flagburner's blog(仮)


After all, what is(are) Khader Adnan's charge(s)?

2012-02-22 21:05:08 | パレスチナかイスラエルか
去年12月18日に、イスラエル当局は Khader Adnan 氏(一応 Gaza 地区で活動するイスラム聖戦機構の一員らしい)を拘束した。
で、Adnan 氏は拘束されて以降ハンストを継続していた。
しかし、昨日になって、Adnan 氏の弁護士とイスラエル当局が「(2012年)4月17日に Adnan氏を解放する」という合意をしたことで、突然 Adnan 氏のハンストは終了したのだが・・・。
・Palestinian prisoner Khader Adnan ends 66-day hunger strike(2012年2月21日 guardian.co.uk)
・Palestinian prisoner ends 66-day hunger strike after Israel guarantees his release(2012年2月21日 Haaretz.com)
・PA: Khader Adnan to end strike(2012年2月21日 Ma'an News Agency)

以下、2012年2月21日分 Haaretz.com『Palestinian prisoner ends~』から前半部分を(略

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According to a Justice Ministry statement, the state will not request to extend Adnan's administrative detention, which is due to end on April 17.

Adnan, who is hospitalized in Ziv Hospital in Safed, announced that he will be ending his hunger strike.
Since an agreement was reached, there will not be a hearing at the Supreme Court.

Adnan continued his hunger strike longer than any Palestinian detainee before him.
His doctors warned this week that the 33-year-old might die soon.

The hunger strike has transformed Adnan into a Palestinian hero, with thousands protesting in support of the once obscure bearded baker.
The Iranian-backed Islamic Jihad had vowed revenge if Adnan died, possibly by firing rockets into Israel from Gaza.
The group has killed dozens of Israelis in suicide bombings and other attacks.
Adnan was once a spokesman for the group.
It's unclear if he ever participated in any attacks.
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Adnan 氏の親族にしてみれば Adnan 氏の即時釈放が望ましかったんだろうが・・・(Adnan 氏の弁護士もそれを求めていた)。
イスラエル政府にしてみれば、人道上の問題(Adnan 氏を具体的な嫌疑なしで長期間拘束している上に健康状態の悪化も招いている)を回避できた形かと。
仮に Adnan 氏が拘束中に「最悪の事態」に至ったら、イスラエル政府が色々大変な目に遭うのは確実だし。

この辺は、アッダミール囚人支援・人権協会(Addameer Prisoner Support and Human Rights Association:مؤسسة الضمير لرعاية الأسير وحقوق الإنسان)というパレスチナの団体が指摘しているのだが・・・。
・Despite the Announcement of a Deal Limiting Khader Adnan’s Detention, Addameer Reiterates its Urgent Concern for His Health(2012年2月21日 addameer.org)

以下、2012年2月21日分 addameer.org『Despite the Announcement~』から後半部分を(略

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Addameer maintains that the fact that Israeli officials negotiated the duration of his detention, in addition to agreeing to an early release, reveals that there were no grounds for his administrative detention in the first place.
His administrative detention order, as in the cases of all other administrative detainees, is based on the alleged threat he poses to the “security of the State of Israel.”
However, if Israeli officials agree that he will not be a threat on 17 April, as clear from today’s deal, he surely does not pose any threat today and his case provides further proof of Israel’s policy of arbitrary detention.
Addameer reiterates its call for his immediate and unconditional release and the release of the 308 other administrative detainees.

Addameer’s main concern remains Khader’s health, in critical condition after over two months of hunger strike. Whether or not Khader continues his hunger strike, he must receive proper arrangements for observing his health condition, which will likely now have irreversible consequences.
If he does decide to end his hunger strike, the potential complications from such a protracted hunger strike will require urgent and trusted care, which can only be provided if he is released.
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Adnan 氏みたいな流れで拘束されてる人達の存在、か。

つか、Adnan 氏の健康状態回復に必要な治療をイスラエル政府が行わない、って可能性もあるのか。
でも、EU からも Adnan 氏の扱いについて非難されたことを踏まえると、治療を「やらない」という選択肢は無いと信じたい。

結局、Adnan 氏の容疑って何?


