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イスラエル政府が入植者を「放し飼い」する理由はわからなくもないが(Oct 19, 2011)

2011-10-23 20:10:22 | パレスチナかイスラエルか
つーことで、今回は、OCHA(UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs:国連パレスチナ人道問題調整部)が発表した 2011年9月~10月におけるパレスチナの状況に関する報告書の簡単な紹介。
・The Monthly Humanitarian Monitor | September 2011(2011年10月19日 ochaopt.org;.pdfファイル)

OCHA の報告書については何度かこの blog でもネタにしてきた。

以下、2011年10月19日分 ochaopt.org『The Monthly~』の P.2~P.3『Settler violence on the rise』を一部(略
ただし、P.2 に掲載されてた表の画面メモも(略

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September witnessed a sharp escalation in Israeli settler violence, reflected both in the number of incidents and their increasing impact.
During the month, OCHA recorded a total of 68 incidents that resulted in either Palestinian injuries or damage to Palestinian property[原文注1].
Excluding March 2011, this was the largest number of settler attacks resulting in casualties or property damage recorded in a single month since January 2006, when OCHA began systematically recording settler–related incidents.
Moreover, September’s escalation followed an upward trend in settler violence: since the beginning of 2011, a total of 335 such incidents was recorded, constituting a 63 and 205 percent increase, compared with the equivalent period in 2010 and 2009 respectively.

Many of the attacks during the month were perpetrated in the context of the so-called “price tag” strategy, in connection to the demolition of a few structures in two unauthorized settlement outposts (Migron and Ramat Migron) in the Ramallah governorate by the Israeli authorities[原文注2].
The submission of the Palestinian request for UN membership also triggered a number of attacks.

OCHA の報告書 P2 の画面メモ

原文注1:During March 2011, OCHA recorded 78 settler incidents, most of them following the killing of
five members of one family in Itamar settlement.

原文注2:The “price tag” strategy entails, primarily, the targeting of Palestinians and their property with the aim of deterring the Israeli authorities from enforcing the law on settlers, particularly the demolition of structures and/or evacuation of settlement outposts.
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この辺については、2011年10月19日分 ochaopt.org『The Monthly~』のP.3~P.4 を長くなるが(略

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The surge in settler violence in recent months has taken place against the background of a long- standing and pervasive lawlessness and impunity vis-à-vis settler activities.
This is reflected in the failure to prevent attacks; even though most of September’s incidents occurred in areas that are regularly targeted by settlers, at times when violence could be reasonably expected to occur (during outpost demolitions and around the time of the UN bid), measures adopted on the ground by the Israeli army were largely insufficient and/or inadequate to prevent or reduce the scope of attacks.

Another dimension is the failure to hold perpetrators accountable for acts of violence and other violations of the law.
This month, the Israeli State Attorney rejected an appeal submitted by the Israeli human rights group B’Tselem against the closure of a police investigation into a grave settler assault from June 2008, on the grounds of “offender unknown”.
That attack, which was video-recorded, occurred in the herder community of Susya, the same community attacked this month (see above).
According to B’Tselem, which obtained the file of the investigation, the police failed to carry out elementary investigative actions that could have led to the identification and prosecution of the masked
perpetrators, such as questioning the owner of the farm from which the assailants reportedly came, comparing the sticks that had been taken at the scene to those that were seized at the farm, and using the video footage to identify the perpetrators.

A third element is the attempt to retroactively “legalize” blatantly illegal acts.
On 15 September, the Israeli State Attorney informed the High Court of Justice of its intention to prepare a “demarcation map” for the settlement of Ofra (population over 3,300) in the Ramallah Governorate.
Since the majority of the settlement was built on privatelyowned Palestinian land, officially registered in the land registry in the name of residents from the neighboring villages of ‘Ein Yabrud and Silwad, no master plan could be issued.
Therefore all the settlement’s houses lack building permits[原文注3].
The recently announced step has the explicit aim of initiating the process of “legalizing” both the settlement (under Israeli law) and the seizure of privately owned Palestinian land.
原文注3:B’Tselem, The Ofra Settlement – An Unauthorized Outpost, December 2008
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↓イスラエルの法務長官が B'Tselem の訴えを退けた件に関する B'tselem のコメント。
・13 Sept. '11: State rejects B'Tselem’s appeal against closing the settler assault file(2011年9月13日 btselem.org)

・IDF fears battle as extremist settler violence escalates(2011年5月27日 Haaretz.com)

以下、2011年10月19日分 ochaopt.org『The Monthly~』の P.6『Impediments to education in Jerusalem area』を一部(略

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For example, in September, Israeli authorities carried out a series of actions targeting three kindergartens in the Jerusalem area, affecting over 130 Palestinian children.
One kindergarten in the East Jerusalem neighborhood of Al Thouri (Abu Tour) was prevented by the Israeli authorities
from opening at the beginning of the school year, due to allegations of affiliation to Hamas.
Another kindergarten, located along the Barrier in Abu Dis, faced continued raids by Israeli forces searching for Palestinians who breach the Israeli Barrier.
A third kindergarten established by the Bedouin community in Anata, which is located in the Area C part of the Jerusalem Governorate, is under threat of demolition, following receipt of demolition orders from the Israeli Civil Administration.

Under international law, all children are entitled to receive education in a safe and adequate learning environment.
As the occupying Power, Israel has an obligation to protect civilian infrastructure, including schools, and to facilitate the proper working of all institutions that are devoted to the care and education of children.
The demolition, closure or raiding of schools and kindergartens run counter to this obligation.
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# 今回は特にオチはない。


