seashepherd.org.au『Poaching Vessel~』から前半部分を(略)

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The Kunlun, which is one of six vessels that are known to still engage in Illegal, Unreported, Unregulated (IUU) fishing for toothfish in the Southern Ocean, was detained in a coordinated effort between international policing organistation, Interpol, and law enforcement authorities in Thailand, Australia and New Zealand.

The Kunlun has a long history of suspected fishing violations and is believed to have links to known Spanish crime sydnicate, Vidal Armadores.

Since 2008, the poaching vessel has changed names at least ten times in order to avoid prosecution.
In January, the Kunlun was issued with and Interpol Purple Notice for illegally fishing for toothfish inside an area regulated by the Convention for the Conservation of Antarctic Marine Living Resources.

Captain Sid Chakravarty of the Sea Shepherd ship, Sam Simon, said, “The Australian government has both a legal and moral responsibility to defend its waters from poachers who wish to exploit it. Yesterday, in cooperation with Interpol, and the Thai and New Zealand authorities, they showed that they take those responsibilities seriously.”
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Vidal Armadores(日本語意訳:ビダル海運)ってのは、その筋の人達(?)の間で悪名高い業者だとか。
実際、南極海で行った違法操業により入手した魚を産地を偽装し売りさばいた罪について、Vidal~の経営者の1人であるマヌエル・ビダル=ペゴ(Manuel Antonio VIDAL PEGO)氏に対し2013年3月スペイン最高裁がVIDAL PEGO氏の上告を斥け有罪が確定している。
・Ratifican la condena a un armador por pesca ilegal(2013年3月15日 eldiario.es;スペイン語)
・‘Pirate’ fleet owner convicted of fish fraud(2011年11月17日 icij.org)

VIDAL PEGO氏は一審の時点で有罪が言い渡されているので、一審の時点での解説をそのまま(略)
参考までに、2011年11月17日分 icij.org『‘Pirate’ fleet owner~』から前半部分を(略)

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A Spanish ship-owner with a voluminous record of skirting international laws – and who swears he has never fished illegally – has been sentenced in Spain to one year and eight months in prison for trying to unload fish caught by one of his vessels.

An Australian patrol boat spotted the Hammer, owned by Manuel Antonio Vidal Pego, fishing without authorization in protected Antarctic waters in December 2005.
In an attempt to mask the source of those fish, Vidal Pego twice renamed the vessel, finally settling on Chilbo San 33 and registering the ship in North Korea.
The shipment of 240 tons of Chilean sea bass was confiscated by South Korean authorities after it was sold for more than $2.7 million to Uruguay-based Coast Line S.A., an affiliate of the Spanish seafood company Freiremar.

According to the sentencing documents, Vidal Pego masked from his trade partners that he had used a boat blacklisted for having previously circumvented international regulations.
Once a boat lands in a black list it is banned from fishing in protected Antarctic waters.

Vidal Pego's lawyer said in court that the charge stems from an error on the company’s import declaration and has appealed the case.
“We’re sure we will win, because we’re right,” said Foro Hernández, spokesperson for Vidal Pego, in an interview with the International Consortium of Investigative Journalists.

In October ICIJ detailed how Vidal Pego, his companies and affiliates have been repeatedly pursued by government agencies and international regulators for their role in a decade-old network of vessels that entered remote and protected waters of the Antarctic and targeted toothfish – also known as Chilean sea bass – in violation of an international convention.
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良くも悪くも、VIDAL PEGO氏はCCAMLRの「穴」を突いた形と言える。

・Registran Vidal Armadores en Ribeira en un operativo contra la pesca ilegal(2015年3月12日 elcorreogallego.es;スペイン語)



