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How to end "rape culture" in Israel?(Mar 30, 2014)

2014-03-30 21:43:12 | パレスチナかイスラエルか
数日前のことになるが、イスラエルのシルバン・シャローム(Silvan Shalom:ציון סילבן משה שלום)地域開発担当相(その他にも役職があるらしいが面倒なので省略)に関して、秘書として働いていた女性が「約15年前に Shalom氏から性的嫌がらせを受けた」という申し立てを行ったらしい・・・。
・Harassment Complaint against Minister Shalom(2014年3月24日 israelnationalnews.com)

以下、2014年3月24日分 israelnationalnews.com『Harassment Complaint~』から前半部分を(略

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Attorney General Yehuda Weinstein is looking into a woman's complaint that Minister Silvan Shalom harassed her in a sexual manner when she worked for him as a secretary about 15 years ago, according to Voice of Israel public radio, IDF Radio and News1.
Shalom was a government minister at the time of the alleged harassment.

The allegations surface shortly after Minister Shalom made it known that he intends to run for the post of President of Israel.

The statute of limitations would make it impossible to prosecute Shalom for the offense, if it indeed occurred.
However, the Attorney General decided to instruct his staff to conduct a thorough inquiry nonetheless, “because of the lessons learned” from the Katzav scandal.
Weinstein said that the inquiry would be short and thorough.

Moshe Katzav, who is in jail for rape, was President of Israel when an investigation of alleged sexual offenses was opened against him.

Shalom told a reporter in response: “I have no idea what this is about. I am not familiar with the case, nor with the woman. This is an attempt at political assassination.”

According to Hadas Shtaif, IDF Radio's reporter on criminal matters, the alleged harassment took place in a Jerusalem hotel room Shalom was staying in.
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・A-G orders Katsav investigation(2006年7月11日 jpost.com)


Hundreds protest in Tel Aviv: 'End rape culture'
(2014年3月30日 ynetnews.com)
・מאות מפגינות בת"א: "די לתרבות האונס"
(2014年3月30日 ynet.co.il;ヘブライ語)

参考までに、2014年3月30日分 ynetnews.com『Hundreds protest~』から中盤部分を(略)

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The protesters raised signs with slogans such as "We believe you," "Enough with rape culture," "Sexual assault = Social phenomenon," "In 87 percent of sexual assaults, the victim knew her assailant."
In an extreme gesture of defiance, some of the women appeared bare-chested.

The system is not prepared to deal with cases of sexual offenses against women, which is a "result of a widespread phenomenon of victim blaming," Shelly, one of the protest's organizers, told Ynet.
"Everyone are busy saying 'why her and not him.' We're asking to expressed solidarity with the complaintants and say 'we believe you.' Beyond that, we are demanding to stop with rape culture. We demand a systematic change."

"We want to put an end to rape culture and we will not stop protesting until that happens" Shelly continued.

Women in Israel today "have no safe place to protect them against sexual violence, and no proper solutions to victims of sexual assaults. Sexual assault is a traumatic event that brings with it shame, guilt, fear and helplessness. These factors must be taken into consideration in both legislation and law enforcement in Israel," organizers wrote in flyers advertising the protest.
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一応、イスラエルにも性的嫌がらせを防ぐための法律(1998 Prevention of Sexual Harassment Law)でそうした被害を受けた人達への相談窓口や告発方法とかを定義しているんだよな。
・Sexual harassment: Why so few complain?(2013年3月5日 ynetnews.com)
・A third of Israeli women experience sexual harassment at work(2010年6月9日 haaretz.com)

以下、2013年3月5日分 ynetnews.com『~ Why so few complain?』からその理由を述べてる人達のコメント部分を(略

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In a survey conducted by the Economy and Trade Ministry in 2010, 165,000 women reported they experienced sexual harassment in the workplace, but only 24% of them said they turned to the authorities.
The Association of Rape Crisis Centers receives 12,000 reports a year, but only 20% of the complainants eventually decide to file an official complaint.

"There is a distinct state of under-reporting" says Liat Klein, legal advisor to the association.
"Even though the acts are defined as criminal, the police and the State Prosecutor's Office have not yet fully understood the meaning of that. The offenses are still treated as if they were disciplinary matters."

In addition, she says, "women fear people's reactions, the investigation and the legal process, so only a few complain. The concerns escalate with the feelings of shame that accompany sexual offense."

Klein stressed that a police investigation is a strenuous process, which "often requires closed-door confrontation with the offender. Investigations are often brought to court with accusations thrown at the victim."

Shimrit Frankel, assistance coordinator in a center for sexual assault victims in Jerusalem, suggests changing the attitude: "When asked why women do not file complaints in the police, we must remember that the responsibility first of all lies on the harasser and the employer. But in practice, as a society, we point our fingers at those who are hurt, and expect them to step up and complain."

Changing awareness

According to Frankel, only a few of the complaints turn into indictments and get to court.
She also noted that legal procedures usually make the victim repeatedly reveal "the most intimate details of her life. It is a reenactment of trauma in a situation that no one wants to be in."

Klein insisted that "improvement will come along only when more indictments are filed... through making the legal procedure more accessible and protective of the victims, and through training investigators in to minimize the damage caused by the inquiries. Only then will women feel more comfortable to complain."
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